
Monday, September 25, 2017

Amanuensis Monday~1885 Land Deed, Sarah A. Eddings to Henry Guin.

Amanuensis Monday is a genealogy blogging theme. It was started by John Newmark who writes the TransylvanianDutch blog.

His definition of Amanuensis is:
Amanuensis: A person employed to write what another dictates or to copy what has been written by another.

Today’s subject is a Chesterfield County Land Deed, Sarah A. Eddings to Henry Guin.  



Sarah A. Eddings}
To}                            Deed
Henry Guin} 
The State of South Carolina.
                 Know all men by these presents that I Sarah A. Eddings of Chesterfield County in the State aforesaid in consideration of the sum of two Hundred and Seven Dollars to me in hand paid at and before the sealing of these Presents by Henry Guin of same County in the State aforesaid (the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged) have granted bargained sold and released and by these Presents Do Grant bargain sell and release unto the said Henry Guin all that certain piece parcel or tact of land Situate lying and being in the County of Chesterfield and State aforesaid about two and half miles from the town of Cheraw on the left hand side of Public road leading from Cheraw to Chesterfield C. H. bounded and described as follows: North by Cheraw and Chesterfield road east and south by lands of James Eddings and West by lands of Alice Goodwin; containing Eight acres more or less For a further description of land and chain of title to same reference may be had to a deed from Effie Goodwin to William T. Goodwin dated 2nd  April A. D. 1880; a deed from Alice Goodwin to William T. Goodwin dated first day of Sept. A. D. 1883 and a deed from William T. Goodwin to me Sarah A. Eddings dated the 29th day of Oct. A. D. 1884 recorded on Deed Book Vol 8 pages 26 & 27 Together with all and Singular the Rights members Hereditaments and appurtenances to the said Premises belonging or in anywise incident or appertaining To Have and to Hold all and singular the said premises before mentioned onto the said henry Guin His heirs and assigns forever. And I do hereby bind myself my heirs executors and Administrators to warrant and forever defend all and singular the said Premises unto the said Henry Guin His heirs and Assigns against myself and my Heirs or any person whomsoever lawfully claiming or to claim the same or any part thereof. Witness my hand and seal this 16th Day of November in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and Eighty five and in the 110th year of the Sovereignty and Independence of the United States of America.
Signed, Sealed and Delivered}
in the presence of}                                                    Sarah A. Eddings {LS}
T. L. Liles}
W. M. Eddings}

The State of South Carolina}
Chesterfield County}
             Personally appeared before me Wm. M. Eddings and made oath that he saw the within named Sarah A. Eddings sign and as her act and deed deliver the within written Deed and that he with T. L. Liles witnessed the execution thereof.
Sworn to before me this 16th}
y of November A. D. 1885}                                          W. M. Eddings
John M. McQueen {Official}
Notary Public          {Seal}
Recorded 28th Dec 1885 in Sales Book C page 223
                                                                   F. M. Kirkley Auditor
Recorded 28th Dec 1885

This little 8 acre tract more or less was part of the Estate Lands of Mary Therrell Boan who passed away about 1866 leaving the 8 acres to her children.

One of those children was Mary Boan wife of Shadrach Johns, my 2nd Great Grandmother. The above land deed contains an error in that it says that Effie Goodwin transferred the Land to William T. Goodwin on 2 April 1880. In fact, the deed is from Wm. T. Goodwin to Effie Goodwin (DB 5, page 795 & 796).

Known chain of title for the land is:
Mary Therrell Boan (deceased) purchased the land form A. P. LaCOSTE, deceased. Upon her death land was transferred as follows:
  • Jas. Eddins & Others to Wm. T. Goodwin, 3 Dec 1866 (DB 5, pages 598 & 599)
    Shadrach Johns & Others to Alice Goodwin, 3 Dec 1866 (DB 6, page 177 & 178)
    Effie Goodwin to Wm. T. Goodwin, 2 Apr 1880 (NO SUCH DEED)
    W. T. Goodwin to Effie Goodwin, 2 Apr 1880 (DB 5, pages 795 & 796)
    Alice Goodwin to Wm. T. Goodwin, 1 Sept 1883 (DB 7, pages 349 & 350)
    Wm. T. Goodwin to Sarah A. Eddings. 29 Oct 1884 (DB 8, pages 26 & 27)
    Sarah A. Eddings to Henry Guin, 16 Nov 1885 (DB 8, pages 436 & 437)
Land Deed 6:177 places my 2nd Great Grandparents, their children and son-in-law in Washington County, Florida in December 1866. In the 1880 Census my 2nd Great Grandfather and his son Joseph Henry, my Great Grandfather, is in Marlboro County, South Carolina. No other record of the remaining family members have been found after the 1866 Land Deed.

[1] Chesterfield County, South Carolina, Deed Book 8: pages 436-437, Sarah A. Eddings to Henry Guin; 16 November 1885, Register of Deeds, Chesterfield, Chesterfield County, South Carolina.

Sunday, September 24, 2017

Chesterfield County SC~Estate Folder #839 – Sarah Frances Rivers Teal

Each week, on Sunday, I will select an Estate Folders from the Estate files of Chesterfield County and discuss its contents. No known estates exist for the period before the Civil War. They were destroyed with the burning of the Courthouse. There are a few “Equity Records” in the State Archives. Do not overlook this valuable resource if you are looking for ancestors in Chesterfield County, South Carolina. 

