Amanuensis Monday is a genealogy blogging theme. It was started by John Newmark who writes the TransylvanianDutch blog.
His definition of Amanuensis is:
Amanuensis: A person employed to write what another dictates or to copy what has been written by another.
Today’s subject is a request from Stephen Brown to administered the Estate of his Father-in-Law, Joab Griffith, deceased..1
Note: The above document contains several ampersands,. The Blogger platform does not display ampersands properly; thus they have been replaced with the word “and”.
The State of Mississippi
Lauderdale County
To the Honorable J. B. Hancock Judge of the Probate court of said County State aforesaid praying etc
Your humble petitioner Stephen Brown sheweth unto your [Honor] that on the third day of June last Joab Griffith of the County [aforesaid] died intestate as your petitioner is informed and believes and your petitioner further showeth unto your honor that the wife of the said deceased re[frain] and declares her intentions of not applying to your honorable court [for] letters of administrations but solicits your petitioner so to do.
Your petitioner further shewth unto to you know that he is a son[-in]-Law of said deceased and prays that upon the hearing of this petitioner [and] your petitioner complying with the stature in such case made [illegible, cut off] by your Honorable court declares and devised administration of the [estate] of said deceased and if this be not deemed equitable by your Hono[rable] Court such other relief as in the [ ] of the court of Probate [illegible] petitioner will ever pray etc.
Stephen Brown, Petitioner
Sworn and Subscribed July 1st
J. B. Hancock {seal}
Judge of Probate
Filed 8th July 1850
Benj. Y. Parke, Clerk
The above probate document is a key document in that no tombstone has been found for Joab Griffith and his wife Sarah. It also valuable in that it proved that Susan Brown, wife of Stephen Brown, is a “Griffith” and the daughter of Joab and Sarah Griffith.
[Source; My dear departed Friend Jean Brown and Lauderdale County, Mississippi, Probate Book “C”, page 4?, dated 1 July 1850. I would like to get a complete copy of this document but Book “C” is not on-line at Family Search.]
That's a great find!