Wednesday, July 31, 2019
Monday, July 29, 2019
Amanuensis Monday~Land Deed Jane, and her Son John David to Nathaniel and Joshua David, 1764.
Amanuensis Monday is a genealogy blogging theme. It was started by John Newmark who writes the TransylvanianDutch blog.
His definition of Amanuensis is:
Amanuensis: A person employed to write what another dictates or to copy what has been written by another.
Today’s subject is a Delaware Land Deed Jane, and her Son John David to Nathaniel and Joshua David, 1764.1
DEED BOOK W1, Page 400-402
This Indenture made the Twentyth <sic> Day of January in the First Year of the Reign of our Sovereign Lord George the third of Great Britain and Ireland Defender of the Faith, Anno Dom: 1764 BETWEEN Jane David and her son John David of Pencader Hundred and County of New Castle of the one part & Nathaniel David and Joshua David of the Hundred and County aforesaid Carpenters of the other part That whereas the honorable William Penn, Efquire governor and Commandeer Chief of the province of Pennfylvania and Counties in Delaware being also proper of the said Province and County, af'sd did grant as appears by his warrant bearing date the 15th Day of October An Dom: 1701 unto William Davis David Evans William Willis and Company and whereas a certain John Morgan obtained the proprietaries (Pg 401) ) warrant for One Thousand and thirty Acres of Land part of the Thirty Thousand Acres obtained by virtue of the warrant aforesaid commonly called the Welch Tract bearing date the seventeenth Day of June 1714 in pursuance thereof the said John Morgan sold part thereof unto his son Watkins Morgan as appears by his Deed bearing Date the Twenty third day of July One Thousand Seven hundred and sixteen and when the said John Morgan discovered that the said One Thousand & thirty acres of Land was part of the said thirty Thousand Acres he then purchased of the said William Davis & David Evans as their Deed bearing date the eight Day of December One Thousand Seven hundred and nineteen doth more fully appear and the said Watkins Morgan died Invested and Seized of three hundred and twenty Acres of Land part of the above described Land which he held by virtue of and in pursuance to the Deed af'sd leaving one only Daughter [Jane] and sole heir of all his Eftate both Real and Personal and being intermarried with a certain Evan David who in pursuance of the said Intermarriage was purswaded <sic> that he had a Right in Fee Simple of in and unto the af'sd Land therefore devised unto his son John David his heirs and assigns ck as by his Will and last testament lodged in the Registers Office at Newcastle may more fully appear and the said Jane David being Willing to obey her said husband Orders also to satisfy her children and to comply with her late husband will hath agreed to Confirm the Right of the said One hundred and fifty acres as far as any Right is vested in her by being party to these presents NOW THIS INDENTURE Witnefseth that the said Jane David & the said John for and in Consideration of the sum of Sixty Pounds Current Lawfully money of Pennsylvania to them in hand paid by the said Nathaniel David and Joshua David before the ensealing and Delivery of these presents the Receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged they the said Jane Davis & John David therewith fully satisfied Contented and paid therefore & thereof do acquit exonerate and forever Discharge them the said Nathaniel David and Joshua David their heirs Executors Administrators or Afsigns have granted bargained & Sold Aliened Released and Confirmed and by these presents doth grant Bargain sell alien Release and Confirm unto the said Nathaniel David & Joshua David their heirs and afsigns forever all that Tract of Land Plantation & Premifes with every the appurtenances thereunto belonging or in any waise <sic> appertaining Sitiuate lying and being in Pencader Hundred and County af'sd. Beginning at a Spanish [oak] in Doctor Peer Peer's land thence therewith South East One hundred & Twenty six perches to a stake in the marsh thence North East thirty three perches to another stake in said Marsh thence North Eighteen Degrees West thirty perches to a Corner hickory thence North fifty eight Degrees west twenty perches to a corner or Black Oak on the North side of the Road thence North Twenty seven Degrees East twenty two perches thence North seventy eight Degrees East seventy three perched to a corner Spanish Oak by the bridge thence North ten Degrees East twenty perches to a hickory saplin thence North forty degrees West twenty perched thence North thirty degrees West seventy one perches to a popular thence North twenty perches to a post thence a New division line North eighty three Degrees and a half West one hundred & twenty two perches to a post in the line of William M. Mchins? Land thence with the same and with the aforesaid Rees Rees's line South One hundred and forty perches to the beginning within said bounds One hundred and fifty acres of Land together with all and Singular Edifies Buildings ways water water courses woods underwoods Timber and Trees gardens Orchids marshed meadows Swamps Cripples Savannahs and all mines minerals hawkings huntings Fishing and Trawling with the Remainder and Remainders (Illegible word) and Provisions rents Issues and Profits thereof and all the Eftate Rights Title Interest property claim and Demand whatsoever of them the sd Jane David and John David of in or unto the sd One hundred and fifty acres (pg 402) of land to have and to hold the said one hundred and fifty acres unto the said Nathaniel David & Joshua David and to their heirs and assigns to the only purpose and behoof <sic> of them the said Nathaniel David & Joshua David their heirs and assigns forever under the Yearly Quit rents due and to become due to the chief Lord of Lords of Fee thereof and the said Jane David and John David do by these presents Covenant and agree to and with the said Nathaniel David and Joshua David their heirs and afsigns in manner following (viz) that the said Jane David and John David and their heirs the said one hundred and Fifty acres of Land and premises's and every part thereof unto the said Nathaniel David and Jofhua David their heirs and Afsigns from and against the Lawfull Claim of them of them <sic> the said Jane David and John David and their heirs & from and against the Lawfull Claim of all and every other person or persons whatsoever now claiming or that shall or may Lawfully Claim hereafter by from or under them or either of them shall and will warrant and forever Defend by these presents. In witnefs whereof the said Jane David and John David have hereunto set their hand and seal the Day and Year first above written.
Sealed & Delivered} Jane (J her mark) David {Seal}
In the presence of} John David {Seal}
Thomas Brown
Thomas David
Received of the above named Nathaniel David the said sum of Sixty Pounds, the consideration above mentioned in full by us.
Jane (J her mark) David
??? Thomas Brown
Newcastle County Js.
{S} Acknowledged in the Court of common Pleas held at Newcastle for the County of Newcastle in February Term 1764. In Teftimony <sic> whereof I have hereunto affixed the Publick <sic>Seal of the s'd County.
Recorded July 3rd 1764 Theodore Maurice, Atty Prob.
In the Deed above, Jane Morgan David and her Son John [Morgan] David are conveying One hundred and fifty acres (150 acres) unto Nathaniel David & Joshua David and their heirs.
Jane Morgan David is the 2nd Wife of my 6th Great Grand Father Evan David, Sr.
Evan David,
Jane Morgan David,
John Morgan David,
Sunday, July 28, 2019
Estate of Samuel Sellers~Administrative Bond, 1852.
Samuel Sellers and Alice Cook moved their family from Anson County, NC to Wilcox County, Alabama about 1829. Samuel and Alice raised a family of 5 daughters and 4 sons. On 23 August 1852, Samuel Sellers passed away. His wife, Alice Cook had died 5 years earlier in February 1847. There were four surviving children – Elizabeth, Daniel Cook, Harriett and Sarah.
