
Saturday, May 30, 2015

Estate Notice~Estate of William Blakeney

The State of South Carolina. ----               
                CHERAW DISTRICT.—In Equity.—Leah Blakeney vs Wm. Bullard and others. –Petition for the sale of the Real Estate of Wm. Blakeney, deceased.—It appearing that SARAH WEAVER, the daughter of Elizabeth Weaver, is entitled to a distributive share of the proceeds of the sale of the Real Estate pf the said Wm. Blakeney, (deceased,) now in the hands of the Commissioners of this Court; and that the said Sarah Weaver has gone to parts unknown; It is ordered that the Commissioner of this Court do give notice by an advertisement in the newspapers, for the said Sarah Weaver to apply in person or by her attorney, for the said distributive share. A true copy from the Minutes of the Court, made in February Term, 1849.                                                   D. S. HARLLEE,
                                                                                Com. Equity, Cheraw District

Cheraw, S.C. March 15 

This is an exact transcription of the estate notice as it appeared in the Charleston Courier, Charleston, SC, March 28, 1849, page 3, column 2. 

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