Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Happy Birthday-US Air Force

By Staff Sgt. Aaron Allmon II 


I enlisted into the Air Force after High School Graduation. The Air Force gave me training and education resulting in Training Certificates and Diplomas in many areas and conceptions. Chief among this training was Air Force Leadership training. My selection as an E-8 in the 1977 to attend the prestigious Senior Noncommissioned Officer Academy (SNCOA) Class 77-E at Maxwell AFB-Gunter Annex, Alabama was the ultimate in Leadership training. 

With the Air Force help, I also completed an undergraduate degree in Business Administration from Park University, Missouri and a Masters Degree from Utah State in Human Resource Administration.  In 1979, my Unit honored me as their Most Outstanding Senior Noncommissioned Officer of the Year.  On 1 July 1981, I was promoted to the rank of E-9, Chief Master Sergeant. My 23 years, 6 months and 21 days were some of the best years of my life. 

Happy Birthday and Thanks for a Wonderful Career.  


Aircraft Photo Courtesy of Staff Sgt. Aaron Allmon II -, Public Domain,

Saturday, September 14, 2024

52 Cousins~Oliver Cromwell Dease

Oliver Cromwell (O.C.) Dease was born in 1806, a son of John Burk Dease and Bridget Gillard. He was the oldest of five children born to John and Bridget Dease. His siblings were three brothers and a sister. 

He married Elizabeth Wall, age 19, about 1827. This marriage year is based on the birth of their 1st born child, daughter Mary Ann on 31 July 1828. At this time Mississippi was still a territory without statehood status making many legal documents scarce.  

Col. Dease was member of the first Democratic Convention ever held in the State, in 1832, forty years ago, over which Gen. Hinds presided. The Clarion-Ledger, Jackson, Mississippi, Thu, Jun 27, 1872, Page 3, Column 1. 

Oliver Cromwell (O. C.) was very active in his community. He was appointed and served as “Receiver” in the sale and purchase of land to incoming families seeking land in their westward journey. He represented Rankin twice in the lower House of the Legislature and served several surrounding Counties. He also served one term in the State Senate. He was the Superintendent of Education for Jasper County.

He was also the Publisher of "The True Democrat" Newspaper, Jackson, Mississippi for some time.

Even though his age was sufficient to keep him out of the Civil War, he volunteered and served two years in Capt. Dantzler's Company, in the 37th Mississippi Regiment.

In his waning years his health gave him some problems, but he prevailed. In 1882 a local newspaper reported him “almost helpless, having suffered from paralysis of the lower limbs”.


Hon. O. C. Dease, of Jasper. 

Enterprise Courier. 

Mr. John H. Miller, of Tupelo, gladdened his old friends in Enterprise by making his appearance among them last Saturday. He spent but a short time in town and went out in Jasper to pay his grandfather, the venerable Hon. O. C. Dease, a visit. Col. Dease is now almost helpless, having suffered from paralysis of the lower limbs, but his general health is good and he takes a lively interest in public men and measures, as he has always done.

The Clarion-Ledger

Jackson, Mississippi

21 Jun 1882, Wed  

Page 2, col 8

Oliver Cromwell Deese and Elizabeth Wall had the following children:

i. Mary Ann Dease, born 31 Jul 1828; married Henry F. Miller; married George Washington Holden; died 8 Jul 1864.

ii.     Edward Dease was born about 1832 in Alabama.

iii. Bridget A. Dease, born abt 1835, Alabama; married Alex H. Ryan.

iv. Nancy L. Dease, born abt 1837; married Col. James J. Shannon, 1857; died 1923.

v. Thomas Leroy Dease, born 19 Oct 1840; married Elizabeth Chapman; died 21 Aug 1920, Newton, Mississippi.

vi.     Rachel E. Dease was born in Jan 1842. She was a Teacher. Never Married

vii. George F. Dease was born about 1846.

viii. Charles B. Dease was born about 1848.

Elizabeth (Wall) Dease died 22 July 1883 in Jackson Mississippi.

Col. Oliver Cromwell Dease died 8 February 1893 in Meridian, Mississippi.  

Col. Oliver Cromwell Dease is my 1st Cousin 4X Removed. 

