
Thursday, June 29, 2023

Samuel Davis, Sr.–Revolutionary War Soldier

Samuel Davis, Sr. was borne abt 1757, a son of  David Davis and Jane Miles. He married Lucinda R. Munsey about 1783. This marriage most likely took place in what is today Marion County, South Carolina. About 1818-1819, Samuel and Lucinda with some of their children moved to Warren County, Tennessee. 

Pension Application of Samuel Davis S39406 NC

Transcribed and annotated by C. Leon Harris. Revised 24 Oct 2014.

The representation of Samuel Davis a resident of the State of Tennessee Warren County To the Honorable the Secretary of War of the United States. Humbly shews that in April in the year 1776 in the State of North Carolina in Bute County he enlisted as a soldier in the service of the United States under Captain Jacob Turner in the Third Regiment of North Carolina in the continental establishment commanded by Colo Jethro Sumner. that he continued in service in said company and under the same Captain until the battle of German-Town [Germantown PA, 4 Oct 1777] at which time Captain Turner was killed. he was then attached to the company of Captain Keader Ballad [sic: Kedar Ballard] and remained in his company during the next winter at Valley Forge [sic: Valley Forge] and in the next spring was transferred to Captain Benj’n. Williams [Benjamin Williams’s] company belonging to the 2d No Carolina regiment and continued there untill October 1778. when he was discharged by Colo Patton [sic: John Patten] having served two years & six months. he was in two engagements at Valentines Hill in the State of New York [in Westchester County near Pelham; possibly during Battle of Long Island, 27 Aug 1776]. he was not in the battle of German Town in consequence of being ordered as one of the guard to guard the baggage of Gen’l. Washington after he was discharged he served six months in the militia of South Carolina during the Revolutionary War. after the peace he lived in North Carolina about fourteen years and then he lived in South Carolina about fifteen years since which time he has been in Tennessee State. he is aged about Sixty two years. he represents that he is a very poor man and that he is not able to support himself by labor without much difficulty and stands in need of the aid of his government by receiving a pension agreeable to the act of the Congress of U States passed in 1818. he also represents that he has not in his possession his discharge the same having been sent formerly to the office of the Secretary of North Carolina & lost or mislaid by length of time so that he cannot now furnish the same he has never received any pay or pension from the United States & relinquishes any which he may been titled to under any other or former law than that passed in 1818. and prays to be placed on the pension list for the State of Tennessee agreeable to said act [9 Oct 1819]

[William Douglass, pension application S38667,  certified Davis’s service.]

State of Tennessee}
Dickson County } Sct.. On this first day of January 1821 personally appeared in Open Court, being a court of record for the said County Samuel Davis aged sixty four years resident in the said County of Dickson & State of Tennessee who being first duly sworn according to Law doth on his Oath declare that he served in the Revolutionary war as follows; That he enlisted as a private in the month of April 1776 in the Third Regiment of the North Carolina line in the Company of Capt Jacob Turner and that he served two years and a half; That he has received a pension & that the number of his pension Certificate is 15, 798.And I do solemnly swear that I was a resident Citizen of the United States on the 18th day of March 1818 and that I have not since that time by gift sale or in any manner disposed of my property or any part thereof with intent thereby so to diminish it as to bring myself within the provisions of an act of Congress entitled “an act to provide for certain persons engaged in the land and naval service of the United States in the Revolutionary War” passed on the 18th day of March 1818 and that I have not nor has any person in trust for me any property or securities contracts or debts due to me nor have I any income other than what is contained in the Schedule hereto annexed and by me subscribed to wit: one Land Warrant of 228 acres Indebted Justly Fifty four dollars That my occupation heretofore was farming, but I am now so disabled from age & infirmity as to be totally unable to pursue that occupation and that I have no family residing with me.

[The following is on a separate sheet, undated and unsigned, but it appears to have accompanied a letter to the Pension Commissioner dated 4 May 1822.]my Land warrant I obtained after proving my Service for which location I was compel to give 45 acres To another for a hors 4085 leaving a Ballance to my self of 134 acres which I was compeld to sell at $3 pr acre in consequence of Being struck of the pension List I think after I pay all my Just debts & git me som clothing the Ballanc will be 200 dollars – I have never drew But 37 dollars

State of Tennessee }
Davidson County } Sct. On this eighteenth day of May in the year 1824, personally appeared in open court being a court of record, for the fourth Judicial Circuit of the State of Tennessee held in said County, Samuel Davis,resident in said County, aged sixty seven years, who being first duly sworn according to law, doth on his oath, make the following declaration in order to obtain the provision made by the act of Congress of the 18th March 1818, and the 1st May 1820. That he, the said Samuel Davis enlisted in the month of April 1776 in the State of North Carolina in the Company commanded by Captain Jacob Turner in the regiment commanded by Colonel Jethro Sumner in the line of the State of North Carolina in the third regiment in the continental establishment, that he continued to serve in the said corps until about two years & a half had elapsed after his enlistment, when he was discharged from the said service, in Fredericksburg (or Fredericktown) in the State of New York, that his name has been placed on the pension list, and drop there from on account of his property.

And in pursuance of the act of the 1st of May 1820 I do solemnly swear that I was a resident citizen of the United States on the 18th day of March 1818; and that I have not since that time, by gift, sale, or in any manner, disposed of my property, or any part thereof, with intent thereby so to diminish it as to bring myself within the provision of an act of congress entitled, “An act to provide for certain persons engaged in the land and naval service of the United States in the Revolutionary war,” passed on the 18th day of March 1818, and that I have not, nor has any person in trust for me, and property, or securities, or debts due to me, nor have I any income other than what is contained in the schedule hereto annexed, and by me subscribed
  –One horse, saddle & bridle worth $40.00
-One note of hand on E. Turner for sixteen dollars & fifty cents sent to J. Allen of Montgomery County, who is entitled out of it to 2.50 dolls 14.00
-One note on E. Davis (my son) which I do not expect to get, because he has gone out of the state, & I do not know where he is gone 49.50
I am in infirm state of body, and have been for many years, and cannot pursue my occupation whereby to gain a support. My infirmity is in some measure owing to a hurt on the back received by a fall from a horse. I have not had any certain place of abode for some time past, & have had to shift the best way I could in order to obtain a scanty support. I have had but one dollar since last November. All my family are separated from me, and are unable to afford me a decent sustenance, having to provide for themselves, and some of them for their families. I am now indebted according to the best of my present information in about the sum of sixty dollars. That since the exhibition of my first schedule the following changes have been made in my property.

