Wednesday, October 30, 2013
Unscheduled Personal Time
Carolina Family Roots will only be posted sporadically over the next two weeks.
On Saturday, 26 October, I had a computer ”meltdown” that will required parts and a complete rebuild. All my data was backed up. I just need time to rebuild the system.
The wife and I have a very busy scheduled facing us for the next two weeks that will demand a lot of our attention.
I expect to be back with my daily posting by mid–month.
I thank each and everyone of you that follow my blog. This was unexpected, so please bear with me over the next two weeks.
Saturday, October 26, 2013
Sympathy Saturday~Julius Johns, My Grandfather
Today’s posting in “In Remembrance” of my Grandfather Julius Johns. I never knew Grandpa Julius because he died approximately 5 1/2 years before I was born. You can see by his death certificate that he died 16 May 1937.[1] Mama always said that Julius was killed in 1937 and Grandma Johns died 1 year, 1 month and 1 day later.
For years I looked for death certificates and obituaries for my grandparents without any success. So for years I could not confirm what my Mother had told me. Then while home on vacation I mentioned my search for a death certificate to an Aunt. She told me that Grandpa Julius was struck by an automobile while walking on Highway 9 in Chesterfield County but he died in Monroe, North Carolina.
Back in 1937, Monroe was the closest city was a hospital capable of handling such injuries. It was in Union County, North Carolina where I found his death certificate.
Then a few years later, newspaper microfilms were obtained by the local Library and this newspaper articles about the accident was found.
FATAL HIGHWAY ACCIDENT - Julius Johns, age 51, of the Zoar section, died in a Monroe hospital Monday evening at 8:00 o'clock after having been struck by an automobile on highway No. 9 Saturday night at 8:20 o'clock. Testimony at the coroner's inquest late Wednesday afternoon tended to show that Mr. Johns was struck by an automobile driven by Mr. Fred (Dock) Hinson that Mr. Johns was walking on the concrete near the junction of Highway No. 9 and the Zoar road. Evidence did not show that Hinson was driving at excessive speed. The coroner's verdict was that the accident was unavoidable. Mr. Johns was buried at Zoar Tuesday afternoon at 3 o'clock, services being conducted by the Rev. E. S. Dunbar and the Rev. F. M. Cannon. He had lived in this county for twenty-seven years. He was employed by W.P.A. on the Sandhill project at the time of his death. He is survived by his wife and seven children ranging in age from seven to 24 years. They are Carl, Mary, Luther, Willie, Ruby, Bennie and Everet. [2]
That fatal Saturday night resulted in injuries that resulted in the death of Grandpa at the young age of 50 years old. Grandma Mamie was left with 4 children under the age of twenty-one with the youngest just a mere 7 years old.
No death certificate or obituary has been found for Mamie Brock Johns, my Grandmother, even though we know she died in the Doctor’s office.
Julius Johns was born 4 March 1887 to Joseph Henry Johns and Laura Driggers. He married Mary Catherine “Mamie” Brock Johns on 16 June 1912 in Chesterfield, South Carolina. He died on 16 May 1937 in Monroe, Union County, North Carolina. He was buried at Zoar United Methodist Church Cemetery on 18 May 1937.
Photo Courtesy of Julious Burr |
[1] Julius Johns, death certificate #253 (1937), Register of Deeds, Monroe, Union County, North Carolina.
[2] FATAL HIGHWAY ACCIDENT - Julius Johns obituary, The Chesterfield Advertiser, Chesterfield, South Carolina, 20 May 1937.
[Note} The 1900 census shows Julius as age 13 , born in March 1887. The tombstone above has the year as 1880. I believed the tomb stone to be wrong.
Friday, October 25, 2013
Friday’s Tip of the Day
Have you ever been in a situation where you need to record a memo, dictate a short message but didn't have a voice recorder with you. Do you have documents lying around that need to be transcribed such as Deeds, Wills, probate records, etc.
If you have a Smartphone you may be able to use it in an emergency situation. You could use it to photograph the document and transcribe from the image you have just taken or you can read the document and use your Smartphone to record it.
For most of my transcription, I use Dragon Naturally Speaking V. 12; but in other situation I have use my IPhone as a substitute.
Here are the steps in using your IPhone 4S for voice dictation to transcribe a document:
- Select e-mail
- Tap on the "Compose" button. It looks like a pencil held to a piece of paper.