Today we will be looking at the following Estate folder:

Folder #839

Image 195
Sarah Frances Rivers Teal 1

Sarah Frances Rivers Teal, wife of Alfred Frank Teal, passed away on 27 September 1926 in Chesterfield, South Carolina.  She was 66 years of age.

Her son-in-law, James Franklin Davis, husband of her oldest daughter Cannie Q. Teal was named Administrator of her estate.

The estate can be accessed at the above hyperlink.

Sarah Frances and Alfred had 4 children of which only two survived to adulthood – Cannie and Della Mae. Sadly, Della Mae predeceased her Mother; thus her portion of the estate went to her surviving children.

Image 202 – Heirs at Law
Probate 839 - Heirs atr Law

Heirs at Law named within the estate were:
  • Cannie Davis, Daughter, of age
Children of  Della Mae Rivers (Deceased)
  • Geneva Rivers, age 19
  • Marion Rivers, age 17
  • Mary Lee Rives, age 14
  • Vareen Rivers, age 12
  • Hallie Rivers, age 10
  • Nolan Rivers, age 4
  • McLeod, Rivers, age 2

Sarah Frances Rivers and her husband Alfred Frank Teal are both my 2nd Cousins 3 times removed.

[1]"South Carolina Probate Records, Files and Loose Papers, 1732-1964," images, FamilySearch ( : 21 May 2014), Chesterfield > Probate Court, Estate records > 1865-1927 > Cases 0830-0899 > image 195 of 1670; county courthouses, South Carolina, and South Carolina Department of Archives and History, Columbia.

Thursday, September 21, 2017

Treasure Chest Thursday~Land Deed, William A. Purvis to William J. Purvis

William A. Purvis and William J. Purvis are my 2nd Great Grandfather and my Great Grandfather. They lived all their life in Anson County, North Carolina. This is the only Deed I have found that shows they owned land outside of Anson County.

The Land in this Deed is just across the North and South Carolina State line with Anson County in NC and Chesterfield County sharing the same border, located in South Carolina.

deed book 8 page 422deed book 8 page 423

William A. Purvis}
William J. Purvis} Deed

The State of South Carolina
Know all men by these presents that I William A. Purvis of the County of Anson in the State of South Carolina in consideration of the sum of Two hundred dollars [$200.00] to me paid by William James Purvis of the said County of Anson in the State aforesaid have granted bargained sold and released unto the said and by these presents do grant bargain sell and release unto the said William James Purvis all that piece parcel and tract of land situate lying and being in the District of Chesterfield and State of South Carolina on the North Side of Big Westfield Creek and bounded on the North by the North and South Carolina State line on the East by Isham Wallace and James Lewis lands on the West by lands belonging to the Estate of George Gardner and lands belonging to John Mulholland and on the South by Big Westfield Creek. Containing thirty [30] acres more or less which said track of land was purchased by me from Joseph P. Smith Reference being had to a plat hereunto attached will fully show the corners distance and &c. of said tract of land. Together with all and singular the rights members hereditaments and appurtenances to the said Premise belonging or in anywise incident or appertaining To Have and to Hold all and singular the Premises before mentioned unto the said William James Purvis his Heirs and Assigns forever. And I do hereby bind myself his Heirs Executors and Administrators to warrant and forever defend all and singular the said Premises unto the said William James Purvis his Heirs and assigns against myself and my heirs and all other persons lawfully claiming or to claim the same or any part thereof. Witness my hand and seal this Sixth day of December in year of our Lord one thousand and eight hundred and Sixty Six [1866] and in the Ninety first [91st] year of the Sovereignty and Independence of the United States of America.
Signed Sealed and Delivered}
in the presence of}                                                  William A. X Purvis seal (his mark)
W. E. Craig}
H. Craig Jr.|

State of South Carolina}
Chesterfield County}
I W. J. Hannah Clark Court do hereby certify unto all who it may concern that Mrs. Sarah J. Purvis the wife of the within named W. A. Purvis did this day appear before me and upon being privately and separately examined by me did declare that she does fully voluntarily and without any compulsion dread or fear of any person or persons whatsoever renounce release and forever rerouting relinquish unto the within named Wm. J. Purvis his Heirs and Assigns all her interests and estate and also all her rights and claim of dower of it or to all and singular the Premises within mentioned and released.
Given under my hand and seal this}
Sixteenth [16th] day of Dec. Anno Domini 1885}
(official seal) W. J. Hannah}                                                 S. J. Purvis {seal}
Clerk Court}

State of South Carolina}
Chesterfield County}
Before the subscribing officer personally appeared T. P. Craig and Thomas Chapman both of the County and State aforesaid who on oath says that they are well acquainted with the handwriting of W. E. Craig and Hugh Craig Jr. the subscribing witnesses to the annexed deed and that both of said witnesses are dead and they believe that the said W. E. Craig and Hugh Craig Jr. signed the same as the signatures to said deed are as respondents believe in the hand writing of said Hugh Craig Jr. and W.E. Craig
Sworn to before me}
16 December 1885}                                                          T. P. Craig
W. J. Hanna}                                                                      Thos Chapman
Clerk Court}

South Carolina}
Chesterfield County}
Personally appeared Wm. A. Purvis who on oath says that he signed the annexed deed at the date thereof and that Wm. E. Craig and Hugh Craig Jr. witnessed the same and that both of said witnesses are dead.
Sworn to before me}
16 Dec 1885}
W. J. Hanna                                                             W. X A. Purvis {his mark}
Recorded 19th Dec 1885

[1] Land Deed - William A. Purvis to William J. Purvis Deed; 6 December 1866; Deed Book #8; Page(s) 421-423; Register of Deeds; Chesterfield, Chesterfield County, SC; 3 June 2015

Monday, September 18, 2017

Mystery Monday~Thomas J. Rivers~Land Deed Proves Lineage

For many years I have had two entries in my database for two men known as William Rivers.

