Electa Huneycutt is my great grand Aunt. She was born on 3 November 1874,1 a daughter of James W. Huneycutt and his wife Sarah Elizabeth “Sallie” Page. Electa was the baby in her family and her oldest sister, Louvena, was my great grandmother.
Growing up in rural North Carolina we didn’t see much of our kinfolk. All my grandparents with the exception of Grandma Purvis were already deceased by the time I was born. Grandma Purvis was the daughter of Electa’s older sister Louvena. As a young child growing up the children were expected to take leave of the adults. Thus, we were never exposed to any talk about our kin.
When I became interested in genealogy I had no knowledge of my ancestry beyond Grandma Purvis.
Researching Grandma led me to the Huneycutt family. I learned that Grandma was the daughter of James Calvin Deese and his wife Louvena Huneycutt. The only Louvena Huneycutt I could find was in the 1880 Census, spelled Levina, but definitely worth taking a look.
The 1880 census has the family composition listed as:2
This was my first exposure of Lecta/Electa Hunneycutt.. I next found Electa in 1900 Census in her mother’s household.3 Her Father had died in 1896.
For years I looked for Lecta/Electa Hunneycutt with no results. I spent hours examining records in the Family History Library in Salt Lake City. No luck.
Then one day while searching NC Death Certificates on Ancestry.com I put her first name in the search block along with her father's name and the very first listing contained her name.
The death certificate4 provided the name of her husband and Electa Huneycutt was no longer one of those hidden female ancestors.
About 1901, Electa Huneycutt married Samuel Henry Atkinson. In 1910,5 Electa reported that she was the mother of three children, two living. Her daughter, Emma and son William James were the two living children. I have found no record of the deceased child.
Electa Hunneycutt Atkinson died 4 March 1949 in Stanly County, North Carolina.6
Her obituary7 appeared in “The Stanly Hews and Press”, Tuesday, 8 March 1949, page 7, Column 4.
Mrs. Atkinson Taken By Death Friday afternoon at her home in Palestine. She had been ill for two months and death was attributed to a heart condition.
She was the daughter of the late James and Elizabeth Page Huneycutt of Stanly County.
Final rites were held Saturday afternoon at 3:00 o'clock at the home, conducted by the Rev. Edwin Bailey. Burial was in the Palestine Cemetery.
She is survived by her husband, Sam Atkinson, and two children, Mrs. Gillam Coble of Albemarle and, route 2, and Willie Atkinson of Eldorado.
Electa and Sam are buried in the Palestine Methodist Church Cemetery.
1. State of North Carolina, death certificate no. 6383 (4 March 1949), Mrs. Electa Honeycutt Atkinson; https://www.ancestry.com, Raleigh, Wake County, North Carolina.
2. 1880 US Census, Anson County, North Carolina, population schedule, Morven, Anson County, North Carolina, enumeration district (ED) 002, Page 352A(stamped), Line 39, Dwelling #264, Family #282, Household of James Hunicutt; digital image, Ancestry.com (http://www.ancestry.com : viewed 26 May 2013); citing National Archives Microfilm T9, Roll 951.
3. 1900 U. S. Census, Chesterfield County, South Carolina, population schedule, Cole Hill, Chesterfield County, South Carolina, enumeration district (ED) 0019, Page 1A/59(stamped); Line 15, Dwelling 4, Family 4, Household of Sarah E. HONEYCUT; digital images, Ancestry.com (http://ancestry.com : viewed 28 May 2013); citing National Archives Microfilm T623_1523.
4. State of North Carolina, death certificate no. 6383 (4 March 1949), Mrs. Electa Honeycutt Atkinson; https://www.ancestry.com, Raleigh, Wake County, North Carolina.
5. 1910 U. S. Census, Stanly County, North Carolina, population schedule, Albemarle, Stanly, North Carolina, enumeration district (ED) 0116, Page 109B/109(stamped), Line 87, Dwelling 130, Family 131, Household of Samuel ATKINSON; digital image, Ancestry.com (http://www.ancestry.com : viewed 28 May 2013); citing National Archives Microfilm T624, Roll 1096.
6. State of North Carolina, death certificate no. 6383 (4 March 1949), Mrs. Electa Honeycutt Atkinson; https://www.ancestry.com, Raleigh, Wake County, North Carolina.
7. Mrs. Atkinson Taken By Death obituary, The Stanly News and Press, Albemarle, Stanly County, North Carolina, 8 March 1949, Page 7, Col 4..
8. 1920 U. S. Census, Stanly County, North Carolina, population schedule, Albemarle, Stanly County, North Carolina, enumeration district (ED) 146, Page: 193A(stamped); Line 32, Dwelling 640/299, Family 309, Household of Henry S. ATKINSON; digital image, Ancestry.com (http://www.ancestry.com : viewed 28 May 2013); citing National Archives Microfilm T625, Roll 1323.
9. 1930 U. S. Census, Stanly County, North Carolina, population schedule, North Albemarle, Stanly County, North Carolina, enumeration district (ED) 17, Page: 141A; Line 28, Dwelling 263, Family 282, Household of Samuel H. ATKINSON; digital images, 1940 CENSUS (http://1940census.archives.gov : viewed 28 May 2013); citing NARA microfilm publication T626, roll 1721.
10. 1940 U. S. Census, Stanly County, North Carolina, population schedule, East and Southeast Albemarle, Stanly County, North Carolina, enumeration district (ED) 84-178, Page: 16B/269(stamped); Line 57, Household #288, Household OF Samuel ATKINSON; digital images, 1940 CENSUS (http://1940census.archives.gov : viewed 28 May 2013); citing NARA microfilm publication T627, roll 2975.