- Select your own e-mail address as recipient
- Subject: transcription
- go to the text block, select microphone and start the dictation of the document you are transcribing.
- When done, send it to yourself paste it into your Word processor, clean it up and set up formatting as you deem necessary, etc.
Thursday, October 24, 2013
Thriller Thursday~The Wadsworth Sisters
A land deed in Chesterfield County, South Carolina1 states that Sarah Christian and Susannah Wadsworth were the daughters of John H. Wadsworth deceased.
John H. Wadsworth, b. 1793 married Susannah Davis, daughter of Thomas & Nancy Davis about 1819-1820. John and Susannah had two children, a son, Lewis H. and daughter, Mary E. Wadsworth. Sarah Davis Wadsworth died sometime between 1870 and 1880.
In the 1880 Census2 we find John H. Wadsworth, age 81, remarried to a lady named Mary LNU, age 28, with a newborn daughter, Sarah C. Wadsworth, age 8 months.
1880 CENSUS: Cole Hill, Chesterfield County, South Carolina; NA Film Number T9-1225; Family History Film: 1255225; Enumeration District: 004; Page 307A Line 25, Dwelling 107, Family 107; Jno. H. WADSWORTH, male, age 81, Farmer, born in SC, parents born in SC; Mary WADSWORTH, Wife, age 28, born in SC, parents born in SC; Sarah C. WADSWORTH, Daughter, age 8m, born in SC and William CRASS, male, age 9, born in SC.
We know from the 1880 Census that his wife Mary and a daughter Sarah C. most likely survived him. The Chesterfield County Land – Alexander Martin to Sarah C. Wadsworth and Susannah Wadsworth dated 24 January 1886 clearly show that in 1886 a second daughter, named Susannah, was born after the 1880 Census enumeration.
So in January 1886 we know that:
John H, Wadsworth is deceased. (Died between 13 June 1880 (1880 Census) – 24 January 1886(Land Deed 8:536)
His wife Mary, as a young widow, is presumed to be alive though there is no mention of her.
Daughters, Sarah Christian and Susannah Wadsworth are living.
Then in the 1900 census3 we have this listing for the Lewis H. Wadsworth, the son from John’s first marriage to Susannah Davis.
1900 CENSUS: Cole Hill, Chesterfield County, South Carolina; Roll: 1523; Enumeration District: 19; FHL Microfilm: 1241523; Page 3A, Line 29, Dwelling 49; Family 49; Lewis H. WADSWORTH, male, age 68, born Sept 1832 in SC; Mary A. WADSWORTH, Wife, age 72, born Nov 1828 in SC; Married 50 years, 10 children, 7 children; Sarah C. WADSWORTH, Half-Sister, age 20, born Nov 1880 in SC and Carrie T. CHANLDER, female, Servant, age 31, born Oct 1869 in SC.
At this point we find no information on either Mary, the wife of John H., or Susannah Wadsworth, their daughter. The older daughter, Sarah C. Wadsworth is documented in the household of her half-brother Lewis H,. Wadsworth.
After 1900, no further information had been found on Mary (LNU) Wadsworth, Sarah Christian Wadsworth or Susannah Wadsworth. At present, no additional information is know about these three women.
If you have any information on these three women please contact me by clicking here.
[1] Chesterfield County, South Carolina, Deed Book 8: pages 536-537, Alexander Martin to Sarah C. Wadsworth & Susannah Wadsworth; Register of Deeds, Chesterfield, Chesterfield County, South Carolina.
[2] 1880 U S Census, Chesterfield, Chesterfield County, South Carolina, population schedule, Cole Hill, Chesterfield County, South Carolina, enumeration district (ED) 0004, Page 307A Line 25, Dwelling 107, Family 107, Household of Jno. H. WADSWORTH; digital images, ( : viewed 1 June 2012); citing National Archives Microfilm T9-1225.
[3] 1900 U. S. Census, Chesterfield County, South Carolina, population schedule, Cole Hill, Chesterfield County, South Carolina, enumeration district (ED) 19, Page 3A/61A (stamped), Line 29, Dwelling 49; Family 49, Household of Lewis H. WADSWORTH; digital images, ( : Viewed 13 September 2012); citing National Archives Microfilm T623_1523.
