Report of Leah Dry Dower
State of North Carolina]
Union County} I C. Austin Sheriff of Union County attended by the following jury of good and lawful men to wit: B. A. Austin, Solomon R. Brewer James Austin Hugh Pursar William B. Hinson Jonathan Austin Daniel Smith John W. Curlee Coleman Stewart James Belleuelis J. W. Holly and W. H. Collins who after being duly sworn according to law proceeded on the 8th day of March A. D. 1859 in obedience to the annexed Will to lay off and allot to Leah Dry widow and relict of Charles Dry DC her dower and ??? of all the lands and tenements of which the said Charles Dry her deceased husband died seized and possessed of according to the following metes and bounds viz; (Beginning at a pine by a white oak + gum on the bank of Rocky Rivers near the upper end of the plantation and runs S 63 E 61 chs + 40 lnks to a rock by a red oak 2 gums + 3 pines in C. S. Austin line thence with his line N 77 E 7chs + 20 links to a rock by same oak sapling thence with his other line N 9 W 22 chs to a large Oak on the bank of Rocky River thence up the various courses of the River 98 chs + 40 links to the Beginning) containing two hundred and twenty one acres and put her in possession of the same. Given under the hands and}
Seals of the jurors this March 8th, 1859}
Test W. H. Austin
W. H. Collins surveyor charges 3 days B. A. Austin {seal}
Traveling surveying plotting $6.00 S. R. Brewer {seal}
Ezekiel M Brooks} James Austin {seal}
Hugh Pursar {seal}
+ John E. Smith} C13 each 12 days Wm. B. Hinson {seal}
Each 1..50 Jonathan Austin {seal} Daniel Smith {seal}
John W. Curlee {seal}
Coleman Stewart {seal}
James Bellewillis {seal}
J. W. Holly {seal}
W. H. Collins {seal}
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