Friday, February 16, 2018
Monday, February 5, 2018
Amanuensis Monday~Land Deed~Sarah Sellers to Hardy Sellers
His definition of Amanuensis is:
Amanuensis: A person employed to write what another dictates or to copy what has been written by another.
Today’s subject is a Chesterfield County Land Deed~Sarah Sellers to Hardy Sellers 1
Sarah Sellers to Hardy Sellers Deed
The State of South Carolina}
Chesterfield District}
Know all men by these presents that I Sarah Sellers of the district and Streate aforesaid for and in consideration of the sum of One Hundred and Seven dollars to me in hand paid by Hardy Sellers of the same State and district have granted, bargained, sold and released and by these presents do grant, bargain, sell and release unto the said Hardy Sellers all that tract or parcel of land lying and being in the district aforesaid on the waters of bear Creek being part of a tract formerly owned by Vicy Purvis bounded by lands of M. Nair, Phillip Sellers and William Oliver and containing One Hundred and Seven acres more or lefs together with all and singular the rights, members, hereditaments and appurtenances to the same belonging or in anywise incident or appertaining. To Have and to Hold all and Singular the said premises unto the said Hardy Sellers his heirs and afsigned forever. And I do hereby bind myself, my heirs, executors and Administrators to warrant and forever defend the aforesaid premises unto the said Hardy Sellers his heirs and assigns from and against myself my Heirs, executors and administrators and against every other person or persons whomsoever, lawfully claiming or to claim the same or any part thereof. In witnefs whereof I have hereunto set my Hand and Seal this Thirteenth day of January in the year of our Lord One Thousand eight hundred and sixty-eight.
Signed, Sealed and Delivered} Sarah X her mark Sellers {Seal}
in the presence of}
J. C. Craig
Hugh Craig, Sen.
State of South Carolina}
Chesterfield County}
Personally appeared Hugh Craig before me and duly made oath that he was present and saw Sarah Sellers sign, seal and deliver the within Deed for the uses and purposes therein mentioned and that James C. Craig together with himself signed the same as witnefses to the due execution thereof.
Sworn to before me this 14th} Hugh Craig
day of July 1871}
T. F. Mulloy}
Recorded 28th Feby 1871
Origl. Delivd to P. Sellers
Sarah (Purvis) Sellers is the daughter of Vicy Purvis (believed to be a Turnage, unproven though) and John Purvis. She was born between 1811-1814 and in/or about 1827 married Elijah Sellers, son of Phillip Sellers, Sr. and his wife Mary.
The Hardy Sellers buying this land is her brother Hardy J. Sellers. This deed transaction took place on 13 January 1868. Sarah (Purvis) Sellers could not be found in the 1870 Census for Chesterfield County but a land deed indicates she was alive 14 January 1870.
Sarah died sometime after 14 Jan 1870; Chesterfield Land Deed, HARRIETT SELLERS + Others to JOHN D. DOUGLASS; Deed Book 4, page 401.
Sarah Purvis Sellers is the wife of my 3rd Great Grand Uncle.
[1] Land Deed - Sarah Sellers to Hardy Sellers Deed; 13 January 1868; Deed Book #3; Page(s) 294-295; Register of Deeds; Chesterfield, Chesterfield County, SC; 3 June 2016.
Sunday, February 4, 2018
Chesterfield County SC~Estate Folder #546 – Sarah Sellers
Each week, on Sunday, I will select an Estate Folder from the Estate files of Chesterfield County and discuss its contents. No known estates exist for the period before the Civil War. They were destroyed by the burning of the Courthouse. There are a few “Equity Records” in the State Archives. Do not overlook this valuable resource if you are looking for ancestors in Chesterfield County, South Carolina.
Today we will be looking at the following Estate folder:
Sarah Sellers 1
Probate Folder #546
Images 1275 to 1299
On 19 April 1880, A. J. Smith petitioned the Chesterfield County Probate Court to grant him Letters of Administration on the Estate of Sarah Sellers stating in his petition that none of his kinfolk has done so and that she had died back in 1878 or about then.
State of South Carolina}
County of Chesterfield}
To the Honorable W. J. Hanna Judge of Probate for Chesterfield County:
The petition of Andrew J. Smith by Hough & Kennedy his attorneys respectfully shows to this Court:
I. That Sarah Sellers of the County and State aforesaid died Intestate on or about the day of 1878.
II. That she died possessed of a Small personal estate in the County and State afore mentioned.
III. That there has been no application for Letters of Adminstartion upon her estate by any of the next of kin
Wherefore your petitioner prays that you do grant to him Letters of Administrations upon the Estate of Sarah Sellers deceased and for such other relief as made be necessary.
Hough + Kennedy
Petitioner’s Attorneys
The Court granted A. J. Smith his request and Letters of Administration and issued a Warrant of Appraisement for Administration on 1st day of July 1880.
