Amanuensis Monday is a genealogy blogging theme. It was started by John Newmark who writes the TransylvanianDutch blog.
His definition of Amanuensis is:
Amanuensis: A person employed to write what another dictates or to copy what has been written by another.
Today’s subject is a Land Deed from John Graham to William Morris.1
139. John Graham to William Morris.
This indenture made & confirmed this 24th day of March 1818. Between John Graham & his wife Lydia Graham of the county of Blount and in the Alabama Territory, of the one part, and William Morris of the County of Anson & State of North Carolina of the other part. Witnessth for and in consideration of the sum of Two hundred and Sixty two dollars in hand paid by the said William Morris to us, the above said John & Lydia we bargain, alien sell & confirm unto the said Morris a piece or parcel of land containing one hundred and sixty two acres it being part of a survey of land granted to Matthew Rushing bearing date October 1783 and being a piece of the land that was allotted to the said Lydia by the commissioners appointed to divide the lande of Matthew Rushing dec’d. Which said one hundred & thirty one acres of land is contained with the above bounds, to wit. Beginning at a Spanish oak on the north side of Brown Creek and in the County of Anson and State of No. Carolina the said Spanish oak being fourth corner of the above said survey Granted to the said Matthew Rushing as above stated and runs thence So. 60.E(?) to Thomas Watts corner thence No. 80.E to another corner of s’d Watts then along that other line to Wimberley’s line then along his line to where a line of marked trees intersects s’d line then along said line of marked trees crossing Pope’s(?) Branch to the third line of the original survey granted to Matthew Rushing then with it to the beginning, which said one hundred & sixty two acres of land bound in the above bounds we the said John Graham & Lydia his wife do warrant and forever defend to right and title there of unto the said Morris his heirs Ex’ers. Adm. or assigne free and clear from us our heirs or assigne or from the lawful claim or any other person or persons whatsoever. In witness hereof we have here unto Set our hands & seals the day & date above written.
Test. David Moore John Graham {seal}
John Martin Lydia (her mark X) Graham {seal}
James Doyle
Alabama Territory } Huntsville
Madison County} This is to certify that Lydia Graham wife of John
Graham being separate and apart from her husband did acknowledge
that she signed the foregoing Deed without any press or compulsion of her husband whatsoever. In witness whereof She hath here unto set her
hand and seal this 24th day of March 1818.
David Moore J. P. {seal}
John Martin (seal)
Alabama Territory of the United States}
Madison County} I, Henry Minor clerk of said Court certify that David Moore signature & seal are annexed to the foregoing certificate is and was at the time of giving the same a Justice of the Peace and of the ? of said County Court duly commissioned and sworn and that John Martin whose signature and seal are also to said certificate annexed is and was at the time of giving the same a Justice of the Peace of said County duly commissioned and sworn. In testimony whereof I have here unto affix the Seal of said Court_ and subscribe my name at Huntsville the 24th day of March 1818. Hye Minor, Clk. {seal}
State of No. Carolina} April Term 1818
Anson County} Then the within Deed was duly approved in open Court by the oath of James Boyle and ordered to be Registered.
Tod Robinson Clk
John and Lydia Graham selling off land they own in Anson County after their migration to Blount County, Alabama Territory.
[1] Anson County Deed Book “S”. pages 93 & 94, Register of Deeds, Wadesboro, Anson County, North Carolina
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