Monday, October 7, 2024

Amanuensis Monday~Land Deeds~James Baker to Daniel Cook~Daniel Cook to T. Barrett

Amanuensis Monday is a genealogy blogging theme. It was started by John Newmark who writes the TransylvanianDutch blog.

His definition of Amanuensis is:

Amanuensis: A person employed to write what another dictates or to copy what has been written by another.

Today’s subject is 2 Land Deeds~James Baker to Daniel Cook~Daniel Cook to T. Barrett

On 9 November 1816, Daniel Cook purchased a one hundred and forty-nine (149) acres tract of land in Anson County from James Baker. H. Barrett was a witness to the execution of this transaction. This would be Holden Barrett. 

James Baker to Daniel Cook_S_223

This Indenture made this 9th of November 1816 Between James Baker of the County of Anson and State of No. Carolina of the one part and Daniel Cook of the other living in Chesterfield district of South Carolina. Witnesseth that the said James Baker for and in consideration of the sum of four hundred dollars to him in hand paid by the said Daniel Cook the receipt whereof is here by acknowledged, hath given granted bargained & sold by these (pg 224) presents doth give grant bargain & sell and confirm unto the said Daniel Cook all that track or parcel of land situate in the County aforesaid Beginning on a white oak near a drain in William Berries line thence with the said line So. 80 E. 38 poles to a stake said corner thence with said line No. 10 E. 66 poles to a stake in said line then So. 64 E. 102 poles to a red oak then So. 10 E. 91 poles to a black jack then So. 25 W. 64 poles to a pine thence So. 76 Wt. a dividing line 116 poles  to a pine in Berries path thence___the course of the path to the beginning containing one hundred & forty nine Acres more or less being a tract of land conveyed from the said James to the said Daniel Cook. To hold to him the said Daniel Cook his heirs Exrs. Admr. & assigns and the said James Baker for himself his heirs Execs. Admr. doth covenant premises & agree to warrant & forever defend the said 149 acres of land above mentioned to him the said Daniel Cook his heirs etc. free and clear from him the said James baker his heirs Execs. Admrs. and assigns from all manner of person claiming by person or under him, them or any of theirs. In witness where of the said James Baker hath here unto set his hand & seal the day and date above written. 

In the presence of us} James Baker {Seal} 

H. Barrett} Anson Oct. Term 1818

Peter Baker} Then the within Deed was duly proved in open Court by the oath of H. Barrett & Ordered to be registered.

  Tod Robinson Clk. 

[Deed Book "S'. page 223-224]

On 14 October 1817, Daniel Cook of Chesterfield, SC sold this tract of Land (149 acres) to T. Barrett of Anson County. H. Barrett or Holden Barrett was the Brother-in-Law of Daniel Cook, Jr. (the within buyer). Holden Barrett married Margaret Cook, sister of Daniel Cook. 


THIS INDENTURE made this 14th October 1817, Between Daniel Cook of the District of Chesterfield and State of So. Carolina of the one part and T. Barrett of the other part, living in North Carolina & Anson County, Witnesseth that the said Daniel Cook for and in consideration of the sum of four hundred dollars to him in hand  paid by the sd. T. Barrett the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged hath given granted bargained and sold and by these presents do give  grant  bargain sell and confirm unto the said T. Barrett all that tract or parcel of land situated in the county aforesaid Beginning on a white ----- near a drain in Wm. Byrds line then with sd. line South eighty east eight poles to a stake sd. corner then with said line North ten East 66 poles to a stake in sd. line then South 64 E.102 poles to a red oak then South ten Et. 91 poles to a blackjack then so. 25 W. 64 poles to a pine then South 76 Wt. a dividing line 116 poles to a pine on Birds path then with the course of the path to the beginning containing one hundred and forty-nine acres be the same more or less a tract of land conveyed from the sd. Daniel Cook to the sd. T.  Bennett to hold to him the sd. Barrett his heirs Exers. Admrs. and assigns and the sd. Daniel Cook for himself his heirs Exers. Admrs.  doth covenant promise and agree to warrant and forever defend the sd. 149 acres of land above mentioned to him the sd. Barrett his heirs etc. free and clear from him the sd. Daniel Cook his heirs Exers. Admrs. or assigns from all manner of persons claiming by from or under him them or any of them. In Witness whereof the said Daniel Cook hath hereunto set his hand and seal the day and date above written. In Presence of us

William X his mark Morgan         Daniel Cook {Seal}

Wade Barrett Anson July term 1821. Then the within Deed was duly proven in open Court by Wm. Morgan and ordered to be registered. 

W. Dismukes, C.C.C. 

[Deed Book "T", page 268]

T. Barrett the purchaser of this land was Thomas Barrett. 

Daniel Cook, Jr. sold this land on 14 October 1817 and married Martha Warren Norwood of Darlington, SC on 28 January 1818.  

In 1820, Daniel and Martha can be found in 1820 Chesterfield County Population Census with one male under 10, which would be their son, Jesse.

Then from 1820 to 13 Jul 1835, a fifteen-year period, I have no Information about Daniel but on 13 July 1835, he purchased 80 and  55/100 acres of land more or less from John Manning and Mary Manning his wife for the sum of three hundred dollars in Wilcox County, Alabama. 

He spent the remainder of his life in Wilcox County where he passed away on 11January 1878. His 2nd wife Caroline passed away 19 June 1896. 

Related Blog Post:  


Daniel Cook is my 1st Cousin 6X Removed. 

1. Anson County, North Carolina, Deed Book "S': pages 223-224, James Baker to Daniel Cook; 9 November 1816, Register of Deeds, Wadesboro, Anson County, North Carolina.
2. Anson County, North Carolina, Deed Book "T': page 268, DANIEL COOK TO THOMAS BARRETT; 14 October 1817, Register of Deeds, Wadesboro, Anson County, North Carolina.
3. Daniel COOK Jr. (1866), WILLS & TESTAMENTS: Last Will and Testament; Will Book 6; pages 102-107; Wilcox County Probate, Camden, Wilcox County, Alabama.

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