The first entry showed that John B. Rivers and his wife Eliza Rivers (Same Surname) oldest son was William Rivers born 1835.

The second entry was for William Rivers, b. 1831, died 15 July 1864 in Battle leaving behind a wife, Mary Ann Graves and a son, Thomas born May 1860. 

Wm & Mary Ann Rivers

1860 CENSUS: Chesterfield County, South Carolina, Roll: M653_1217; Page: 137; Image: 277; Family History Library Film: 805217; Line Line 22, Dwelling 612  Family 611; Household includes, William F. RIVERS, age 29, Farmer, born in SC; Mary A. RIVERS, age 20 and Thomas RIVERS, age 1/12.

The below land Deed makes it’s evident that William Rivers son of John B. Rivers is the same William Rivers that married Mary Ann Graves and had a son names Thomas J. Rivers.

When her husband William Rivers failed to return from the war, Mary Ann Graves Rivers married Ferguson Hale Smith who raised her young son Thomas Rivers.

Thomas Rivers can be found in 1860 with his Father and Mother and in 1870 in the Household of Ferguson Hale Smith, his step father where he is listed as T. J. Graves.

What happen to Thomas J. Rivers, aka Thomas J. Graves after 1870 was unknown until the below Land Deed (Chesterfield County DB 5, 798-799)was found  this past week.

In 1880/1881 Thomas J. Rivers aka Thomas J. Graves was in Grayson County, Texas per Chesterfield County Deed -
William Rivers (Killed in War)
Thomas J. Rivers  to Frederick Rivers Alfred Rivers, D. W. Rivers Deed

Thomas J. Rivers

DB 5, Page 798DB 5, page 799

William Rivers (Killed in War)
Thomas J. Rivers  to Frederick Rivers Alfred Rivers, D. W. Rivers Deed

The State of Texas]
Grayson County]
         Know all men by these presents, that I Thomas J. Rivers of the County and State aforesaid being entitled to an undivided interest in the real and personal estate of my deceased Grandmother Eliza Rivers late of the County of Chesterfield in the State of South Carolina in consideration of the sum of two hundred and ten dollars to me paid by my Uncles Frederick Rivers, Alfred Rivers and D. W. Rivers of the county and state last aforesaid the receipt whereby is hereby acknowledged has granted, bargained, Sold and released and by these presents do grant, bargain, sell, release and forever quit claim unto the said Frederick Rivers, Alfred Rivers and D. W. Rivers all my right title claim and interest of into and out of the real and personal Estate of the said Eliza Rivers in pofsession or expectancy in law and in Equity or by any means whatever Together with all and singular the rights, members, hereditaments or appurtenances to the said lands belonging or in any wise incident or pertaining and with full power and authority to collect and receive the said personally. To have and to hold all and singular the said premises unto the said Frederick Rivers, Alfred Rivers and D. W. Rivers their heirs and assigns and the survivor or survivors of them and the heirs and assigns of such survivor or survivors forever. And I hereby warrant and forever defend the interest herein conveyed unto the said Frederick Rivers, Alfred Rivers and D. W. Rivers their heirs, executors administrators and assigns and the survivor of survivors of them and the heirs executors administrators and assigns of such survivor or survivors from and against myself my heirs executors administrators and all other persons claiming by through or under me. Witness my hand and seal this 2nd day of February in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and eighty one in the one hundred and fourth year of the Sovereignty and Independence of the United States of America.
Signed, Seal and}                                                             Thomas J. Rivers {seal}
Delivered in presence of}
H. B. Nichols}
Charles Reynolds}

The State of Texas}
County of Grayson}
             Personally comes before me H. B. Nichols who makes oath that he saw the above named Thomas J. Rivers sign seal and as his act and deed deliver the above written deed and that he with Charles Reynolds witnessed the execution thereof.
Sworn to before me}                                                          H. B. Nichols
This 2nd day Feby 1880}
J. M. Wilson, J.P. {seal]}
And Ex Officis Notary Public}

The State of Texas}
County of Grayson}
             I, G. A. Dickeman clerk of the county and for said state and County, do hereby certify that J. M. Wilson whose signature in his own hand writing is subscribed to the proceeding proof of above written deed was at the date thereof a Justice of the Peace and Notary Public of said state and county and his official seal is stamped thereon, according to due form of law. Given under my hand and seal of office this 13th day of March 1880.
                                                                                  G. A. Dickeman Clerk {seal}
                                                                                  By H. N. Guck Deputy
Auditors Office}
Chesterfield County}
             Recorded 5th April 1880 in Sales Book “A”, pager 156
                                                                                   C. L. Evans

Recorded 5th April 1880
Orign’l Dlv’d to Frederick Rivers

Thos J. Rivers Ancestors

Still, a quick on line search of the Census found no Thomas J. Rivers in Grayson County even though the land deed above places him there at that time.

