Sunday, May 31, 2015
Sunday's Obituary~Mary Boane
Mrs. Mary Boane, widow of the late Elisha Boane, died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Julia Sheumate at Patrick Saturday afternoon at 5 o’clock. She had been in poor health for several years. Her age was 75 and she had been a member of Bethesda MP Church for 45 years. Four sons and two daughters survive. The funeral was conducted at Bethesda Sunday afternoon at 4 o’clock by Rev, J. W. Quick.
Mrs. Mary Boane before marriage was Miss Mary Elizabeth Mills, daughter of George Mills and mother unknown. Mary was borne in North Carolina in 1845. She married Elisha Boane about 1865. Elisha was the son of John Lewis Percy Boan and Abigail Therrell. [1] [2] [3]
[1] Mrs. Mary Boane, The Pageland Journal, Pageland, SC, 30 May 1917
[2] Mary Boan - Find A Grave Memorial# 38337127
[3] Elisha Boan - Find A Grave Memorial# 38591350
Saturday, May 30, 2015
Estate Notice~Estate of William Blakeney
The State of South Carolina. ----
DISTRICT.—In Equity.—Leah Blakeney vs Wm. Bullard and others. –Petition for the
sale of the Real Estate of Wm. Blakeney, deceased.—It appearing that SARAH WEAVER, the daughter of Elizabeth
Weaver, is entitled to a distributive share of the proceeds of the sale of the
Real Estate pf the said Wm. Blakeney, (deceased,) now in the hands of the Commissioners
of this Court; and that the said Sarah
Weaver has gone to parts unknown; It is ordered that the Commissioner of
this Court do give notice by an advertisement in the newspapers, for the said Sarah
Weaver to apply in person or by her attorney, for the said distributive share. A
true copy from the Minutes of the Court, made in February Term, 1849. D.
Equity, Cheraw District
Cheraw, S.C. March 15
This is an exact transcription of the estate notice as it appeared in the Charleston Courier, Charleston, SC, March 28, 1849, page 3, column 2.
Friday, May 29, 2015
1816-The Edgeworths
Tucked away on page 3, column 2, of the Tuesday, November 26, 1816 edition of the "Telescope", Columbia, SC newspaper is this little story entitled:
The Edgeworths.--Maria Edgeworth is one of a constellation of female geniuses, which now adorns England and illumines the literary world. She probably holds an equal rank with Jane Taylor, and is second only to Hannah Moore. We are informed that a Brother of hers, named Rich'd Lovel Edgeworth (the name also of their father) resided a few years since in Lancaster or Chesterfield District in this State (South Carolina)-- and that his widow now lives in Anson county, N. C. He appears to have been an imprudent and dissipated man, whom parental authority could not govern, nor sisterly affection restrain. Several of maria's letters to him are now in possession of his widow, who is said to be a worthy and amiable woman, in straitened circumstances. The family is rendered more interesting to us, from the circumstances, that Maria Edgeworth is the daughter of celebrated Honora Sneyd (afterwards Mrs. E.) who inspired the unfortunate Major Andre with a passion which she was not permitted to reward; and which is considered by common fame, the cause of his having become a soldier. The fact of this lady's being the mother of Miss Edgeworth, the reader will find authenticated in an appendix note to her admirable treatise on female education, where she corrects an alleged misrepresentation in Miss Seaward's monody on the death of Major Andre. Mr. E. founded a town in N. C. at the head of navigation of the PeDee, which, in honor of Maria's mother, he named Sneydsborough.
Sneydsborough: A Ripple in the River Outdoor Drama is produced annually in the Anson County area by the South Piedmont Communtity College. The main setting is the Knox Inn a local landmark during the existance of the town and the drama narrator is the ghost of Richard Edgeworth, who died in 1796.
[1]Story transcribed as it appeared in the "Telescope", Columbia, SC, 26 November 1816, Page 3, column 2
[2] monody--- mon-o-dy - noun, - a poem lamenting a person's death.
Thursday, May 28, 2015
Thriller Thursday~Mrs. Todd Sellers Shot and Killed
Fatal Accident in Anson
Mrs. Todd Sellers Shot and Killed by Gun Which Fell From a Rack
--A Most Excellent Woman
Wadesboro Ansonian.
Mrs. Todd Sellers of Gum Springs was shot and fatally wounded yesterday morning at her home. She was removing a coat from a rack which held a shot gun when the weapon fell to the floor and was discharged. The entire load of shot entered her left leg just below the knee, making an ugly wound. Dr. Wyatt of Lilesville was hastily called and decided that it would be necessary to remove the limb. He called Dr. Covington of Wadesboro and the two had plan to perform the operation yesterday afternoon. Soon after dinner, however, Mrs. Sellers had a hemorrhage and bled to death before medical attention could reach her.
Mrs. Sellers was about 55 years old and is survived by her husband, one daughter, Mrs. Thomas Adams of Pageland, S.C., and two sons,Messrs. John and Phillip Sellers. She was a member of the Gum Springs Baptist church and was a most excellent Christian woman. She had a most cheerful disposition and was a faithful wife and mother.
Mrs. Todd Sellers was Rosa Elizabeth "Lizzie" Ratliff, daughter of Eli Ratliff and Margaret Knotts; wife of William R. Sellers. The 1900 Census for Anson County shows her birth as December 1862. Lizzie and Todd had three children; a daughter, Aggie, two sons, John Henry and Phillip.