Page 90
The State of Alabama} Know all men by these presents that
Wilcox County} we Daniel C. [Cook] Sellers are held and and <sic> firmly bound unto John G. Jackson, Judge of Probate Court of said county and succefsors in office in the Penal sum One hundred Thousand Dollars for the due and faithful payment of which same well and Truly to be made we bind ourselves our heirs Executors and Administrators jointly and severally firmly by these presents Sealed with our seals and dated this 4th day of October A. D. 1852.
The condition of the above obligation is such that whereas the above bound Daniel C. Sellers has been duly appointed Administrator of the Estate of Samuel Sellers late of Wilcox County, dec'd.
Now therefore should the said Daniel C. Sellers well and truly do and be for, all the duties which are or may be required of him by law as such Administrators then this obligation to be void else to be and remain in full force and effort.
D. C. Sellers {seal}
N. A. McMillen {seal}
L. W. Bridges {seal}
Jeremiah Fail {seal}
Harriett Pritchett {sea;}
Sarah Sellers {seal}
Signee to the $100,000.00 Administrative Bond for the Samuel Sellers Estate
D. C. Sellers >>> Daniel Cook Sellers (Oldest Living Son)
N. A. McMillen >>> Neil A. McMillen, Lawyer (any other connection unknown)
L. W. Bridges >>> (haven’t identified this individual)
Jeremiah Fail >>> Son-in-Law, husband of daughter Elizabeth Sellers
Harriett Pritchett >>> Daughter of Samuel; wife of William J. Pritchett
Sarah Sellers >>> Daughter No 4 of Samuel Sellers
[1] Wilcox County, Alabama, Will Book 3: page 90; Administrative Bond Samuel Sellers Estate; Probate Office, Camden, Wilcox County, Alabama.
Alice Cook,
Daniel Cook Sellers,
Samuel Sellers
Saturday, July 27, 2019
It's Family Time~The Mary Elizabeth Wadsworth Martin
Mary Elizabeth Wadsworth, daughter of John H. Wadsworth and Susannah Davis, was born about 1835 in Chesterfield, Chesterfield, South Carolina.
In 1857, at about age 22, Mary Elizabeth Wadsworth married Alexander Martin. In the 1860 Census, Alexander,listed his age as 26; but, in 1880, his stated age is shown as 61. Thus his birth year calculates to be either 1834 or 1819. That's a rather large variation and is unknown which is correct. In 1870, his stated age is 35 making his birth year to be 1835.
After their marriage, a son and two daughters were born to this family. The also moved a lot in the years after marriage. In 1860, Alex and Mary Elizabeth are living in Chesterfield County. They have a son and a daughter in the household. By 1870, they are in Darlington County, SC. The son is no longer in the household but and new daughter, age 6, is listed. It’s assume the son has passed away.
Then in 1880, we find the family in Marion County, South Carolina. The family consists of Alex, his wife Mary and two daughters, Susannah and Margaret.
Extensive searches led to no additional clues until I started researching land deeds. In the late 1870’s and early 1880’s both of Mary Elizabeth Wadsworth parents passed away.
On 13 October 1875, John H. Wadsworth deeded to his Grandson John C. Martin, b. 1858, son of Alexander and Mary E. Wadsworth Martin, a one hundred and seventy-three acre tract of land with the stipulation that “Whereas my Grandson John C. Martin of the Said County and State aforesaid has agreed to comfortably support protect and take care of myself and wife Susannah for and During the Natural Life of both Jointly and for the Life of the Survivor of us.” (Chesterfield County, SC - DB 4, Page 738)
If the 1860 Census is correct, John C. Martin was a mere lad of seventeen years of age. This also substantiates his presence in the county even though he was absent from the 1870 Census.
Beyond the 1880 census, I found no evidence of Alex and Mary Elizabeth Martin until recently when I went to see what happen to the land deeded to John C. Martin and found another land deed from Alexander Martin to Sarah C. Wadsworth and Susannah Wadsworth dated 4 January 1886. This deed became an important document about the family.
After the death of his 1st wife, Susannah Davis, in the late 1870’s; John H. Wadsworth remarried to a lady whom first name was Mary, last name unknown. To this union was born Sarah C. Wadsworth and Susannah Wadsworth. Now John H. and Susannah had given the farm to his grandson John C. Martin to care for them until both were deceased.
We know from this Deed that Alexander Martin deeded the land that his son John C. Martin had received to the survivors of John H. Wadsworth estate, his two daughters by the second marriage.
This deed can be found in Chesterfield County, SC Deed Book 8, Pages 536-537; dated 4 January 1886.
From this Deed we have the following statement:
“Know all men by these presents that I Alexander Martin and County of Marion in the state aforesaid for and in consideration of the sum five Dollars to me in hand paid, at and before the sealing of these presents by Sarah Christian Wadsworth and Susannah Wadsworth (Daughters of John H. Wadsworth Deceased) of the County of Chesterfield in the state aforesaid (the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged) have granted, bargained, sold and released and by these presents do grant, bargain, sale and release unto the said Sarah C. Wadsworth and Susannah Wadsworth all that piece, parcel or tract of land whereon they now Reside being a part of a track of land containing (97) ninety Seven Acres more or less purchase by John H. Wadsworth from Harrison Parker about the year 1850 and thence conveyed by Jno. H. Wadsworth to Jno. C Martin the 13th day of October 1875 and being land belonging to me by inheritance of this Est. of my son Jno. C Martin &c containing (53) fifty three acres more or less (this takes us back to DB 4, Page 738).
We know from this Deed that John C. Martin is deceased
Well that's not all, there is still one more land deed and this deed places the Alexander and Mary Elizabeth Wadsworth Martin family in Red River Parish, Louisiana on 25 February 1898. (Deed Book 15, page 95, 96 and 97)
The State of Louisiana}
Parish of Red River}
I, T. E. Paxton, Clerk of Court do hereby certify unto all whom it may concern that Mrs. Mary Martin the wife of the within named Alexander Martin did this day appear before me and upon being privately and separately examined by me, did declared that she does freely, voluntarily and without any compulsion dread or fear of any person or persons whomsoever renounce, release and forever relinquish unto the within named J. B. C. Hunt His heirs and assigns, all her right and claim of dower, of, in, or, to all and singular the premises within mentioned and released.
Given under my Hand and Seal this 25th day of Feby Anno Domini 1898.
{Official seal} T. E. Paxton} Mary x her mark Martin {LS}
Clerk of Court
Alexander Martin and Mary Elizabeth Wadsworth had the following children:
i. John C. Martin was born about 1858. He died bef 4 January 1886 at the age of 28 in Chesterfield County, South Carolina.
ii. Susannah "Susan" Martin was born about 1859 in Chesterfield County, South Carolina.
iii.Margaret Martin was born about 1867.
I have not been able to find Alexander, Mary Elizabeth, Susannah and Margaret after the 1898 Land Deed.
Mary Elizabeth Wadsworth Martin is my 1st Cousin 4 times removed.
1. 1840 U S Census, Chesterfield County, South Carolina, population schedule, Chesterfield County, South Carolina, Page 372, Line 15, John WADSWORTH; digital images, ( : viewed 3 March 2012); citing National Archives Microfilm M740_Roll 510.
