This is a family tree on Ancestry for which I have deliberately hidden the owner name to avoid embarrassment.
I have pointed out such errors in the past without any resolution so I gave up. I have not contacted the owner of this tree.
I know these lines, they are my family lines, and I have researched them for 37 plus years. Research in Chesterfield County is not easy; but, this owner has deliberately disregarded the original source documents that he/she reference as the source of their data. Thus, the name is this blog reflect those actions.
The first problem here is that Siddy/Siddie Boatwright Rivers, age 65 married Frederick Rivers, age 72, and the 1850 Census cited clearly shows that Frederick is the head of household.
So, why is Isaac Rivers listed as the Husband of Siddie Boatwright Rivers in their tree?
Siddie did marry Frederick Rivers abt 1804. Frederick was born on 3 November 1789 so the birth date listed for Isaac in the tree is the correct birth date for Siddie husband but the husband name is wrong.
Next, If Siddy Boatwright Rivers had a first name it most likely was Sarah and her 1st born daughter was named for her. Frederick and Siddie had a daughter named Sarah that was also called Siddie. The only Laura Boatwright in Chesterfield County was born in 1857.
The tree shows that Isaac and Laura son Frederick was born in 1805. The 1850 census shows that Frederick was age 22 or about 1828. Frederick and Siddie son Frederick was born in 1828.
Fredrick Rivers, the husband of Siddie Boatwright did die on 31 May 1860. See Find A Grave Memorial# 47259651.
There is no Isaac Rivers married to a Laura in Chesterfield County, South Carolina.
Citing a Frederick Rivers census for a source of data for an Isaac Rivers doesn't make sense.
A portion of my research on Frederick and Siddie:
Frederick F. Rivers was born on 3 Nov 1779 in Chesterfield County, South Carolina.1 2 He died on 31 May 1860 at the age of 80 in Chesterfield, Chesterfield, South Carolina. He was buried in the Rivers Cemetery in Chesterfield, Chesterfield, South Carolina. A Memorial has been created for Frederick at 3
Frederick F. Rivers and Siddie Boatwright were married about 1804 in Chesterfield County, South Carolina.4 5 Siddie Boatwright, daughter of Lewis Boatwright and Sarah Lundy, was born in Jan 1786 in Chesterfield, Chesterfield, South Carolina. She died on 3 Jul 1861 at the age of 75 in Chesterfield, Chesterfield, South Carolina. She was buried in the Rivers Cemetery in Chesterfield, Chesterfield, South Carolina.
Frederick F. Rivers and Siddie Boatwright had the following children:
1. William M. "Billy" Rivers, born 1805, Chesterfield, Chesterfield, South Carolina.
2. Sarah "Siddie" Rivers was born in 1808 in Chesterfield County, South Carolina.
3. David T. Rivers, born 10 Jun 1810, Chesterfield County, South Carolina.
4. Lewis Rivers, born 6 Nov 1811, Chesterfield County, South Carolina.
5. Eliza Rivers, born abt 1815, Chesterfield County, South Carolina.
6. Frederick F. Rivers was born in 1828 in Chesterfield, Chesterfield, South Carolina.
7. Calvin Rivers, born 9 Jan 1831, Chesterfield County, South Carolina.
In closing, I just don't understand what motivates someone to put together such a tree while ignoring the facts in front of them.
1. James C. Pigg, Chesterfield County Cemetery Survey; Self-Published, 1995, page 1160. Tombstone of Frederick F. Rivers; 3 November 1779–31 March 1860, Rivers Cemetery, Chesterfield, Chesterfield County, South Carolina.
2. Find A Grave, Inc., Find A Grave, digital image, ( : Accessed on November 2008); Headstone for Frederick Rivers; (3 November 1779–31 May 1860); Records of the Rivers Cemetery; Chesterfield, Chesterfield County, South Carolina, USA.
3. James C. Pigg, Chesterfield County Cemetery Survey, Self-Published, 1995. Tombstone of Siddie Rivers.
4. James C. Pigg, Chesterfield County Cemetery Survey, Self-Published, 1995. Tombstone of Frederick F. Rivers.
5. Find A Grave, Inc., Find A Grave, digital image, ( : Accessed on November 2008); Headstone for Frederick Rivers; (3 November 1779–31 May 1860); Records of the Rivers Cemetery; Chesterfield, Chesterfield County, South Carolina, USA.
hoping you still review this site! I am stuck on Frederick Rivers, however im getting mixed info on him and his spouse. Please can you email me at Conrad.jas (at) Gmail (dot) com i would be forever grateful.