Another aricle in the local newspaper states that the gun was a pistol and a single shot enter the left leg just below the knee.
Todd Sellers is my 1st Cousin 4 times removed.
[1] Special thanks to Julie Hampton for her help in locating a copy of this news article.
[2] Mrs. Todd Sellers Shot and Killed by Gun Which Fell From a Rack, The Messenger and Intelligencer, Wadesboro, Anson County, North Carolina, United States, 10 April 1913.
Wednesday, May 27, 2015
Heirs of James and Britten Dozier
Sumter County} Know all men by these presents; that we Lovett R. Dozier and William Johnson, Security, acknowledge ourselves jointly and severally boun[d] <sic> unto Louis Bruner, Ordinary of said County and his succefsors and afsigns in the just and full sum of Four Hundred & fifty dollars, to the true payment of which, will and truly to be made, we bind ourselves, and heirs, executors, and administrators of us, and each of us, jointly and severally, by these presents. Sealed with our seals, and dated this 7th day of June 1852.
The condition of the bond or obligation is such; that if the above bound Lovett R. Dozier, who is this day appointed Guardian of the persons or property of Nancy, Rebecca, Eliza Ann and James W. Dozier, Orphan children of Britten Dozier, deceased, he acknowledging the same by his acceptance of said appointment, and Letters of Guardianship of this date, shall, well and truly maintain, clothe and educate said orphans according to their circumstances, and shall take good and lawful care of their persons and property, according to the laws of this State, and shall annually make a just and true return of all his actings and doings herein, unto the said Ordinary, an pay over all afsets that may remain in his hands when said Guardianship shall legally terminate, then this Obligation to be void, else to remain in full force. In Witnefs whereof we have hereunto set our hands and seals, this day and year above written.
Attest: L. R. Dozier {LS}
L. Bruner, Ord’y Wm. Johnson {LS}
James and Britten Dozier moved from Chesterfield County to Georgia, Sumter County sometime before 1850.
James Dozier died before 7 October 1848. James is not listed in the 1850 Mortality schedule for Sumter County and the fact that we have a documents dated 7 October 1848 showing him deceased; it’s most likely he died sometime in the last quarter of 1848.[2]
“This 7th day of October 1848.
The condition of the above obligation is such that where as the above bound Lovit R. Dozier has this day applied to the said Edm. Nunn, clerk of the court of ordinary for & has obtained tempory <sic> letters of Adm of the goods a & chattles rights and credits of Jam[es] Dozier, dec. Now if the a bound Lovit R. Dozier shall carefully…
Britten (maiden name unknown) Dozier died before 7 June 1852. [3]”
Sealed with our seals, and dated this 7th day of June 1852.
“The condition of the bond or obligation is such; that if the above bound Lovett R. Dozier, who is this day appointed Guardian of the persons or property of Nancy, Rebecca, Eliza Ann and James W. Dozier, Orphan children of Britten Dozier, deceased…”
James and Britten had 4 children named within the above document. The oldest daughter born in 1832 and the youngest, a son, born in 1838.
[1] "Georgia Probate Records, 1742-1990," images, FamilySearch (,267875801 : accessed 26 May 2015), Sumter > Wills, administration and guardian bonds 1838-1855 vol 00 > image 124-125 of 208; county probate courthouses, Georgia.
[2] "Georgia Probate Records, 1742-1990," images, FamilySearch (,267875801 : accessed 26 May 2015), Sumter > Wills, administration and guardian bonds 1838-1855 vol 00 > image 120 of 208; county probate courthouses, Georgia.
[3] "Georgia Probate Records, 1742-1990," images, FamilySearch (,267875801 : accessed 26 May 2015), Sumter > Wills, administration and guardian bonds 1838-1855 vol 00 > image 124-125 of 208; county probate courthouses, Georgia.
Tuesday, May 26, 2015
Laid off to Nancy A. Rivers, Update
In my blog post ”Laid off to Nancy A, Rivers the wife of James Rivers” found here,
I closed the article with these comments:
If James Rivers did in fact die in the Civil War; what happen to his wife Nancy A. (Dozier) Rivers. No record of James or Nancy A. has been found after 22 December 1859, the date of the above land deed. Did Britten Dozier move to Georgia? Did Nancy A. Rivers move with her?
This family has created more questions than answers.
With thanks to Renee Werth, we now know that Nancy A. (Dozier) Rivers moved to Sumter County, Georgia and married Noah Meeks on 16 January 1862 in that county.[1]
Marriage License, Meeks-Rivers |
1880 CENSUS: Geneva County, Alabama; Roll: 13; Family History Film: 1254013; Enumeration District: 078, Page: 639A(stamped); Line 18, Dwelling NL, Family 138; Noah MEEKS, male, age 49, born in GA; Nancy A. MEEKS, Wife, age 48, born in SC; Andrew MEEKS, male, age 14, born in AL; Henry MEEKS, male, age 6, born in AL; Russell MEEKS, male, age 4, born in AL and Rebecca FELTS, Sister-in-law, age 46, born in SC.[2]
Living in the household with Noah and Nancy is Nancy's sister Rebecca H. Dozier Felts. Rebecca H. Dozier married George G. Felts on 22 December 1852 in Sumter County, Georgia.