Wednesday, October 23, 2013
Tuesday, October 22, 2013
Tombstone Tuesday~Gilbert Purvis
Photo Courtesy of Julious Burr |
Gilbert Purvis1
SC Mil.
Rev. War.
Records indicate that Gilbert served 34 days with Capt. Thomas Ellerbee and General Marion.2
After the war, Gilbert acquired a massive amount of land and at one time own four thousand eight hundred and fifteen (4815) acres.3
For some unknown reason, maybe it was the death of James Purvis in March 18184 but Gilbert and his brother James F. Purvis packed up all or most of their extended families and started a migration to Mississippi. We know they traveled down through Georgia and stopped for some time in Clarke County, Alabama.
Land deeds there in the early 1820 prove their presence in the area. Many of the children have marriage licensees on file in Clarke County. Eventually, they migrated westward finally settling in Simpson, Hinds, Smith and Rankin Counties are of Mississippi.
The 1828 Tax List for Simpson County5 proved that Gilbert Purvis made it to Mississippi and died there sometime between 5 June 1828 and 1829. he is not listed in the Tax list for 1829. His widow, Effica Howell Purvis in the the household of her son, Gilbert Johnson Purvis in 1830 Simpson County, Mississippi. [1 - Females - 70 thru 79: 1 [Effica Howell Purvis]]6
Many claim that Gilbert Purvis died in South Carolina. Folklore, indicates that the Tombstone for Gilbert Purvis in the old Rivers Burying Ground was placed there by the DAR.
The family presence in Mississippi along with a listing for Gilbert and his son Gilbert Johnson Purvis on the 1828 Simpson County Tax Lists clearly makes a positive case for his presence and death in Mississippi; not South Carolina.
[1] Find A Grave, Inc., Find A Grave, digital image, ( : Accessed on 7 July 2011); Headstone for Gilbert Purvis; (unknown-unknown); Records of the Rivers Cemetery; Chesterfield, Chesterfield County, South Carolina, USA.
[2] Dr. Bobby Gilmer Moss, Roster of South Carolina Patriots in the American Revolution.: Volume II, K-Z (Baltimore, Maryland, 21211: Genealogical Publishing Company, 2009), Gilbert Purvis, page 782.
[3] Land Plat for 3215 Acres - Gilbert Purvis & James Purvis, 15 August 1793; S213190, Volume: 0032, Page: 00255; Dept. of Archives and History, Columbia, South Carolina.
[4] Horry County South Carolina, Horry District Administration Bonds 1803-1818 (Conway, Horry County, South Carolina: Probate Office, n.d.), Administration Bond - Gilbert Purvis, page 71.
[5] Mississippi State Archives, Various Records, 1820-1951; The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, *FamilySearch*, ( accessed 14 January 2012), Simpson,County Tax Rolls; 1828, Box 3764, Image of 36 of 276, Gilbert PERVIS.
[6] 1830, Simpson County, Mississippi, population schedule, Simpson County, Mississippi, Page: 183;, Household of Gilbert [J.] PURVIS; digital images, ( : viewed 11 May 2011); citing NARA micro-film Roll: M19-71.
Monday, October 21, 2013
Amanuensis Monday~Will of Jesse Freeman
Amanuensis Monday is a genealogy blogging theme. It was started by John Newmark who writes the TransylvanianDutch blog.
His definition of Amanuensis is:
Amanuensis: A person employed to write what another dictates or to copy what has been written by another.
Today’s subject is the Last Will and Testament of Jesse Freeman, Sr.
Exhibit A Copy of Will
In the name of God Amen.
I, Jesse Freeman of the State of South Carolina in the County of Chesterfield being of sound mind and memory and considering the uncertainty of this frail and transitory life do therefore make ordain publish and declare this to be my last will and testament. That is to say
First, after all my lawful debts are paid and discharged the residue of my estate real and personal I give bequeathe <sic> and dispose of as follows to wit:
(To my beloved wife one certain bed stead one Bead one Pine Table and all the bed clothing she has made since we were married and to have an equal share of all my estate with the rest of my heirs at law. I also give and bequeath unto Sarah Odom the wife of John D. Odom an equal Share of all my Estate both real and personal with the rest of my children. I bequeath and devise that after my decease that all my Estate Real and personal to be sold and the proceeds to be equally divided between my children now living or to their heirs who may be living at the time of my decease to be divided equally between them share and share alike).