1. "Col. Oliver C. Dease," obituary, The Mississippi Press, Pascagoula, Mississippi, 24 February 1893, Page 2, Column 2; Digital On-Line Archives, ( online February 2024);
2. Oliver & Edward Dease, page 151, November 1817; Register of land purchases recorded by the U.S. St. Stephens Land Office, S004364; Dept. of Archives and History, Montgomery, AL 36130.
3. 1840, Jasper County, Mississippi, population schedule, Jasper County, Mississippi, Page#175 (Stamped), Line#7, Household of O. C. DEASE; digital images, ( viewed 19 March 2023); Family History Library Film: 0014840, Roll 214.
4. 1850 Census, Jasper County, Mississippi, population schedule, Jasper, Mississippi, Page#49B (stamped); Line#5, Dwelling: #252; Family: #272, Household of O. C. DEASE; online database, ( viewed 19 March 2023); citing National Archives Microfilm Publication M432, Roll 374.
5. 1860 Census, Jasper County, Mississippi, population schedule, Jasper County, Mississippi, Page#369 (penciled); Line#4, Dwelling: #72; Family: #72, Household of O. C. DEASE; online database, ( viewed 19 May 2023); citing National Archives Microfilm Publication M653.
6. 1870 U. S. Census, Jasper County, Mississippi, population schedule, Center Beat, Jasper, Mississippi, Page#490 (Stamped), Line#20, Dwelling #19, Family#19, Household of Oliver C. DEASE; digital images, ( viewed 19 March 2023); citing National Archives Microfilm M593.
7. 1880, Jasper County, Mississippi, population schedule, Jasper, Mississippi, enumeration district (ED) 0008, Page: #14A (Stamped); Line: #1, Dwelling: #201, Family: #201, Household of Ole DEASE; digital images, ( on-line February 2024); citing NARA publication T9, Roll: xxx.

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Wednesday’s Mystery ~ When Did Daniel Cook, Sr. Die?

Daniel Cook, Sr. is my fifth Great Grand Uncle. He was born between 1754 and 1774 based on the 1800 Census. His estimated year of birth, based on his children, is about 1770. As of today, no one knows when he died. There are over 650 on-line trees showing that he died in 1812 and various other dates. But the consensus is 1812.  

Some of these trees shows him with the first name John and his son who is a Jr. is shown as Daniel David Cook. This is a figment of their imagination and unsourced information. Most families of this era did not use a middle name.  

There is information online that Daniel Cook, Sr. served in the Revolutionary War (No proof); the War of 1812 (no proof) his son Daniel Jr. did serve; and the Civil War. When you are looking at a man who died in 1812 you know he didn’t serve in the Civil War; yet there are documents attached showing a "Daniel Cook" did serve.

I have researched this Family for many years and have only found one document, which I found this week that narrowed down exactly when Daniel Cook, Sr. died. I still DO NOT have an EXACT death date, but I know from the Deed I found that he died before 20 March 1815.    

Sheriffs Titles 

South Carolina} To all to whom these presence <sic> Shall come, I Nathan Hanks 

Darlington District} Sheriff of Darlington District and State aforesaid Said Greeting 

Whereas by virtue of Writ of Fieri Facias issued out of the Court of Common pleas held for the district of Darlington tested the third Monday of March in the Year of Our Lord One Thousand Eight Hundred and fifteen at the suit of Exor of Daniel Cook Vs John Sellers...

 Daniel Cook died before the 3rd Monday (20th) of March 1815 according to this deed from Darlington, County, South Carolina Deed Book "G", page 217 & 218. Image 154. 

After his death, his Wife Ruth (Moultrie) Cook did migrate, as a Widow, to Tennessee before October 1816. 

Transcription of the Entire Deed from Book "G". 

Sheriffs Titles 

South Carolina} To all to whom these presence <sic> Shall come, I Nathan Hanks 

Darlington District} Sheriff of Darlington District and State aforesaid Said Greeting 

Whereas by virtue of Writ of Fieri Facias issued out of the Court of Common pleas held for the district of Darlington tested the third Monday of March in the Year of Our Lord One thousand Eight Hundred and fifteen at the suit of Exor of Daniel Cook Vs John Sellers to me directed, commanding me that of the Goods and Chattles lands and tenements of John Sellers To levy the sum of Seventy Six dollars or thereabout damages and cost I have seized and taken of the lands and Tenements of the Said John Sellers all that certain piece parcel and Tract of land containing three Hundred Acres Situate and being in the district of Darlington being the Land whereon George Sellers lives lying on the South side of Boggy Swamp adjoining the lands of Samuel Moper & Edmond Moore and Originally granted to Adam Griffis. 