This suggest that the Dozier family had moved to Sumter County, Georgia sometime before December 1852. On-line trees state that James Dozier died in 1849 but this is doubtful since there is no listing in the 1850 Mortality Census for James Dozier.
The marriage of Nancy A. Rivers on 29 January 1862 in Sumter County, Georgia suggests that James Rivers entered the Civil War and died as a result of this action (killed, disease) between January 1861 and 29 January 1862.
Neither James nor Britten, his wife, death dates have been determined. The Burned Deed, page 50, dated 22 December 1859 in the Chesterfield County Courthouse states:
“which said tract of land was conveyed to me by Wm. A. Rivers, by deed bearing date 10th Dec. 1858. Said tract of land being a portion of the real Estate of Britton Dozier, laid off to Nancy A. Rivers the wife of James Rivers, reference being had to a…” [3]
page 50, burned book |
This suggests that Britten Dozier died prior to December 1858 at which time William A. Rivers bought a portion of her “estate lands”. There is no doubt that the Dozier’s did in fact moved to Georgia. Still this story does not end. Beyond 1880 nothing is known of Nancy A. Dozier Rivers Meeks and her sister Rebecca H. Dozier Felts.
If you have information on these families please contact me.
[1] "Georgia Marriages, 1808-1967," index, FamilySearch ( : accessed 23 May 2015), Noah Meeks and Nancy A. Rivers, 16 Jan 1862; citing , Sumter, Georgia; FHL microfilm 255,437.
[2] 1880 U. S. Census, Geneva County, Alabama, population schedule, Geneva, Alabama, enumeration district (ED) 078, Page: 639A(stamped); Line 18, Dwelling NL, Family 138, Householf of Noah MEEKS; digital images, ( : viewed 24 May 2015); citing NARA publication T9, Roll: 13.
[3] Burned Book, Page 50, Probate Office, Chesterfield County, SC Courthouse
Monday, May 25, 2015
Memorial Day 2015
James Deese, US Army, WWI (KIA)
Luther William Johns, US Army Paratrooper, WWII
Willie Benjamin Johns, US Army, WWII
John Calvin Purvis, US Army, WWII
Willie David Johns, US Army, Post Korea
Donald Fisher, US Army, Korea
Carl Donald Morrison, US Navy, Vietnam
[1] Flag image courtesy of Google Images
Sunday, May 24, 2015
Sunday’s Obituary~William Covington Gathings
Death of William C. Gathings
Special to The News
Hillsboro, Tex., May 10. – William C. Gathings of Covington, one of the most generally and favorably known citizens of this county, and a member of the Gathings family noted in Texas history for the part they performed in the reconstruction era immediately succeeding the Civil War, died at his home at 11 o’clock this morning after a brief illness. He was 61 years of age.
He was a native of North Carolina, but came to Texas at an early age, and after serving through the war in the twelfth Texas Cavalry, located near the site of the home in which he died, and had lived in that vicinity ever since. His wife and a number of children survive him.
William Covington Gathings is my wife’s 2nd Cousin 3 time removed. he was born 20 Sept. 1844 in Anson County, NC, a son of Col. James Jackson Gathings, Sr. and his wife Martha Wall Covington.
[1] The Dallas Morning News, Dallas, Texas, 11 May 1905, page 5, column 5.
Saturday, May 23, 2015
Shopping Saturday~A Trip to The Store
Growing up as a teenager in North Carolina we lived on a large farm North East of Morven, North Carolina. Morven is one of several small towns in Anson County, NC. Wadesboro, the county seat, is located about 10 Miles NE of Morven on Highway 52.
On the Green Map the location of the farm we lived on is labeled “Farm” It was located North of Jones Creek and the Creek was the southern boundary of the farm consisting of about 500 acres.
Dad was away from home during the week working bridge construction throughout North and South Carolina. On the weekends, when he was home making a trip to Paul Diggs Store at the intersection of Diggs Road and Highway 145 was a weekly routine. My Dad never had a driver license so the trip to the store was by foot and the store was approximately 2 miles one way from the farm.
Along the way, but closer to the store than our house was the home Aunt Liz and Aunt Cora. These two were sisters of my Daddy’s Mother, Lucy; my grandmother. It was our first stop and we all made for the well to draw a cool bucket of water. There were always sweets for us children.
The next stop was The Store. In the back of the Store was a pot belly stove with men sitting around talking. Daddy would buy us a RC Cola and a moon pie and send us scurrying outside until he was ready to leave.
On the return trip was a stop at the Robinson Antiques and used Furniture often referred to as Robinson Junkyard. We kids had a great time looking at all the “goodies” available for purchase. After a short stop, we would travel on home arriving in time for Mom to put food on the table and partake of our afternoon meal.
Keep in mind that there was no TV to rush home to watch; we didn’t even have a battery powered radio but life was great growing up as a teenager in the 1950’s.
Maps courtesy of and
Friday, May 22, 2015
Genealogical Gems Found in Land Deed
Abington Parsons died 13 April 1826. A Cheraw Equity record names his surviving heirs and gives us their birth dates.