2. 1850 U. S. Census, Chesterfield County, South Carolina, population schedule, Chesterfield, Chesterfield County, South Carolina, Page 130A, Line 16, Dwelling 488, Family 488, Household of John H. WADSWORTH; digital images, ( : viewed 1 June 2012); citing National Archives Microfilm M432 Roll 851.
3. 1860 U. S. Census, Chesterfield County, South Carolina, population schedule, Chesterfield County, South Carolina, Page: 115; Line 37, Dwelling 302, Family 303, Household of Alex MARTIN; digital images, ( : viewed 6 August 2017); citing National Archives Microfilm M653-1217.
4. 1870 U. S. Census, Darlington County, South Carolina, population schedule, Lincoln, Darlington, South Carolina, Page: 516A(stamped); Line 24, Dwelling 82, Family 85, Household of Alex MARTIN; digital image, ( : viewed 6 August 2017); citing National Archive Microfilm M593, Roll 1493.
5. 1880 U S Census, Marion County, South Carolina, population schedule, Mcmillans, Marion, South Carolina, enumeration district (ED) 097, Page: 249A(stamped); Line 39, Dwelling 208, Family 208, Household of Alexander MARTIN; digital image, ( : viewed 6 August 2017); citing National Archive Microfilm T9, Roll 1235.
6. Chesterfield County, South Carolina, Deed Book 4: pages 738 & 739, John H. Wadsworth to John C. Martin Deed; Register of Deeds, Chesterfield, Chesterfield County, South Carolina.
7. Chesterfield County, South Carolina, Deed Book 8: pages 536 & 537.
8. Chesterfield County, South Carolina, Deed Book 15: pages 95, 96 & 97, Alexander Martin & Mary Martin to J. B. C. Hunt; 25 February 1898, Register of Deeds, Chesterfield, Chesterfield County, South Carolina.
Thursday, July 25, 2019
Treasure Chest Thursday~Marriage of Lela Mae Rivers and Thomas Levi Melton
The oldest marriage book in Chesterfield County, South Carolina shows that Lela Mae Rivers and Thomas Levi Melton were married 3 September 1911 by R. E. Rivers.
Lela Mae, age 18, is the daughter of James Samuel Rivers and Laura Jane Davis. Thomas Levi, age 25, is a son of Hardy H. Melton and Dolly Copeland.

Did this day perform the marriage ceremony for the within named at ChesterfieldSouth Carolina, this 3rd day of September A. D. 1911.
R. E. Rivers
Clerk of Court
s/ Thomas Levi X his mark Meltons/ L. M. X her mark Rivers
After their marriage Thomas and Lela Mae raised a family of 11 children; 5 daughters and 6 sons while Thomas work a variety of occupations. In 1900, he was working in a Silk Mill in Anson County, NC. In the 1920’s and 1930’s Thomas worked as a farmer/farm labor and as a carpenter in the 1940’s.
Thomas Levi Melton passed away from injuries sustained in an automobile-truck collision near Cheraw on 26 January 1943.
Lela Mae Rivers Melton is my 2nd Cousin twice removed.
[1] Chesterfield County, South Carolina original marriage licenses, 1911-1951
[2] MARRIAGE: Chesterfield County, South Carolina Marriage Index Book, 1911-1914, Compiled by Angela Rayfield, Copyright 1999. Page 29. Thomas Leroy Melton md Lela May Rivers on 3 Sept 1911.
Monday, July 22, 2019
Amanuensis Monday~Will of David W. Honeycutt
Amanuensis Monday is a genealogy blogging theme. It was started by John Newmark who writes the TransylvanianDutch blog.
His definition of Amanuensis is:
Amanuensis: A person employed to write what another dictates or to copy what has been written by another.
Today’s subject is the Will of David W. Honeycutt,, 1903.1 2
Will of David W. Honeycutt
Cabarrus County In the Superior Court
In the matter of the Will of } before Jno. M Cook
David W. Honeycutt} Clerk of Superior Court
Geo. W. Dry, being duly sworn, doth say:-
That David W. Honeycutt, late of said County, is dead having first made and published his last will and testament and that he, the said "Geo. W. Dry, is the executor named therein.
Further, that the property of the said David W. Honeycutt, consisting of real and personal property, is worth about $400.00, so far as can be ascertained at the date of this application and that Caroline M. Honeycutt, James A. Isenhour, Jacob B. Isenhour and James W. Peacock are the parties entitled under said will to the said property.
Subscribed and sworn to} Geo. W. Dry
Before me Nov. 30, 1903}
Jno. M. Cook, C. S. C. }
I David W. Honeycutt of the County of Cabarrus and sate of North Carolina being of sound mind and memory but considering the uncertainty of my earthly existence do make and declare this my last will and testament in manner and form following, that is to say:
Item: I give and devise to my beloved wife Caroline M. Honeycutt thirty-eight acres of land set out by metes and bounds as follows--
Beginning on a White Oak Wilson Honeycutt corner, thence So. 46 ½ W. 60 poles to a Stone thence So. 45 poles to a persimmon, thence So. 57 E. 55 poles to a stone in G. C. Lentz field, thence No. 23 E. 76 poles to a stone, thence N. 20 E. 41 poles to a stone in G. C. Lentz line, thence with the said Lentz No. 54 West 15 poles to a stone, thence No. 20 E. 41 poles to a black oak, thence South 87 W. 40 poles to the beginning containing 38 acres be the same more or less I now live on to have and to hold to her the said Caroline M. Honeycutt for and during the term of her natural life.
Item - I give and bequeath to my beloved wife Caroline M. Honeycutt all the Household and Kitchen furniture, viz 4 beds safe and bookcase bureau tables sewing machine Clock Cookstove safe &c also one cow.
Item After the death of my beloved wife Caroline M. Honeycutt I give and bequeath to James A. Isenhour, Jacob B. Isenhour and James W. Peacock the thirty-eight acres of land bounded as follows,
Beginning on a White Oak Wilson Honeycutt corner, thence So. 46 ½ W. 60 poles to a Stone thence So. 45 poles to a persimmon, thence So. 57 E. 55 poles to a stone in G. C. Lentz field, thence No. 23 E. 76 poles to a stone, thence N. 20 E. 41 poles to a stone in G. C. Lentz line, thence with the said Lentz No. 54 West 15 poles to a stone, thence No. 20 E. 41 poles to a black oak, thence South 87 W. 40 poles to the beginning containing 38 acres be the same more or less.
And lastly, I do hereby constitute and appoint trusty friend Geo. W. Dry my lawful executor to all intents and purposes to execute this my last will and testament according to the true intent and meaning of the same and every part and clause thereof hereby revoking and declaring utterly void all other wills and testaments by me heretofore made.
In witness whereof I the said David W. Honeycutt do hereunto set my hand seal this 14 day of Feb. 1903.
David W. Honeycutt {Seal}
Signed sealed published and declared
by the said David W. Honeycutt to be his
last will and testament in the presence
of us who at his request and in his
presence do subscribe our names as
witnesses thereto.