Names of persons to whom sold
Robert Dickson of Dickson County, Tennessee Bartlet Stuart - the location of the warrant of Madison County Tennessee
Time of Sale.
1st September 1821 – sold to Dickson. Deed was made about a year afterward. When a deed was also made to a Maj’r Lynn for the locations part due Stuart.

Amount of money, or description of property received in return.
Forty five acres given to Stuart as his charges for location. The balance of the land (183 acres) sold for $3 per acres,amounting to $549– in notes of hand,and in a horse & colt.

In a few days after I received the above amount I paid R. Harris in notes the sum of – $120.00 which I owed him.
at another time paid same man – 14.50
1822 July Pd. S. Davis for board – 57.87½
at different times to Kumble for board &c about – 50.00
To B. Whitehead in part of 1822 & 1823 – 15.00
to W. Balthorp in part of 1823. for board &c – 20.00
To E. Turner in 1822 & 1823 for clothing &c – 12.25
To H. Larimore for improvement of land sold – 25.00
1823 in October & November paid for expenses arising from sickness – 43.50
Note given my son, which I do not expect to get – 49.50
1822. paid S. Allen for H. Moody for board – 10.00
To note sent L. Allen (mentioned above) – 14.00

The balance of the price of the land has been in handed by me, in small sums which have escaped my recollection. The deeds which I made for the land should by a law of this state, be registered in the County of Madison where it lies. owing to the distance at which I am from the persons to whom I sold,and from that county, I cannot without great trouble and expense, attain authenticated copies of them, & I would throw myself in my countrys generosity to have that done, if it is considered essential to my being reinstated on the pension list. I came into this county in the fifth day of this month & have ever since been residing with Mr. Isaiah Johnson in this county —
Sworn to, and declared on the 18th day of May 1824, before me Jacob McGavock, Clerk of the Circuit Court held for the County of Davidson Sworn to in open Court       Sam’l Davis

NOTE: On 13 Nov 1824 Samuel Davis made an additional accounting of his finances in which he stated that, “He does not know, nor can he learn, where his son Samuel Davis is.” I note in the file states that Davis’s pension was restored on 27 Dec 1824.

Samuel Davis, Sr. and his wife Lucinda R. Munsey had at total of 10 children.

The West Tennessee U.S., Revolutionary War Pensioners, 1801-1815, 1818-1872 document shows that Samuel Davis died on 8 June 1840 at the age of 83 years.

Samuel Davis, Sr. is my 4th Great Grand Uncle.


1. Revolutionary War App transcribed by C. Leon Harris;


Monday, June 26, 2023

The Last Will and Testament of John Davis

John Davis, Sr. was borne abt 1741 in Marion, Craven District, South Carolina. He was a son of the Rev. David Davis and Jane Miles. About 1762, he married Mary Henderson, the daughter of John Henderson and his wife Jane whose maiden name is unknown.


In the name of God Amen. I John Davis of the County of Mecklenburg in the State of No. Carolina Make this my last Will and testament, and first of all l  I resign my Soul to the Creator in all Humble hope of its future happinefs as in the dispose of a being Infinitely good---his touching such worldly goods as it hath pleased God in this life to blefs me with I dispose of in the following manner.
Imprimsis: I order my funeral expenses to be first paid and if any just debts appear against my Estate I order them to be paid as soon as possible.
Item. I leave & bequeath unto my dearly beloved wife the third part of my movable Estate & her bed & furniture and wearing apparel, with my Roan Colored mare & her saddle.
Item. I order my wife to Live on the plantation whereon we now live during her life in widowhood and to raise my children thereon in the best manner She can as to clothing & Education suitable to their fortunes until my Son James arrives to the age of twenty one years, at which Period he is to take full pofsefsion of the before maintained plantation as his own property & the same to enjoy forever with the appurtenances there unto Belonging
Item. I leave & bequeath unto my Son David that piece or parcel of land which I bought of Isaac Sellers to be by him fully possessed and Enjoyed forever---
Item. I leave & bequeath unto my Son John Fifty pounds out of my Estate to be by my Executors paid unto him at his being twenty year of age, and also be bound unto a good Workman that can teach the Sadlers trade properly the Said boy to be at such age and for such number of years as my Executors shall think proper.
Item. I order & appoint my Son James to pay unto my son Joseph fifty pounds at his the Said Joseph being Twenty one years of age out of the plantation left to him the Said James as an Equivalent to him the said Joseph who is to be bound unto a good workman that can teach the Spinning Wright trade at such age & for such number of years as my Executors shall think proper.
Item. I have & bequeath unto each of my daughters herein after named  to wit Ann, Mary & Isabelle the Sum of Thirty pounds out of my estate to be paid to them at their respective marriage or their coming of full age according to which shall happen first .
If my wife be pregnant as she thinks she is I order & it is my will that if it please God to spare him untill she be delivered if if <sic> the Child be a male he is to Share equal with my Son John & Joseph in my Estate & be bound unto such trade as my Executors shall think him most fit for at Such age & for Such number of years as they shall think proper and if the aforesaid Child be a female I order her to Share equal with my other daughters herein before mentioned.---
Item. I order & it is my Will that my Executors to keep my Stock of live Cattle & all my other movable Estate entire as it is at this day for at least one year after my deceased before Sale be made thereof & then to reserve two of my best work horses Creatures for the use of my wife & children and also four of my Milch Cows for my wife & Children's joint use. I also order one set of plow Trans. Plow two Horse tree hangings Clevis & gears to be kept to raises Bread for my Wife & children.
And Lastly, I nominate Appoint Constitute & ordain my Dearly beloved Wife Mary Davis & Capt. James Harris of Reedy Creek to be & they are hereby the Executors of this my last Will and Testament. In Testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand & affixed my Seal this 24th day of August in the year of Our Lord 1777.
Signed Sealed published, pronounced}
& delivered as &/or the Last Will}                                     John Davis {Seal}
& Testament of the said John Davis}
in the presence of the under written Witnefses}
Robert Harris, Jr.}
William Harris}
Robert Harris Jun}

"John Davis, Private, mustered 10th Regt. N. C. Cont. Line (Revolutionary War), January 1778 and was DEAD May 1778." (N. C. Records.) Died of wounds.