Appointed appraiser were:
- C. L. Vick
- D. M. Barentine
- T. P. Craig
I have not been able to identify who this Sarah Sellers is related too. None of her kin was mentioned in the estate. Andrew Jackson (A. J.) Smith has no biological or ancillary connection to Sarah Sellers that I can find.
There is a detail inventory list contained within the probate folder with a list of buyers and the price they paid for each item.
If you know who this Sarah Sellers is; please click on the E-mail link in the right column and send me a note. Otherwise, you could leave comments to this post.
[1] "South Carolina Probate Records, Files and Loose Papers, 1732-1964," images, FamilySearch ( : 21 May 2014), Chesterfield > Probate Court, Estate records > 1865-1927 > Cases 0470-0553A > image 1275 of 1550; county courthouses, South Carolina, and South Carolina Department of Archives and History, Columbia.
A. J. Smith,
Andrew Jackson Smith,
Sarah Sellers
Saturday, February 3, 2018
IT’s Family Times ~The Daniel and Esther Sides Family
Daniel Sides was born abt 1806, a son of Christopher Sides and his wife, Mary Esther Lipe.
Esther Dry was born abt 1895, a daughter of Johan Martin Dry and his wife, Catherine Keppel.
Esther Dry and Daniel Sides were married on 20 Dec 1823 in Cabarrus County, North Carolina. The family appeared in the census for Iredell County, North Carolina for the years 1850-1880.
Daniel Sides signed his Last Will and Testament on 9 Jan 1880 in Iredell County, North Carolina.
Daniel died before 19 Apr 1881 at the age of 75 in Iredell County, North Carolina. His estate was probated and is on file in Iredell County, North Carolina.
His wife, Esther (Dry) Sides died aft 1881 but no record of her death has been found as of this time.
Daniel Sides and Esther Dry had the following children:
i. Jacob W. C. Sides, born 4 Apr 1825, Cabarrus County, North Carolina; married Emily C. Lewis; died 2 Jan 1906, Iredell County, North Carolina.
ii. Noah Sides was born in Jan 1826 in Cabarrus County, North Carolina. Noah died on 26 Feb 1911 at the age of 85 in Iredell County, North Carolina. He signed a will. Noah had his estate probated.
iii. Christopher Sides, born 21 Feb 1829, Cabarrus County, North Carolina; married Mary Ann Tays, 22 Jul 1858; died 2 Oct 1862, Winchester, Virginia.
iv. Charles Daniel Sides, born 7 Sep 1831, Iredell County, North Carolina; married Sarah Matilda Lewis; died 8 Feb 1865, Elmira, Chemung, New York.
v. Caroline Lydia Sides was born in Oct 1833 in Iredell County, North Carolina. She died on 21 May 1916 at the age of 82 in Coward, Iredell, North Carolina. She was buried on 22 May 1916 at Concord Church..
vi. Elizabeth C. Sides was born in Nov 1835 in Iredell County, North Carolina. She died on 2 Jan 1909 at the age of 73 in Iredell County, North Carolina.
vii. Esther Adeline Sides, born 14 Nov 1835, Iredell County, North Carolina; married James B. Lewis, abt 1857; died 7 Jan 1907, Iredell County, North Carolina.
viii. Daniel Martin Sides was born about 1839 in Iredell County, North Carolina.
ix. Sarah Elvina "Sallie" Sides was born in Aug 1840 in Iredell County, North Carolina.
x. Archibald A. Sides was born in Aug 1842 in Iredell County, North Carolina. He died on 3 Jun 1929 at the age of 86 in Iredell County, North Carolina. He was buried on 3 Jun 1929 at Concord Cemetery in Iredell County, North Carolina.
xi. Margaret Selena "Lena" Sides was born in Jun 1845 in Iredell County, North Carolina. She died on 28 Sep 1927 at the age of 82 in Concord, Iredell, North Carolina. She was buried on 29 Sep 1927 in Concord, Iredell, North Carolina.
xii. James M. Sides was born on 7 Feb 1848 in Iredell County, North Carolina. He died on 18 Mar 1919 at the age of 71 in Statesville, Iredell, North Carolina.
Esther Dry and Daniel Sides are my 3rd Great-Grandaunt and Uncle.
1. 1850 U. S. Census, Iredell County, North Carolina, population schedule, Iredell, North Carolina, Page: 404B (stamped); Line 4, Dwelling 6, Family 6, Household of Danl SIDES; online database, ( : viewed 14 November 2014); citing National Archives Microfilm Publication M432, Roll 634.
2. 1860 U. S. Census, Iredell County, North Carolina, population schedule, South of the River, Iredell, North Carolina, Page: 252(stamped); Line 39, Dwelling 1068, Family 1031, Household of Danl SIDES; online database, ( : viewed 14 November 2016); citing National Archives Microfilm Publication M653, Roll 902.