Ratliff, William H. vs. Mary Parsons Adm. et al - Bill for account & c 1843
Abington Parsons departed this life on or about 13th day of April 1826. Heirs: Widow, Mary Parsons; children: Ann Parsons, born June 27th 1818, intermarried with Richmond White; Timney Parsons, born September 2, 1819, intermarried with Noah Sellers; Raymond Parsons, born December 5, 1820; Elizabeth Parsons, born March 9, 1822 intermarried with William Sellers; Thomas Parsons, born May 10, 1823; Mary M. Parsons, born April 10, 1825.
Those heirs listed are:
- Mary LNU – his Wife
- Ann Parsons md Richmond White
- Timney Parsons md Noah Sellers
- Raymond Parsons
- Elizabeth Parsons md William Sellers
- Thomas Parsons
- Mary M. Parsons
A NC land Deed in Anson County Deed Book 13, page 471-472 names Mary Parson daughter of Abington Parson as the Wife of Mathew Sellers. Mary was unmarried at the time of her Father’s death in April 1826.
Both Raymond and Thomas moved westward with the Sellers to Madison County, Tennessee where they married and branched out to Arkansas and Texas and maybe others states.
Anson County, NC Deed Book 13, Page 471-472
This Indenture made this 29th day of September in the year of our Lord 1850 Between Mathew Sellers Of the State of South Carolina Chesterfield District of the one part and Sarah Ricketts of the state and District aforesaid of the other part Witnefseth that the said Mathew Sellers for and in consideration of the sum of twenty dollars the payment which is secured to be made have bargained, sold, conveyed and confirmed and by these presents do bargain, sell, convey and confirm unto the said Sarah Ricketts her heirs, Executors, Administrators and afsigns a certain piece or parcel of land lying and being in the County of Anson in the State of North Carolina on Westfield Creek it being the distributive share of my wife, Mary Parsons of all the real Estate of her Father Abbington Parsons, in the said state of & county aforesaid at the time of his death bounded on the South by the South Carolina line adjoining to and bounded by lands of James Parsons, Isham A. Wallace, and others the whole tract supposed to contain two hundred and two acres, and my Wife’s distributive share in and to the above is supposed to be and is estimated at 30 acres be the same more or lefs to have and to hold unto the said Sarah Ricketts her heirs and afsigns, forever and the said Mathew Sellers doth covenant to and with the said Ricketts her heirs, Executors, Administrator and afsigns and doth warrant and forever defend the above described thirty acres or thereabouts against my heirs and afsigns as also the title in and of the said Land and premises unto the said Sarah Ricketts her heirs and afsigns and the said Mathew Sellers will warrant and defend the Lawful right and title to the said Sarah Ricketts against the lawful claim or claims of all persons whatsoever together with all the appurtenances thereunto belonging or in anywise appertaining.
In Witnefs whereof the said Mathew Sellers doth hereunto set his hand and seal the year and date first above written.
Signed Sealed and deliver in the presence}
of Wm. B. Duncan} Mathew M. Sellers {seal}
Richard Smith}
State of North Carolina}
Anson County}
July Term 1851
Then the execution of the deed was duly proven by Wm. B. Duncan in open Court and ordered to be registered.
N. D. Boggan
Transcribed by Charles L. Purvis, 20 May 2015.
Abington & Mary Parsons – My 3rd Great Grandparents
Elizabeth Parsons & William Sellers – My 2nd Great Grandparents
I have previously written about the value of Land Deeds in your research. If you don’t have land deeds as one of your sources for research it’s time now to add this valuable resource to your list.
[1] Anson County, NC Deed Book 13, Page 471-472, MATHEW SELLERS TO SARAH RICKETTS, Register of Deeds, Wadesboro, NC.
Mary Parsons,
Mathew Sellers,
Srah Ricketts
Thursday, May 21, 2015
Thankful Thursday-Many Thanks to All
For the past 8 weeks I have been struggling with an “aggravated” sciatic nerve that at times left me bedridden.
We all take things for granted daily but there are no guarantees in life and none of us know what tomorrow may bring.
I received many e-mails, cards, letters and comments wishing me well. I’m back on my feet but not completely out of the woods. I have some blockage in the canal of my spine that will have to be dealt with at some point in the future.
My sincere thanks to my wife and each of you for your thoughts and prayers during this time. You are awesome. Thanks to all.
Wednesday, May 20, 2015
Wedding Wednesday~McRae-Rivers
Chesterfield., Mar. 19.—Miss Fannie McRae and William Rivers were married Sunday evening at the Methodist parsonage by the Rev. Gobe Smith.
The bride is the daughter of Mrs. Duck McRae of the Westfield section and graduated at the Zoar high school last June.
The bridegroom is a young farmer of the Zoar section. He is the youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Rivers, formerly of Chesterfield.
The young couple are now at home with Mr. Rivers’ parents at Zoar.
[1] Wedding - McRae-Rivers obituary, The State, Columbia, Richland County, South Carolina, 20 March 1932, page 3, column 2.
[2] Image courtesy of Google Images.
