
Sunday, March 15, 2015

Amanuensis Monday~Guardianship Appointment, Ida Eddins, William Vaughan

Amanuensis Monday is a genealogy blogging theme. It was started by John Newmark who writes the TransylvanianDutch blog.

His definition of Amanuensis is:
Amanuensis: A person employed to write what another dictates or to copy what has been written by another.

Today’s subject is a Guardianship Appointment for Ida Eddins and William Vaughan.1


The State of South Carolina}
County of Chesterfield}

By H. G. Tiller, Probate Judge, To F. F. Rivers
Whereas, an application in due form of affairs, proceedings recorded in the office for the Probate Court of the County of Chesterfield, the said state has been made to me by F. F. Rivers, to appoint him as Guardian of the person and the estate of the said Ida Eddins and William Vaughan, minors now residing in Chesterfield County entitled to a distributive share in the Estate of J. C. Eddins, deceased, late of Chesterfield and whereas the said F. F. Rivers has filed his bond in this Office as such Guardian as required by law. Now Therefore for the better securing of the said estate for the benefit of the said minors and for their more careful maintenance and education I do hereby commit the tuition, guardianship and education of the said minors to you, the said F. F. Rivers charging you to maintain them in meat, drink, washing, lodging, clothing, and such good education as may be fitting according to the  circumstances of interest of said minors during there <sic> minority, take charge of there <sic> estate. Do such things as a Guardian should, and render a true and faithful account of the said estate, and of your management thereof, when thereunto duly required.
Given under my hand and seal, this First day of January in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and ninety Five and in the 119 year of the Independence of the United States of America.
                                                                 H. D. Tiller
                                                                Judge of Probate {seal}
 Appointment of Guardian for Ida Eddins minor daughter of Joseph C. Eddins.

[1] H. D. Tiller, Probate Judge to F. F. Rivers; 1 January 1895; Deed Book #?; Page(s) 251; Register of Deeds; Chesterfield, Chesterfield County, SC.

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