John D. Klutts
H. C. Lentz
G. C. Lentz
State of North Carolina} In Superior Court
Cabarrus County} Before Jno. M. Cook, Clerk
In Re Estate of}
David W. Honeycutt, deceased} Order for probate of Will
A paper writing purporting to be the last Will and testament of David W. Honeycutt, deceased, is exhibited in open Court for probate by Geo. W. Dry, Executor therein named, and the due execution thereof by the said David W. Honeycutt, deceased, is duly proven by the oath and examination of G. C. Lentz and H. C. Lentz two of the subscribing witnesses thereto; and it is further shown to the satisfaction of the Court by said witnesses that the said David W. Honeycutt was at the time of making said will of sound mind and memory of full age to execute a Will under no restraint to their knowledge, information or belief:
It is thereupon considered adjudged and decreed that said proof is sufficient and according to law and that said paper is and contains the last Will and Testament of David W. Honeycutt deceased. And on motion, it is ordered that said Will be admitted to probate and recorded in the Book of Wills of Cabarrus County and as such filed as provided by law in the office of the Clerk of Superior Court of said County.
It is further ordered that said Geo. W. Dry be allowed to qualify as executor as provided by and enter upon the discharge of the duties imposed by said trust, which is this day done and letters testamentary issued.
Dated this the 30 day of November 1903.
Jno. M. Cook
Clerk of Superior Court
David W. Honeycutt was a son of James Irvin Huneycutt and Sarah Barrier. He first married Mary M. Umstead on 3 February 1857 in Orange County, North Carolina. David and Mary are enumerated with a Lutheran Minister and his wife, the Rev. Levi Cook Groseclose in 1860. Mary passed away on 24 Jul 1863 according to her tombstone at Gold Hill Cemetery. Their daughter, Emma Caroline passed away shortly after birth (7 May 1858-12 June 1858). In 1870, David is back in the home of his parents.
On 27 May 1877, David W. marries Caroline M. Crowell in Rowan County, North Carolina. Carolina as his second wife. I have found no known children born to this marriage.
David W. Honeycutt died on 29 March 1903; Caroline M. Honeycutt died 23 Nov 1919. They are both buried in Saint Stephens Lutheran Church Cemetery, Gold Hill, Cabarrus County, North Carolina.
[1] "North Carolina Probate Records, 1735-1970," images, FamilySearch ( : 21 May 2014), Cabarrus > Wills, 1888-1905, Vol. 04 > image 266 of 306; county courthouses, North Carolina.
[2] Cabarrus County, North Carolina, Will Book 4, pages 506-508 Will of David W. Honeycutt; Probate Court Office, Concord, Cabarrus County, North Carolina.
His definition of Amanuensis is:
Amanuensis: A person employed to write what another dictates or to copy what has been written by another.
Today’s subject is the Will of David W. Honeycutt,, 1903.1 2
Will of David W. Honeycutt
Cabarrus County In the Superior Court
In the matter of the Will of } before Jno. M Cook
David W. Honeycutt} Clerk of Superior Court
Geo. W. Dry, being duly sworn, doth say:-
That David W. Honeycutt, late of said County, is dead having first made and published his last will and testament and that he, the said "Geo. W. Dry, is the executor named therein.
Further, that the property of the said David W. Honeycutt, consisting of real and personal property, is worth about $400.00, so far as can be ascertained at the date of this application and that Caroline M. Honeycutt, James A. Isenhour, Jacob B. Isenhour and James W. Peacock are the parties entitled under said will to the said property.
Subscribed and sworn to} Geo. W. Dry
Before me Nov. 30, 1903}
Jno. M. Cook, C. S. C. }
I David W. Honeycutt of the County of Cabarrus and sate of North Carolina being of sound mind and memory but considering the uncertainty of my earthly existence do make and declare this my last will and testament in manner and form following, that is to say:
Item: I give and devise to my beloved wife Caroline M. Honeycutt thirty-eight acres of land set out by metes and bounds as follows--
Beginning on a White Oak Wilson Honeycutt corner, thence So. 46 ½ W. 60 poles to a Stone thence So. 45 poles to a persimmon, thence So. 57 E. 55 poles to a stone in G. C. Lentz field, thence No. 23 E. 76 poles to a stone, thence N. 20 E. 41 poles to a stone in G. C. Lentz line, thence with the said Lentz No. 54 West 15 poles to a stone, thence No. 20 E. 41 poles to a black oak, thence South 87 W. 40 poles to the beginning containing 38 acres be the same more or less I now live on to have and to hold to her the said Caroline M. Honeycutt for and during the term of her natural life.
Item - I give and bequeath to my beloved wife Caroline M. Honeycutt all the Household and Kitchen furniture, viz 4 beds safe and bookcase bureau tables sewing machine Clock Cookstove safe &c also one cow.
Item After the death of my beloved wife Caroline M. Honeycutt I give and bequeath to James A. Isenhour, Jacob B. Isenhour and James W. Peacock the thirty-eight acres of land bounded as follows,
Beginning on a White Oak Wilson Honeycutt corner, thence So. 46 ½ W. 60 poles to a Stone thence So. 45 poles to a persimmon, thence So. 57 E. 55 poles to a stone in G. C. Lentz field, thence No. 23 E. 76 poles to a stone, thence N. 20 E. 41 poles to a stone in G. C. Lentz line, thence with the said Lentz No. 54 West 15 poles to a stone, thence No. 20 E. 41 poles to a black oak, thence South 87 W. 40 poles to the beginning containing 38 acres be the same more or less.
And lastly, I do hereby constitute and appoint trusty friend Geo. W. Dry my lawful executor to all intents and purposes to execute this my last will and testament according to the true intent and meaning of the same and every part and clause thereof hereby revoking and declaring utterly void all other wills and testaments by me heretofore made.
In witness whereof I the said David W. Honeycutt do hereunto set my hand seal this 14 day of Feb. 1903.
David W. Honeycutt {Seal}
Signed sealed published and declared
by the said David W. Honeycutt to be his
last will and testament in the presence
of us who at his request and in his
presence do subscribe our names as
witnesses thereto.
John D. Klutts
H. C. Lentz
G. C. Lentz
State of North Carolina} In Superior Court
Cabarrus County} Before Jno. M. Cook, Clerk
In Re Estate of}
David W. Honeycutt, deceased} Order for probate of Will
A paper writing purporting to be the last Will and testament of David W. Honeycutt, deceased, is exhibited in open Court for probate by Geo. W. Dry, Executor therein named, and the due execution thereof by the said David W. Honeycutt, deceased, is duly proven by the oath and examination of G. C. Lentz and H. C. Lentz two of the subscribing witnesses thereto; and it is further shown to the satisfaction of the Court by said witnesses that the said David W. Honeycutt was at the time of making said will of sound mind and memory of full age to execute a Will under no restraint to their knowledge, information or belief:
It is thereupon considered adjudged and decreed that said proof is sufficient and according to law and that said paper is and contains the last Will and Testament of David W. Honeycutt deceased. And on motion, it is ordered that said Will be admitted to probate and recorded in the Book of Wills of Cabarrus County and as such filed as provided by law in the office of the Clerk of Superior Court of said County.
It is further ordered that said Geo. W. Dry be allowed to qualify as executor as provided by and enter upon the discharge of the duties imposed by said trust, which is this day done and letters testamentary issued.
Dated this the 30 day of November 1903.