And Whereas, the said Premises, with their appurtenances Since the Seizure by me made by Virtue of the said writ of Fieri Facias before mentioned have been exposed to public Sale vendue and purchased by George Sellers of the District of Darlington for the sum of Ninety dollars being the highest sum that was bidden thereof. Now Know ye that I Nathan Hanks Sheriff aforesaid by Virtue of the said writ of fieri facias aforesaid to me directed and delivered as afore said and by virtue of the Statute in such case made and provided, and for and in consideration of the sum of ninety dollars to me in hand paid or secured to be paid by the said George Sellers the receipt and payment whereof I do hereby acknowledge have Granted Bargained and Sold and by the presence do grant bargain and sell unto the said George Sellers his heirs and assigns forever the said Tract Piece and parcel of land with its appurtenances and all the Estate Right Title and Interest which the said John Sellers of right had of in and to the same. To have and to hold the said Piece Parcel and Tract of land, with its appurtenances unto the said George Sellers his heirs and assigns forever as fully and absolutely as I the said Nathan Hanks might Could or ought to Grant bargain and sell the same by Virtue of the Statute aforesaid and the said writ of fieri facias or otherwise. In Witness whereof I the said Nathan Hanks have hereunto set my hand and seal this fifth day of February in the Year of Our Lord one thousand Eight hundred and Sixteen. Sealed Sined <sic> and delivered in presence of 

Abram Sellers------------------------------------------Nathan Hanks

Robert Reynolds------------------------------------------- Shff D D

South Carolina} Personally appeared Abram Sellers before me who being duly sworn

Darlington District} made Oath that he was present and did See Nathan Hanks Sign Seal as his act and deed did deliver this Instrument of Writing unto George Sellers for the uses and purposes therein Setforth likewise at the same time he says he did See Roberts Reynolds Witness the same. Sworn to before me this 27 day of December 1817.                                      Abram Sellers  

Record this 23 of June 1818

Albert Fort

If you have any information on the death of Daniel Cook, Sr. I would love to hear from you. 

Daniel Cook, Sr. is my 5th Great Grand Uncle


Monday, September 9, 2024

52 Cousins~Robert Clinton Deese

Robert Clinton Deese was born 4 July 1839, a son of James Deese and his wife Alice Deese of Anson County, North Carolina. Robert was their only son, and they had two daughters; Mary Elizabeth the oldest and Malinda Ann was the middle child. 

Note: On-line trees (unsourced) says that Alice's surname is Bethea; but, this has not proven. 

James Deese was a farmer. Sometime between 1850 and 1860, James moved his family to the Lanes Creek community in Union County, North Carolina.

In 1880, James and Alice Deese can be found in the household of his grandson, John David Deese and Roseanna Amanda “Rosa” Mangum.

1880 Census:  James DEES, GrandFather, age 80, born in NC; Allice DEES, GrandMother, age 85, born in NC and Elizabeth DEES, Mother, age 45, born in NC. 

About the time that his parents, James and Alice, were moving to Union County; Robert headed east to Lumberton, Robeson County, North Carolin. There on 22 July 1859 he was united in marriage to Julia Best, daughter of James Best and Elizabeth Blewet.   

Robert Clinton Deese and Julia Best had the following children:

i. Ellen Deese was born on 11 May 1862 in Lumberton, Robeson, North Carolina. She signed a will on 22 Mar 1947 in Robeson County and died 25 December 1951 in Robson County, North Carolina. 

ii.  Mary Eliza Deese was born on 7 Feb 1866 in Lumberton, Robeson, North Carolina. She died on 31 Oct 1942 at the age of 76 in Lumberton, Robeson, North Carolina.  

iii.  Durham Deese was born on 24 Nov 1867 in Lumberton, Robeson, North Carolina.  He died on 1 Feb 1941 at the age of 73 in Lumberton, Robeson, North Carolina. 

iv. Dr. John Rowland Deese, born 24 Dec 1872, Lumberton, Robeson, North Carolina; married Lena Francis Hall, 10 May 1898, Robeson, North Carolina; died 2 Jul 1936, Lumberton, Robeson, North Carolina.

v. Owen Clinton Deese, born 25 Nov 1875, Lumberton, Robeson, North Carolina; married Edith Moorer Rooser, 3 Jun 1908, Charleston, Charleston, South Carolina; died 11 Feb 1947, Lumberton, Robeson, North Carolina.

vi. Amelia Virginia Deese, born abt 1888, Lumberton, Robeson, North Carolina; married John Monroe Jones, 1 May 1902, Robeson County, North Carolina; died 17 Jun 1959, Lumberton, Robeson, North Carolina.