1. 1860 U. S. Census, Chesterfield County, South Carolina, population schedule, Chesterfield County, South Carolina, enumeration district (ED) No ED, page 137; Line 22, dwelling 612 family 611, Household of William F. RIVERS; digital images, ( : viewed 15 July 2011); citing  National Archives Microfilm M653-1217.
2. National Park Service, "Soldiers" database, Civil War Soldiers & Sailor System ( : accessed 8 October 2011), entry for William Rivers, First Sergeant; 8th Regiment, South Carolina Infantry; Confederate.
3. 1850 U. S. Census, Chesterfield County, South Carolina, population schedule, Chesterfield, Chesterfield County, South Carolina, Page 176B, Line 19, Dwelling 1196; Family #1196, Household of Thomas GRAVES; digital images, ( : viewed 3 September 2011); citing  National Archives Microfilm M432 Roll 851.
4. 1870 U. S. Census, Court House, Chesterfield County, South Carolina, population schedule, Court House, Chesterfield County, South Carolina, enumeration district (ED) No ED, Page 294B, Line 28, Dwelling 143; Family 143, Household of F. H. SMITH; digital image, ( : viewed 15 July 2011); citing National Archive  Microfilm M593, Roll 1491.

Saturday, September 16, 2017

It’s Family Time~Charles Riley Brock and Henrietta Florence Pate

It's Family Time
On 6 October 1921, Charles Riley Brock and Henrietta Florence Pate were married in Chesterfield , Chesterfield County, South Carolina. I have written about Charles Riley’s family in the past here:

The purpose of this posting is to clarify and correct some minor information about Henrietta Florence Pate and her daughter Kathleen (Brock) Gainey.

What many individual is unaware of is that Henrietta Florence Pate was married prior to her marriage to Charles Riley and brought a young daughter, Kathleen into the marriage.

Henrietta Florence Pate was married to Jim Gainey prior to her marriage to Charles Riley Brock. To this union was born a daughter Kathleen Gainey on 20 May 1919. I have found no information on Jim Gainey and at this time I am unaware what happened to dissolve this marriage. 

Kathleen grew up being known as Kathleen Brock. About 1935, Kathleen (Brock) Gainey married Ross N. Brock, son of Lawrence Harley Brock and Mary Victoria Davis.

Kathleen Gainey and Ross N. Brock had 4 children; a son and three daughters.

Another small detail found during further research is that Henrietta Florence Pate also re-married after the death of Charles Riley Brock in February 1946.  At this time I am unaware of the given name of her husband but his surname was Brigman. Henrietta Pate Brock Brigman died 24 January 1981 in Darlington County, South Carolina.  If you know the given name of Henrietta Pate Brock Brigman's husband please post that information as comments to this posting.

Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Monday, September 11, 2017

Amanuensis Monday~Guardianship, Minor Children of Almira Jane Smith Sellers

Amanuensis Monday is a genealogy blogging theme. It was started by John Newmark who writes the TransylvanianDutch blog.

His definition of Amanuensis is:
Amanuensis: A person employed to write what another dictates or to copy what has been written by another.

Today’s subject is the Chesterfield County, SC Probate Folder 686-Guardianship of the minor children if Almira Jane Smith Sellers. 1

Almira Jane Smith Sellers, wife of Franklin Dennis Sellers passed away leaving 6 surviving children of which four were minors. Guardianship of the children were just a mere formality of the Court as indicated by the minimal documents found within the estate folder naming the children's Father, Franklin Dennis Sellers, as their Guardian.

Application for Guardianship was made on 23 August 1902.

Request For Guardianship


State of South Carolina}
Chesterfield County}
The undersigned respectively shows this Court
1. That they are minors over the age of fourteen and under the age of twenty one years of age and that they are entitled to a distributive share of their Mothers Estate.
2. That petitioners have no guardian and ask this court to appoint their father F. D. sellers as their guardian and will ever pray &c.
This Aug 23rd  1902.
                                                                                         G. C. Sellers
                                                                                         K. L. Sellers
                                                                                         B. T. Sellers
                                                                                         Myrtle Sellers

Guardianship Bond was posted and Guardianship granted to their father – Franklin Dennis Sellers.

Guardian Bond-Sellers Children
Guardianship Bond

In 1906, Franklin Dennis married Minnie Tucker and raised a second family of six children.  

[1] "South Carolina Probate Records, Files and Loose Papers, 1732-1964," images, FamilySearch ( : 21 May 2014), Chesterfield > Probate Court, Estate records > 1865-1927 > Cases 0638-0757 > image 735 of 1623; county courthouses, South Carolina, and South Carolina Department of Archives and History, Columbia.

Sunday, September 10, 2017

Lesson Learned~Land Deeds Can & Do Sometime Contain Errors

I have looked at a lot of land deeds in my lifetime but this one is a first in that it contains a blatant misrepresentation of the facts.

The deed is for a tract of land consisting of one hundred eighty seven acres more or less for which Hardie Davidson is selling to Nelson T. Jordan for a mere ten dollars.

Hardie Davidson

Hardy Davidson to N. T. Jordan Deed
This indenture made the thirteenth day of January in the year of our Lord one thousand Eight hundred and seventy five between Hardie Davidson of the County of Chesterfield, South Carolina of the one part & Nelson T. Jordan of the County and Sate aforeS[aid] Witness that the Sd Hardie Davidson for and in consideration of Ten Dollars in hand paid by Nelson T. Jordan the receipt & payment whereof is hereby acknowledged hath bargained & sold & by these presents doth bargain, release & sell & convey & confirm unto him the Sd Nelson T. Jordan his heirs & assigns forever a tract or parcel of land lying & Situated in the County of Chesterfield & State of South Carolina being a tract of Land which was Willed to Hardie Davidson by his grandfather Hardie Sellers, containing one hundred & Eighty seven acres more or less joining Elias Steen Nicholas Allen  Steven D. Sellers & others to have and to hold the afore Sd Land & tenements unto the Sd Nelson T. Jordan his heirs & assigns forever together with all the roads ways waters Courses Mines Minerals of which the Sd Hardie Davidson doth Covenent & Defend the afore Sd lands & tenements forever & against the claims of any person whatsoever unto the Sd nelson T. Jordan his heirs Executors and Administrators or assigns forever.
In Witness whereof the Sd Hardie Davidson doth hereunto set his hand & affix his seal the day & date above written.
                                                                            Hardie Davidson {Seal}
Isaac Wilson
Benjamin Thomas Miles

The mis-representation occurs within this portion of the deed.

