Amanuensis Monday is a genealogy blogging theme. It was started by John Newmark who writes the TransylvanianDutch blog.
His definition of Amanuensis is:
Amanuensis: A person employed to write what another dictates or to copy what has been written by another.
Today’s subject is a Land Deed Between The Heirs of Elijah Sellers and Helton Joe Sellers.1
The State of South Carolina}
Chesterfield County}
Know all men by these presents that we Duncan Douglass and wife Lucy A. Douglass, in right of said Lucy A. Phillip [Albert] Sellers Hardy J. Sellers William Hurst and wife Vicey Hurst, in the right of said Vicey, and Harriet Sellers all of the County and State aforesaid being heirs-at-law of Elijah Sellers deceased in consideration of twenty five dollars to us paid by Helton J. Sellers of the same County and State have granted bargained sold released and assigned and by these presents do grant bargain sell release and assign unto the said Helton J. Sellers all that certain piece or parcel of land situate lying and being in the County and State aforesaid on the west side of Big Branch beginning at a pine 3x0 in the head of a drain the head of Nancy Copeland branch running S,E, 10° to a pine 3x0 thence along a row of trees to a gum 3x0 on the bank of the big branch thence a cross the big Branch the various courses thereof to a small white 3X0 on the bank of the said branch in the old line of the original tract thence along the old line SW 63° 24 to the beginning comer containing fifty three acres more or less this being the description of said land as near as the same can be deciphered contained in a deed from Mackerrel Sellers to Elijah Sellers dated 12th February 1838 (except that the marks are there referred to as 'N' instead of 'O’ and the kind of trees referred to cannot be plainly read thought it would be taken to be maple) being land belonging to the Estate of Elijah Sellers deceased Together with all and singular the rights members hereditaments and appurtenances to the same belonging or in anywise incident or appertaining and all our and each of our undivided rights interest claim and estate therein as heirs at law and children of Elijah Sellers or in any other right To have and to hold all and Singular said premises and every right and interest which we or either of us have or shall have therein unto the said Helton J. Sellers his heirs and assigns forever And we bind ourselves and each of us our and each of our heirs executors and administrators to warrant and forever defend all and singular the said premises unto the said Helton J. Sellers his heirs executors administrators and assigns from and against ourselves and our and each of our heirs executors and administrators and any and every other person or persons claiming by from or under us or any of us ever claiming or demanding any part thereof or any interest therein In testimony whereof we here unto set our hand and seal this the 29 day of September in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and eighty two and in the one hundred and seventh year of the Sovereignty and Independence of the United States of America. H. E. Sellers {LS}
Signed sealed and} Phlilip Sellers {LS}
Delivered in presence of} D. D. Douglass {LS}
Alex Sellers} Lucy A. Douglass {LS}
A. B. Sellers} H. L. Sellers {LS}
William X(his mark) Hurst {LS}
Vicey X (her mark) Hurst (LS)
South Carolina }
Chesterfield County} Personally appeared A. B. Sellers and made oath that he saw the within named H. E. Sellers Philip Sellers, D. D. Douglass Lucy A Douglass H. J. Sellers William Hurst & Vicey Hurst sign seal and as their act and deed deliver the within written deed and that he with Alex Sellers witnessed the execution thereof.
Sworn to before me} A. B. Sellers
25th Nov. 1882}
W. J. Hanna}
Elijah Sellers is the Grand Uncle of Helton Joe Sellers the buyer of this land.
Elijah Sellers, born 1800 died sometime before 1870. He was the son of Phillip Sellers and his wife Mary LNU. Elijah married Sarah Purvis and they had six children, two daughters and 4 sons. Two of their sons, John and Elijah, died in the Civil War. The other two sons are named along with the two daughters in the above Land Deed.
Elijah Sellers is my 3rd Great Grand Uncle.
[1] Chesterfield County, South Carolina, Deed Book 7: pages 62-64, HEIRS AT LAW OF ELIJAH SELLERS TO HELTON J. SELLERS; 29 September 1882, Register of Deeds, Chesterfield, Chesterfield County, South Carolina.
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