
Monday, December 22, 2014

Amanuensis Monday~Sale of Real Estate

Amanuensis Monday is a Web Blog theme started by blogger John Newmark. You can access his blog here

A full explanation of the Amanuensis Monday blog theme can be found here

Today our subject is the Sale of Real Estate of W. A. Purvis.

By virtue of powers contained in a Deed of Trust executed by W. A. Purvis and Sarah J. Purvis on the 23rd day of December 1884 to N. J. Thompson and C. C. Moore, partners under the style of Thompson & Moore, and registered in trust book No. 18, page 202 of the registers office of Anson County, Dec. 27th, 1884, and by consent and request of said W. A. Purvis and Sarah J. Purvis, we will sell for cash to the highest bidder at the Court House door in the town of Wadesboro, on Monday the 7th day of December, 1885, the land described in said Deed of trust, containing 50 acres more or less, adjoining the lands of W. J. McLendon and others. Sale of above lands made to satisfy a note secured by mortgage on said reality.         N. J. THOMPSON
                                                                                         C. C. MOORE
                                                                                       Partners and Mortgagees
Nov 25 1885, 1t.

This land was sold and then resold to J. D Rhyne. At one  time William A. Purvis and his son, William James Purvis, own approximately 120 acres of land just south and west of McFarland, NC along the North and South Carolina State Line. J. D. Rhyne purchased most of this land and some of the land today is owned by Dave Kelley.

Source: Provided by RAOGK Contributor  Debra Cooper, 12:56am Dec 18; document source: The Anson Times, 3 Dec 1885, Thu, Page 3

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