Tuesday, May 19, 2015
Tombstone Tuesday~Caroline “Cariline” Purvis Walters
Caroline “Cariline” Purvis Walters
b. 28 December 1842
d. 6 November 1893
bu. Antioch Baptist Church Cemetery
Rankin County, Mississippi
Siblings: Martha Ann, Harriett, Sarah, James Monroe, William J., Joseph A and Lucy Purvis
Spouse: Milton Walters
Children: Luke Amsterdam, Mary Susan, Elmer Vaiden and Milton Amroe Walters
[1] Find A Grave Memorial# 12846888
Sunday, May 17, 2015
Sunday’s Obituary~J. Frank Smith
Mr. J. Frank Smith died at his home in South Wadesboro Monday, age about 45. Mr. Smith, who was night watchman at the cotton mill, was taken violently ill Friday with uremia poison and sank rapidly until death relieved him of his sufferings. A wife and seven children survive him. The remains were taken to Ruby, S.C. for interment.
Mr. Smith, it will be remembered, was tried here for his life several years ago, for the murder of his brother-in-law, Mr. Thos. Sellers, and acquitted.
J. Frank Smith married Dora Sellers, daughter of Phillip A. Sellers and Martha Ann Brooks on 19 January 1881. Before his death in 1901 Frank and Dora would have nine children; 5 Daughters and four sons.
Frank was acquitted in 1895 for the murder of his brother-in-law, Thomas Brooks Sellers on 25 April 1894. He shot his brother-in-law on the 24 April 1894 at the Covington Bros. merchandise store on Rutherford Street, Wadesboro, NC. Thomas died the next day, Doctor Kollock of Cheraw was summoned in an effort to save the life of Thomas Brooks Sellers.
Dora Sellers Smith is my 2nd Cousin 3 times removed. Thomas Brooks Sellers is also my 2nd cousin 3 times removed. Dora and Thomas are siblings.
[1] [The Messenger and Intelligencer, Wadesboro, North Carolina, 28 February 1901, page 3.] Obituary courtesy of Julie Hampton.
Thursday, May 14, 2015
Treasure Chest Thursday~Delayed Birth Certificate~Ella Jane Lang
Ella Jane Lang was born 4 August 1889, the first born child of Charles Franklin Lang and Mary Jane Purvis. The family continued to grow with twins boys born 14 January 1893 of which one did not survive. Then in March 1895, another daughter, Frances Elizabeth “Effy” Lang was born. 1 2
This last birth was tragic for the family as shown on this delayed birth certificate for Ella Jane Lang. 3
Ella Jane's mother Mary Jane Purvis Lang died at age 21. Mary Jane was born about 1873 based on the 1880 Census; a daughter of William Purvis and Betsy Previtte. 4
It’s evident that this was a complicated childbirth and something suddenly caused the death of Mary Jane at age 21. This left Charlie with 2 young girls and a son to raise without a spouse.
It is no surprise that Charley soon found a new bride, Dora Watkins, whom he married in 1898. 5
Though there is no oral tradition there is sufficient evidence to show that these individuals are the second family of my 3rd Great Grandfather William A. Purvis and his wife Elizabeth “Betsy” Previtte. 6
Ella Jane Lang is my first cousin twice removed.
[1] Ella Jane LANG, birth certificate [1900 and City of Charleston, South Carolina Births, 1877-1901] (4 August 1889), South Carolina South Carolina Department of Archives and History, Columbia, South Carolina.
[2] 1900 US Census, Union County, North Carolina, population schedule, Marshville Township, Union County, NC, enumeration district (ED) #136, page 117B, Line 76, dwelling 57, family 60, Charles F. Lang; digital image, ( : viewed July 2010); citing National Archives Microfilm T623, Roll 1220.
[3] South Carolina Delayed Births, 1766-1900 and City of Charleston, South Carolina Births, 1877-1901 for Ella Jane Lang
[4] 1880 U. S. Census, Anson County, North Carolina, population schedule, Anson County, North Carolina, enumeration district (ED) # 2, Page 350B, Line 36, Dwelling 233, Family 251, Household of William A. Purvis; digital image, ( : viewed 1976); citing National Archives Microfilm T9, Roll 951.
[5] 1900 US Census, Union County, North Carolina, population schedule, Marshville Township, Union County, NC, enumeration district (ED) #136, page 117B, Line 76, dwelling 57, family 60, Charles F. Lang; digital image, ( : viewed July 2010); citing National Archives Microfilm T623, Roll 1220.
[6] Ella P. Tarlton, SS No. 251-86-7071, , Form SS-5, Social Security Administration, Baltimore, Maryland.
Wednesday, May 13, 2015
Tuesday, May 12, 2015
Tombstone Tuesday~William Shadrac Toler and Missie Linton Toler
William Shadrac Toler
b. 5 Apr 1874
d. 19 June 1955
Margaret “Missie” A. Linton Toler
b. 8 Sept 1881
d. 6 November 1964
bu. Society Hill Presbyterian Church Cemetery
William Shadrac Toler is my 1st Cousin twice removed.
I wrote about William and Missie previously and the post can be accessed here:
I wrote about William and Missie previously and the post can be accessed here:
[1] Find A Grave, Inc., Find A Grave, digital image, ( : Accessed on 3 May 2015); Headstone for William Shadrac Toler; (5 April 1874–19 June 1955); Records of the Society Hill Presbyterian Church Cemetery; Society Hill, Darlington County, South Carolina.
Monday, May 11, 2015
Amanuensis Monday~Will of John L. P. Boan
Amanuensis Monday is a genealogy blogging theme. It was started by John Newmark who writes the TransylvanianDutch blog.
His definition of Amanuensis is:
Amanuensis: A person employed to write what another dictates or to copy what has been written by another.
