Monday, October 21, 2024

Amanuensis Monday~1845 Land Deed naming Heirs-at-Law of Eldred Gulledge

Amanuensis Monday is a genealogy blogging theme. It was started by John Newmark who writes the TransylvanianDutch blog.

His definition of Amanuensis is:

Amanuensis: A person employed to write what another dictates or to copy what has been written by another.

Today’s subject is 1845 Land Deed naming Heirs-at-Law of Eldred Gulledge

Know all men by these presents, that we Sarah Gulledge (widow of Eldred Gulledge, Dec'd and Burrel Gulledge, Thomas Gulledge, Daniel Gulledge & John Gulledge only sons and heirs of the said Eldred Gulledge Decd and John T Poston and Eliza Poston his wife, also heirs of the said Eldred Gulledge Decd and all of Chesterfield District in the State of South Carolina, For and in consideration of the sum of seventy five dollars to us in hand paid by William F. Danmica of Howard County (Pg  59) in the State of Missouri, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, have granted bargained and sold and do by these presents grant bargain and sell unto the said William Danmica his heirs and assigns the following described tract or parcel of Land lying and being in the County of Chariton and State of Missouri to wit containing hundred and Sixty acres of Land being the South East quarter of Section Number thirty three in Township number fifty three of Range number Sixteen, it being the the <sic> same patented to us as the heirs and legal representatives of the said Eldred Gulledge Dec'd which said described land was granted to us for the survey of the said Eldred Gulledge in the late wars of the United States with Great Britain, To have and hold the aforesaid  tract of land unto him the said William F Danmica his heirs and assigns forever , And we do further Warrant and Defend the title of said land against the claim or claims of all and every person whatsoever claiming under or through S. In testimony whereof we the said Sarah Gulledge, Burrel Gulledge Thomas Gulledge John Gulledge John T Poston and Elizabeth Poston his wife have hereunto set our hands and Affixed our Seals this nineteenth day of August in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and forty-five.  

                                       Sarah X  her mrk Gulledge {seal}

Signed Sealed and Delivered}  Burrel x his mrk Gulledge {seal}

in the presence of}                                        Thomas Gulledge 

Daniel Campbell                                       Daniel Gulledge 

Joseph Seker                                                John Gulledge

                                                                    John S. Poston

 State of South Carolina}

Chesterfield District} I Sman Morgan ann  

I Kenan L Morgan an acting Magistrate for the State and district aforesaid, do hereby certify unto all whom it may concern that Elizabeth wife of the then (or above) named John S Poston did this day appear before me and upon privately and Separately examined before me did declare that she did freely and voluntarily without any compulsion or fear of any person or persons whomsoever renounce release and forever relinquish unto the within named William F Danmica of Howard County in the State of Missouri his heirs and assigns all her interest and Estate and allso her right and claim and dower of in and to all and singular the premises, within mentioned and released. Given under my hand and seal this 21st day of August A. D. 1845.

                                                 Elizabeth x her mrk Poston {seal}

R. Morgan May {LS}

State of South Carolina, Chesterfield District} Before me personally came this day David Campbell who after being duly sworn says that he was present and saw Sarah Gulledge Daniel Gulledge Burrel Gulledge Thomas Gulledge and John Gulledge and John S Poston Sign Seal and to their own act and declare the within deed of Land to William F Danmica for the purposes therein contained and this deponent further says that Joseph Decker was present with him and was subscribing witness to the same.                                                            Samuel Campbell 

sworn to before me this 21st August 1845. K T Morgan Majt {seal}

The State of South Carolina, Chesterfield District} I John C Evans Clerk of the Court of Common Pleas and General Session for said District do hereby certify that K. T. Morgan whose name appear to the above affidavit is now and was at the time of the signing the same an acting Magistrate in said District and that due faith and credit should be given to his acts as such, Given under my hand and the seal of the said Court at Chesterfield Court house the Twenty Sixth day of August Anno Domini 1845.

Filed & Recorded 2d October /45           Jno C Evans Clerk


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