This last Will and Testament hereby revoking all former Will by my made. In witness whereof I have hereunto subscribed my name and affixed my seal the tenth day of April in the year of our Lord one thousand Eight hundred and Eighty one [1881].
Rolin Kite Jesse X Freeman (his mark)
The above written instrument was subscribed by the said Jesse Freeman in our presence and acknowledged by him to each of us and he at the same time Published and declared the above instrument so subscribed to be his last Will and testament. And we at the Testator request and in his presence have signed our names as witness hereto and written opposite our names our respective places of residence.
Rolin Kite, C. Co. SC
William D. Quick, C. Co., SC
Phillip T. Hurst, C. Co., SC
Jesse failed to appoint an administrator for his estate. Letters of Administration cum testamento annexo [1] upon the personal Estate of said testator were issued from the Probate Court of Chesterfield County to Louis H. Wadsworth and Stephen D. Purvis on 18 September 1883.
Surviving heirs were:
- Mary Freeman [Second Wife of Jessie Freeman, Sr.]
- Sarah Ann Odom, wife of John D. Odom
- Mary Ann Wadsworth, wife of Lewis H. Wadsworth
- Louis Freeman
- Grand Daughter Temple [Brock] Parr, wife of Samuel Parr, Child of his daughter Jane Freeman wife of Benjamin Brock, Jr.
- William Freeman
- Ann Hall, the wife of Joseph Hall and the widow of Jesse Freeman, Jr. [Died in Civil War??]
- Christian F. Turnage, wife of Robert Turnage
- [Rosa] Effie Purvis, Wife of Stephen D. Purvis
- [Ann] Elizabeth Poston wife of Elisha Posten
[1] Chesterfield County, South Carolina, Probate Files & Loose papers, Jesse Freeman; digital images, Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, FamilySearch ( Viewed 4 July 2012); Probate File #320.
[2] Cum Testamento Annexo [Latin, With the will annexed.] A phrase that describes an administrator named by a probate or surrogate court to settle and distribute an estate according to the terms of a will in which the testator, its maker, has failed to name an executor, or in which the one named refuses to act or is legally incapable of acting.
[3] Charles Freeman, "COMPLAINT FOR RELIEF," Chesterfield District Chronicle, Vol. 5, No. 1, Winter 2002, Newsletter , Chesterfield County Genealogical Society (), Pages 21-23.
Sunday, October 20, 2013
Obituary Sunday~So Young, So Full of Life
Miss Mary Gardner Dies in Virginia
Last rights for daughter of Rev. A. M. Gardner will be at Chesterfield.
Miss Mary Truesdale Gardner died at St. Luke’s Hospital in Richmond, VA. Saturday afternoon at 7 o' clock according to the news received by friends here.
She was the daughter Rev. and Mrs. A. M. Gardner of Olanta. The Rev. Mr. Gardner had been a member of the South Carolina Conference for more than 20 years.
Miss Gardner was attending Blackstone College, Blackstone, Va. at the time of her death. She will be laid to rest at Chesterfield at 3 o’clock Tuesday afternoon.
Mary Truesdale Gardner was born on 14 Aug 1918 in Anson County, North Carolina.1 She died on 22 Feb 1936 at the age of 17 in Blackstone, Nottoway, Virginia.2 She was buried on 25 Feb 1936 at Thomas Cemetery in Olanta, Florence, South Carolina.3
Mary Truesdale was the daughter of the Reverend Albert M. Gardner and May Leona Davis. Her Father passed away in Jan 1937, approximately 5 months after her death.
Mary Truesdale Gardner is my 4th Cousin once removed.
1. Find A Grave, Inc., Find A Grave, digital image, ( : Accessed on 19 October 2013); Headstone for Mary Truesdale Gardner; (14 August 1918–22 February 1936); Records of the Thomas Cemetery; Olanta, Florence County, South Carolina, USA.
2. Miss Mary Truesdale Gardner obituary, The State, Columbia, Richland County, South Carolina, 23 February 1936, page 16-B, column 7.
3. Find A Grave, Inc., Find A Grave, database, "Record, Mary Truesdale Gardner (14 August 1918–22 February 1936), Memorial # 76079354.
