His definition of Amanuensis is:
Amanuensis: A person employed to write what another dictates or to copy what has been written by another.
Today’s posting is Land Deed between Farguhart McRae and Valentine Brock for 150 acres of Land. The deed is on file in Anson County, North Carolina just across the state line from Chesterfield County. The deed on file is a copy of the original deed. The original is on file in the State Archives, Raleigh, North Carolina. All deeds at the local level are copies of the original.
THIS INDENTURE made the 22nd. Day of November in the year of our Lord One Thousand Eight Hundred and Seven [1807] Between Farguhart McRae of the County of Anson and State of North Carolina of the one part & Valentine Brock the State of South Carolina and District of Chesterfield of the other part WITNESSTH that I Farguhart McRae for & in consideration of the sum of Five hundred [$500] Dollars in hand paid the Receipt of which I do hereby acknowledge before the Delivery of these presents have Grantee Bargained sold conveyed and do by these presents grant Bargain sell alien convey & confirm the Sd. Valentine Brock and his heirs forever a certain piece of parcel of land lying and being in Anson County as aforesd. and bounded as follows (to wit) Beginning in John Akins Senr. line on the south side of old Mill Creek on the bank of said creek and runs with sd. line So. 28 Wt. to a black oak Sd. Akins’s second corner in the in the flat ground of Sd. Creek then south 62 Et. 212 poles down the creek to a pine then No. 28 Et. with said Akins’s line to the bank of the Creek then up the said Creek with its very courses to the first station containing on hundred [100] acres of land more or less. Also fifty [50] acres of land runs as follows Beginning on a double white oak by a spanish oak and 2 red oaks in the fork of a branch in or near the above line and run So. 35 Wt. 30 chains to two hickorys then So. 54 Wt. 10 chs. With his other line to a stake by 3 pines pointers in the Edge of a branch then So. 30 Wt. 10 chains to a stake then So. 54 Et. 20 chains to a stake then No. 35 Et. 40 chains to a stake then a direct line to the Beginning containing fifty [50] acres more or less Together with all Rights privilege and advantages thereunto belonging To Have and to hold all and singular the above granted lands and premises with every part and parcel unto the Sd. Valentine Brock his heirs and assigns to the only proper use Benefit and Behoof of him the Sd. Brock his heirs and assigns forever and the Sd. Farguhart McRae doth for his self his heirs Exrs. Admrs. or assigns covenant and agree to warrant and Defend all and singular the above lands and premises and every part and parcel thereof from and against the Lawful claim of any person or persons whatsoever. Witness whereof the Sd. Farguhart McRae have hereunto set his hand and seal the day & year above written.
Signed Sealed and Delivered Farguhart X McRae {SEAL}
In the presence of us his mark
D. McRae
F. Campbell
State of North Carolina
Anson County July sessions 1808
Then the within deed was duly proved in open court in order to be Registered.
Tod Robinson CLK
Valentine Brock is my 4th Great Grand Uncle.
[1] North Carolina, Deed Book: M, page 338, FARGUHART MCRAE TO VALENTINE BROCK; Register of Deeds, Wadesboro, Anson County, North Carolina.
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