
Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Partition of the Estate Lands of Charles Gathings

Sale of Land-Gathings
Sale of Land for Partition [1]
In obedience to a decree of the Superior Court of the county of Anson made January 29th, 1895, and an order to re-sale made this day in a special proceeding now pending in said court, entitled Peter Gathings and others against Dock Gathings and others. I will again expose to sale, by public auction, for cash, at the door of the court house in Wadesboro on Monday, the 6th day of May, 1895, the tract of Land described in the pleadings in said cause to- wit: Eighty-four acres descended from Charles Gathings, deceased, situate in Anson county, on the north side of Jones creek, adjoining the lands of John J. Dunlap, Mrs. Lilly, James Ratliff, John Knotts and others. Said land is to be sold for the purpose of making partition thereof among the heirs–at-law of said Charles Gathings deceased. The bids heretofore made on said land having been raised to the sum of $128.25, the bidding will be started at that price. Wadesboro, N. C. April 3rd 1895.
                                                             JOHN C. McLAUCHLIN

[1] The Messenger and Intelligencer, Wadesboro, NC, 11 April 1895, page 2, column 3

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