His wife Mary Henderson was pregnant with child and delivered a baby girl she called Jane Davis.

Mary, his widow, is to lived on the plantation “until my Son James arrives to the age of twenty one years, at which Period he is to take full possession of the before maintained plantation as his own property & the same to enjoy forever with the appurtenances there unto Belonging.

Mary Davis died sometime before 1820.

Related Blog Post:

John Davis, Sr. & Mary Henderson are my 4th Great Grand Uncle & Aunt.

Saturday, June 24, 2023

It’s Family Time~Tobias A. “Tobie” & Joannah S. (Douglas) Huneycutt

Tobias A. “Tobie” Huneycutt was borne 5 October 1852, a son of John Wiley
Huneycutt and Elizabeth Love. He was their last borne and 5th child. His siblings were two brothers and two sisters. His dad, Philip Wiley, was a farmer by trade like most young men of this era. His mother, Elizabeth, stayed home and cared for the children.  

Tobias, at age 24, married Joannah S. Douglas on 20 October 1876 in Anson County, North Carolina. He like his father and other young men was a farmer.   

Tobias A. Huneycutt and Joannah S. Douglas had the following children:

i. William Gaston Huneycutt was born on 24 May 1878 in Anson County, North Carolina. 12 He died on 10 Mar 1934 at the age of 55 in Wadesboro, Anson, North Carolina.

ii. Bettie Cathleen Huneycutt, born 8 May 1880, Anson County, North Carolina; married Emanuel Harrison Huneycutt, 21 Oct 1903, Anson County, North Carolina; died 22 Jan 1958, Wadesboro, Anson, North Carolina.

iii. Mollie Frances Huneycutt, born 12 Feb 1884, Anson County, North Carolina; married Moses Thomas Trexler; died 20 May 1922, Wadesboro, Anson, North Carolina.

iv. Ella F. Huneycutt, born 12 May 1885, Anson County, North Carolina; married Albert C. Short, 26 Dec 1918, Wadesboro, Anson, North Carolina; died 5 Dec 1965, Cheraw, Chesterfield, South Carolina.

v. Lula Octavia Huneycutt, born 6 Oct 1887, Anson County, North Carolina; married Washington May Ratliff; died 18 Mar 1970, Charlotte, Mecklenburg, North Carolina.

vi. Katie Beulah Huneycutt was born on 3 Oct 1889 in Anson County, North Carolina. She died on 3 Aug 1971 at the age of 81 in Greensboro, Guilford, North Carolina.

vii. John Franklin Huneycutt was born on 3 Oct 1891 in Anson County, North Carolina. He served in the military World War I - France in 1917–1918. He died on 29 Oct 1937 at the age of 46 in Wadesboro, Anson, North Carolina. John was buried on 31 Oct 1937 at Mount Beulah Baptist Church Cemetery in Wadesboro, Anson, North Carolina.

viii. James Benjamin Huneycutt was born on 15 May 1895 in Anson County, North Carolina. He died on 7 Jul 1966 at the age of 71 in Durham, Durham, North Carolina.

ix. Furman Alexander Huneycutt was born on 1 Sep 1898 in Wadesboro, Anson, North Carolina. He died on 17 Oct 1978 at the age of 80 in Wadesboro, Anson, North Carolina.

x. Roy Lee Huneycutt, born 8 Aug 1901, Charlotte, Mecklenburg, North Carolina; married Loma Rebecca [LNU] ; died 2 Feb 1996, Wadesboro, Anson, North Carolina.

Tobias A. “Tobie” Huneycutt is my 1st Cousin 3X Removed


1. 1870 Census, Union County, North Carolina, population schedule, New Salem, Union County, North Carolina, Page: 624A(stamped); Line 29, Dwelling 247, Family 246, Household of John HONEYCUTT; online database, ( viewed 8 November 2015); citing National Archives Microfilm Publication M593, Roll 1161.

2. 1880 US Census, Anson County, North Carolina, population schedule, Morven, Anson, North Carolina, enumeration district (ED) 002, Page: 358A(Stamped); Line#39,, Dwelling#370, Family#394, Household of Wiley HUNICUT; digital image, ( : viewed 5 August 2021); citing National Archives Microfilm T9, Roll 951.

3. 1900 U. S. Census, Anson County, North Carolina, population schedule, Gulledge, Anson, North Carolina, enumeration district (ED) 0003, Page: 1A44(Stamped); Line 41, Dwelling 8, Family 8, Household of Tobe A. HUNEYCUTT; digital image, ( viewed 5 August 2021); citing National Archives Microfilm T623, Roll 1181.

4. 1910 U. S. Census, Anson County, North Carolina, population schedule, Wadesboro Ward 2, Anson, North Carolina, enumeration district (ED) 0015, Page: 22B/251 (stamped); Line 93, Dwelling 451; Family 456, Household of Tobias A. HUNEYCUTT; digital image, ( viewed 6 August 2021); citing National Archives Microfilm T624, Roll 1096.

5. 1920 U. S. Census, Anson County, North Carolina, population schedule, Wadesboro, Anson, North Carolina, enumeration district (ED) 015, , Page: 2A/209 (Stamped); Line 8, Dwelling 22, Family 24, Household of Tobie HUNEYCUTT; digital images, ( : viewed 6 August 2021); citing National Archives Microfilm Series: T625, Roll: 1283.

6. North Carolina, Death Certificates, 1909-1976, Images. Ancestry, ( 6 June 2015), North Carolina State Board of Health, Bureau of Vital Statistics, Raleigh, North Carolina, T. A. HUNEYCUTT; Certificate number 419, 5 April 1930.

7. Find A Grave, Inc., Find A Grave, database and digital images, ( accessed 4 June 2015); Memorial page for Tobie A. Huneycutt; (5 October 1852–5 April 1930); Find a Grave memorial #71018071, Citing Mount Beulah Baptist Church Cemetery; Wadesboro, Anson County, North Carolina, USA.

8. "North Carolina, Index to Marriage Bonds, 1741-1868," database, Ancestry ( viewed 2 May 2019), MARRIAGE: Tobeas Hunecutt & Joana Douglas, Marriage Date: 29 Oct 1876.

