The first-borne son of the Reverend Joel Gulledge and his wife Zilpha Huntley was Jeremiah Gulledge born about 1796. No exact birth date his been found for Jeremiah and his reported birth year is based on the given age in the 1850 Census for Anson County, North Carolina. In that Census, Jeremiah was reported to be age 54.
Jeremiah married Phoebe Sellers, daughter of Hardy Sellers and Nancy Cook about 1816. Jeremiah was age 20, Phoebe based on her estimated birth year was 29. However, there are no records to base Phoebe age on because she died so young; Phoebe may have been younger. The best record for calculating a potential birth year is the fact that she is reported deceased before 14 July 1834 and she had 3 children, the oldest James Ratliff Gulledge born about 1 May 1817. This support a 1816 marriage and its possible she was the same age as Jeremiah Gulledge making her borne about 1796.
Last Will and Testament _Hardy Sellers, Sr.
6. To the three children of my deceased daughter Phoebe Gulledge viz: Elisha Gulledge, James Gulledge, Phoebe Gulledge, I give to each three hundred dollars to bare interest from my death until they arrive to twenty-one years of each which sum is to be a full share of my estate both real and personal to the three last children named.
Phoebe Sellers (17xx-bef 1834) died sometime after the birth of her daughter Phoebe Gulledge mentioned in Item 6 of the Last Will and Testament of Hardy Sellers, Sr. We know that Phoebe Gulledge was borne before July 1834. In the 1850 Census her reported age is 25, making her birth year to be 1825. Therefore, we know that Phoebe Sellers Gulledge, daughter of Hardy Sellers died between 1825 (birth of Phoebe) and 14 July 1834 (writing of Last Will of Hardy Sellers, Sr.).
We also know from Item 6 that Hardy Sellers named his grandchildren borne of this union between his daughter Phoebe Sellers and Jeremiah Gulledge. The children named are:
- Elisha Gulledge,
- James Gulledge,
- Phoebe Gulledge,
On 14 April 1853, Jeremiah Gulledge died in Anson County, North Carolina. His estate was probated; he was considered a wealthy landowner in the County and he left surviving heirs and legatees.
The Jeremiah Gulledge Land Division took place on 9 December 1853 and was divided among 8 legatees. Since there were only 3 children borne of the union between Jeremiah and Phoebe Gulledge; who are the other 5 legatees? A quick look on-line and you will find almost every tree showing Phoebe birthing children after her death.
But, this is a real dilemma, who are these 5 children? Did Jeremiah remarried after the death of Phoebe Sellers Gulledge. The birth year of the children suggest that Jeremiah remarried about 1829 and had 5 children by a 2nd wife between the years 1830 and 1838; the reported birth year of Sarah Ann Gulledge. The 1830 Census has a female between the age of 20-29; this is obviously not Phoebe making her death before 1830 but could be a 2nd wife. By 1840, this female is no longer in the household and quite possibly died with the birth of Sarah Ann Gulledge about 1838.
Division of the Lands of Jeremiah Gulledge State of North CarolinaAnson County} Personal to an order of Court devised to the Sheriff of said County and appointing us the undersigned committee to divide the lands of Jeremiah Gulledge & to report to next Court & In pursuance of said order we the undersigned do report as follows giving to each heir or Legatee.
Lot No. 1 allotted to Sarah Ann Gulledge, Beginning at a Stake 1 white Oak hickory & red oak pointer Thomas Gulledge Corner & runs S 51 W 34 chs to a stake in the field then So. 47 E 29 chains & 3 chs to a stake In Thomas Gulledge line 3 red oaks pointers the with Sd, Line 90 Est 18 chains to his corner stake 1 pine and red oak pointer. Then with his other line 8 degree 2 Wst 24 chs to his other corner Stake, Then 14 degree 79 Wst 4 chains to the beginning containing 71 1/2 acres valued at two hundred and fifty dollars.
Lot No. 2 allotted to James Gulledge, Beginning at a Stake Thos Gulledge corner, the first corner of No. 1 and runs So 57 1/2 W 37 chs & 50 links to a stake in the field, then No. 49 W
Lot No. 4 allotted Wm. C. Porter, & wife Harriet Porter, "Beginning at a Stake in the field the 1st corner of No. 3 and runs No 77 Wt 66 chs to a stake by 2 pines Then So 28 Wst 10 chains to a stake by the pine pts in Tillmans line then with said line So 46 Est 6 chs & 50 lks then so 48 Wt 2 chs & 50 lks then so 27 Est 17 chs & 70 links to a stake, 1 Post oak, Black jack & 2 black oak pts. Then No 84 Et 54 chains & 60 links, to a stake, in the line of No, 1 then with sd line So 47 Wst 9 chs & 50 links to the beginning containing 71 1/2 acres valued at 250 dollars.