Saturday, October 19, 2013
Surname Saturday~Alsey Brock
The first Brock to settle in the this area of North and South Carolina was Valentine Brock.
Valentine entered the United States, arriving in Philadelphia onboard the ship Queen of Denmark, George Parish commander, from Rotterdam via Cowes, England, and took the oaths with the other 98 adult [age 16 and older] male passengers at the [old] courthouse on Friday 4 Oct 1751. By 1780, Valentine and his family had migrated to Richmond County, NC and can be found listed in the 1790 census for Richmond County. 1 2
All the Brock in the Anson and Richmond County, NC and Chesterfield County SC are related to this early pioneer.
Alsey Brock is a name that is only found in my direct line of Brock. Over the past 223 years there has been only two male children named Alsey in this line.
The first Alsey Brock, was born 10 Sept 1815 to Benjamin and Temperance Brock. He died 13 March 1858. This Alsey Brock was a brother to my 2nd Great Grand Father Hezekiah Brock. Alsey and Hezekiah married sisters, Lucy and Sarah Sallie Morris. 3 4
The next Alsey Brock was born on 25 Jun 1855 in Chesterfield, Chesterfield, South Carolina.5 6 7 8
He is a son of Hezekiah and Sarah Sallie Morris Brock.
No evidence of a marriage for Alsey has been found. He was found in all census from 1860-1910 and they all showed him as a single man. 9 10 After the death of his Father, Hezekiah Brock, in a POW camp; Alsey assumed responsibility for the care of the family and his Mother Sarah Morris Brock. Sarah was still alive in 1900 and can be found in Alsey’s household.
No death date has been found for Alsey Brock but it is known that he died sometime after 27 Apr 1910. In the 1910 Census, his age is listed as 55 years.
The first Alsey Brock is my 2nd Great Grand Uncle.
The second Alsey Brock is my Great Grand Uncle..
[1] Annette Kunselman Burgert, Palatine Origins of Some Pennsylvania Pioneers (Myerstown, PA: AKB Publications, 2000), pages 41 & 42.
[2] 1790 U S Census, Richmond County, North Carolina, population schedule, Richmond, North Carolina, Page: 173; Line 2, Household of Valentine BROCK; digital images, Ancestry ( : viewed 2 January 2010); citing National Archives Microfilm M637, Roll 7.
[3] James C. Pigg, Chesterfield County Cemetery Survey; Chesterfield County Genealogical Services, 1995, page 87. Tombstone of Alsey Brock; 10 September 1815–13 March 1858, St. David's Episcopal Church Cemetery, Chesterfield County, South Carolina.
[4] Ibid.
[5] 1900 U. S. Census, Chesterfield County, South Carolina, population schedule, Court House, Chesterfield County, South Carolina, enumeration district (ED) 21, Page 99A, Line 40,, Dwelling 272, Family 278, Household of Alsey BROCK; digital images, ( : viewed 3 February 2009); citing National Archives Microfilm T623_1523.
[6] 1860 U. S. Census, Chesterfield County, South Carolina, population schedule, Chesterfield County, South Carolina, Page 117, Line 18, Dwelling 328, Family 327, Household of "Hugh" BROCK; digital images, ( : viewed 2000); citing National Archives Microfilm M653_1217.
[7] 1870 U. S. Census, Court House, Chesterfield County, South Carolina, population schedule, Court House, Chesterfield County, South Carolina, Page 289A, Line 33, Dwelling 33, family 33, Household of S[arah] BROCK; digital image, ( : viewed 2012); citing National Archive Microfilm M593, Roll 1491.
[8] 1880 U S Census, Chesterfield, Chesterfield County, South Carolina, population schedule, Cheraw, Chesterfield County, South Carolina, enumeration district (ED) 2, Page 287B; Line 10, Dwelling 529, Family 533, Household of Sarah BROCK; digital images, ( : viewed 2011); citing National Archives Microfilm T9-1225.
[9] 1900 U. S. Census, Chesterfield County, South Carolina, population schedule, Court House, Chesterfield County, South Carolina, ED 21, Page 99A, Line 40, Dwelling 272, Family 278, Household of Alsey BROCK.