Hardie Davidson Snippet page 649

“…assigns forever a tract or parcel of land lying & Situated in the County of Chesterfield & State of South Carolina being a tract of Land which was Willed to Hardie Davidson by his grandfather Hardie Sellers, containing one hundred & Eighty seven acres more or less…”

There are several errors within this statement.

1st. Hardy Sellers Left a Last Will and Testament but no land was will to anyone named Hardy Davidson. The Last Will and Testament can be read here:

2nd. Hardy Davidson is the 2nd Great Grandson of Hardy Sellers. Hardy Sellers died 12 Jan 1835. Hardy Davidson was not born until between 1850 and May 1855. He could not legally own land until he reached the age of majority; about the date of this land deed.  

Any land that Hardy Davidson would or could inherit would have to come from his mother Mary Sellers, her Father, Roland Sellers and his Father, Phillip Sellers, Sr. 

The moral of this story is to critically evaluate any and all data. Data and facts can and sometimes are misrepresented. 

[1] Land Deed - Hardy Davidson to N. T. Jordan Deed; 13 January 1875; Deed Book #4; Page(s) 649; Register of Deeds; Chesterfield, Chesterfield County, SC; 9 September 2017.

Saturday, September 9, 2017

It’s Family Time~Nannie E. Brock McIntosh

Nannie E. "Nan" Brock was born on 18 Feb 1874, a daughter of Peter Haley Brock and Mary Ellen Liles. She was the third of eleven children with 2 brothers and 8 sisters.

In 1897, Nannie married Thomas Wiley McIntosh and  the couple can be found in the 1900 Census living in Darlington County with her husband’s parents, John C. and Martha McIntosh.

Tragically, Nannie, age 27, died on 10 November 1901. Her obituary was very brief and gave no explanation as to cause of death.

Cheraw. November 12, Special: Mrs. Thomas McIntosh of Hartsville, but formerly Miss Brock of this place, died in Hartsville on Sunday morning. [10 Nov 1901]  [The Charleston News and Courier (Charleston, SC), Wednesday, November 13, 1901, Page: 6].  

Nannie is buried in the First Baptist Church Cemetery, Hartsville, Darlington County South Carolina. 

Nannie E. ‘Nan’ Brock McIntosh is my 2nd Cousin twice removed.

1. Find A Grave, Inc., Find A Grave, database and digital images, ( : accessed  6 September 2017); Memorial page for Nannie E "Nan" Brock McIntosh; (18 February 1874–10 November 1901); Find a Grave memorial # 65878901, Citing First Baptist Church Cemetery; Hartsville, Darlington County, South Carolina, USA.
2. 1880 U. S. Census, Chesterfield County, South Carolina, population schedule, Cheraw, Chesterfield County, South Carolina, enumeration district (ED) 003, Page: 292B(stamped); Line 7, Dwelling 49, Family 55, Household of P. H. [Peter Haley] BROCK; digital image, ( : viewed 31 March 2013); citing National Archive  Microfilm T9, Roll 1225.
3. 1900 U. S. Census, Darlington County, South Carolina, population schedule, Antioch, Darlington, South Carolina, enumeration district (ED) 0016, Page: 16A (stamped); Line 32, Dwelling 313, Family 320, Household of John C McINTOSH; digital images, ( : viewed 6 September 2017); citing National Archives Microfilm  T623_1525.
4. Mrs. Thomas McIntosh of Hartsville obituary, The Charleston News and Courier, Charleston, Charleston, South Carolina, United States, 13 November 1901, page 6.
5. Find A Grave, Inc., Find A Grave, database, "Record, Nannie E "Nan" Brock McIntosh (18 February 1874–10 November 1901), Memorial # 65878901.

Friday, September 8, 2017

Hardy J. Sellers, Soldier, Father and Esteemed Citizen Passes Away

Hardy J. Sellers was born 17 September 1831, a son of Elijah Sellers and Sarah Purvis. He was their first born son and the 2nd oldest of five siblings; 2 sisters and 3 brothers.

Hardy J. served in the 4th SC Cavalry, Confederate States Army, during the War Between the States. He enlisted April 22, 1862, was wounded at the Battle of Cold Harbor and sent to the hospital in Raleigh, NC 30 May 1864, then on  2 June 1864 he was sent to another hospital in Virginia.

After returning home from the War, Hardy married Elizabeth Smith on 16 March 1871.

Hardy J. Sellers and Elizabeth Smith had two children:
  1. Maggie May Sellers, b. 23 May 1880; d. 27 May 1885.
  2. William Arthur ‘Bud’ Sellers, b. 10 March 1882, d. 1 July 1959; married Letty Alliene Merriman about 1909.
Hardy J. died on 19 September 1910. Elizabeth lived another 11 1/2 years passing away on 12 February 1922. Both are buried at Shiloh United Methodist Church Cemetery.

