His definition of Amanuensis is:
Amanuensis: A person employed to write what another dictates or to copy what has been written by another.
Today’s subject is the Appointment of a Guardian for Sarah Elizabeth Rivers Tucker. 1
On 13 November 1861, Dempsey Rivers age 31 died of typhoid fever while serving his country in the Civil War. He left behind a widow, Sarah Ann Massey Rivers, and two children, a son and daughter.
The daughter, Sarah Elizabeth Rivers, born 4 September 1861 was just two months old when her Father died. Ten years later, in February 1871 her Mother Sarah Ann Massey Rivers passed away.
In Probate File #81, Sarah Elizabeth Tucker petitions the Courts to assign Phillip Rivers as her Guardian. T. P. Davis witnessed her request.
To Mr. Rolin Kite Judge of Probate
I respectfully ask that Phillip Rivers be appointed as my Guardian to receive what may be due me of my Father’s Estate, the Estate of Dempsey Rivers
{ S. E. X Tucker
T. P. Davis mark
Then on 18 Feb. 1881, Probate Judge Rolin Kite issued letters appointing Philip Rivers as the Guardian for Sarah Elizabeth Rivers Tucker.
The State of South Carolina}
Chesterfield County}
By Rolin Kite Esquire, Probate Judge
To Mr. Phillip Rivers
Whereas, Sarah Elizabeth Tucker a child of Dempsey Rivers
Late of the County and state aforesaid
a minor, entitled to a Small estate
applied to me, to appoint Phillip Rivers to be her Guardian.
For better securing the said small estate for the benefit of the said minor, and
For her more careful maintenance and education, I do hereby commit the tuition,
Guardianship, and education, of said Sarah Elizabeth Tucker
to you, the said Philip Rivers charging you to
maintain her in meat, drink, washing, lodging, clothing, and such good education
as may be fitting, according to the circumstances of interest of the said
Sarah Elizabeth Tucker during her minority, take charge
Of her estate, do such things as a Guardian should, and render
A true and faithful account of the said estate, and of your management thereof,
when thereunto duly required.
GIVEN under my hand and Seal this 18
day of Feb 1881 in the year of our Lord one thousand
eight hundred and and in the 115
year of the Independence of the United States of America.
Probate Court}
Nook…………..} Rolin Kite
Page……………} Judge of Probate
If this is your relative, the entire file can be freely accessed at:
[1] "South Carolina Probate Records, Files and Loose Papers, 1732-1964," images, FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/pal:/MM9.3.1/TH-1-19383-30121-15?cc=1911928 : accessed 11 April 2016), Chesterfield > Probate Court, Estate records > 1865-1927 > Cases 0065-0087 > image 371 of 482; county courthouses, South Carolina, and South Carolina Department of Archives and History, Columbia.
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