
Monday, July 10, 2017

Mystery Monday~Who Was The Husband Of Elizabeth Hinson of Anson County

I have written many articles extolling the value of Land Deed research. I have solved many problems with information gathered during a short visit to the local Register of Deeds office.

Conversely, land deeds can provide clues that rather than solving a problem they create a problem.
Case in point is Anson County, NC Land Deed X:398 – Thomas Brooks to Vincent Parsons

 Snippet DB X-398
…it being a lot of land that was on a division of lands belonging to the estate of the late John Hinson, Sr. decd. Among his heirs allotted to Elizabeth Brooks the mother of the sd. Thomas Brooks which lot in the plan of division is marked No. 1 Beginning at a stake in the field the 6th corner of a hundred acre tract granted to Crawford & runs…

Parties named within this snippet:
  • the late John Hinson, Sr. decd.
  • Elizabeth [Hinson] Brooks mother of Thos. Brooks
  • Thomas Brooks,   
John Hinson, Sr. died in Anson County, North Carolina sometime before July 1828.
In Anson County Deed Book S, page 215, dated 25 September 1818;  John Hinson, Sr. of Anson County, North Carolina gave his 11 year old Grandson Thomas Hinson Brooks a Negro Boy Peter about 16 years of age.

Ironically, this Deed (S:215) has another daughter of John Hinson signing the deed as Susannah T. Brooks. Many researchers have Susannah listed as the Mother of Thomas Brooks but we know that DB X, page 398 says that daughter Elizabeth is the mother of Thomas Hinson Brooks.

Susannah T. Hinson Brooks

These two land deeds have created three unanswered questions.
  1. Is Thomas Brooks and Thomas Hinson Brooks the same individual?
  2. Who is the husband of Elizabeth Hinson, daughter of John Hinson, Sr. and father of Thomas Hinson Brooks?
  3. Who is the husband of Susannah T. Hinson, daughter of John Hinson, Sr.

[1] North Carolina, Deed Book: DB X, page 398, THOMAS BROOKS TO VINCENT PARSONS; Register of Deeds, Wadesboro, Anson County, North Carolina.
[2] North Carolina, Deed Book: DB "S", page 215, John Hinson to Thomas H. Hinson; Register of Deeds, Wadesboro, Anson County, North Carolina.

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