3. 1880 U. S. Census, Iredell County, North Carolina, population schedule, Concord, Iredell, North Carolina, enumeration district (ED) 140, Page: 35D (stamped); Line 1, Dwelling 61, Family 61, Household of Daniel SIDES; digital image, ( : viewed 8 November 2016); citing National Archives Microfilm T9, Roll 968.
4. State of North Carolina, marriage bond no. 000010058 (20 December 1823), Daniel Sides and Esther Sided;, Raleigh, Wake County, North Carolina.
5 County, North Carolina, North Carolina, Wills and Probate Records, 1665-1998, Daniel Sides 1881; digital images, Ancestry, ( viewed 8 November 2016); Daniel Sides, Image 460 of 1998.
Friday, February 2, 2018
NC Land Grant~Catherine Dry, August 1787
On 7 August 1787, Catherine Dry was granted 70 acres of Land on Cold Water Creek. At that time there are two sets of Dry’s within the County; Jacob Dry on Cold Water Creek and Charles Dry on Dutch Buffalow Creek.
Who is Catherine Dry? If you know which set of Dry’s that Catherine Dry is related too I would love to hear from you.

State of North Carolina
No. 740 Know ye that red Oak Martin Staughs corner thence with said Staughs Line North thirty Six West Sixty four poles to a Stake we have given and granted unto Catherine Dry a Tract of Land containing Seventy Acres Lying in our County of Mecklenburg on the waters of Cold Water Creek beginning at a Pine George Plotts corner running thence with or near said Plotts Line South Sixty East one hundred and sixteen poles to a White Oak Saplin thence East Sixty Six poles to a post oak on Hills Line thence north twenty East fifty eight poles to a on Said Line thence South Seventy Two West one hundred and fifty four poles to the Beginning. To hold to the said Catherine Dry her heirs and afsigns forever dated the 7th day of August 1787--
JGlasgow Secretary R Caswell
Who is Catherine Dry? If you know which set of Dry’s that Catherine Dry is related too I would love to hear from you.
State of North Carolina
No. 740 Know ye that red Oak Martin Staughs corner thence with said Staughs Line North thirty Six West Sixty four poles to a Stake we have given and granted unto Catherine Dry a Tract of Land containing Seventy Acres Lying in our County of Mecklenburg on the waters of Cold Water Creek beginning at a Pine George Plotts corner running thence with or near said Plotts Line South Sixty East one hundred and sixteen poles to a White Oak Saplin thence East Sixty Six poles to a post oak on Hills Line thence north twenty East fifty eight poles to a on Said Line thence South Seventy Two West one hundred and fifty four poles to the Beginning. To hold to the said Catherine Dry her heirs and afsigns forever dated the 7th day of August 1787--
JGlasgow Secretary R Caswell
Thursday, February 1, 2018
Treasure Chest Thursday~Marriage of James W. Huneycutt and Sarah Elizabeth Page
James W. Huneycutt and Sarah Elizabeth Page were married on 20 May 1855 in Stanly County, North Carolina.
James was the 22-year-old son of Marcus ‘Mark’ Huneycutt and his wife, Charity Dry. Sarah Elizabeth Page was the 19 year old daughter of Sion Page and his wife, Nancy Dove. Note: There is a conflict with Nancy’s surname.
James W. Hunnycutt was married to Sarah Page on the
20th day of May 1855 So returned by
M. Furr JP
20th day of May 1855 So returned by
M. Furr JP
The children of James W. Huneycutt and Sarah E. Page were:
i. Louvena Huneycutt, born 1 Oct 1855, Cabarrus Co., NC; married John Calvin Deese, 9 Apr 1884, Lilesville, Anson, North Carolina; died 16 Oct 1889, Lilesville, Anson, North Carolina..
ii. Nellie Isabella Huneycutt, born 27 Oct 1858, Cabarrus Co., NC; married Henry Harrison Deese, 1 Feb 1875, Morven, Anson, North Carolina; died 9 May 1938, Landis, Rowan Co., NC.
iii. John Allen Huneycutt, born 19 Jan 1864, North Carolina; married Lizzie; died 21 Nov 1932, Cheraw, Chesterfield, South Carolina.
iv. Margaret Amanda Huneycutt, born 3 Feb 1868, Stanly County, North Carolina; married Harvey Alexander Rorie, 21 Dec 1886, Mount Croghan, SC; died 27 Mar 1938, Aberdeen, Moore Co., NC.
v. Electa Huneycutt, born 3 Nov 1874, North Carolina; married Samuel Henry Atkinson, abt 1900, Stanly County, North Carolina, United States; died 4 Mar 1949, Harris, Stanly Co., NC.
James W. Huneycutt and Sarah E. Page are my 2nd Great Grandparents.
[1] North Carolina, Marriage Records, 1741-2011
Stanly County, NC Dept. Archives and History, Rec of Marriage by Ministers and JP's; Volume #1, Years 1850-1867, Indexed, page 16, Entry #8.
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