
Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Tombstone Tuesday~Lewis H. Wadsworth

Lewis H. Wadsworth
Birth: Sep. 13, 1832
Death: Mar. 7, 1910


The death date on Lewis’ tombstone was unreadable. Further research resulted in finding a record of his death in the Estate Folder #987.

Lewis H. Wadsworth, born 13 Sept. 1832 was a son of John H. Wadsworth and Susannah Davis. he first married Mary Ann Freeman Dec. 28, 1849. Mary Ann Freeman Wadsworth died 5 Feb, 1901. [1][2]

At 70 years of age Lewis H. Wadsworth married Elizabeth Crawford White, a widow and had two additional children - Walker and Pearl Wadsworth.

The estate file #987 lists his Children by both wives: [3][4]

Children by wife Mary Freeman:

Eliza Wadsworth Hunt
Susan "Susie" Wadsworth Teal
Thomas Wadsworth
J. W. Wadsworth
Nancy E Wadsworth Odom
Effie Wadsworth Rivers
Martha Wadsworth Douglass
Children by Elizabeth Crawford White:
Walker Wadsworth
Pearl Wadsworth

The Estate File #987 for Lewis H. Wadsworth shows that he died 7 March 1910. Lewis was buried in Bethesda United Methodist Church Cemetery Chesterfield County, South Carolina. 

Lewis H. Wadsworth is my 1st cousin 4 times removed. His wife, Mary Ann Freeman, is also my 1st cousin 4 times removed.

[1] : Find A Grave, Inc., Find A Grave, digital image, ( : Accessed on 7 May 2013); Headstone for Lewis H. Wadsworth; (13 September 1832–7 March 1910); Records of the Bethesda United Methodist Church Cemetery; Chesterfield, Chesterfield County, South Carolina, USA.

[2] James C. Pigg, Chesterfield County Cemetery Survey; Chesterfield County Genealogical Services, 1995, page 616. Tombstone of Lewis H. Wadsworth; 13 September 1832–7 March 1910, Bethesda United Methodist Church Cemetery, Chesterfield County, South Carolina.
[3] Chesterfield County, South Carolina, Probate Files & Loose papers, Lewis H. Wadsworth; digital images, Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, FamilySearch ( viewed 7 May 2013); Estate Folder #987.
[4] Chesterfield County, South Carolina, , Lewis H. Wadsworth; Probate Office, Chesterfield, Chesterfield County, South Carolina.

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