[10] 1910 U. S. Census, Chesterfield County, South Carolina, population schedule, Court House, Chesterfield County, South Carolina, enumeration district (ED) 0037, Page: 11B/137(stamped); Line 88, Dwelling 197, Family 197, Household of Alsey BROCK; digital images, ( : viewed 3 February 2009); citing National Archives Microfilm T624_1455.
Valentine entered the United States, arriving in Philadelphia onboard the ship Queen of Denmark, George Parish commander, from Rotterdam via Cowes, England, and took the oaths with the other 98 adult [age 16 and older] male passengers at the [old] courthouse on Friday 4 Oct 1751. By 1780, Valentine and his family had migrated to Richmond County, NC and can be found listed in the 1790 census for Richmond County. 1 2
All the Brock in the Anson and Richmond County, NC and Chesterfield County SC are related to this early pioneer.
Alsey Brock is a name that is only found in my direct line of Brock. Over the past 223 years there has been only two male children named Alsey in this line.
The first Alsey Brock, was born 10 Sept 1815 to Benjamin and Temperance Brock. He died 13 March 1858. This Alsey Brock was a brother to my 2nd Great Grand Father Hezekiah Brock. Alsey and Hezekiah married sisters, Lucy and Sarah Sallie Morris. 3 4
The next Alsey Brock was born on 25 Jun 1855 in Chesterfield, Chesterfield, South Carolina.5 6 7 8
He is a son of Hezekiah and Sarah Sallie Morris Brock.
No evidence of a marriage for Alsey has been found. He was found in all census from 1860-1910 and they all showed him as a single man. 9 10 After the death of his Father, Hezekiah Brock, in a POW camp; Alsey assumed responsibility for the care of the family and his Mother Sarah Morris Brock. Sarah was still alive in 1900 and can be found in Alsey’s household.
No death date has been found for Alsey Brock but it is known that he died sometime after 27 Apr 1910. In the 1910 Census, his age is listed as 55 years.
The first Alsey Brock is my 2nd Great Grand Uncle.
The second Alsey Brock is my Great Grand Uncle..
[1] Annette Kunselman Burgert, Palatine Origins of Some Pennsylvania Pioneers (Myerstown, PA: AKB Publications, 2000), pages 41 & 42.
[2] 1790 U S Census, Richmond County, North Carolina, population schedule, Richmond, North Carolina, Page: 173; Line 2, Household of Valentine BROCK; digital images, Ancestry ( : viewed 2 January 2010); citing National Archives Microfilm M637, Roll 7.
[3] James C. Pigg, Chesterfield County Cemetery Survey; Chesterfield County Genealogical Services, 1995, page 87. Tombstone of Alsey Brock; 10 September 1815–13 March 1858, St. David's Episcopal Church Cemetery, Chesterfield County, South Carolina.
[4] Ibid.
[5] 1900 U. S. Census, Chesterfield County, South Carolina, population schedule, Court House, Chesterfield County, South Carolina, enumeration district (ED) 21, Page 99A, Line 40,, Dwelling 272, Family 278, Household of Alsey BROCK; digital images, ( : viewed 3 February 2009); citing National Archives Microfilm T623_1523.
[6] 1860 U. S. Census, Chesterfield County, South Carolina, population schedule, Chesterfield County, South Carolina, Page 117, Line 18, Dwelling 328, Family 327, Household of "Hugh" BROCK; digital images, ( : viewed 2000); citing National Archives Microfilm M653_1217.
[7] 1870 U. S. Census, Court House, Chesterfield County, South Carolina, population schedule, Court House, Chesterfield County, South Carolina, Page 289A, Line 33, Dwelling 33, family 33, Household of S[arah] BROCK; digital image, ( : viewed 2012); citing National Archive Microfilm M593, Roll 1491.
[8] 1880 U S Census, Chesterfield, Chesterfield County, South Carolina, population schedule, Cheraw, Chesterfield County, South Carolina, enumeration district (ED) 2, Page 287B; Line 10, Dwelling 529, Family 533, Household of Sarah BROCK; digital images, ( : viewed 2011); citing National Archives Microfilm T9-1225.
[9] 1900 U. S. Census, Chesterfield County, South Carolina, population schedule, Court House, Chesterfield County, South Carolina, ED 21, Page 99A, Line 40, Dwelling 272, Family 278, Household of Alsey BROCK.
