
Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Tech Tuesday~Research Tip

Jacqi Stevens on her blog “A Family Tapestry” made the following statement “Though I could not locate their record for the 1910 census until—thankfully!—someone entered a correction on the index ...”

And this little comment gave me a great idea to pass on to you, my readers.

Don’t blow by these updates/corrections provided by individuals to correct misinformation on Ancestry. These little corrections are a golden gem for your research.  

In the 1880 Census for Polk County Texas, I researching a Purvis line. In this 1880 Census I’m looking at an entry for Golivare Purvis.

Capture- Purvis 1  

Now I know his name is misspelled and I know his correct name; but, this error has been reported to Ancestry as erroneous  and Ancestry has made a correction to their database. Now here the hidden gem in this entry:

Click on the new update [Edmond Goldwire Purvis] and you will see this information appear:

Capture- Purvis 2

Next click on the name of the Contributor and you have instant access to a fellow researcher that is researching the same families.

Capture- Purvis 3

I do hope this helps you to connect with your fellow researchers and maybe even a long lost cousin.

[1]  Images from

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