The Land in this Deed is just across the North and South Carolina State line with Anson County in NC and Chesterfield County sharing the same border, located in South Carolina.
William A. Purvis}
William J. Purvis} Deed
The State of South Carolina
Know all men by these presents that I William A. Purvis of the County of Anson in the State of South Carolina in consideration of the sum of Two hundred dollars [$200.00] to me paid by William James Purvis of the said County of Anson in the State aforesaid have granted bargained sold and released unto the said and by these presents do grant bargain sell and release unto the said William James Purvis all that piece parcel and tract of land situate lying and being in the District of Chesterfield and State of South Carolina on the North Side of Big Westfield Creek and bounded on the North by the North and South Carolina State line on the East by Isham Wallace and James Lewis lands on the West by lands belonging to the Estate of George Gardner and lands belonging to John Mulholland and on the South by Big Westfield Creek. Containing thirty [30] acres more or less which said track of land was purchased by me from Joseph P. Smith Reference being had to a plat hereunto attached will fully show the corners distance and &c. of said tract of land. Together with all and singular the rights members hereditaments and appurtenances to the said Premise belonging or in anywise incident or appertaining To Have and to Hold all and singular the Premises before mentioned unto the said William James Purvis his Heirs and Assigns forever. And I do hereby bind myself his Heirs Executors and Administrators to warrant and forever defend all and singular the said Premises unto the said William James Purvis his Heirs and assigns against myself and my heirs and all other persons lawfully claiming or to claim the same or any part thereof. Witness my hand and seal this Sixth day of December in year of our Lord one thousand and eight hundred and Sixty Six [1866] and in the Ninety first [91st] year of the Sovereignty and Independence of the United States of America.
Signed Sealed and Delivered}
in the presence of} William A. X Purvis seal (his mark)
W. E. Craig}
H. Craig Jr.|
State of South Carolina}
Chesterfield County}
I W. J. Hannah Clark Court do hereby certify unto all who it may concern that Mrs. Sarah J. Purvis the wife of the within named W. A. Purvis did this day appear before me and upon being privately and separately examined by me did declare that she does fully voluntarily and without any compulsion dread or fear of any person or persons whatsoever renounce release and forever rerouting relinquish unto the within named Wm. J. Purvis his Heirs and Assigns all her interests and estate and also all her rights and claim of dower of it or to all and singular the Premises within mentioned and released.
Given under my hand and seal this}
Sixteenth [16th] day of Dec. Anno Domini 1885}
(official seal) W. J. Hannah} S. J. Purvis {seal}
Clerk Court}
State of South Carolina}
Chesterfield County}
Before the subscribing officer personally appeared T. P. Craig and Thomas Chapman both of the County and State aforesaid who on oath says that they are well acquainted with the handwriting of W. E. Craig and Hugh Craig Jr. the subscribing witnesses to the annexed deed and that both of said witnesses are dead and they believe that the said W. E. Craig and Hugh Craig Jr. signed the same as the signatures to said deed are as respondents believe in the hand writing of said Hugh Craig Jr. and W.E. Craig
Sworn to before me}
16 December 1885} T. P. Craig
W. J. Hanna} Thos Chapman
Clerk Court}
South Carolina}
Chesterfield County}
Personally appeared Wm. A. Purvis who on oath says that he signed the annexed deed at the date thereof and that Wm. E. Craig and Hugh Craig Jr. witnessed the same and that both of said witnesses are dead.
Sworn to before me}
16 Dec 1885}
W. J. Hanna W. X A. Purvis {his mark}
Recorded 19th Dec 1885
[1] Land Deed - William A. Purvis to William J. Purvis Deed; 6 December 1866; Deed Book #8; Page(s) 421-423; Register of Deeds; Chesterfield, Chesterfield County, SC; 3 June 2015
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