9. 1930 U. S. Census, Stanly County, North Carolina, population schedule, Center, Stanly, North Carolina, enumeration district (ED) 0005, Page: 12B/265 (Stamped); Line 95, Dwelling 236, Family 248, Household of Joanna HUNEYCUTT; digital images, ( viewed 6 August 2021); citing NARA microfilm publication T626, roll 1721.

10.  North Carolina, Death Certificates, 1909-1976, John Franklin Honeycutt, Certificate number: 29 October 1937.

11. Find A Grave, Inc., Find A Grave, database, "Record, John Franklin Huneycutt (3 October 1891–29 October 1937), Memorial #71019855.

Friday, June 23, 2023

The Last Will & Testament of Abraham Dry

The Last Will & Testament of Abraham Dry can be found at: --- Image 222 of 247

Abraham Dry was born 19 October 1804, a son of Phillip Wiley Dry and Catherine Köppel. He was their 5th born child and 3rd born son. They had another daughter and son that arrived after the birth of Abraham.

Abraham Dry married Mary Catherine “Polly” Harkey on 9 February 1830. To this union were born 7 children; 6 daughters and a son.

Mary Catherine “Polly” (Harkey0 Dry died 17 April 1845 in Cabarrus County, North Carolina. Abraham Dry passed away on 3 April 1865 in Mt. Pleasant, Cabarrus County, North Carolina.   

Abraham Dry left his estate to his 6 daughters to be held-in-common. To his son, Jacob Mathias he left ten dollars. It would be most interesting to know why he left his only son a mere ten dollars.


The Last Will and Testament of Abraham Dry
I Abraham Dry of the County of Cabarrus and State of North Carolina being of sound mind and memory but considering the uncertainty of any earthly existence do make and declare this my last will and testament in manner and form following that is to say – First – That my executor (herein after named) shall provide for my body a decent burial and pay all funeral expenses together with all my Just debts, out of the money that may first come into his hands as a part or parcel of my estate.    
          Item I give and bequeath to my daughters Mary Ann Catherine, Margaret Perlina, Rebecca Maria, Elizabeth Matilda, Nelly Adeline and Polly Melissa the following property to be owned and held by them in common or to be equally divided between them at their option. Viz: All my household and kitchen furniture of every description including Cards, Wheels and Loom, all the Bacon, lard, salt, wheat, corn, Hay, Oars, Rye, the growing crops and all the provisions I may have at the time of my death also two Horses, wagon, and gear, Cuting Box, Wind Mill, and all my farming tools of every kind and description and I give and devise to the above named daughters all my live stock Horses cattle Hogs and Sheep. –Item I give and devise to my son Jacob Mathias ten dollars to be paid by my Executor out of my Estate.
          Item I give and devise my real estate to all my children to be equally divided between them to have and to hold the said land in fee simple once the debts, owing me collected and if there should be any surplus over and above the payment of my debts expenses and legacies that such surplus be equally divided between all my children—And  lastly I do hereby constitute and appoint John L. Henderson my lawful Executor to all intents and purposes to execute this my last will and testament. In witnefs whereof I the said Abraham Dry do hereunto set my hand and seal this 3rd day of March 1865.
Witnefs:  Mathers Cook                                             Abraham Dry {Seal}
John L. Henderson
Cabarrus County Court July Term 1865                    pg 123
State of North Carolina} Court of Pleas and quarter Sefsions July Term 1865
Cabarrus County} I Jo. Wallace Clerk of said court do hereby certify that the foregoing last will and testament of Abraham Dry and was exhibited for probate on open court and the execution thereof is duly proven by the oath of Mathias Cook and John L. Henderson the two subscribing witnefses thereto who say they signed  the same in the presence and at the request of the Testator and that he was of sound and disposing mind and memory. It is therefore considered by the Court that said paper writing is the last will and testament of Abraham Dry Des’d and ordered to be recorded and filed.
          Whereupon John L. Henderson the Executor named in said Will comes into Court qualified according to law and obtain letters testamentary.

                                                                                                       J. O. Wallace, Clerk

Abraham Dry is my 1st Cousin 5X Removed.


1. Cabarrus County, North Carolina, Will Book#2, pages 122-123 The Last Will and Testament of Abraham Dry;, Salt Lake City, Utah.

Tuesday, June 20, 2023

Military Tuesday~Dr. Dewitt Talmadge Brock


1st  Lt., Medical Corps 

U. S. Army, WWI

Dr. Talmadge, who was a successful physician and surgeon at McComb, was commissioned a first lieutenant in the Medical Corps of the United States Army at the time of the World War I and was in the service one year, mainly at a military camp in Florida. 

“His practice here was interrupted by service in the Army during World War I, and resumed after the armistice. He moved to Jackson in 1932. Dr. Brock was a Mason, Shriner; past president of the Jackson Ex-change Club, past commander of Harry Harvey Post, the American Legion, McComb, and a member of First Baptist Church of this city.”  

Dr. Dewitt Talmadge Brock is a distant Cousin from my maternal lineage. 

1. D. T. Brock Dies at 68; Rites Held obituary, Enterprise-Journal, McComb, Mississippi, 21 May 1958, Page 1, column 4.
2. Find A Grave, Inc., Find A Grave, database and digital images, ( : accessed 8 August 2011); Memorial page for Dr. DeWitt Talmage Brock; (6 April 1890–20 May 1958); Find a Grave memorial # 13910850, Citing Hollywood Cemetery; McComb, Pike County, Mississippi, USA.
3. "Mississippi World War I Service Cards, 1917-1919," on-line digital images, ( : viewed 1 June 2023), Dewitt T Brock; citing Military Service World War I,; Unit: Camp Jos E Johnston Fla1917-1919.

Monday, June 19, 2023

1836 Land Deed–David Blackwelder to Lenora C. Quilman

 I have written several posts on the importance of Land Deeds in your family genealogical research. I have stated several times before that you are limiting your research if you continue to avoid land deeds. Land deeds are no more complicated than any other document that you use to validate your family research  The below land deed mentioned one of my 1st Cousin’s 5 times removed. Even though I have a marriage licensee for the cousin, this land deed provides additional information about his wife and father-in-law. 

