
Thursday, March 18, 2021

Tributes to departed brother, Simpson Davis


Alliance N. 269, Union Co., N. C.
September 14, 1889.
We, the undersigned committee, having been appointed by our Alliance to draft some resolutions of respect for our departed brother, Simpson Davis, feel that
Whereas, Almighty God has been pleased, out of His wisdom and mercy, to remove our brother from the strife's and turmoil's of this life into that eternal rest where its sorrows never come; and where as, he has been a faithful member of this Alliance, No. 269, attached to its interest,
governed by its constitution and having a conscious regard for its solemn obligation; therefore be it -
Resolved, That by the death of Bro. Davis the fraternity, and more especially
this Alliance, has lost an excellent member, whose punctuality at the meetings of the same was notable, whose integrity we unhesitatingly admit and whose character we most heartily endorse.
Resolved, That though deploring his loss, we bow in meek submission to the
will of God.
Resolved, That our sympathies are tendered to the bereaved family of our
Resolved, That these resolutions be recorded in the minutes of this Alliance
and a copy be sent to the widow and children of the deceased, and also to The Progressive Farmer and Monroe Enquirer for publication.
                                                           R W. A. Rogers,
                                                           J. G. Doster,

Simpson Davis is my 1st Cousin 4X Removed. Simpson was borne 11 February 1821 in Chesterfield County, SC a son of Isaac Jacob Davis and Sarah “Sallie” Willis.

Abt 1845, Simpson married Elva Threatt. To this union were borne 4 children before Elva‘s death about the year 1863. After the death of Elva, Simpson married Rechamira Beaver about 1869. To this union were borne five children.

Simpson Davis died on 28 August 1889 and the above article appeared in “The Progressive Farmer”, Winston, N.C., 1 October 1889, Page 5, column 4 & 5.


[1] "Tributes to departed brother, Simpson Davis," Tribute, The Progressive Farmer, Winston, NC, 1 October 1889, page 5, Column 4 and 5; Digital On-Line Archives, ChroniclingAmerica ( : viewed 30 June 2020), Historic America Newspapers; ChroniclingAmerica.

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