
Sunday, June 10, 2012

Sunday’s Obituary – Mr. James F. Purvis, My Grandfather

James F. Purvis was born 7 Nov 1885[1] and died 21 February 1936[2]. He married Lucy Pearlie Deese before 14 March 1908. March 14, 1908 is the date that John Calvin Deese, father of Lucy Pearlie, wrote his Will and in that Will (Item 5) he referred to Lucy Pearlie as Lucy Pearlie Purvis.  Grandpa "Jim" died before I was born but his wife Grandma Pearlie lived into the 1970's.

 Mr. James F. Purvis
   In the early dawn Friday, the hearts of Mrs. James F. Purvis and children were crushed by the passing of Mr. Purvis, who had been very ill for some time. He had been confined to his bed for about one year with paralysis. The funeral services were held in the Morven Baptist church Sunday afternoon at 1:30 o'clock conducted by the pastor, Rev. C. E. Stevens. The services were very sweet and touching, the songs used were "Abide With Me" and "My Faith Looks Up To Thee." The active pallbearers were Messrs. T. L. Nivens, W. A. Adams, Lonnie Watts, H. C. Williamson, Ed Gathings and L. C. Streater. The flowers which formed a covering, for his last sleeping place in the Morven Cemetery were indeed beautiful, and showed the love of his friends' and relatives left behind. During his illness he found God and confessed to Him his sins, one day when Rev. C. E. Stevens was at his bedside, as he visited him quite often while confined to his room. Mr. Purvis was 50 years of age, a lifelong farmer of Anson county and was a good husband and father; and was kind to his fellow-man. He will be greatly missed in his family and community. He is survived by his parents Mr. and Mrs. W. J.  Purvis, who are both invalids, his wife who was Miss Pearlie Deese of Morven, 3 sons Messrs. Fred, Charles and John and three daughters Misses Blanche, Etta Lee and Majorie. One brother, Mr. John W. Purvis of Morven and three sisters Mrs. Lucian Deese of Morven, Mrs. John Lang of Cason Old Field and Mrs. Emma Brock of Zoar.

[1] William J. Purvis Family Family Bible, J. F. Pervis, Birth - 7 November 1885.
[2] Mr. James Purvis obituary, The Messenger and Intelligencer, Wadesboro, North Carolina, 27 February 1936, Front Page.
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