Mathias [Green] Dry is my 1st Cousin 5 X Removed

Christina Quilman is his 2nd wife

George Quilman is his Father-in-law. 

Land Deed Snippet:

“…John Quillman and Mathias Dry & his wife Christina Dry formerly Christina Quillman being the land descended to them from their father George Quilman as will more fully appear by said deed to Bost of the 16th Janay 1832 & 21 Jany 1831—And also all & every the appurtenances there…

Land Deed Transcription: 

This Indenture made the 20th day of October in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and thirty-six between David Blackwelder of the County of Cabarrus in the State of North Carolina of the one part and Lenora C. Quilman of the County of Cabarrus in the State of North Carolina of the other part. Witnefseth that the said David Blackwelder for & in consideration of the sum of fifty Dollars to him in hand paid by the said Lenora C. Quilman the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged hath given granted bargained & sold & by these presents doth give grant bargain & sell unto then said Lenora C. Quilman her heirs and assigns forever All that Tract and parcel of Land situate lying and being in the County of Cabarrus all my right title and interest in & to a certain piece of Land purchased by me at Sheriff sale being the interest of the said Blackwelder bought as the property of Abram Bost as conveyed to him by John Quillman and Mathias Dry & his wife Christina Dry formerly Christina Quillman being the land descended to them from their father George Quilman as will more fully appear by said deed to Bost of the 16th Janay 1832 & 21 Jany 1831—And also all & every the appurtenances there unto belonging or in any wise appertaining & the reversion & reversions remainder & remainders rents, & profits of the aforesaid lands & premises whatsoever of the said David Blackwelder of in & to the lands & premises herby granted to have and to hold with the appurtenances unto the said Lenora C. Quilman her heirs and assigns to the proper use & behoof of the said Lenora C. Quilman her heirs and assigns forever.    

 In Witnefs whereof the said David Balckwelder hath here unto set and & affixed his seal the day & year First above written.

 Signed sealed & delivered in the presence of}                       David Blackwelder {seal}

 Wilson Blackwelder


 State of North Carolina} Court of Pleas & Quarter Sessions

 Cabarrus County}             July Session 1857

 I, Kiah P. Harris Clerk of the Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions for said County do hereby certify that it was made apparent to the Court that David Blackwelder the Grantor was dead and that his signature to the within deed was duly proven in open Court by the oaths of W. Blackwelder & E. R. Blackwelder to be that of David Blackwelder there upon it was ordered to be recorded with this certificate & registered.

Received for Registering                                                              Kiah P. Harris Clk

August 14th 1857 R. Winecoff, Reg. 

In Cabarrus County Deed Book 11, page 416 , we find the following comments.


...County of Cabarrus & State aforesd on the waters of Adam’s creek being the one fifth part of the laid off for Geo. Quillman, desc. by an order of Court agreeable to his fathers Will Peter Quillman Patten or Grant to the Sd P. Quillman & part to Geo. Quillman now Christina Dry daughter of Geo. Quillmam Des’d. being lawful heir of Sd Geo. Quillman, Desc... [dated 16 Jan 1832].

Visit your local Register of Deeds and explore those deed books and see what gems you can find about your ancestors. Better yet, sit at home and explore them on your computer. You may be surprised. 


Note: May be spelled Quilman or Quillman 

1. North Carolina, Deed Book: 20, Pages 292 & 293, David Blackwelder to Lenora C. Quilman; Register of Deeds, Concord, Cabarrus County, North Carolina. 

Sunday, June 18, 2023

Archer County, Texas Pioneer, Mrs. C, D (Katherine) Turbeville Passes Away

 Mrs. C. D. (Katharine) Turbeville was born October 19, 1829, and died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. W. H. Ingalls, in Fort Worth, Texas, August 31, 1910, being on a visit there at the time of her death.

She moved to Archer City, Texas, in 1882, and was a pioneer of Archer County.

She was for many years a faithful and consistent member of the Christian church, and died in the faith of Jesus Christ.

She leaves one son, John Turbeville of Archer City, Texas, and one daughter, Mrs. W. H. Ingalls of Fort Worth, Texas. Besides the two mentioned, Dr. C. M. Mays of Roswell, New Mexico, was the son of her first husband.

Her remains were accompanied from Fort Worth by Mr. and Mrs. Ingals, who attended the funeral service at Archer City, conducted by Elder J. M. Morton of Wichita Falls, and was attended by many friends of the deceased and the procession to the cemetery was a long one.

Grandma Turbeville had many friends who loved her dearly, and besides the family, many will mourn her loss, but not as those who have no hope.

“There is no death! The stars go down

To rise upon some fairer shore,

And bright in Heaven’s jeweled crown,

They shine forever more.

"He leaves our hearts all desolate,

He plucks our fairest, sweetest flowers,

Transplanted into bliss, they now

Adorn immortal bowers.

"And ever near us, though unseen,

The dear, immortal spirits tread,

For all the boundless universe

Is life--there are no dead.”

Katherine (Drye) (Mayes) Turbeville was born 19 October 1829, a daughter of Mathias Phifer Drye and Kizzah (Batsell) Drye. Katherine was born in Kentucky. Her parents had migrated to Kentucky before her birth there in October 1829.

She was twice married. Her first marriage occurred about 1854 when she married William B. Mayes. He died 4 Sept. 1862. To this union was born 3 sons, two of which died young.

She next married John B. Turbeville, about 1866. To this union was born a son and a daughter.  

No marriage dates have been found for either of her marriage; thus, the marriage year is based on the birth of what is believed to be their first born child.

Katherine (Drye) (Mayes) Turbeville died 31 August 1910. John B. Turbeville died 29 January 1935 in Dallas, Texas.  


1. "Mrs. C. D. (Katharine) Turbeville Obituary," Death Notice, Obituary, Wichita Daily Times, Wichita Falls, Texas, September 3,  1910, page 2, column 1; Digital On-Line Archives, ( 17 June 2023).

Saturday, June 17, 2023

It’s Family Time~The George W. Rummage and Lydia G. Laton Family

Lydia G. Laton  was born about 1830, a daughter of John Laton, Sr. and  Catherine Dry. She was the 3rd of five children's born to John and Catherine. She had 3 brothers and one sister.

At age 26, Lydia married George W. Rummage on 27 November 1856 in Stanly County, North Carolina.

