
Friday, April 23, 2021

The Last Will and Testament of Rachel Simison Kepley

On 9 April 1821, in Rowan County, North Carolina, Rachael Simison and John Peter Kepley were married.

John Peter Kepley died sometime shortly before August 1849. His probate file in Rowan County, North Carolina shows that he was deceased and the foregoing inventory was an inventory of his estate.

The 1850 Census for Rowan County, NC shows Rachel a widow caring for her children.  

On 10 June 1858, Rachel Simison Kepley wrote her Last Will and Testament. It is belied that she died in the early part of 1859. Neither her, nor her husband is listed in the Federal Census Mortality Schedules for 1850 and 1860. No actual death date has been found for John Peter Kepley or his his wife, Rachel Simison Kepley.   


February Sefsion 1859                    page 271   

State of N. C.
Rowan County, NC    Knowing that it is appointed to all men to die and in order to make some disposition and management  I publish this to be my last will and Testament.
1st. I will that my body be decently interred in a Christian like manner. 
2nd. I will and bequeath after all my just debts be paid to my my <sic> daughter Crifsa Lavina 2 beds & bedsteads & ten dollars in money. To my son Robert Warner, one Bridle & Saddle one hog, Sythe & Cradle & grafs Sythe, & ten dollars in money & one Shot gun. To my Son George Calvin, one hogs 1 Sythe & Cradle, one grafs Sythe, and ten dollars in money and also one third part of the growing crop to be divided equally between my daughter Crifsy L., and my two sons Robert W. & George C. 
3rd. I will the ballance of my property to be sold & the moneys equally divided between all my children share & share alike (viz:) Milas, Mary Ann, Jacob, Jane, Crifsy L., Robert W. & George C. & Nancy (a name not known). I hereby revoke all there Testamentary documents which I have at any former time made. In witnefs whereof I have hereunto Set my hand and Seal this the 10th day of June 1858.
Test. David Barringer Jt.            Rachel X her mark Kepley {Seal}  
Wilson Morgan Jt.

Rachel named 6 children in her Will – Item 3: I will the ballance of my property to be sold & the moneys equally divided between all my children share & share alike (viz:) Milas, Mary Ann, Jacob, Jane, Crifsy L., Robert W. & George C. & Nancy (a name not known).

This quote is exactly as found in the WILL and I have no idea what the Comments after Nancy means “(a name not known)”.

John Peter Kepley, husband of Rachel Simison, is my 1st Cousin 5X removed. 


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