Jno. M. Cook
Clerk of Superior Court
David W. Honeycutt was a son of James Irvin Huneycutt and Sarah Barrier. He first married Mary M. Umstead on 3 February 1857 in Orange County, North Carolina. David and Mary are enumerated with a Lutheran Minister and his wife, the Rev. Levi Cook Groseclose in 1860. Mary passed away on 24 Jul 1863 according to her tombstone at Gold Hill Cemetery. Their daughter, Emma Caroline passed away shortly after birth (7 May 1858-12 June 1858). In 1870, David is back in the home of his parents.
On 27 May 1877, David W. marries Caroline M. Crowell in Rowan County, North Carolina. Carolina as his second wife. I have found no known children born to this marriage.
David W. Honeycutt died on 29 March 1903; Caroline M. Honeycutt died 23 Nov 1919. They are both buried in Saint Stephens Lutheran Church Cemetery, Gold Hill, Cabarrus County, North Carolina.
[1] "North Carolina Probate Records, 1735-1970," images, FamilySearch ( : 21 May 2014), Cabarrus > Wills, 1888-1905, Vol. 04 > image 266 of 306; county courthouses, North Carolina.
[2] Cabarrus County, North Carolina, Will Book 4, pages 506-508 Will of David W. Honeycutt; Probate Court Office, Concord, Cabarrus County, North Carolina.
Saturday, July 20, 2019
It’s Family Times~The Duncan Teal Family
Duncan Teal was born about 1818 in Anson County, North Carolina.1 Duncan served with the 6th Regiment, South Carolina Cavalry (Aiken's Partisan Rangers) (1st Partisan Rangers) during the Civil War(1861-1865).2 3 Duncan was a farmer and owned a one hundred and fourteen acres spread in Chesterfield County, South Carolina. On 8 July 1871, he deeded this farm to his only child, his son, Thomas L. Teal (DB 3, Page 451-452). 4
Duncan Teal married Louisa Ann Boatwright sometime before 1864. Louisa Ann Boatwright, daughter of Lewis Boatwright and Elizabeth Rebecca Davis, was born about 1830 in Chesterfield, Chesterfield, South Carolina.5
Duncan Teal and Louisa Ann Boatwright had one known child:
i. Thomas Lucas Teal Sr., born 26 Nov 1869, Anson County, North Carolina; married Lucy Teresa Eddins, 1889; died 8 Jul 1935, Chesterfield, Chesterfield, South Carolina.
Duncan Teal, age 77, died 12 February 1895 in Chesterfield County, South Carolina. He was buried in Pine Grove Baptist Church Cemetery.6
Louisa Ann Teal died on 1 Sep 1902 at the age of 72 in Chesterfield, Chesterfield, South Carolina. She was buried beside her husband in the Pine Grove Baptist Church Cemetery.
Louisa Ann Boatwright Teal is my 1st Cousin 4 times removed.
1. 1880 U. S. Census, Chesterfield County, South Carolina, population schedule, Court House, Chesterfield, South Carolina, enumeration district (ED) 005, ; Page: 316A (Stamped); Line 45, Dwelling 121, Family 121, Household of Duncan TEAL; digital images, ( : viewed 3 May 2017); citing National Archives Microfilm T9-1225.
2. Ancestry, "Civil War Service Records" database, Military Service Records ( : accessed 12 June 2012), entry for Duncan Teal, Private; 6th Regiment, South Carolina Cavalry (Aiken's Partisan Rangers) (1st Partisan Rangers); Confederate.
3. James C. Pigg, Index and Genealogical Abstracts of the Chesterfield District Court of Common Pleas: Equity Side, 1823-1869 (Tega Cay, South Carolina: Self-published, 1995), page 130.
4. Chesterfield County, South Carolina, Deed Book 3: pages 451-452, Duncan Teal to Thos. L. Teal Deed; Register of Deeds, Chesterfield, Chesterfield County, South Carolina.
5. 1880 U. S. Census, Chesterfield County, South Carolina, Population Schedule, Court House, Chesterfield, South Carolina, ED 005, ; Page: 316A (Stamped); Line 45, Dwelling 121, Family 121, Household of Duncan TEAL.
6. Find A Grave, Inc., Find A Grave, database and digital images, ( : accessed 12 June 2012); Memorial page for Duncan Teal; (1818–12 February 1895); Find a Grave memorial # 18965003, Citing Pine Grove Baptist Church Cemetery; Chesterfield County, South Carolina, USA.
Friday, July 19, 2019
Guardianship of the William Lafayette Brown Minor Children
No. 77
The State of Mississippi} In Probate Court
Lauderdale County} April term 1856
To the Honl. W. J. Daniel, Judge
We John H. + Marty Brown Guardians of the minor heirs of William Brown deceased respectively Sheweth to your Honor that we have received nothing as guardians of Said Minors heirs estate (illegible) being in the hands of the Administrator of the Said William Brown as soon as we receive the estate of Said minors we will make returns to this Court and they ask allowances for the following amounts expended for our wards the past year to wit:
For Marty Brown 12 Months Board $36.00
" " Elmira Brown "" " " " " $36.00
" " Emiline Brown "" " " " " $36.00
" " Margaret Brown "" " " " " $36.00
" " Frances Brown "" " " " " $36.00
" " Doratha Brown "" " " " " $36.00
All of which respectively submitted. Marty Brown
Sworn to + subscribed April 21th 1856 John H. Brown
Wm. J. Daniel
William Lafayette Brown died 19 August 1853 in Lauderdale County, Mississippi. He left his wife Martha ‘Marty’ Hamrick and 10 children; five were minor daughters named above.
William Lafayette Brown is my 1st Cousin 5 times removed.
No. 77
The State of Mississippi} In Probate Court
Lauderdale County} April term 1856
To the Honl. W. J. Daniel, Judge
We John H. + Marty Brown Guardians of the minor heirs of William Brown deceased respectively Sheweth to your Honor that we have received nothing as guardians of Said Minors heirs estate (illegible) being in the hands of the Administrator of the Said William Brown as soon as we receive the estate of Said minors we will make returns to this Court and they ask allowances for the following amounts expended for our wards the past year to wit:
For Marty Brown 12 Months Board $36.00
" " Elmira Brown "" " " " " $36.00
" " Emiline Brown "" " " " " $36.00
" " Margaret Brown "" " " " " $36.00
" " Frances Brown "" " " " " $36.00
" " Doratha Brown "" " " " " $36.00
All of which respectively submitted. Marty Brown
Sworn to + subscribed April 21th 1856 John H. Brown
Wm. J. Daniel
William Lafayette Brown died 19 August 1853 in Lauderdale County, Mississippi. He left his wife Martha ‘Marty’ Hamrick and 10 children; five were minor daughters named above.
William Lafayette Brown is my 1st Cousin 5 times removed.
Thursday, July 18, 2019
Treasure Chest Thursday~The marriage of Jeremiah Fail and Elizabeth Sellers
Jeremiah Fail, age 38, and Elizabeth Sellers, age 26, were married in Wilcox County, Alabama in July 1841 by the Rev. J. C. Wear, Minister. The marriage is recorded in Marriage Book 4, pages 31 and 32.
Elizabeth Sellers was born abt 1815, a daughter of William Samuel Sellers and his wife Alice ‘Allie’ Cook. William Samuel and Allie moved their family from Chesterfield County, SC between 1820 and 1830 settling in Wilcox County, Alabama.