Hardy J. Sellers Obit

Hardy J. Sellers
Special to The State.
Chesterfield. Sept. 20 – Hardy J. Sellers died at his home near here yesterday. He was a good soldier in the Confederate army in Company A, Fourth regiment. Mr. Sellers was 79 years old. In the death of Mr. Sellers Chesterfield county has lost one of her best citizens.

[“The State”, Columbia, SC, Wednesday, September 21, 1910, Page: 3, Column 2]

Hardy is my 1st Cousin 4 times removed.

[1] Hardy J. SELLERS obituary, The State, Columbia, Richland County, South Carolina, 21 September 1910, page 3, Column 2. Deaths in South Carolina.

Thursday, September 7, 2017

Treasure Chest Thursday~Proof of Marriage-Nancy E. Boatwright and John W. Therrill

Samuel Boatwright and his wife, Sarah Ann Hurst had five (5) known children. For years, I have not been able to find any evidence of daughter Nancy beyond the 1860 Census where she is listed as a 2 year old toddler. 

Recently, Chesterfield County placed all their Land Deeds on-line with access to everyone. This past week while browsing through Book 5 I found  a deed that partially explains why I could find no information about Samuel and Sarah Jane's daughter Nancy Boatwright.

This deed (DB 5, pages 103 &104) shows that Nancy married John W., Therrell and that she in now (6 August 1876) deceased.

Nancy E. Boatwrigh Therrill

“…personal of the Estate of the late Samuel Boatwright deceased, which I may have acquired through my late wife Nancy E. (The daughter of said Samuel) either…”

DB 5, page 103DB 5, page 104

J. W. Therrell to W. M. Boatwright Deed

State of South Carolina}
Chesterfield County}
Know all men by these presents that I John W. Therrell of said County and State, for and in consideration of one dollars to me in hand paid the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged paid by William M. Boatwright of said County and state, have granted, bargained, sold and released and do hereby grant, bargain, sell , release and quit claim to the said William M. Boatwright all the right, title, interest, claim and demand which I have now, or may hereafter have either in possession or expectancy of, in or to any share part or portion of the estate,both real and personal of the Estate of the late Samuel Boatwright deceased, which I may have acquired through my late wife Nancy E. (The daughter of said Samuel) either of the real or personal estate. To have and to Hold all and singular the premises and property aforesaid to him the said William M. Boatwright his heirs and assigns forever. And I do hereby bind myself and my Heirs, executors and administrators to warrant and forever defend the same to the said William M. Boatwright his Heirs and afsigns against myself and my heirs, claiming the same. In witnefs whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this Eight day of August A. D. 1876.
Signed,Sealed and delivered}                                           J. W. Therrell {Seal}
in presence of}
Hugh Craig}
A.W. Davis}

State of South Carolina}
Chesterfield County}
Personally appeared before me Hugh Craig and made oath that he saw John W. Therrell sign, seal, and as his act and deed deliver the within written Deed, and that he with A. W. Davis witnefsed the execution thereof.
Sworn to before me this 6th}                                                Hugh Craig
day of September 1876}
T. F. Mulloy}
Clk. }

Recorded this 15 day of August A.D. 1876 in Book A, Page 100
                                                                       J. Gashesie(?)
                                                                       County Auditor
Recorded 6th September 1876
Orig'l Delivd to W. M. Boatwright

[1] Land Deed - J. W. Therrell to W. M. Boatwright Deed; 8 August 1876; Deed Book #5; Page(s) 103 & 104; Register of Deeds; Chesterfield, Chesterfield County, SC; 3 September 2017.

Monday, September 4, 2017

Amanuensis Monday~Calvin and Frederick Rivers Agricultural Lien

Amanuensis Monday is a genealogy blogging theme. It was started by John Newmark who writes the TransylvanianDutch blog.

His definition of Amanuensis is:
Amanuensis: A person employed to write what another dictates or to copy what has been written by another.

Today’s subject is an Agricultural Lien Executed by Calvin and Frederick Rivers with Graeser & Smith.