Today’s subject is the WILL of John Lewis Percy Boan written in 6 June 1879.1
In the name of God Amen.
I John L. P. Boan of the County of Chesterfield and state of South Carolina, do make and publish this my last will and testament in manner and form following, that is to say--
First, It is my will and desire that all my lawful debts and funeral expenses be paid.
Second- I give and bequeath to my son, Elisha Boan one horse, one cow and calf, one Rifle Gun and all contents of the Blacksmith Shop including the carpenters Tools.
Third- I give and bequeath to my daughter Flora Boan one cow and calf, one Ox and 0ne feather bed and furniture.
Fourth- I give and bequeath to my daughter Jane Crowley one cow and calf and one feather bed and furniture.
Fifth- I give and bequeath to my grandson William R. E. Boan three heads of dry cattle, one blue Sow and shoats, one Rifle Gun and one feather bed and furniture, my said grandson to have first choice of the beds.
Sixth- I give and bequeath to my daughter Caroline Norton, Martha Grooms and Eliza Boan and my Grandson Kendrick Boan each one dollar.
Seventh- It is my will and desire that all the rest of my property of every kind and description whatsoever shall be equally divided amongst my following named children to wit-- Eliza Boan, Elisha Boan, Jane Crowley, Margaret Jordan, Flora Boan and my grandson William R. E. Boan , share and share alike.
Eight- I nominate constitute and appoint my son Elisha Boan Executor of this my last will and testament.
In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this __6__ day of June, A. D. 1879.
Signed seal, published and} John L. P. Boan {seal}
declared by the said John L.P.}
Boan as and far his last will}
and testament, in our presence}
who at his request in his presence}
and in the presence of each other}
have subscribed our names as}
(The words "and Eliza Boan" in the}
Sixth clause ?? before}
Signing & Sealing}
A. E. Boan
Presley Boan
B. M. Morrison
[1] "South Carolina Probate Records, Files and Loose Papers, 1732-1964," images, FamilySearch (,190561002,190567402,190904401 : accessed 6 May 2015), Chesterfield > Probate Court, Estate records > 1865-1927 > Cases 0331-0383 > image 802-803 of 1383; county courthouses, South Carolina, and South Carolina Department of Archives and History, Columbia.
Sunday, May 10, 2015
Saturday, May 9, 2015
Surname Saturday~ Boan-Bone
Mary Boan is my 3rd Great Grandmother (maternal line). She was born about 1815 based on her age reported in the 1850 Census for Chesterfield County. She married Shadrach John or Johns.
Research for her parents have been exhaustive with no definite proof but has provided some circumstantial evidence.
My first clue comes from two related Land Deeds found in the Register of Deeds for Chesterfield County, South Carolina. These two deeds are:
- James Eddings & Others to W. T. Goodwin – Deed (DB 5:597-598)
- James Eddings & Others to Alice Goodwin – Deed (DB 6:177)
“Know all men by these presents, that we, SHADRACH JOHNS and MARY JOHNS of the county of Washington and State of Florida, and JAMES EDDINGS, ANN EDDINGS, and REBECCA BONE of the District of Chesterfield, and State of South Carolina, have in consequence of ninety dollars to us in hand the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged paid by ALICE GOODWIN of the District of Chesterfield and State of South Carolina…”
Also mentioned are witnesses:
E. Rushing
James Grant
W. T. Goodwin
W. H. Eddings
F. T. Eddins
Two other Census entries further identifies these participants;
1850 CENSUS: Chesterfield District, SC, Roll: M432_851; Image: 221 Page 108B (stamped), Line 13, Dwelling 152; Family 152; Mary BONE, age 65, Female, born in SC; Effa BONE, age 37, Female, born in SC; Allice BONE, age 30, Female, born in SC.
1860 CENSUS: Cheraw PO, Chesterfield County, South Carolina; Series: M653, Roll: 1217, Page: 130, Line 26, Dwelling 513, Family 512; Mary BONE, female, age 68, born in SC; Alex. GOODWIN, age 22, Laborer, born in SC; Alice BONE, female, age 35, born in SC.
These two Census repeats the named of most of the parties named within the two land Deeds mentioned above (DB5;597 and DB 6:177).
First, there is Mary Boan, age 65 or 68, born about 1785. Some say she is Mary Walton. She is the wife of Archibald Boan, born 1780.
- Rebecca Boan, b. 1813 (daughter of Archibald & Mary)
- Effy Boan, b. 1814 (daughter of Archibald & Mary)—Wife of William Thomas Goodwin
- Mary Boan, b. 1815 (daughter of Archibald & Mary)—Wife of Shadrach John or Johns
- [Diana] Ann Boan , b. 1818 (daughter of Archibald & Mary)—Wife of James Ellis Eddins or Eddings
- Alice Boan, b. 1820 (daughter of Archibald & Mary)—Wife of Alexander Goodwin
The two census entries accounts for the majority of individual named within the land deed and suggests that all the parties are daughters and son-in-law of Mary [Walton?] Boan, widow of one Archibald Boan, deceased.
Thus, the following analysis provides the basis for further research to prove and discount the parentage of Mary Boan, b. 1815 as the daughter of Archibald Boan and his wife Mary whom some say is Sarah Walton, b. 1785.
If you have any information on this “Boan-Bone” line, I would like to hear from you.
