The below land deed was directed by the court to lay off a 1/3 portion of lands to Mary Ann Pratt from her deceased husband estate. Her husband, John Pratt, had suddenly passed away on 2 December 1859 at 47 years of age leaving her and six children.
December 15, 1859 issue of North Carolina Argus
224. Died at his residence, near Morven, in this county, on the 2d inst., John PRATT, aged about forty-seven.
John Pratt, 47, died on December 2, 1859 - December 15, 1859 Newspaper - Recorded in Emma Goodwin Book "Type Talk of Lilesville Township, Anson County, N. C. page 16.
December 15, 1860 - Those indebted to J. J. Cox, as Administrator of JOHN PRATT, deceased, must make satisfactory arrangements soon-sooner-soonest. Lilesville, NC. Recorded in Emma Goodwin Book "Type Talk of Lilesville Township, Anson County, N. C. page 20.
Page 155
Mary Ann Pratt Dower
In obedience to an order of the Worshipful the County Court directing the Sheriff of said County to Summons twelve freeholders and lay off to Mrs. Mary Ann Pratt,widow of John Pratt dec’d one third of all the lands belonging to her said Husband dec’s and report to July Term 1860, pursuant to said order we the undersigned after being duly sworn by the Said have proceeded to lay off to her the said widow by such bounds as below named, first tract known as the Wm. H. Harrington tract, on Pee Dee River Beginning at Sherwood Liles corner sassafras one hickory & Mulberry pointers and ruins with his line, No 46 ¼ Wt. 85chs & 80 links to a red oak stump then with Said Liles other line, So. 44Wt. 19 chains to Little Creek, then up the various courses of Said Creek to the to the <sic> mouth of Stamping Branch, thence up the various courses of said Branch 48 chs & 80 links to Riley Diggs line No. 85 ¾ Et. 19 chs & 50 links to a Stone Diggs other corner. Then So. 7 1/8 Wt. 24 chs & 20 links to a stake 30 or 40 yards Et. To a long popular marked as a corner. Then So. 89 1/4 Et. 5 chs & 85 lks to a stake. Then So. 1 ½ Wt. 6 chs & 20 lks then So. 81 ½ Et.35 chs & 7 links to a stake, by 3 pines, red oak & white oak pts. Then So. 59 ½ Et. 41 chs to Pee Dee Rivers, thence down said Rivers 63 chains & 50 links to the beginning Containing five hundred and seventeen acres. Also one other tract known as the Diggs tract. Beginning at an Ashe on the East bank of Little Creek Diggs corner, and runs So. 49 Wt. 18 chs to a stake 2 pines pointers then So. 56 Et. 39 chains to a stake, on the East bank of said Creek in Pratts line. Then No. 40 Et. 2 chs & 50 lks to the old corner. Then No. 5 Wt 11 chs & 10 links to a popular Stump on the Bank of said Little Creek, one sweet gum pointer. Thence up the various courses of Said Creek to the Beginning Containing thirty four acres. Also another small tract adjoining the above tract, Beginning at a stake by 3 pines pointers on the Side of the Camden Road & runs No. 8 Wt. 4 chs & 60 links to a Stake by 3 pines Then Wt. 10 chs to a corner in Diggs line Then So. 40 Wt. 2 chs & 60 links to said Diggs corner Thence So. 8 Et. 2 chs & 70 links to a stake, then East 11 chains & 60 links to the Beginning Containing five acres and She the said Widow has this day relinquished all her claim right title or interest in all the Lands of her said Husband Dec’d except the portions herein described, all of which is respectfully submitted given under our hands and seals.
This the 16th day of June 1860 W. K. Streater {seal}
Attest. William Carpenter Brooks Hinson{seal}
Or all except Eli M., H. M. Diggs George W. Mastin {seal}
Witnefs J .B. Clark {seal}
As to Eli & H. M Diggs Rich. Buchanan {seal}
S. B. Threadgill John W. Jarman {seal}
Thomas Flowers {seal}
[1] North Carolina, Deed Book: Deed Book 16, page 155, Mary Ann Pratt Dower; Register of Deeds, Wadesboro, Anson County, North Carolina.
Charlie, what does that mean to lay of 1/3 of the land? Is that a dower right, the widow gets 1/3? Did the rest of the land go to the children? I am still learning about land & court records.
ReplyDeleteIn most cases the Court will lay off (set aside) a portion of the estate for the purpose of maintaining the Widow and her children for at least one year. The other 2/3 are subject the the debts of the estate and then will be petitioned based on any WILL or the will of the court if intestate. (My understanding after much reading; but, I am not a real estate lawyer.)