Their marriage was short lived with only one child born in this union. The advent of the Civil War was the major cause of this short union. George W. Rummage enlisted to serve in the Civil War with Company 'C', 42nd NC Infantry on Feb. 28, 1862 at Salisbury, North Carolina. Two years later, on 6 November 1864, he died of disease at Winder Hospital in Richmond, Virginia. His body lies without a tombstone in a numbered grave in Hollywood Cemetery.

Back home Lydia and her son, Robert F. Rummage is waiting for her husband and the father of her child to return from the war. At some point she must have received word that he had passed away. 

Sadly, Lydia G. (Laton) Rummage would also pass away just a few short years later in March 1869 leaving her son Robert F. Rummage, age 10 years and 11 months, an orphan.  Robert survived and died at age 57 on 7 September 1915 in Albemarle, Stanly County, North Carolina.

Lydia G. (Laton) Rummage is my 1st Cousin 4X Removed.

There is a lot of unanswered questions that period documents cannot provide after hundred and fifty plus years. If you are related and have information on this family I would love to hear from you.  


1. 1860 U. S. Census, Stanly County, North Carolina, population schedule, Stanly, North Carolina, Page: 64; Line#05, Dwelling#906, Family#919, Household of George RUMMAGE; online database, ( : viewed 16 June 2023); citing National Archives Microfilm Publication M653, Roll 914.

2. Ancestry, "Civil War Service Records" database, Military Service Records ( : accessed 16 June 2023), entry for George W. Rummage, Pvt.; Company 'C', 42nd NC Infantry; Confederate.

3. Find A Grave, Inc., Find A Grave, database and digital images, ( : accessed 16 June 2023); Memorial page for George W Rummage; (1836–6 November 1864); Find a Grave memorial # 93516678, Citing Hollywood Cemetery; Richmond, Richmond City, Virginia, USA.

4. "North Carolina, Marriages Record, 1741-2011," database, Ancestry ( : viewed 15 June 2023), Marriage: Lydia G Laton & George W Rummage, Marriage Date: 27 Nov 1856.

5. Find A Grave, Inc., Find A Grave, database, "Record, Lydia G Rummage (1830–March 1869), Memorial # 102681955.

Thursday, June 15, 2023

Last Grand Army Of the Republic Man in East St. Louis Dies


Edmonds Bridges, 86, the last member of Grand Army of Republic in East St Louis, died at his home, 710 North Eleventh street, East St Louis, at ten last night. Death was due to senility. A daughter Mrs. Iva Meyer lives in Belleville. Bridges was a cabinet maker for 42 years retiring 16 years ago.
Bridges was born at Pinckneyvllle, Feb. 25, 1850, a son of John and Lydia (Dry) Bridges. His father was born In Tennessee, his mother in Pennsylvania. [Error: Lydia Dry was born either in Cabarrus County, NC or Perry County, Illinois. Her age as reported in Census makes her born in NC.]
His wife, Mrs. Rebecca Bridges, preceded him in death. They were married In St Louis,  Sept. 2, 1872, and spent their honeymoon at the Belleville House.
In addition to his daughter, Mrs. Meyers, he is survived by three other daughters and three sons, Mrs. Lydia Taylor Chicago; Mrs. Edna Linder Granite City; Mrs. Ada Glass, Harry Bridges, Sr. and Pearl Bridges all of East St. Louis, and Oscar Bridges, St. Louis.
He is also survived by eight grandchildren nine great-grandchildren and two brothers and a sister, George and Dan Bridges, Iowa, and Mrs. Emma Brown, California. The body will lie in state at the family home until noon Wednesday when It will be taken to the Kurrua funeral home East St. Louis, where funeral services will be held at 1:30 that afternoon. Rev. SchlaretzkL of the Federated Churches East St. Louis, will officiate. Interment will be made in the Greenwood cemetery. Bridges was an honorary member of the American Legion and the Veterans of Foreign Wars.

Edmond Bridges was a son of John and Lydia (Dry) Bridges. Lydia was a daughter of John F. Dry and Elizbeth Misenheimer. John and Elizabeth left Cabarrus County, NC between 1830 and 1840. By 1840 they were in Perry County, Illinois.

John F. Dry is a 1st Cousin 5X removed and Edmond Bridges is a 3rd Cousin 3X Removed. 


1. "LAST G. A. R. MAN IN EAST ST LOUIS, DIES; DAUGHTER LIVES HERE," Death Notice, Obituary, Belleville Daily Advocate; Belleville, Illinois, 23 March 1936, Page 9, Column 6; Digital On-Line Archives, ( : viewed 10 June 2023).

Tuesday, June 13, 2023

Arkansas Pioneer~Moses Miller (25 May 1815-11 Feb 1881)

Sometime after 1852 and the death of Jacob Miller, his son, Moses, with his wife, Mary Lavina “Polly” Cress, made their departure from the  Dutch Buffalo Creek Community, Cabarrus County, North Carolina, and made their westward movement though Mississippi to Arkansas. 

Traveling along with Moses and Mary and their children were Mary’s brother, Elias Cress and wife Susannah Barringer and their two children. Both women became pregnant along the way and a stop was made in Holly Spring,  Mississippi where both women gave birth to children.  Those two children were Newton J. Miller was born in 16 January, 1855, and Helen Cordelia Cress came in October. They arrived in Arkansas in 1855.  

Moses Miller and Mary Lovina “Polly” Cress were married 2 May 1840 in Cabarrus County. After their arrival in Arkansas Moses and Mary had 2 additional children bringing their total family to nine children. Sadly, on 4 November 1859, Mary Lovina “Polly” (Cress) Miller passed away.

Moses Miller then married Nancy McBride on 29 November 1860. After the birth of 5 children, all of whom passed away at a young age, Nancy (McBride) Miller passed away on 23 March 1873.

Moses Miller the married the widow, Ursaline Cole (maiden name unknown) on 19 March 1874 in Lee County, Arkansas. Sadly, by 1880, Moses Miller has again became a widow and is living along in the Census.

Moses Miller died 1 February 1881 in Lee County, Arkansas. Only 4 of his 14 children were still living and listed as Heirs-at-Law in his 1881 Probate file. 