DB 2, page 413
DB 2, page 414

Calvin Rivers & Others to Graeser & Smith Lien

The State of South Carolina}
Chesterfield County }
Memorandum of Agreement, made and entered into the Fifteenth day of February in the year of our Lord One thousand eight hundred and seventy between Graeser & Smith of the State aforesaid, of the first part and Calvin Rivers and Frederick Rivers of the second part.
First, the parties of the first part agree with the party of the second part, who is engaged in the cultivation of the soil upon a plantation in Chesterfield County So. Ca., adjoining the lands of Eliza White and others, on Thompson’s Creek to make advances to him during the current year, in manners and provisions(?) to be used and expended in the planting of said plantation and cultivation of the soil, the said advances not to exceed, in all, the sum of One Hundred ($100.00) Dollars.
Second, the party of the second part agrees with the parties of the first part, in consideration of the advances so made, and to be made by them to him, that he will expend and apply the whole of said advances in and upon the planting and cultivation of his plantation in Chesterfield County as above described in which he is now engaged; and for and in consideration of the premises, the said party of the second part, hath given and granted, and by these presents doth give and grant to the said parties of the first part, and to the survivor or survivors of them, and the Executors and Administrators or Assigns of such survivor, a lien on the whole of the marketable crops which shall or may be made this current year upon the land, in the cultivation of which the advances so made by the parties of the first part shall be expended in preference to all other liens, existing or otherwise, to the extent and amount of such advances together with interest thereon at the rate of Twelve (12%) per cent, per annum, in accordance with the provisions of the Act of Afsembly of the Sate, entitled “An Act to secure advances for Agricultural Purposes,” ratified on the twenty fifth day of September eighteen hundred and sixty six, and subject to all the powers, conditions and provisions therein contained.
Third, The party of the second part doth herby mortgage to the party of the first part, as an additional security for the fulfillment of the terms of this Lien, all the mules, horses, cattle and farming implements on said plantation, consisting as follows, Viz: This obligation to be void as soon as the terms of this agreement are complied with.
Fourth. The party of the second part covenants and agrees with the parties of the first part in consideration of the advances, so made, and to be made by them to him, that he will send to them, for sale on commifsion the whole of the cotton crops made on said plantation, and in default thereof, that he will pay to them a commifsion of Five (5) per cent, on the estimated value of every bale of cotton not sent to them for sale, And further, the party of the second part gives the party of the first part a lien on the whole of the marketable crops for said commissions, in the same manner as for the advances previously named.
Fifth. The party of the second part obligates to send to the parties of the first part, sufficient cotton to pay all advances prior to the 15th November next, and acknowledges all advances made as a debt, without further proof, and further agrees that all sums or balances or advances and debt not paid by 15 November next, shall be entitle to interest at the rate of Loan and –a--half per cent, per month, from that date until paid. In testimony whereof, the parties hereto have here under set their hands, in duplicate, the day and year first above written.
Signed and delivered} W. L. T. Reid & Sons Agnt
In the Presence of }                                                                 s/Calvin Rivers
A. T. Gaillard}                                                                        s/Fred Rivers

{U. S. Stamps amounting to}
[Five cents properly cancelled}

The State of South Carolina}
Chesterfield County}
Personally appeared before me A. T. Gaillard and made oath that he saw the within named W. L. T. Reid & Sons Calvin Rivers & Fred Rivers sign and as their act and deed deliver the within named written Lien and that I witnessed the execution thereof.
Sworn to before me, this Third
Day of March 1870
P. A. Brock, L. W.

After the Civil War times were very tough for everyone in the South. The period between 1865 and 1877 was known as the Reconstruction Era.  After returning from the war, those that did return, found their lands in a very sad state. Their money was useless and ”barter” became a way of life. Those that did have money exacted a “high cost” for those that were able to get a loan and in most cases a “lien” on their assets to enable them to borrow enough to plant and harvest another crop.

The above lien in typical for this time period and almost everyone borrowed money from these “money lenders”. 

[1] Land Deed - Calvin and Frederick Rivers to Graeser & Smith, Lien.; 15 February 1870; Deed Book #Book 2; Page(s) 413-415; Register of Deeds; Chesterfield, Chesterfield County, SC; 31 August 2017.

Saturday, September 2, 2017

It’s Family Time~Mary Jane Purvis Lang

In the 1880 Census Mary Jane Purvis and her mother, Elizabeth ‘Betsy’ Purvis are enumerated in the household of William A. Purvis and His Wife Sarah Jane (Graves) Purvis.

Mary Jane’s age is reported to be 7 years of age.

1880 Census
Sarah Jane Graves Purvis died in December 1893 and a Land Deed dated 23 September 1899 shows Betsy Purvis as the wife of William A. Purvis. DNA test results also shows that William A. Purvis and these children are related which suggests that the 1st husband of Betsy was also related to William A. Purvis hence the Purvis surname in 1880 census.

In 1888, Mary Jane Purvis and Charlie Franklin Lang were married. Charlie was the son of John H. Lang and Frances A. Teel. By 1893, Charlie and Mary Jane had three children of which one passed away during birth or shortly thereafter.

Then in March 1895, Mary Jane had her 4th child, a daughter named Frances Elizabeth ‘Effy’ Lang. While this birth was a treasure it also turned out to be a tragedy for the family. All indications are that Mary Jane did not survive the birth of this child. This left Charlie in a very troublesome situation with 3 small children.

In 1898, Charlie Franklin Lang married Dora Watkins, daughter of Calvin Watkins and Sarah Kelly.

Charles Franklin Lang and Mary Jane Purvis had the following children:

i. Ella Jane Lang, born 4 Aug 1889, Chesterfield, Chesterfield, South Carolina; married Jack E. Dillard; died 18 May 1960, Spartanburg, South Carolina.
ii. John Henry Lang, born 14 Jan 1893, Anson County, North Carolina; married Edith Melvine Stowe; married Blonnie Irene Gunter; married Edna Eveline Ashley; died 29 Apr 1968, Charlotte, Mecklenburg, North Carolina.
iii. Unnamed Male Lang was buried in Jan 1893. He was born on 14 Jan 1893 in SC. He died on 14 Jan 1893 at the age of 0. SOURCE: Gordon E. Lutz, Lincolnton, NC.
iv. Frances Elizabeth "Effie" Lang, born Mar 1895, Marshville, Union, North Carolina; married Jacob Brown, 26 Nov 1910, Union County, North Carolina; married Will L. Threate, 1916, Union County, North Carolina; married Floyd Pinkney Reinhardt; died 13 Mar 1949.

Mary Jane Purvis Lang is my Great Grand Aunt. 

