
Tuesday, January 12, 2016

2016 Ancestor Score

This past Saturday night, (Jan 9) Randy Seaver posted a participation blog entitled “Saturday Night Genealogy Fun - Your Ancestor Score for 2016.”

I didn’t get a chance to participate in the fun on Saturday night but I did calculate the advances made in my genealogy research and established a baseline number for 2016. 

10 Generations

For 10 generations, my "Ancestor Score" is:
Number of known ancestral names = 260
Number of possible ancestral names = 1,023
10 generation Ancestral Name Number = 260/1,023 = 25.42%

I have made some significant progress on my paternal line this past year. One probate file, found by a close friend, helped to move my Huneycutt line back 3 additional generations.  
I feel good about the progress I have made knowing that pre civil war records for Chesterfield County are very rare. I’m looking forward to many more “surprises” throughout thee forthcoming months.


  1. I'm pleased. Chesterfield County is a county with almost no records prior to 1865.