Elizabeth married Jeremiah Fail on 15 July 1841. This was her first and only marriage and his second marriage. I have only identified three children born to this Couple; one son and two daughters.
Jeremiah Fail died on 13 May 1871. No death date or tombstone has been found for Elizabeth Sellers Fail. But, the document below suggests that she died approximately two weeks after losing her husband.
To the Honorable J. H. Burdick, Judge of the Probate court for Wilcox County
Your petitioner, William G. Fail, a resident citizen of Wilcox County over the age of twenty- one years, respectfully represents that Jeremiah Fail, who was at the time of his death, a resident citizen of Said County, departed this life on or about the 13th day of May 1871, intestate.
That the said Jeremiah Fail was possessed of + owned a large real + personal estate, which your petitioner estimated to be worth about forty thousand ($40000,); the major part of which said estate is in the county aforesaid.
That the said testate left heirs surviving?, his widow, Mrs. Eliza Fail + your petitioner, who is his only son, + Mrs. Margaret Reddish, who is his only daughter, and that they are his next of kin + only heirs at law, + that they both are over the age of twenty-one + reside in Wilcox County.
That Mrs. Eliza Fail, the widow of said intestate, died in Wilcox County, Alabama about two weeks after the death of said Jeremiah Fail, and no one has as yet been appointed administrator of her Estate. Her probate folder shows she died before 5 June 1871.
Your petitioner furthers states that he is informed + believe that he is entitled to precedence in the administration of his father’s estate, he therefore prays Ye Honor to Appoint him administrator of the estate of said Jeremiah fail, deceased; + that that such proceedings may be his? that letters of Administration may be duly and legally granted to your petitioner.
Sworn to + published} Respectfully,
Before me this 20, day} W. G. Fail
Of June, 1871}
J. H. Burdick,
Judge of Probate
Elizabeth Sellers Fail is my 2nd Cousin 5 times removed.
Wednesday, July 17, 2019
Tuesday, July 16, 2019
Pike County, Alabama Estate Folder~Richard Eddins, 1846
Richard Eddins, b. 1783, a son of William B. Eddins and Nancy [LNU], moved his family from Chesterfield County, SC to Pike County, Alabama about 1819. There he and his wife Elizabeth Wilson raised a family of twelve known children.
Richard Eddins died sometime before 29 May 1845 and his estate was probated in Pike County in the year 1846.
His Estate File can be found online at It can be viewed, without cost, by clicking on this hyperlink:
At the time of his death, 3 or 4 of his children were minors under the age of twenty-one. There are 32 images contained within the Estate Folder; some contain significant genealogical data others contains just the routine matters associated with probating an estate.
This listing mentions some of the data in the Estate Folder:
Image 2 = mentions James M. Gibson Guardian of Joseph J. and Richard Eddins
Image 4 = Dated June 1845 mentions Archibald Graves; Melinda, Joseph, and Richard Graves
Image 8 – Earliest date (19 May 1845) found within the Estate folder mentions William R. Eddins
Image 11 – refers to Dale County, Alabama
Images 12-13 = Joseph Eddins has reached the age of majority (21) dated 10 May 1852>>(1852-21= 1831 birth year for Joseph)
Image 15 = 14 Oct 1845, A true + perfect Inventory
Image 17 = 20 Dec 1845, James M. Gibson appointed Guardian of Minor Martha Ann Eddins
Image 18 = More Guardianship paperwork
Image 23 = Belinda Flowers formerly Belinda Eddins (Sarah Malinda Eddins married Goldsberry Flowers on 7 Feb. 1846, Pike Co., AL)
Image 26 = Mentions Archibald Graves former guardian of said minors. (Archibald Graves marred Harriett Edna Eddins daughter of Richard Eddins)
Image 27 = The Guardianship case was moved from Dale County, Alabama to Pike County, Alabama
Image 29 = Martha Ann Eddins over the age of fourteen, age about 19; dated 1845 making her birth year to be about 1826.
Image 30 = Pike Circuit Court Fall Term AD 1865 Malinda Eddins et al minors Vs. Archibald Graves
Image 32 = Record of James M. Gibson Guardian of Richard, Joseph, and Malinda Eddins.
Richard Eddins left NO WILL at his demise. Several of his children and Sons-in-law are mentioned within the estate folder.
Richard Eddins and Elizabeth Wilson had the following children:
i. James Hosea Eddins, born 29 Mar 1809, Chesterfield, Chesterfield, South Carolina; married Rebecca Black, 15 Nov 1831, Pike County, Alabama; died aft 1880.
ii. William R. Eddins, born 24 Mar 1816, Pike County, Alabama; married Eliza M. McDonald, 17 Jun 1845, Pike County, Alabama; married Patience Weatherford, 26 May 1846, Monroe, Alabama; died 27 Jan 1866.
iii. Lydia Eddins, born abt 1817, Chesterfield, Chesterfield, South Carolina; married Phillip William Sellers, 27 Jan 1838, Pike County, Alabama; died aft 1880, Coffee County, Alabama,.
iv. Harriett Edna Eddins, born abt 1820, Pike County, Alabama; married Archibald Graves; married Luke Flowers; died 1886.
v. Jackson Eddins, born bef Jul 1820; married Mary Cairrian, 27 Feb 1845, Pike County, Alabama.
vi. Louisa Jane Eddins was born before Jul 1820.
vii. Nancy Helen Eddins, born 31 Dec 1822; married James Irvin Adams, 6 Jan 1839, Pike County, Alabama; died 7 Apr 1888.
viii. Elizabeth Eddins, born 1 Jan 1824; married James Milton Gibson, 13 Mar 1845, Pike County, Alabama; died 6 Dec 1883.
ix. Martha Ann Eddins, born abt 1826; married Thomas Underwood Crane, 1848.
x. Sarah Malinda Eddins, born abt 1830; married Goldsbury Flowers, 7 Feb 1846, Pike, Alabama, USA.
xi. Joseph F. Eddins, born abt 1831, Pike County, Alabama; married Elizabeth Burton; died 1863, Civil War.
xii. Richard John Thrashly Eddins, born abt 1833, Pike County, Alabama; married Catherine Frances Wheeler, abt 1862; married Emma Morris, 15 Jan 1885, Crenshaw County, Alabama; died 1900, Santa Rosa Co., FL.
Richard Eddins is my 3rd Great Grand Uncle.
[1] "Alabama Estate Files, 1830-1976," database with images, FamilySearch ( : 19 May 2014), Pike > Eddins, Malinda (1847) > image 1 of 32; county courthouses, Alabama.
Elizabeth Wilson,
Richard Eddins,
William B. Eddins
Monday, July 15, 2019
A Marriage Contract Between Obadiah Gulledge and Lavicia Thurman Boatwright
This indenture of three parts made the twenty-fifth day of June in the year of our Lord one thousand and eight hundred and forty, between Obadiah Gulledge of District and State aforesaid of the first part Lavicia Boatwright, widow, and relict of Drury Boatwright, late of Chesterfield District in the state aforesaid of the second part and John Evans of the same District and State aforesaid of the third part.