Archibla Bone,
James Ellis Eddins,
Mary Boan,
W. T. Goodwin
Wednesday, May 6, 2015
Tuesday, May 5, 2015
Tombstone Tuesday~Huldah “Huldie” Rivers Davis
Huldah “Huldie” Rivers Davis
Beloveth Wife of Michael Davis
b. Oct. 13, 1816
d. Jun. 4, 1881
d. Jun. 4, 1881
Photo Courtesy of Julious Burr |
Huldah Rivers Davis is my 3rd Great Grandmother. She was born in October 1816, a daughter of William and Betsey Rivers Rivers.
Huldie Rivers and Michael Davis were married about 1832. This date is an estimate based on the birth of their known first born, William Alfred Davis on 11 November 1834. Huldie and Michael would live to raise a family of nine children; four sons and five daughters. Their last born, Mary Eliza Davis, was born 23 November 1853. 1 2 3 4 5
Huldie Rivers Dais passed away on 4 June 1881.6 Her husband Michael lived another 7 years passing away in April 1888. Huldie and Michael are buried ay Zoar United Methodist Church Cemetery. 7
You can read about the family and their children at this posting:
1. Harry Alexander Davis, The Davis Family (Davies and David) in Wales and America: genealogy of Morgan David of Pennsylvania (Washington, D.C.: n.p., 1927), pages 125 & 126. SOURCE: Sherry Melton and "The Davis Family in Wales and America", by Harry Alexander Davis, Page 125 & 126.
2. 1850 U. S. Census, Chesterfield County, South Carolina, population schedule, Chesterfield, Chesterfield County, South Carolina, enumeration district (ED) No ED, Page 179B, Line 3, Dwelling/Family 1240/1240, Household of Michael DAVIS; digital images, ( : viewed 21 July 2011); citing National Archives Microfilm M432 Roll 851. 1850 CENSUS: Chesterfield, Chesterfield County, South Carolina; Roll: M432_851; Image: 363; Page 179B, Line 3, Dwelling/Family 1240/1240. Michael DAVIS, age 43, Farmer, born in SC; Huldy DAVIS, Wife, age 33, born SC; William A. DAVIS, Son, age 15, born SC; Sarah A. DAVIS, Daughter, age 11, born SC; Elizabeth DAVIS, Daughter, age 9, born in SC; Thomas F. DAVIS, Son, age 8, born SC; Nancy DAVIS, Daughter, age 5, born in SC; Charley W. DAVIS, Son, age 3, born SC and Elisha B. DAVIS, Son, age 1, born SC; Film #0444814.
3. 1860 U. S. Census, Chesterfield County, South Carolina, population schedule, Chesterfield County, South Carolina, Page 94, Line 1, Dwelling/Family 1/1, Household of Michael DAVIS; digital images, : viewed 26 August 2011); citing National Archives Microfilm M653_1217. 1860 CENSUS: Chesterfield County, South Carolina; Roll: M653_1217; Image: 191; Family History Library Film: 805217; Page 94, Line 1, Dwelling/Family 1/1. Michael DAVIS, Farmer, age 54, born SC; Hulda DAVIS, Wife, age 45, born SC; William DAVIS, Son, age 26, born SC; Sarah DAVIS, Daughter, age 21, born SC; Thomas DAVIS, Son, age 20, born SC; Charles DAVIS, Son, age 18, born SC; Elisha DAVIS, Son, age 12, born SC; Jane DAVIS, Daughter, age 10, born SC; Mary Eliza DAVIS, Daughter, age 07, born SC. Film #0805217. Living with Michael & Hulda is Mary DAVIS, age 50 [Michael's sister].
4. 1870 U. S. Census, Chesterfield County, South Carolina, population schedule, Court House, Chesterfield County, South Carolina, Page 306B, Line 35, Dwelling/Family #371/371, Household of M[ichael] DAVIS; digital images, ( : viewed 21 July 2011); citing National Archives Microfilm M593_1491. 1870 CENSUS: Court House, Chesterfield County, South Carolina; Roll: M593_1491; Image: 138; Page 306B, Line 35, Dwelling/Family #371/371. M[ichael] DAVIS, male, age 68, farmer, born SC; H[ulda] DAVIS, age 54, born SC; P. DAVIS, age 21, Female, born SC; M. DAVIS, age 16, Female, born SC; B. DAVIS, age 07, Female, born SC. Film #0552990.
5. 1880 U. S. Census, Chesterfield County, South Carolina, population schedule, Court House, Chesterfield County, South Carolina, enumeration district (ED) #5, Page 316B, Line 28, Dwelling 129, Family 129, Household of Michael DAVIS; digital image, ( : viewed 21 July 2011); citing National Archive Microfilm T9, Roll 1225. 1880 CENSUS: Court House, Chesterfield County, South Carolina; Roll: 1225; Family History Film: 1255225; Enumeration District: 5; Page 316B, Line 28, Dwelling 129, Family 129; Michael DAVIS, age 74, born SC; Hulda DAVIS, Wife, age 64, born SC; Polly DAVIS, Sister, age 71, born SC and Hauly RIVERS, Other, age 66, born SC.
6. James C. Pigg, Chesterfield County Cemetery Survey; Chesterfield County Genealogical Services, 1995, page 831. Tombstone of Michael Davis; 13 March 1806–26 April 1883, Zoar United Methodist Church Cemetery, Chesterfield County, South Carolina.
