THE STATE OF ALABAMA,} To any of the State Judges, or to any Ordained Minister of the Gospel,
515 CHOCTAW COUNTY.} or to any Justice of the Peace of said County—Greetings:
Know Ye, That you are hereby authorized and Licensed to join together in the bonds of Matrimony Geo. Fagan, Sr. with Mrs. Catherine Rivers
Given under my hand, this 2nd day of September 1879.
B. H. Warren, Probate Judge
CHOCTAW COUNTY.} To the Judge of Probate of said County:
I Hereby Certify, That I this day solemnized the rites of Matrimony between Mr. George Fagan Sr. and Mrs. Catherine Rivers who are within named, at Jasper Dryman do in said County.
Witness my hand this, the 8th day of September 1879.
G. W. Fagan, L. D.
Recorded this 15th day of October 1879.
B. H. Warren, Judge of Probate
Irena Catherine Hancock married Mark S. Rivers in February 1840, Chesterfield County, South Carolina. Shortly after their marriage, Mark and Catherine migrated to Jones County, Mississippi to join with his sisters Ameilia and Elizabeth and their husbands Moses Holyfield and John Dryman.
Jones County, Mississippi Court records shows that Mark and Catherine were divorced on 19 Apr 1859. yet, in 1860, Mark and Catherine were found in the Censuses still living together in the same house.
1860 CENSUS: Ellisville, Jones County, Mississippi; Roll: M653_584; Image: 127; Family History Library Film: 803584, 17 Oct 1860, Page 705, Line 11; Dwelling 304, Family 304; Mark RIVERS, age 52, Farmer, born in SC (1808); Arena C. RIVERS, age 46, born in SC (1814); J. H. DRIMAN, age 17, born in MS (1843).
Then on 5 Jan 1868 we find the apprenticeship of Milly Holifield, aged twelve years; Ransom Holifield aged ten years and Miles Holifield aged eight years to Mark Rivers and his wife Catherine.
January the 5th 1868
The state of Ala Chtaw County
To all hoom [whom] this may concern wee the Signed have bound ourselves to Mark Rivers and his wife Catherine Rivers two of our children Elie and Miley until thay ar [they are] 21 years of age the sade [said] Rivers and his wife Dus [does] agree to furnish the children clothing and provishion [provisions] and 12 month scooling [schooling] and the Sade [Said] Rivers and his Wife Dus [does] further agree when the children is free to give then a starte as same as if tha [they] was than [their] on childring [children]. [Spelling kept as found in Court Records].
Then in 1870, just 2 short years later, we find this entry in the Census whom I believe is Mark/Martin Rivers but no Catherine in the household.
1870 CENSUS: Township 10, Choctaw, Alabama; Roll: M593_7; Image: 363; Family History Library Film: 545506; Page: 412B; Line 27, Dwelling 162, Family 163; Martin RIVERS, age 60, born in NC; Amanda RIVERS, age 47, born in NC; S. HOLIFIELD, Female, age 19, born in Mississippi; M. [Mary C.] HOLIFIELD, Female, age 13, born in Mississippi; Robt. HOLIFIELD, Male, age 10, born in Mississippi and Monroe HOLIFIELD, Male, age 08, born in Mississippi; three houses away Page: 413A; Line 1, Dwelling 165, Family 166; we find Jno. [Jasper] DRYMAN, age 25, born in Mississippi; Laura DRYMAN, age 22, born in Mississippi; John DRYMAN, age 4, born in Alabama; Eliza DRYMAN, age 4, born in Alabama and James DRYMAN, age 5/12, born in Alabama.
The next surprise was the marriage above of Catherine Rivers to George S. Fagan on 08 Sep 1879 in Choctaw County, Alabama.
Mark and Catherine were divorced in April 1859; but, it obvious from available records that they remained friends and cohabitated up until January 1868.
[1] Choctaw County, Alabama, Marriage Licensee, Book 1, Page 263, FHL Film #1788198, George S Fagan and Catherine Rivers, 8 September 1879; Probate Court, Butler, Choctaw County, Alabama.
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