Amanuensis Monday is a genealogy blogging theme. It was started by John Newmark who writes the TransylvanianDutch blog.
His definition of Amanuensis is:
Amanuensis: A person employed to write what another dictates or to copy what has been written by another.
Today’s subject is the WILL of David Davis written 29 April 1775.1
Will of David Davis Senr.
IN THE NAME OF GOD AMEN. I David Davis Senr. of South Carolina Craven County: being Weak in Body but of sound Mind and Memory Blefsed be God: do this Twenty Ninth day of April In the year of our Lord one Thousand Seven hundred and Seventy five: Make and Publish this my Last Will and Testament In Manner following: That is to say: Principally and first of all I allow that all my Lawful debts be paid out of my personal Estate. Also I will and allow to my son William Davis the plantation or tract of Land I now live on adjoining Crowders Creek Also I will and allow to my son Thomas Davis Twenty pounds proclamation money of North Carolina. To be paid to him by son Wm, at the Expiration of Two years after my death. Also I will and allow that my personal Estate be Equally divided between my son Thomas and William Davis and make and constitute and ordain Col. Thomas Neel Esq. and John Howe to be my executors of this my Last Will and Testament in Trust: In witnefs thereof I said David Davis have to this my Last Will and Testament set my Hand and Seal the day and year above written.
Signed Sealed and delivered
by the Testator and for his Last
Will and Testament In presence
of us who were present at the signing
and sealing thereof.
John Howe )
Davis Neel )
Jean Neel )
David Davis was born in Nov 1717 in Merion Township. He signed his Will on 29 Apr 1775 in the Cheraw District, South Carolina.2 He died in 1793 at the age of 76 in Chesterfield County, South Carolina.
David Davis and Jane Miles were married in Dec 1738. Jane Miles was born in 1720 in Pencader Hundred, Delaware. She died before 1772 at the age of 52.
David Davis and Jane Miles had the following children:
i. John Davis was born in 1741 in Marion,Craven Dist.,South Carolina. He died in May 1778 at the age of 37.
ii. James Francis Davis was born in 1743 in Marion,Cheraw Dist.,South Carolina. He died in 1808 or 1809 at the age of 65.
iii. William Davis was born about 1751 in Marion,Cheraw Dist.,South Carolina. He died before 1810 at the age of 59.
iv. Jane Davis was born in 1753 in Marion,Cheraw Dist.,South Carolina.
v. Samuel Davis was born in Apr 1757 in Marion,Craven Dist.,South Carolina.
vi. David Davis was born in 1758 in Marion,Craven Dist.,South Carolina.
vii. Thomas Davis, born 22 Mar 1760, Chesterfield, Chesterfield, South Carolina; married Nancy Rivers, 1787 or 1788, Chesterfield County, South Carolina; died 20 Mar 1845, Chesterfield, Chesterfield, South Carolina.
David Davis is my 5th Great Grandfather.
[1] Charleston County, South Carolina, SC Court of Ordinary Will Books, WILL of DAVID DAVIS; digital images, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, FamilySearch ( copied November 1997); Book TT, page 583, Family History Film: #0023477.
[2] Ibid.
Thank you for sharing this information. I am a great-grand.... daughter of David. I am currently adding new Patriots for D.A.R.