Amanuensis Monday is a genealogy blogging theme. It was started by John Newmark who writes the TransylvanianDutch blog.
His definition of Amanuensis is:
Amanuensis: A person employed to write what another dictates or to copy what has been written by another.
Today’s subject is an Anson County, NC Trust Deed~W. J. PURVIS to J. D. Harden, 1882.1
Trust Deed Book 15, Pg 155 |
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Trust Deed Book 15, Pg 156 |
W. J. PURVIS to J. D. Harden
State of North Carolina}
Anson County} Whereas J. D. Harden of Anson county, in the State of North Carolina has agreed to make advances to W. J. Purvis of the county of Anson and State aforesaid for purposes of agriculture during the year A.D. 1882 to the value of Fifty Dollars and such further sums as the said J. D. Harden may deem necessary to be made not to exceed in all the sum of Dollars and whereas the said W. J. Purvis desires to secure to the said J. D. Harden prompt payment for the advances made in accordance with the provisions of the Acts of General Assembly in such cases made and provided, ratified on the 1st day of March 1867 and an Act to re-enact and amend the same, ratified March 1st 1873, doth by these presents sell, transfer and agree to deliver to said J. D. Harden on the 1st day of Oct., so much cotton, corn and other products raised by him during the present year as shall be sufficient to pay for the supplies to be furnished as aforesaid, which conveyance and transfers shall create a lien in favor of the said J. D. Harden to the extent of the advances made or to be made upon all the crop the said W. J. Purvis may raise during the present year, and for further security the said bargains and sells to the said J. D. Harden the following articles of personal property to wit: lone cow & lone calf, lone ox seven years old, all plantation tools, with the understanding that if the said W. J. Purvis shall will and truly pay the said J. D. Harden for the advances as aforesaid on or before the 15 day of Oct., the said lien shall be discharged, and the said property shall revert to the said W. J. Purvis, otherwise the said J. D. Harden shall have power to take into his possession all of said property and crop on the farm or elsewhere, if removed, and sell the same, or so much thereof for cash as may be necessary to pay for the advances aforesaid, attorney's fees, registration and any other expenses incurred in executing this provision, first advertising said sale for ten days at three public places in the county. I, the said W. J. Purvis, do hereby certify that no other lien or mortgage has been given upon said crop or property. If this claim is not paid at maturity to bear interest at the rate of 8 per cent per annum from date thereof to the payment. In witness whereof, the said W. J. Purvis has hereunto set his hand and seal, this 18th day of April, A.D. 1882.
W. J. Purvis {Seal}
Signed, Sealed & delivered in
Presence of C. C. Moore
State of North Carolina}
Anson County} The due execution of foregoing lien and mortgage was proven before me this day by the oath and examination of C. C. Moore, the subscribing witness. Let the same, with this certificate, be registered. This the 8th day of June A.D., 1882.
John C. McLanchlin, CSC
State of North Carolina}
Anson County} I certify that the foregoing lien & mortgage and certificate came into my hands for record on 10th June 1882 & was duly registered.
P. J. Coppedge, Register of Deeds
On 18 April 1882, we find William J. Purvis, my great Grandfather, conferring with J. D. Harden to secured enough cash to plant and harvest a crop during the year 1882. William in 1882 was a young lad of 18 and would celebrate his nineteenth birthday in September 1882.
These trust deeds were just a short-term mortgage to enable farmers to obtain the cash needed to plant and harvest a crop. They usually contained 4 parts.
1. The amount needed/borrowed: $50.00
- agreed to make advances to W. J. Purvis of the county of Anson and State aforesaid for purposes of agriculture during the year A.D. 1882 to the value of Fifty Dollars and such further sums as the said J. D. Harden may deem necessary
- agree to deliver to said J. D. Harden on the 1st day of Oct., so much cotton, corn and other products raised by him during the present year as shall be sufficient to pay for the supplies to be furnished as aforesaid
- the following articles of personal property to wit: lone cow & lone calf, lone ox seven years old, all plantation tools, with the understanding that if the said W. J. Purvis shall will and truly pay the said J. D. Harden for the advances as aforesaid on or before the 15 day of Oct., the said lien shall be discharged,
- If this claim is not paid at maturity to bear interest at the rate of 8 percent per annum from date thereof to the payment.
[1] Anson County, North Carolina, Trust Deed Book 15: Pages 155-156, W. J. Purvis to J. D. Harden; 18 April 1882, Register of Deeds, Wadesboro, Anson County, North Carolina.
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