
Friday, November 1, 2019

Miscellaneous “Purvis” Snippets

The marriage of Sarah Jane Graves to William A. Purvis
Married 10 June 1852

22 Jun 1852
                 M[arried] - On the 10th inst., by the Rev. Mr.DuPREE, Mr. Wm. A. PERVIS, of Cheraw, and Miss Sarah Jane GRAVES of Chesterfield District.

Newspaper clippings of marriage found and posted on RAOGK Facebook page by contributors’ Joy Kersteter and Debra Cooper, 17 December 2014.

Sarah Jane Graves wife of William A. Purvis
Mrs. Wm. Pervis, who has been suffering with a cancer for a long while, is no better.  [Source: Julie Hampton.]
The Messenger and Intelligencer (Wadesboro, North Carolina) · Thu, May 04, 1893 · Page 2

The Death of Sarah Jane Graves wife of William A. Purvis

DEATH: Messenger-Intelligencer issue of January 4, 1894,  page 3, McFarlan News - The funeral of the wife of Mr. Wm. PERVIS was preached by this writer in the M. E. Church of this place last Sunday [31 Dec. 1893]. She was a good old woman. She had suffered intensely for fifteen months from cancer. She was a member of the M. E. church about 20 years. [SOURCE: Steve Bailey]

Mrs. Wm.  Purvis is seriously ill of typhoid fever. We are very solicitous about her recovery as she is the mother of several small children, the youngest of which is only about six weeks old. [Source: Julie Hampton] 
The Messenger and Intelligencer (Wadesboro, North Carolina) · Thu, July 13, 1899 · Page 3

There are two Mrs. Wm. Pervis/Purvis in the County on this date. One is Elizabeth Purvis's second wife of William A. Purvis. The other is the wife of the only child of William A. Purvis and his first wife Sarah Jane Graves. That Mrs. Wm. Purvis in Anson County is Mary Hulda Previtte wife of William James Purvis (My Great Grandparents). She had a baby on 25 May 1899 and the baby died on 2 Oct 1899. 
I, SARAH J. PERVISs, wife of William Pervis, Shoe Maker, of Chesterfield District, will from now and after one month from the publication of this notice become a feme sole trader.
                                            Sarah J. Pervis
April 15th, 1857                                    30-5t
[Source: Julie Hampton]

[The Cheraw Gazette, Cheraw, SC, May 13, 1857, Image/Page 3, column 2.]

Thank you to everyone who had a part in finding and posting these snippets.

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