7. Mark Rivers Family Bible Holy Bible, (New York, New York: n.p., n.d.); Obtained from Mark Rivers - Mary Ann Rivers - Emma Baxley, 8 Zeroxed page from Original Bible. Death, Hulda Rivers Davis.
Monday, May 4, 2015
Amanuensis Monday~Anson County Sheriff Tax Deed to W. B. Sellers
Amanuensis Monday is a genealogy blogging theme. It was started by John Newmark who writes the TransylvanianDutch blog.
His definition of Amanuensis is:
Amanuensis: A person employed to write what another dictates or to copy what has been written by another.
Today’s subject is an Anson County Sheriff Tax Deed to W. B. Sellers.1

Sheriff Tax Deed}
W. B. Sellers}
State of North Carolina Anson County} Whereas, at a sale of real estate for the non-payment of Taxes made in the county aforesaid on the 4th day of May A.D. 1891 the following described real estate was sold to wit: one tract of land situate in Morven Township North Carolina Listed for taxes in the name of M. J. Davis and bounded as follows. Beginning at a rock in the line of Lot No. 1 four pines pts and runs with the line of the Said Lot, then with said Parsons line N 52 E 7.10 chains to his corner stake 2 white oak pts Then with Lot No. 7 N12ln E 19.40 chs to a rock in said lines three pines pots. Then S. 73 W 22.60 chs to the beginning 22 acres of the above described land was sold for the Taxes for the year 1890. The Taxes amounting to One _ 22/100 dollars.
And Whereas, the same not having been redeemed from such sale, and it appearing that the holder of the certificate of purchase of said real estate has complied with the laws of North Carolina necessary to entitle him to a deed of real estate Now Therefore, know ye that I, John H. McGregor Sheriff of said county of Anson in consideration of the premises and by virtue of the Statutes of North Carolina in such cases provided do hereby grant and convey unto W. B. Sellers his heirs and assigns forever the said real estate herein before described subject however to any redemption provided by law. Given under my hand and seal this 12th day of September Anno Domino 1892. J. H. McGregor
State of North Carolina Anson County} The due execution of the foregoing Deed was acknowledged before me this day by John H. McGregor Sheriff of Anson County the Grantor therein named Let the Deed with this certificate be registered This Sept. 12th 1892. John C. McLanchlin
Clerk of Superior Court
Sept. 12th 1892 Then the foregoing Deed & certificate came unto my hands & were duly registered.
W. D. Webb Register of Deeds
There are several W. B. Sellers but this land deed was most likely executed for William Brooks Sellers, son of Phillip A. Sellers and Martha Ann Brooks. William Brooks Sellers was married to Mary Elimira Carter.
[1] North Carolina, Deed Book: Deed Book 29, Page 223, Sheriff Tax Deed to W. B. Sellers; Register of Deeds, Wadesboro, Anson County, North Carolina.
His definition of Amanuensis is:
Amanuensis: A person employed to write what another dictates or to copy what has been written by another.
Today’s subject is an Anson County Sheriff Tax Deed to W. B. Sellers.1
Sheriff Tax Deed}
W. B. Sellers}
State of North Carolina Anson County} Whereas, at a sale of real estate for the non-payment of Taxes made in the county aforesaid on the 4th day of May A.D. 1891 the following described real estate was sold to wit: one tract of land situate in Morven Township North Carolina Listed for taxes in the name of M. J. Davis and bounded as follows. Beginning at a rock in the line of Lot No. 1 four pines pts and runs with the line of the Said Lot, then with said Parsons line N 52 E 7.10 chains to his corner stake 2 white oak pts Then with Lot No. 7 N12ln E 19.40 chs to a rock in said lines three pines pots. Then S. 73 W 22.60 chs to the beginning 22 acres of the above described land was sold for the Taxes for the year 1890. The Taxes amounting to One _ 22/100 dollars.
And Whereas, the same not having been redeemed from such sale, and it appearing that the holder of the certificate of purchase of said real estate has complied with the laws of North Carolina necessary to entitle him to a deed of real estate Now Therefore, know ye that I, John H. McGregor Sheriff of said county of Anson in consideration of the premises and by virtue of the Statutes of North Carolina in such cases provided do hereby grant and convey unto W. B. Sellers his heirs and assigns forever the said real estate herein before described subject however to any redemption provided by law. Given under my hand and seal this 12th day of September Anno Domino 1892. J. H. McGregor
State of North Carolina Anson County} The due execution of the foregoing Deed was acknowledged before me this day by John H. McGregor Sheriff of Anson County the Grantor therein named Let the Deed with this certificate be registered This Sept. 12th 1892. John C. McLanchlin
Clerk of Superior Court
Sept. 12th 1892 Then the foregoing Deed & certificate came unto my hands & were duly registered.
W. D. Webb Register of Deeds
There are several W. B. Sellers but this land deed was most likely executed for William Brooks Sellers, son of Phillip A. Sellers and Martha Ann Brooks. William Brooks Sellers was married to Mary Elimira Carter.
[1] North Carolina, Deed Book: Deed Book 29, Page 223, Sheriff Tax Deed to W. B. Sellers; Register of Deeds, Wadesboro, Anson County, North Carolina.
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