Robert Clinton Deese died 25 June 1916 in Lumberton, Robeson, North Carolina. Julia (Best) Deese died 28 September 1919. 



Mr. Robert Deese Passes – One of Lumberton’s Oldest Citizen –Funeral Tomorrow at 3 P.M.

Mr. Robert Deese, one of Lumberton’s oldest citizens, died at his home, Seventh street, last night  at 10:40 o’clock. Mr. Deese suffered a stroke of paralysis three weeks ago this morning and had been critically ill since that time. Deceased was nearing his 86th birthday. He is survived by his wife and six children---three daughters, Misses Ella, Mary and Mrs. J. M. Jones, three sons, Messrs.  Durham, Rowland and Owen---all of whom live here. Deceased had lived in Lumberton for more than a half century and had many friends. The funeral will take place from the home tomorrow afternoon at 3 o'clock and interment will be made in Meadow-Brook cemetery. 

Deceased was a member of Chestnut Street Methodist church.

[The Robersonian, Lumberton, NC, 26 June 1916, Front Page, Column 2.] 

Robert Clinton Deese is my 1st Cousin 3X Removed. 


1. Find A Grave, Inc., Find A Grave, database and digital images, ( : accessed  3 March 2219); Memorial page for Robert Deese; (4 July 1832–25 June 1916); Find a Grave memorial # 150120638, Citing Meadowbrook Cemetery; Lumberton, Robeson County, North Carolina, USA.

2. 1850 Census, Anson County, North Carolina, population schedule, Sandy Point, Anson, North Carolina, Page: 186B(stamped); Line 12, Dwelling 412, Family 412, Household of  James DEAS; online database, ( : Viewed 12 March 2018); citing National Archives Microfilm Publication M432, Roll 619.

3. 1860 U. S. Census, Robeson County, North Carolina, population schedule, Robeson, North Carolina, Page: 487(stamped); Line 25, Dwelling 365, Family 365, Household of Robert DEESE; online database, ( : viewed 3 March 2019); citing National Archives Microfilm Publication M653, Roll 911.

4. 1870 U. S. Census, Robeson County, North Carolina, population schedule, Lumberton, Robeson, North Carolina, , Page: 101B(stamped); Line 29, Dwelling 45, Family 53, Household of Robert DEAS; online database, ( : viewed 3 March 2019); citing National Archives Microfilm Publication M593, Roll 1157.

5. 1880 U. S. Census, Robeson County, North Carolina, population schedule, Lumberton, Robeson, North Carolina, enumeration district (ED) 181, Page: 526D)stamped); Line 10, Dwelling 69, Family 69, Household of  Robert DEES; online database, ( : viewed 3 March 2019); citing National Archives Microfilm Publication T9181, Roll 979.

6. 1900 U. S. Census, Robeson County, North Carolina, population schedule, Lumberton, Robeson, North Carolina, enumeration district (ED) 0108, Page: 5/21 (Stamped); Line 55, Dwelling 93, Family 106, Household of and Robert DEES; online database, ( : viewed 3 March 2019); citing National Archives Microfilm Publication T9181, Roll 979.

7. 1910 US Census, Robeson County, North Carolina, population schedule, Lumberton, Robeson, North Carolina, enumeration district (ED) 0106, Page: 13B/206 (stamped); Line 67, Dwelling 250, Family 255, Household of Robert DEES; digital image, ( : viewed 3 March 2019); citing National Archives Microfilm T624, Roll 1129.

8. Robert Deese, death certificate 472 (Death Date: 25 Jun 1916), NC State Archives., North Carolina Deaths, 1908-67, Raleigh, Wake, North Carolina.

9. "Mr. Robert Deese Passes – One of Lumberton’s Oldest Citizen," Death Notice, The Robersonian, Lumberton, NC, 26 June 1916, Front Page, Column 2; Digital On-Line Archives, ( : viewed 3 August 2019).

10. "North Carolina, Marriages Record, 1741-2011," database, Ancestry ( : viewed 3 March 2019), Marriage: Robert Dees & Julia Best, Bond date: 22 Jul 1859.

11. Find A Grave, Inc., Find A Grave, database, "Record, Julia Deese (16 June 1833–28 September 1919), Memorial # 185228995.

12. Julia Deas, Lumberton, Robeson , North Carolina , USA death certificate  (Death Date: 28 Sep 1919).

13. Last Will and Testament - Ellen Deese (1947), WILL BOOK: WILL BOOK 10; pages 401-402; Probate Office, Lumberton, Robeson County, North Carolina.