Monday, September 30, 2024

Amanuensis Monday~Sheriff’s Titles - Exor of Daniel Cook Vs John Sellers

Amanuensis Monday is a genealogy blogging theme. It was started by John Newmark who writes the TransylvanianDutch blog.

His definition of Amanuensis is:

Amanuensis: A person employed to write what another dictates or to copy what has been written by another.

Today’s subject is a Sheriff Sale of the property of Daniel Cook, Sr., his Executors and one of the Heirs-at-Law, John Sellers

Daniel Cook, Sr. is my 5th Great Grand Uncle. He was borne a son of Abraham Cook and his wife Phoebe [Last name unknown] but some say Maston. I have his birth occurring about 1770. He married Ruth Moultrie in 1787/88.  I have searched for many years for the actual death date of Daniel Cook, Sr. So far, I have been unsuccessful. But, I do know he died sometime before 20 Mar 1815 the date of this Writ of Fieri Facias - Daniel Cook Vs John Sellers. 

Sheriffs Titles - Exor of Daniel Cook Vs John Sellers

South Carolina} To all to whom these presence Shall come, I Nathan Hanks Sheriff of Darlington District and State aforesaid Send Greeting Whereas by virtue of Writ of Fieri Facias issued out of the Court of Common pleas held for the district of Darlington tested the third Monday of March in the Year of Our Lord One thousand Eight Hundred and fifteen at the suit of Exor of Daniel Cook Vs John Sellers to me directed, commanding me that of the Goods and Chattels lands and tenements of John Sellers To levy the sum of Seventy Six dollars or thereabout damages and cost I have seized and taken of the lands and Tenements of the Said John Sellers all that certain piece parcel and Tract of land containing three Hundred Acres Situate and being in the district of Darlington being the Land whereon George Sellers lives lying on the South side of Boggy Swamp adjoining the lands of Samuel Moper & Edmond Moore and Originally granted to Adam Griftis. 

And Whereas, the said Premises, with their appurtenances Since the Seizure by me made by Virtue of the said writ of Fieri Facias before mentioned have been exposed to public sale vendue and purchased by George Sellers of the District of Darlington for the sum of Ninety dollars being the highest sum that was bidden thereof. Now Know ye that I Nathan Hanks Sheriff aforesaid by Virtue of the said writ of fieri facias aforesaid to me directed and delivered as afore said and by virtue of the Statute in such case made and provided, and for and in consideration of the sum of ninety dollars to me in hand paid or secured to be paid by the said George Sellers the receipt and payment whereof I do hereby acknowledge have Granted Bargained and sold and by the presence do grant bargain and sell unto the said George Sellers his heirs and assigns forever the said Tract Piece and parcel of land with its appurtenances and all the Estate right, Title and Interest which the said John Sellers of right had of in and to the same To have and to hold the said Piece Parcel and Tract of land, with its appurtenances unto the said George Sellers his heirs and assigns forever as fully and absolutely as I the said Nathan Hanks might Could or ought to Grant bargain and sell the same by Virtue of the Statute aforesaid and the said writ of fieri facias or otherwise. In Witness whereof I the said Nathan Hanks have hereunto set my hand and seal this fifth day of February in the year of our Lord one thousand Eight hundred and sixteen. Sealed Signed and delivered on presence of  

Abram Sellers----------------------------------Nathan Hanks

Robert Reynolds ---------------------------------- Shff D D

South Carolina} Personally appeared Abram Sellers before me who being duly sworn 

Darlington District} made Oath that he was present and did See Nathan Hanks Sign Seal as his act and deed did deliver this Instrument of Writing unto George Sellers for the uses and purposes therein Setforth likewise at the same time he says he did See Roberts Reynolds Witness the same. Sworn to before me this 27 day of December 1817.                          Abram Sellers

Albert Fort              Recorded this 23 of June 1818.

An Analysis of this Deed done with Gemini AI by Google. 

Document Type: Deed

Date: February 5, 1815

Location: Darlington District, South Carolina

Parties Involved:

Nathan Hanks: Sheriff of Darlington District

John Sellers: Debtor

Daniel Cook: Creditor

George Sellers: Purchaser

Purpose: To convey a tract of land from John Sellers to George Sellers.


Debt: John Sellers owed Daniel Cook $76.

Legal Action: A writ of Fieri Facias (a court order for the sale of property to satisfy a debt) was issued against John Sellers.

Seizure: Nathan Hanks, as sheriff, seized a 300-acre tract of land owned by John Sellers.

Sale and Conveyance:

Public Auction: The seized land was sold at a public auction.

Purchase: George Sellers bought the land for $90.

Deed: This deed formally transfers ownership of the land from John Sellers to George Sellers.

Key Provisions:

Grant of Title: Nathan Hanks, as sheriff, grants George Sellers all of John Sellers' rights, title, and interest in the land.

Consideration: George Sellers paid $90 for the land.

Description of Land: The deed provides a detailed description of the property, including its location, size, and adjoining properties.


This deed records the sale of a tract of land in Darlington District, South Carolina, from a debtor to a purchaser, following a legal process initiated by a creditor. The deed conveys ownership and rights to the purchaser.

Related Article:

Daniel Cook is my 5th Great Grand Uncle.

John Sellers is my 4th Great Grand Uncle.


1. Darlington County, South Carolina, Deed Book "G": pages 217 & 218, Sheriff’s Titles - Exor of Daniel Cook Vs John Sellers; Register of Deeds, Darlington, Darlington County, South Carolina.


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