1. 1880 U. S. Census, Anson County, North Carolina, population schedule, Anson County, North Carolina, enumeration district (ED) # 2, Page 350B, Line 36, Dwelling 233, Family 251, Household of William A. Purvis; digital image, ( : viewed 1976); citing National Archives Microfilm T9, Roll 951.
2. State of North Carolina, death certificate (28 August 1948), Charlie Franklin Lang;, Raleigh, Wake County, North Carolina.
3. 1880 US Census, Anson County, North Carolina, population schedule, Morven, Anson County, North Carolina, enumeration district (ED) #2, page 340A, Line 46, dwelling 39, family 41, Household of John Lang; digital image, ( : accessed 2010); citing National Archives Microfilm T9, Roll 951.
4. 1900 US Census, Union County, North Carolina, population schedule, Marshville Township, Union County, NC, enumeration district (ED) #136, page 117B, Line 76, dwelling 57, family 60, Charles F. Lang; digital image, ( : viewed July 2010); citing National Archives Microfilm T623, Roll 1220.
5. 1910 US Census, Union County, North Carolina, population schedule, Marshville, Union County, North Carolina, enumeration district (ED) #0126, Page 26A, Line 5, dwelling 58, family 58, Charlie F. LANG; digital image, ( : accessed 2010); citing National Archives Microfilm T624, Roll 1134.
6. 1920 US Census, Anson County, North Carolina, population schedule, Wadesboro, Anson County, North Carolina, enumeration district (ED) #15, Page 216, Line 33, dwelling 101, family 101, Charlie Lang; digital image, ( : accessed 2010); citing National Archives Microfilm T625, Roll 1283.
7. 1930 US Census, Gaston County, North Carolina, population schedule, Gastonia, Gaston County, North Carolina, enumeration district (ED) 23, Page 13B/87B (stamped); Line 76, Dwelling 241, Family 270, Lonnie LANG; digital image, ( : viewed 3 March 2013); citing National Archives Microfilm T626, Roll 1692.
8. State of North Carolina, death certificate, (28 August 1948), Charlie Franklin Lang.
9. Find A Grave, Inc., Find A Grave, database and digital images, ( : accessed 11 February 2014); Memorial page for Charlie Franklin Lang; (3 April 1868–28 August 1948); Find a Grave memorial # 92910671, Citing Gaston Memorial Park; Gastonia, Gaston County, North Carolina, USA.
10. Death: C. F. Lang obituary, The Gastonia (NC) Gazette, Gastonia, Gaston County, North Carolina, 30 August 1948, page 9.

Friday, September 1, 2017

Land Deeds–A Genealogy Goldmine

I’m a huge advocate of using land deeds in your genealogy journey. Land deeds are a genealogy goldmine overlooked by many budding genealogist because they become so intimidated with the concepts and jargon related to Land Deed research.

Just doing a small amount of reading and research in Land Deeds will open up a whole new world of knowledge and information. 

Just recently, many of the counties I am researching have made a major leap and push in getting all Land Deeds on-line readily available 24 hours a day.

These on-line databases have become my new playground. This week I ran across this Land Deed between “Richard T. Powell & M. G. Powell to Duncan McNair --- Marriage Settlement”

This document consists of 3 pages and is very complex. I have only published a portion of the very first page (DB 1, pg 153)  of the deed. It’s available (free) on-line.

DB 1, Page 153

Partial Transcription:

Richard T. Powell & M. G. Powell to Duncan McNair --- Marriage Settlement

The State of South Carolina.
This indenture of Two Part made this 31st day of August in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and forty eight Between Richard T. Powell and Margaret G. Powell his wife both of Cheraw in the State aforesaid of the First part and Duncan McNair of the same place of the Second Part. Witnefseth as follows:
Whereas the said Richard T. Powell and Margaret G. Powell his wife parties of the first part hereto lately together with Robert Man and Eliza Jane Man his wife filed their Bill in the Court of Equity for Charleston District praying for Petition of the estate of William Whitaker deceased the father of the said Margaret G. Powell and Eliza Jane Man against Mary Whitaker the widow and administratrix of the said William Whitaker and also against his infant children Catherine J. Whitaker Mary Ann Whitaker Sarah Ellen Whitaker Thomas Whitaker and William Whitaker and whereas James W. Gray Esquire one of the Masters of the said Court to whom the said cause was referred among other things to report a proper settlement of the shares of the Complainants Margret G. Powell and Eliza Jane Man in and by his report dated the sixth day of March last recommended that the shares of the said Complainants should be settled on the following terms terms <sic>. To and for the sole and separate use of the wives for life with remainders to their children respectively that may be living at the time of the deaths of the said wives and the ifsue of such of their children as may have died before them (such ifsue of the deceased children representing their respective parents and among themselves taking per ??) share and share alike the husband, joining their wives in conveying the respective shares to such Master or Trustees as the said parties may nominate…

This is awesome; just look at the genealogy data revealed in the short paragraph above.
  • William Whitaker has died intestate sometime before 31 August 1848.
  • His widow, Mary, is the administratrix of the Estate
  • She is being sued by the 2 oldest daughters, Margaret and Eliza Jane Whitaker
  • Margaret G. Whitaker is the wife of Richard Thompson Powell
  • Eliza Jane Whitaker is the wife of Robert Man
  • 5 additional sibling (all infants under 21) are named - Catherine J. Whitaker, Mary Ann Whitaker, Sarah Ellen Whitaker, Thomas Whitaker and William Whitaker
If you haven’t done any research in land deeds now is a good time to head over to your local Courthouse or go to and access some of their land records.

[1] Chesterfield County, South Carolina, DEED BOOK 1: Pages 153-155, Richard T. Powell & M. G. Powell to Duncan McNair ---Marriage Settlement; 31 August 1848, Register of Deeds, Chesterfield, Chesterfield County, South Carolina.