Lot No. 5 allotted William Griggs & wife Pheby Griggs, Beginning at a Stake, in the line of No. 1the last corner of No. 4, and runs with the line of No. 1 So 47 Est 11 chs to a stake , 2 pines and persimmon Tree pts Then So 84 Wst 61 chs to a stake in the back line 1 pine two red oaks & Spanish oak pointers. Then No 21 Wt 14 chs to the corner of No. 4 1 post oak Black Jack & black Oak pts then with the line of No. 4 No. 84 Est 54 chs & 50 links to the Beginning containing 71 1/2 acres, valued at 250 Dollars.
Lot No. 6 allotted to Zilphia Gulledge, Beginning at a Stake, in the line of No. 1 the 2nd Corner of No. 5 and runs with Sd. line So 84 Wt. 61 chs to a stake in the back line 1 pine 2 red oaks & Spanish oak pts. Thence So 27 Est 11 chs & 25 links to the old corner & 2 red oaks & black gum pointer, Then So 18 Wt 3 chs & 80 lks to a stake, 2 red oak pine & post oak pts. Then No, 84 est 43 chs to a Stake in the Spring Branch, 3 maples & post oak pointers Then up the various courses of Sd. Branch to a Stake, Then So. 48 Est 3 chs & 40 lks to a stake, Them Gulledges corner, 2 red oak pine & post oak pointer Then So 43 Est 13 chs and 75 lks to a stake, the corner of No. 1, 3 red oak pts. then with said line No. 47 Wst. 2 chs & 80 links to the Beginning containing 71 1/2 acres valued at Three hundred & Sixty Dollars, which said lot pay to No. 1 Thirty five dollars 62 1/2 cents, also to No. 1 the sum of Thirty Eight dollars 75 cents as difference in valuation.
Lot No. 7 allotted to Elisha Gulledge, Beginning at a Stake with Spring Branch, 3 maples & post oak pts. the corner of No. 6 and runs down the various sources of said branch and the creek 18 chs & 50 links to a stake in Said branch, 1 maple & dogwood pointer. Then So. 27 Wst 45 chs to a stake in the back line then with said line No. 18 Est 19 chs to the corner of No. 6, 2 red oak pine & post oak pointers. Then No. 84 Est 48 Chs to the Beginning containing 71 1/2 acres , Valued at 360 dollars which Said Lot pays to No. 2, 31 dollars & 87 1/2 cents. Also to No. 3, 35 dollars & 62 1/2 cents and also to No.4, 6 dollars & 87 1/2, as difference in Valuation.
Lot No. 8 allotted to Thomas Gulledge, Beginning at a Stake in the run of the Creek, Dogwood & maple pts. & runs down and with Said Creek 11 chs and 50 links to Ratliffs line, 1 white oak pointer, Then with Sd Line So 70 Wt 9 chs and 90 links to a dead red oak, 1 white oak, dogwood and post oak pointers. Then So. 5 Wt. 1 chain &b 10 links, to Nivans corner Stake, 1 pine & hickory pointer. Then with his line So. 72 Wt. 21 chains & 80 links to his other corner Stake, 1 post oak pine and red oak pointers. Then No 71 Wt 24 chs & 25 links to the old corner stake then No. 85 Est 10 chs to a stake the corner of Lot No. V. then with Said Line No 85 Est 45 chains to the Beginning, containing 71 1/2 acres, valued at 330 Dollars, which Sd Lot Pays to No. 4 the sum of twenty Eight Dollars & 75 cents and also pays to No. 5, the sum of thirty five Dollars 61 1/2 cents as difference in valuation, all of which we re3port to the Worshipful Court afsd. Given under our hands & Seals this the 9th day of December 1853.
State of North Carolina} Court of Pleas & Quarters} Malcom Nivans {Seal}
Anson County} Sessions January Term 1854} John P. Ratliff {Seal}
Then this division was confirmed in open Court and } David Tillman {Seal}
ordered to be and registered. S. D. Boggan Clk.} A. O. Moore {Seal}
Wadesboro, NC Anson County Deed Book 14; Pages 273-275
Phoebe Sellers Gulledge is my 4th Great Grand Aunt.
Supplementary Information.
The death certificate for Harriet Elizabeth Gulledge Porter, daughter of Jeremiah and his second wife shows her Mother to be Boskie Sellers.
I have found no additional information for Boskie Sellers. She is not mention in a 2001 published book entitled "Some Descendants of Hardy Sellers of Chesterfield County, South Carolina.
[1] The Land Deed on this page can be accessed free at
[2] James C. Pigg, Cheraw/Chesterfield District Wills, 1750-1865 &: Abstracts from the Court of Common Pleas 1823-1869 (Tega Cay, South Carolina: self-Published, 1995), pages 107 & 108.
[3] Some Descendants of Hardy Sellers of Chesterfield County, SC; 428 pages, by James C. Pigg, Copyright 2001; Book can be found at