Named in the below file are:

  • Polly Bailey – Daughter
  • Mary Cole – Daughter
  • Los Miller – Son, 2nd Marriage, George Losson “Loss” Miller 
  • Jonas Miller - Son

Moses Miller is my 2nd Cousin 4X Removed. 


1. Two Images courtesy of Ancestry(dot)com

2. 1860 U. S. Census, Monroe County, Arkansas, population schedule, Hampton, Monroe, Arkansas, Page: 819 (Stamped); Line#21, Dwelling#412, Family#412, Household of M. MILLER; digital images, ( : viewed 12 June 2023); citing National Archives Microfilm M653 Roll 46.

3. 1870 U. S. Census, Monroe County, Arkansas, population schedule, Hampton, Monroe, Arkansas, Page: 66B (Stamped); Line#30, Dwelling#49, Family#49, Household of Moses MILLER; digital images, ( : viewed 12 June 2023); citing National Archives Microfilm M593 Roll 59.

4. Find A Grave, Inc., Find A Grave, database and digital images, ( : accessed 12 June 2023); Memorial page for Moses Miller; (25 May 1815–11 February 1881); Find a Grave memorial # 29550899, Citing Miller Cemetery; Moro, Lee County, Arkansas, USA.

5. Pope County, Arkansas, Probate Files & Loose papers, Moses Miller Probate File; digital images, ( viewed 7 June 2023); Admin Record, Vol A, 1873-1904; Executors Records, Vol A, 1874-1916.

6. "North Carolina Marriage Index, 1741-1868," database, Ancestry ( : viewed 12 June 2023), Marriage: Moses Miller & Polly Cress; North Carolina Division of Archives and History, 1977; Bond date: 2 Mar 1840.

7. "Arkansas Marriage Index, 1837-1957," database, Ancestry ( : viewed 12 June 2023), Marriage: Moses Miller & Nancy McBride; Arkansas Division of Archives and History, 1977; Marriage Date: 29 Nov 1860.

8. "Arkansas Marriage Index, 1837-1957," database, Ancestry, marriage: Moses Miller & Ursiline Cole.

Sunday, June 11, 2023

Mr. John Misenheimer Passes Away Friday Evening


Mr. John Misenheimer Passes Away Friday Evening Aged 73 years.
Another one of the landmarks of St. John's church and community was removed at 6 o'clock Friday evening, the 3rd, when Mr. Jno. Misenheimer passed away in death at his home.
His failing health had admonished him for some years that the end was to be looked for at almost any period. But what is in death to be dreaded by such a citizen ever firm in patient and persevering in trial, conservative, genial and kind in all his bearings? He suffered much and death is to be looked upon as a friendly message.
Mr. Misenheimer had passed his three score years and ten being 73 years of age.
He leaves a wife and five living children, Mrs. Moose, Mrs. Boger, Mrs. A Dayvault, Dr. A Misenheimer and Mr. Misenheimer. The funeral rites will observed at St. John's church tomorrow at 10 o'clock and the remains will be laid to rest amid the fathers.

[Daily Concord Standard, Concord, North Carolina, 4 Nov. 1899, page 4, column 1.]

John Henry Misenheimer was born 23 August 1826, a son of Jacob John Misenheimer and Christina Dry.  On 4 October 1855 he married Sophia Elmira Barringer, daughter of Nathaniel H. Barringer and Susanna Faggert.

John Henry and Sophia had a total of ten children of which only five were surviving when their Father passed away in November 1899. They lost two children as infants only days old, a son at age six and two daughters; one at 4 months, the other at age 2. 

Sophia Elmira (Barringer) Misenheimer passed away on 17 October 1917 at the home of her daughter, Mrs. A. S. Dayvault [Sarah Jane].

John Henry Misenheimer was my 2nd Cousin 4X Removed.


1. Mr. John Misenheimer Passes Away Friday Evening Aged 73 years. obituary, Daily Concord Standard, Concord, Cabarrus County, North Carolina, 4 November 1899, page 4, column 1.

2. FUNERAL FRIDAY OF MRS. JOHN H. MISENHEIMER obituary, The Concord (NC) Times, Concord, Cabarrus County, North Carolina, 22 October 1917, Page 3, column 3.

3. Find A Grave, Inc., Find A Grave, database and digital images, ( : accessed 3 April 2023); Memorial page for John Henry Misenheimer; (23 August 1826–3 November 1899); Find a Grave memorial # 21416327, Citing Saint Johns Evangelical Lutheran Church Cemetery; Concord, Cabarrus County, North Carolina, USA.

Saturday, June 10, 2023

It’s Family Time~Jacob John and Christina (Dry) Misenheimer Family

 Christina Dry, daughter of Andrew Dry and his wife, Mary Barbara Teem was born 19 March 1786 in Cabarrus County, North Carolina.

At age  21, Christina Dry married Jacob John Misenheimer, age 25, on 30 March 1807 in Cabarrus County, North Carolina. Jacob John Misenheimer was the son of George Misenheimer and Sarah Krider. They will remain in Cabarrus County their entire lifetime and raise a family of 6 to 9 boys.

Jacob Misenheimer, like most families during this time, was a farmer and his wife cared for the children and the home. Jacob and Sally can be found in the 1850 Census with three of the boys still living at home.

1850 CENSUS: Cabarrus, North Carolina; M432, Roll: 622; Page: 467A(Stamped); Line#31, Dwelling#996, Family#996; Jacob MISENHEIMER, Male, Head, age 68, born in NC; Christina MISENHEIMER, Female, Wife, age 64, born in NC; Danl. MISENHEIMER, Male, Son, age 25, born in NC; John MISENHEIMER, Male, Son, age 22, born in NC and Rufus MISENHEIMER, Male, Son, age 18, born in NC.