Witnesseth that whereas a marriage intended shortly to be had and solemnized between said Obadiah Gulledge and the said Lavicia Boatwright upon the Contracts of which marriage it is hereby concluded and agreed by and between them the said Obadiah Gulledge and Lavicia Boatwright that if the said marriage should take effect and be solemnized the property and Estate, real and personal of the said Lavicia which she is now entitled of which she is now seized and possesses, a particular description whereof may be had by reference to a schedule marked A. hereto annexed and also a negro man named Cudjo, A Sorrel Horse, a gig and Harness now the property of the said Obadiah Gulledge particularly described and set forth in the schedule hereunto marked B, shall be settled, transferred to and vested in the aforesaid John Evans, his heirs, Executors, Administrators and assigns in such manner and form and for such uses, intent, and purposes, as hereinafter limited, appointed and expressed and for no other use intent, or purposes whatsoever. Now to make the said agreement effectual in law, and for and in consideration of the said marriage as intended to be had and solemnized by and between the said Obadiah and the said Lavicia and also for and in consideration of the sum of one Dollar by the said John Evans to the said Obadiah in hand paid at and before the sealing and delivery of these presence <sic>the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged he the said Obadiah Gulledge by and with the privity consent and approbation and agreement of the said Lavicia testified by her being made a party to signing, sealing, and delivering these presents hath bargained . sold, transferred and delivered and by these presents doth bargain, sell, transfer, and deliver to the said John Evans a negro man named Cudjo, one Sorrel Horse and one gig and Harness, more particularly described as aforesaid in scheduled B hereunto annexed to have and to hold the said property unto the said John Evans his Executors, Administrators, and Assigns forever. In trust nevertheless and to and for the several uses, intents and purposes hereinafter limited, declared and expressed of and concerning the same that is to say to the use of the said Obadiah until the said intended marriage be solemnized and take effect and from and immediately after the solemnization thereof them in trust that he the said John Evans his Executors, Administrators or Assigns shall and do permit the said Obadiah and Lavicia during their joint lives to have, receive, take and enjoy all the use, hire, profit, benefit or advantage of this said property so mentioned and described in schedule B as aforesaid to their joint use and benefit; and if the said Obadiah shall survive the said Lavicia, then in trust that he the said John Evans, his Executors, Administrator and Assigns shall at the death of the said Lavicia convey, assign, transfer and pay over all the same property mentioned in schedule B as aforesaid to the said Obadiah then after his death in trust for the sole and separate use of the said Lavicia during her natural life and at her death then in trust that he the said John Evans, his
end of page 7// Start of Page 8
Executors, Administrators or Assigns shall convey, assign, transfer, and pay over all the said property mentioned in Schedule B, as aforesaid to the children of the said Obadiah as well by the said Lavicia if any, as by and former wife then living at the death of the said Lavicia to be equally divided amongst them share and share alike to them their Executors, Administrators forever the aforesaid property in schedule mentioned in no wise to be subject to or liable for the Contracts, debts or engagements of the said Obadiah hereafter to be make or entered into by him and the said Lavicia Boatwright to make the said agreement effectual in the law and in consideration of the said marriage so intended to be had and solemnized by and between the said Obadiah and Lavicia and also for and in consideration of the sum of one dollar by the said John Evans to the said Lavicia in hand paid before the sealing and Delivering of these presents the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged,. She the said Lavicia by and with the privity consent approbation and agreement of the said Obadiah testified by his being made a party to signing, sealing and delivering these presents hath granted, Bargained, sold, released, transferred and delivered and by these presents doth grant, bargain, sell, release, transfer and deliver unto the said John Evans, his heirs, Executors, Administrators and assigns two tracts, pieces or parcels of land one of which tracts is the plantation or tract whereon she now lives and the other called the Sand Hill tract. Both of which were purchased by her, the said Lavicia at the sale of the real Estate of her late husband Drury Boatwright made by order of the Court of Ordinary for Chesterfield District (except so much of said tract as was hereto sold by her the said Lavica to Malachi Rivers) a more particular description of which said two tracts of land is given in the aforesaid schedule A hereunto annexed. Also a Negro Woman called Biddy, a Negro boy called Cato, one bay mare and colt , one yoke of oxen, and one oxcart, two cows and Calves, one heifer, three bedsteads, and furniture, one clock and all other articles of household furniture now in her possession. Kitchen furniture, plantation tools, and farming utensil, a note on Dr. Wm. McBride for four hundred Dollars, and two notes on Jacob Ganey for one hundred Dollars each, all of which are more particularly described in the schedule A hereunto annexed to have and to hold the said property real and personal unto the said John Evans, his heirs, Executors, Administrators and assigns forever. In trust nevertheless and to and for the several uses, intents and purposes herein after limited, declared and expressed of and concerning the same, that is to say: to and for the use of the said Lavicia until the said intended marriage be solemnized and take effect, and from and immediately after the solemnization thereof then in trust to pay to the children of her late husband Drury Boatwright what she the said Lavicia Boatwright owes them either as Administrator of her said late husband or as guardian of the aforesaid children and such other debts as she the said Lavicia at this time owes; then the balance in trust that he the said John Evans, his heirs, Executors, Administrators, and Assigns shall and do permit the said Obadiah and Lavicia during their joint lives to have, receive, take and enjoy all the use, rents, hire, profit, benefits and advantages of the said property real and personal (after payment of the aforesaid debts as aforesaid) so set forth and described as in schedule A to their joint use and benefit and is the said Lavicia should survive the said Obadiah then in trust that at the death of the said Obadiah he the said John Evans, his heirs, Executors, Administrators, and Assigns shall convey, transfer, assign, deliver, and pay over all the said property, real and personal mention in schedule A with the increase of the personal property to the said Lavicia; But should the
End of page 8//Start page 9
the said Obadiah survive the said Lavicia, then the said John Evans, his heirs, Executors, Administrators, or assigns shall at the death of the said Lavicia convey, transfer, assign, deliver and pay over to the children of the said Lavicia as well by the said Obadiah if any, as by her former husband Drury Boatwright, living at her death, all the said property real and personal mentioned in schedule A except the tract or plantation on which the said Lavicia now lives to be equally divided amongst them share and share alike to them their heirs, Executors, Administrators and assigns forever; and the said tract of land or plantation on which she the said Lavicia now lives the said John Evans shall hold in trust for the sole and separate use and benefit of Obadiah during his natural life provided the the <sic> said Obadiah shall, within a reasonable time after the solemnization of the said intended marriage, repair the houses and plantations aforesaid which are now out of repair, in a manner to be approved of by the said John Evans, and at the death of the said Obadiah then in trust that he the said John Evans, his heirs, Executors, Administrators, or assigns shall convey, transfer, and assigns over the said tract of land or plantation whereon the said Lavicia now lives to her son John Boatwright, if then alive, in fee simple forever, but if not alive then to the children of the said Lavicia as well by the said Obadiah to be equally divided amongst them share and share alike to them their heirs and assigns forever. The said property real and personal mentioned in said schedule A not to be subject to the control of the said Obadiah further than is consistent with the true intent and meaning of these presents and not be in any way or manner subject to or liable for the contracts, debts or engagements of the said Obadiah either now made or hereafter to be made and contracted but to remain in trust for the uses, intents, and purposes of these presents expressed. In witness whereof that the said John Evans assumes upon himself the trust above mentioned the parties aforesaid have hereunto set their hands and affixed their seals the day and the year above written.
W. L. Roberson OBADIAH GULLEDGE {seal}
Rob. B. White LAVICIA X her mark BOATWRIGHT {seal}
Schedule A.
