Monday, March 3, 2025

The Last Will and Testament of Elizabeth Ford

In today’s posting we will take an in-depth look at the Last Will and Testament of Elizabeth Ford. But, first let's look at some background information. 

First, I would like to say that I do not know Elizabeth Ford’s maiden name. I have been researching Chesterfield County, SC families for 46+ years. From the Census, probate and deeds, I know that Coleman Ford wife was names Elizabeth, some say she was a McDuffie while others say she was a Wilson. Both groups want you to believe these surnames but offer up no proof. Nor do I know when or where Coleman Ford and Elizabeth [LNU] married. I do know their first borne was Norman M. Ford, born abt 1834 so his parents most likely married in 1833 in the state of Georgia, maybe DeKalb County.  

Coleman and Elizabeth can be found in the years 1840-1860 Census for DeKalb County. Coleman died, most likely unexpectedly, in November 1860, while he was only age 54. 

His wife Elizabeth lived another 27 years dying in 1887. Here again we run into an error. The FindAGrave Memorial contain conflicting death information and Elizabeth Surname is not proven. There is no tombstone. However, there are probate records; but that would require research.  

Probate Record:

The petition of John Rivers & and Sanford Rosser residents of Chattooga and Fulton Counties and nominated Executors of the last will of Elizabeth Ford a resident of DeKalb County who died on the 3rd day of June 1887 owning valuable real and personal estate in said State disposed of by said will amounting to the sum of - dollars and which remains to be administered respectfully showeth that said Elizabeth Ford died testate, that her will is herewith presented for probate at the regular Term of the Court of Ordinary of said County...

So, there are two possible errors on this memorial.
1. Elizabeth Ford’ surname is unknown and unproven. Based on the Children of Rev. John White Thurman being named as grandchildren, the McDuffie surname is a possibility.  
2. Her date of death conflicts with probate records. 

Coleman Ford and Elizabeth [Surname Unknown] had the following children:

i. Norman M. Ford, born abt 1834, Panthersville, DeKalb, Georgia; married Nancy Rivers, Dekalb County, Georgia; died 19 May 1862, Lynchburg, Virginia.
ii. Arminda Ford was born about 1838. Died young. 

Elizabeth [Unknown Surname] Ford died on 3 Jun 1887 at the age of 77 in Dekalb County, Georgia. 

Elizabeth Ford grandchildren are children of her son Norman M. Ford and Nancy Rivers.

Norman M. Ford and Nancy Rivers had the following children:

i. Dempsey C. Ford was born about 1853 in Dekalb County, Georgia.
ii. Nancy E. Ford was born about 1854 in Dekalb County, Georgia.
iii. Sarah J. H. Ford was born about 1857 in Dekalb County, Georgia.
iv. Eliza J. Ford was born about 1859 in Dekalb County, Georgia.

Let's take a look at Item 2 of Elizabeth Ford’s Last Will and Testament. 
I give bequeath and devise to my beloved Grand children to wit: Mary E. Quiner, James M. Thurman,  Eliza J. Rivers, Martha A. Rosser, Josephine Higgins, Coleman Thurman,  Laura Thurman Alice Thurman and Julia Thurman all my lands to wit:
1. Mary E. Quinner is Mary E. Thurman md Martin Quinner
2. James M. Thurman 
3. Coleman Thurman
4. Eliza Thurman 
5. Alice Thurman
6. Julia Thurman
7. Eliza J. {Thurman) Rivers, wife of John Wesley Rivers.  
8. Martha A. Rosser is Martha A. Thurman md William S. Rosser.
9. Josephine Augusta (Thurman) Higgins md George W. Higgins 
All Children of Rev. John White Thurman and Sarah A. McDuffie.