Jacob John Misenheimer and Christina Dry had the following children:

i. Martin Monroe Misenheimer, born 1808, Cabarrus County, North Carolina; married Frances Sophia Harrison, 16 Apr 1834; died 1885.

ii. Israel Misenheimer, born abt 1809, Cabarrus County, North Carolina; married Sarah Blackwelder, 5 Jan 1836.

iii. James Lawrence Misenheimer, born 22 Mar 1810, Cabarrus County, North Carolina; married Sarah Barringer, 27 Jul 1832, Cabarrus, North Carolina; died 24 Feb 1865, Pulaski County, Arkansas.

iv. Daniel Nelson Misenheimer, born 8 Mar 1815, Cabarrus County, North Carolina; married Caroline House, 23 Dec 1839, Cabarrus County, North Carolina.

v. Charles A. Misenheimer, born 22 Sep 1817, Cabarrus County, North Carolina; married Adeline Harrison, 1840, Cabarrus County, North Carolina; died 24 May 1847, Cabarrus County, North Carolina.

vi. George Paul Misenheimer, born 30 Aug 1820, Cabarrus County, North Carolina; married Christina McGraw, 26 Apr 1853, Cabarrus County, North Carolina; died 28 Jun 1879, Cabarrus County, North Carolina.

vii. Jacob John Misenheimer, born 8 Nov 1823, Mount Pleasant, Cabarrus, North Carolina; married Martha H. Shankle, abt 1853; married Elizabeth J. Allen, 1870; died 4 Oct 1888, Mount Pleasant, Cabarrus, North Carolina.

viii. John Henry Misenheimer, born 1826, Cabarrus County, North Carolina; married Sophia E. Barringer, 4 Oct 1855, Cabarrus County, North Carolina; died 3 Nov 1899, Cabarrus County, North Carolina.

ix. Rufus William Misenheimer, born 18 May 1832, Cabarrus County, North Carolina; married Catherine A. Beaver, 27 Aug 1854, Cabarrus County, North Carolina; died 22 Jun 1914, Hill, Township 7, Cabarrus, North Carolina.

Christina (Dry) Misenheimer died 26 Aug 1855 at age 69. Jacob John Misenheimer died 21 June 1859 at age 77. They both are buried at Saint John's Evangelical Lutheran Church Cemetery, Concord, Cabarrus County, North Carolina. 

Christina (Dry) Misenheimer is my 1st Cousin 5X Removed.


1. Find A Grave, Inc., Find A Grave, database and digital images, ( : accessed 2 April 2023); Memorial page for Jacob J. Misenheimer; (26 January 1782–21 June 1859); Find a Grave memorial # 21412354, Citing Saint Johns Evangelical Lutheran Church Cemetery; Concord, Cabarrus County, North Carolina, USA.

2. 1810 U S Census, Cabarrus County, North Carolina, population schedule, Cabarrus, North Carolina, Page: 373; Line#35, Household of John Misemhamer; digital images, Ancestry ( : viewed 2 April 2023); citing National Archives Microfilm M252, Roll 39.

3. 1820 U S Census, Cabarrus County, North Carolina, population schedule, Cabarrus, North Carolina, Page: 157; Line#13, Household of Jacob Misenhimer; digital images, Ancestry ( : viewed 2 April 2023); citing National Archives Microfilm M33, Roll 80.

4. 1830 U S Census, Cabarrus County, North Carolina, population schedule, Cabarrus, North Carolina, Page: 196; Line#7, Household of Jacob Misenheimer; digital images, Ancestry ( : viewed 2 April 2023); citing National Archives Microfilm M19, Roll 119.

5. 1850 U. S. Census, Cabarrus County, North Carolina, population schedule, Cabarrus, North Carolina, Page: 467A(Stamped); Line#31, Dwelling#996, Family#996, Household of Jacob MISENHEIMER; online database, ( : viewed 2 April 2023); citing National Archives Microfilm Publication M432, Roll 622.

6. 1860 U. S. Census, Cabarrus County, North Carolina, mortality schedule, East Subdivision, Cabarrus, North Carolina, Page 2, Line 14, J. Misenhimer; online database, ( : viewed 2 April 2023); citing National Archives Microfilm Publication M1805_Roll 2.

7. "Index to North Carolina Marriage Bonds, 1741-1868," database, Ancestry ( : viewed 2 April 2023), Marriage: Jacob Misenhamer & Christenia Dry; North Carolina Division of Archives and History, 1977; Bond date: 30 May 1807.

Thursday, June 8, 2023

The Marriage of Phillip Samuel Gaddy and Audry Steen

Phillip Samuel Gaddy was born 9 January 1825 in Anson County, North Carolina. He was a Grandson of Hardy Sellers and Mary Cook. His parents were Thomas Gaddy and Mary Sellers, daughter of Hardy and Mary Sellers.

Thomas Gaddy and Mary Sellers moved to Dekalb County, Georgia between 1820 and 1825.

Phillip Samuel Gaddy stated in his Civil War Pension Application that he had lived in the State of Georgia continuously since 9 Jan 1825. That is his date of birth.

Phillip S. Gaddy and Audry Steen were married 8 August 1850 in Dekalb County, Georgia.



DeKalb County} To any Minister of the Gospel Judge Justice of the Inferior Court or Justice of the Peace you are hereby authorized to join Philp Gaddy & Mifs Aung Stean in the Holy State of matrimony according to the Constitution and Laws of this State and for so doing this shall be your sufficient License this the 6th of August 1850.                                         Alex’n. Johnson C.C.A. {LS}


DeKalb County} I do certify that Philip Gaddy and Auny Stean were duly joined in Matrimony by me this Eight day of August eighteen hundred and fifty.                                                                                                Josiah Power J. P.

Phillip Samuel Gaddy is my 1st Cousin 5X Removed. 


1. Birth: Georgia, Confederate Pension Applications, 1879-1960, microfilm publication GCP-332 (Georgia Confederate Pension Office, RG 58-1-1: Georgia Archives., ),, Philip GADDY

2. 1850 U. S. Census, DeKalb County, Georgia, population schedule, Shallowford, DeKalb County, Georgia, Page: 117A(stamped); Line 25, Dwelling 26, Family 26, Household of John STEEN; digital images, ( : viewed 9 February 2014); citing NARA publication Roll: M432_67.

3. "Georgia, Marriage Records From Select Counties, 1828-1978," database, Ancestry ( : Viewed online 3 May 2023), Marriage: Philip Gaddy and Army Stean, Marriage Date: 8 Aug 1850.

4. 1900 U. S. Census, Milton County, Georgia, population schedule, Grogans, Milton, Georgia, enumeration district (ED) 0104, Page: 1A/91(Stamped); Line#4, Dwelling:#2, Family:#2, Household of Phillip GADDY; digital images, ( : viewed 3 May 2023); citing NARA publication Roll: T623_212.