One tract land on which Lavicia Boatwright now lives adjoining lands of Thos. Davis, M. {Michael} Davis, John Rivers and Lewis Boatwright. One other tract of land called sand Hill Tract adjoining lands of Lewis Boatwright, Wm. Rivers and E. Burch. The two tracts being the whole of the purchase of Lavicia Boatwright at sale of the real Estate of Drury Boatwright, except so much as she sold off of said two tracts to Malachi Rivers.
Negro woman Biddy 35-year-old, a Negro boy Cato, about twelve-year-old, one bay mare and colt, one yoke of oxen & oxcart, two cows and calves, one heifer, three bedsteads, and furniture, one clock, all other household furniture, plantation tools and farming utensils. A note on Dr. Wm McBride on which are two credits the amount still due is about four hundred Dollars and two notes on Jacob Ganey (Lewis Ganey security) for one hundred Dollars each.
Witness: OBADIAH GULLEDGE {seal}
W. L. Roberson LAVICIA X her mark BOATWRIGHT {Seal}
Robt. B. White JOHN EVANS {seal}
Schedule B.
A Negro man called Cudjo, about fifty years old, a sorrel horse six years old, one plain gig and harness.
Witness: OBADIAH GULLEDGE {seal}
W. L. Roberson LAVICIA X her mark BOATWRIGHT {Seal}
Robt. B. White JOHN EVANS {seal}
Personally appeared Robt B. White and made oath that he saw the within named Obadiah Gulledge, Lavicia Boatwright and John Evans sign, seal and as their act and deed, deliver the within sheets containing a contract for marriage and schedules, and that himself and Mr. L. Roberson witnessed the Execution thereof sworn to before me 8th of July 1840.
T. Bryan Q. W. Robt B. White
Recorder 3rd Sept 1840
Lavicia Thurman Boatwright was the 3rd wife of Obadiah Gulledge. Lavicia married Obadiah in 1839 after the death of her husband, Drury Boatwright sometime before 23 October 1832 and after the death of Obadiah’s second wife, Matilda Taylor in 1837.
Obadiah Gulledge, age about 75, died on 25 June 1863. His wife Lavicia died 20 Dec 1882. Lavicia is buried beside her 1st husband, Drury Boatwright, in the Pine Grove Baptist Church Cemetery. No gravesite has been found for Obadiah Gulledge. Date of Death from War of 1812 Pension File.
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Photo Courtesy of Sharon F. Corey |
This document is taken from the SOUTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF HISTORY AND ARCHIVES, Columbia, South Carolina. Found in a Book of Miscellaneous Records, Book 1, page 128.
By Marie Gulledge Wiggins
Summer of 1978
I obtained copies of The Marriage Contract from Marie years before her death and transcribed the 5-page document in its entirety.
Lavicia spelled with an “A”: in this document and with an “E” on her tombstone – Levicia
Saturday, July 13, 2019
It’s Family Time~Stephen D. Sellers

Stephen D. Sellers was born on 17 Jan 1834, a son of Roland Sellers and Margaret Eddins.1 2 He was the eleventh of fourteen children born to this union.
At age 27, he enlisted and served in the military with Capt. James I. Kelley's Company Light Artillery SC V in 1861–1865.3
I have found no evidence that Stephen ever married.4 5
He was a successful farmer in the Mt. Croghan area of Chesterfield County, South Carolina.
On 3 May 1907, Stephen D. Sellers wrote his Will.6
Last Will and Testament of Stephen D. Sellers
County of Chesterfield}
In the name of God Amen.
I Stephen D. Sellers of the county of Chesterfield State of South Carolina being of sound mind memory and understanding praised be God for the same and also being aware of the uncertainty of Life and certainty of Death do make, ordain, Publish and declare this to be my Last Will and Testament in manner and form, following that is to say.
1st. I give bequeath and devise all my property both real and Personal to my Sister Susannah Sellers for and during her natural Life to hold and use as She needs it
2. and after the Death of my Sister Susannah what property of mine is left both Real and Personal it to go to my Sister Lucy for her Personal use.
3rd. And if both my Sisters Susannah and Lucy should die and it does not Luke [look] it is my will that Balance of my property both real and Personal Shall go to Walter Oliver Son of H. H. & Jane Oliver to hold forever.
4th. And it is my will that all Timber on my Real estate is to stay on Place must be used only on said place.
5th. And Lastly, I nominate appoint and constitute the clerk of Court of Chesterfield County South Carolina whoever he may be to execute this my Last Will and Testament for the Purpose of carrying out the purposed therein declared. In witness whereof the said Stephen D. Sellers have hereunto set my hand and Seal this the 3rd day of May in the year one thousand nine hundred and Seven and in the 131st year of the Independence of the United States of America.
Signed Sealed declared} Stephen X (his mark) D. Sellers {LS}
and Published as and}
for his Last Will and}
Testament by the above}
named Stephen D. Sellers}
In the Presence of us who}
at his request and in}
the presence of each other}
have Subscribed our }
J. S. Wadsworth
H. H. Oliver
S. H. Oliver
Stephen D. Sellers died on 13 Mar 1909 at the age of 75 in Chesterfield, Chesterfield, South Carolina. His probated estate can be found in Folder #1007 at the Probate Office in the Courthouse. He was buried at Hopewell Baptist Church Cemetery; FindAGrave Memorial #32239043.
Stephen D. Sellers is my 1st Cousin 4 times removed.
1. Find A Grave, Inc., Find A Grave, database and digital images, ( : accessed 20 February 2015); Memorial page for Stephen D. Sellers; (17 January 1834–13 March 1909); Find a Grave memorial # 32239043, Citing Hopewell Baptist Church Cemetery; Chesterfield, Chesterfield County, South Carolina, USA.
2. 1850 U. S. Census, Chesterfield County, South Carolina, population schedule, Chesterfield, Chesterfield County, South Carolina, Page: 143B (stamped); Line 1, Dwelling 692, Family 692, Household of Jane SELLERS; digital images, ( : viewed 23 September 2015); citing National Archives Microfilm M432 Roll 851.
3. Ancestry, "Civil War Service Records" database, Military Service Records ( : accessed 20 September 2015), entry for Stephen D. SELLERS, Private; Capt. James I. Kelley's Company Light Artillery SC V; Confederate.
4. 1880 U. S. Census, Chesterfield County, South Carolina, population schedule, Mount Croghan, Chesterfield County, South Carolina, enumeration district (ED) 007, Page: 353A(stamped); Line 20, Dwelling 6, Family 6, Household of Jane SELLERS; digital image, ( : viewed 23 September 2015); citing National Archive Microfilm T9, Roll 1225.
5. 1900 U. S. Census, Chesterfield County, South Carolina, population schedule, Mount Croghan, Chesterfield County, South Carolina, enumeration district (ED) 0025, Page: 12A/159 (stamped); Line 44, Dwelling 214, Family 219, Household if Steven D. SELLERS; digital images, ( : viewed 20 September 2015); citing National Archives Microfilm T623_1523.
6. Chesterfield County, South Carolina, Probate Files & Loose papers, Stephen D. Sellers; digital images, Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, FamilySearch ( Viewed 3 June 2014); Probate Folder #1007.
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