Page 228, Will Book “B”:
Georgia }
DeKalb County}  I, Elizabeth Ford of said State and County being of sound and disposing mind and memory do make this my last will and testament.
Item 1st 
I  desire and direct that all my just debts be paid by my Executors herein after named, 
Item 2nd 
I give bequeath and devise to my beloved Grand children to wit: Mary E. Quiner, James M. Thurman,  Eliza J. Rivers, Martha A. Rosser, Josephine Higgins, Coleman Thurman,  Laura Thurman Alice Thurman and Julia Thurman all my lands to wit: One hundred and one hundred and thirty acres more or less the same being the place where I now reside and being the lands conveyed to me by a deed made by Norman M. Ford  on the 29th of January 1861. except twenty acres sold Mr. Foreacre and one acre now used as a family burying ground also all stock owned by me at the time of my death 
said children to share an Equal division in the same either by sale or division as they may prefer. 
Item 3rd 
I hereby constitute and appoint my Grandsons by marriage John Rivers and Sanford Rosser my Executors of this my last will  
and Testament this the 8th day of October 1883. 
                                                         Elizabeth Ford
Page 229
Signed declared and published by Elizabeth Ford as her last will and Testament in the presence of us the subscribers who subscribed our names hereto in the presence of said Testatrix at her instance and request and of each other. She signing in our presence and we signing in her presence.                                                                                     J. R. Russell 
                                                                                                                  J. H. Gove 
                                                                                                                 H. C. Jones 
"DeKalb, Georgia, United States records," images, FamilySearch (https:// : Jan 1, 2025), 
image 357 of 653; Georgia. Court of Ordinary (DeKalb County).            

Nancy Rivers, wife of Norman M. Ford is the daughter of Dempsey Rivers descendants of the RIVERS FAMILIES of Chesterfield County, South Carolina. 

1. 1840 U. S. Census, DeKalb County, Georgia, population schedule, District 636, De Kalb, Georgia, Page: #42B (Stamped) Penciled #19, Line: #24; Coleman FORD, Coleman FORD; digital images, ( online February 2024); citing NARA publication Roll: M704_xx.
2. Colman Ford, District 536, page 12, Line 1, 1848; Georgia, Property Tax Digests, 1793-1893; Georgia Archives, Morrow, Georgia.
3. 1850 U. S. Census, DeKalb County, Georgia, population schedule, Pantherville, DeKalb County, GA, Page: 181(Stamped); Line 23, Dwelling 193, Family 193, Household of Coleman FORD; digital images, ( viewed 14 June 2022); citing NARA publication Roll: M432_67.
4. 1860 U. S. Census, De Kalb County, Georgia, population schedule, Pantherville Dist., DeKalb County, GA, Page: 349; Line 17, Dwelling 681, Family 681; Coleman FORD, Coleman FORD; digital images, ( online February 2024); citing NARA publication Roll: M653_119.
5. Coleman Ford, compiled military record (Private, Company H, 32nd Regiment, Tennessee Infantry), U.S. Civil War Soldier Records and Profiles, U.S. Civil War Soldiers, 1861-1865 (Provo, Utah:, N/A.
6. Find A Grave, Inc., Find A Grave, database and digital images, ( accessed February 2024); Memorial page for Coleman Ford; (1806–November 1860); Find a Grave memorial # #173216901, Citing Terrell-Ford Family Cemetery; Panthersville, DeKalb County, Georgia, USA.
7. 1850 U. S. Census, DeKalb County, Georgia, population schedule, Pantherville, DeKalb County, GA, Page: 181(Stamped); Line 23, Dwelling 193, Family 193, Household of Coleman FORD.
8. 1860 U. S. Census, De Kalb County, Georgia, population schedule, Pantherville Dist., DeKalb County, GA, Page: 349; Line 17, Dwelling 681, Family 681; Coleman FORD, Coleman FORD.
9. 1870 U. S. Census, De Kalb County, Georgia, population schedule, Pantherville Dist., DeKalb County, GA, Page: 258; Line: # 5, Dwelling 333 Family 333, Elizabeth FORD; digital images, ( online February 2024); citing NARA publication Roll: M593_147.
10. DeKalb County, Georgia, : Will Book "B" Page 228, Elizabeth Ford; Family History Library, Salt Lake City, Utah.
11. Dekalb County, Georgia, Probate Files & Loose papers, Elizabeth Ford; digital images, Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, FamilySearch ( online February 2024); NA.
12. Find A Grave, Inc., Find A Grave, database, "Record, Elizabeth (unknown) Ford (1811–20 July 1880), Memorial # 177007114.
13. 1850 U. S. Census, DeKalb County, Georgia, population schedule, Pantherville, DeKalb County, GA, Page: 181(Stamped); Line 23, Dwelling 193, Family 193, Household of Coleman FORD.
14.  Last Will and Testament--
15.  1880 U. S. Census, De Kalb County, Georgia, population schedule, Panthersville, Dekalb, Georgia, enumeration district (ED) 050, Page:386B (Stamped); Line: #9, Dwelling: #248; Family: #252, Household of Elizabeth FORD; digital images, ( online February 2024); citing NARA publication Roll: M593_xxx. 

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