This was the third parcel of land that my 2nd Great Grandfather William A. Purvis purchased. This parcel contained 30 acres more or less and was land adjoining other land already owned by William A. Purvis. For informational purpose W. P. Brantley is William Pickney Brantley. One year earlier in 1871 William A. Purvis had purchased 60 acres from James L. Edwards.
This indenture made this the twenty first day of December in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and seventy-two, between W. P. Brantley of the county of Chesterfield and State of South Carolina of the one part and Wm. Purvis of the county of Anson and State of North Carolina of the other part. Witnesseth, that the aforesaid W. P. Brantley for and in consideration of the sum of Sixty dollars good and lawful money to him in hand paid the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged he the said W. P. Brantley hath this day bargains, sold and conveyed and by these presents to give, grant, bargain, sell and convey to the said William Purvis his heirs and assigns a certain piece or parcel of land situated in the county of Anson and state of North Carolina lying on the waters of Westfield Creek adjoining the lands of the aforesaid William Purvis & others and bounded as follows: Beginning at a rock in the State line the corner 0' the said Purvis N C. tract three pines pointer running with said state line to a white oak corner, to Gardner's line 3 pine pointers. Thence Northwest course with D. Gardner's line to a stake in McGugan line. Then with said line east to 3 pines in D. Gardner's line. Then a South course to a rock in the state line the beginning corner containing thirty acres more or less. It being the land sold and conveyed by John P. Ratliff to Mulholland and Brantley, with all and singular the woods ways watercourses minus minerals, hereditaments and appurtenances thereunto belonging or in anyone appertaining. To have and to hold to him the said William Purvis his heirs and assigns forever, and I the said W. P. Brantley do for myself my heirs and assigns, disclaim, disown any right or title to the above described land and premises and further I will warrant and forever defend the same to the said William Purvis his heirs and assigns forever and that from the lawful claim or claims of any person whatsoever. In witness whereof the said W. P. Brantley have here unto set my hand and seal the 21st day of December 1872.
W. P. Brantley {Seal}
Signed, Sealed & Sworn
in presence of
Tho. J. Hardison
State of North Carolina}
Anson County} I John C. McLancklin, Clerk of Superior Court for Anson County do hereby certify that the due execution of the foregoing deed of conveyance was proven before me this day by the oath and examination of Thomas J. Hardison the subscribing witness. Let the deed of conveyance with this certificate be registered this the 3rd day of March AD 1881.
John C. McLancklin
CSC and Judge of Probate
March 9th 1881 then the foregoing deed and certificate came unto my hands and were duly registered.
P. J. Coppedge
Register of Deeds
At this moment in time, 21 December 1872, my 2nd Great Grandfather owned 120 acres of land. I’m no farmer and I left home and joined the Air Force to get away from farming; but, 120 acres with a wife and a 9 year old son seems like a lot of land to cultivate. By September 1899, all the land had been sold off and sometime between 23 September 1899 and May 1900 Great Great Grandpa William A. Purvis passed away.
[1] Anson County, North Carolina, Deed Book 21: pages 404-405, W. P. Brantley to Wm. Purvis; 21 December 1872, Register of Deeds, Wadesboro, Anson County, North Carolina.
[2] Anson County, North Carolina, Land Deed Book 22: Page 531-532, James L. Edwards to W. A. Purvis; 21 December 1871, Register of Deeds, Wadesboro, Anson County, North Carolina.
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