[10] 1910 U. S. Census, Chesterfield County, South Carolina, population schedule, Court House, Chesterfield County, South Carolina, enumeration district (ED) 0037, Page: 11B/137(stamped); Line 88, Dwelling 197, Family 197, Household of Alsey BROCK; digital images, ( : viewed 3 February 2009); citing National Archives Microfilm T624_1455.
Alsey Brock,
Benjamin Brock,
Hezekiah Brock,
Friday, October 18, 2013
Last Will of Edith “Edy” Norris
In the name of God, Amen.

First I leave to my son William Norris, one shillings by reasoning he has had his share and give a receipt against the estate before those Negros were first bought.
Second, to my son James Norris, one Negro woman by the name of Jan, another Negro girl by the name of Milley, also another Negro woman by the name of Jane, also another Negro boy by the name of Wilson, also another Negro by the name not known. Yet the slaves belongs to Jane???.
Third, to my daughter Winney Norris, I give one Negro girl by the name of Peg, also a Negro boy by the name of Charles.
Fourth, to my son John Norris, one Negro boy by the name of Jack, also another Negro girl by the name of Nan, to them and their heirs forever. Also to my daughter Winney Norris, all my household furniture to them their heirs and assigns forever.
Of this I make my last Will and Testament and I do hereby utterly revoke all wills and Testaments, this to be my last Will and Testament. In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this 21st of March in the year of our Lord one thousand and eight hundred and sixteen [1816].
Signed sealed and delivered Edy (her X mark) Norris
in the presence of us
Neil Crawford
William Johnson
Daniel McDonald
I do hereby certify the preceding to be a true copy of the original will of Edy Norris deceased now on file in my office.
Ordinaries Office William Pegues
Chesterfield District Jan 8th, 1817 Ordinary
[1] Cheraw District Equity Records 1811-1820
[2] Image by Darrellksr (Own work) [CC-BY-SA-3.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons
Wednesday, October 16, 2013
Tuesday, October 15, 2013
Tombstone Tuesday~Charlie Riley and Sara Ella Brock Sellers
Charlie Riley Sellers
b. Aug. 4, 1867
d. Mar. 4, 1927
b. Aug. 4, 1867
d. Mar. 4, 1927
Sara Ella Brock Sellers
b. Dec. 9, 1875
d. Feb. 21, 1949
b. Dec. 9, 1875
d. Feb. 21, 1949
bu. Zoar United Methodist Church Cemetery
Charlie Riley Sellers was the son of Andrew Washington Sellers and Catherine Pinkney Wallace.
Sara Ella Brock was the daughter of James Paul Brock and Catherine Josephine Smith.
Charlie and Sara were married 15 January 1893. To this union was born 13 children; 5 daughters and 8 sons.
Charlie Riley Sellers is my 1st Cousin twice removed.
Sara Ella Brock is my 2nd Cousin 3 times removed.
[1] Find A Grave, Inc., Find A Grave, digital image, ( : Accessed on 3 March 2012); Headstone for Charlie Riley Sellers; (4 August 1867–4 March 1927); Records of the Zoar United Methodist Church Cemetery; Brocks Mill, Chesterfield County, South Carolina, USA.
[2] Find A Grave, Inc., Find A Grave, digital image, ( : Accessed on 3 March 2012); Headstone for Sara Ella Brock Sellers; (9 December 1875–21 February 1949); Records of the Zoar United Methodist Church Cemetery; Brocks Mill, Chesterfield County, South Carolina, USA.
Monday, October 14, 2013
Military Monday~William Thomas Graves
William Thomas Graves was born abt 1836 to David W. Graves and an unknown Wife.
William Thomas married Mary Gilly Lassiter on 26 July 1857 in Cheraw, Chesterfield County, SC.
Their marriage is recorded in the St. David's Parish, South Carolina; Minutes of the Vestry 1768-1832; Parish register 1819-1924, Page 105.
“Married July 26, 1857 at the residence of James Hewitt, William Graves and Mary G. Lassiter, both of the district.”
We find Thomas and Mary in the 1860 census with one child – Clarinda shown as Clay G. Thomas’ father is believed to be David Graves, Line 7 and his Grandmother Mary Graves, Line 6.
Out of this union 2 children were born, Clarinda G. Graves, 23 Oct. 1859 and Nancy J. Graves abt 1862.
Clarinda G. Graves married Christopher Wesley and lived until 1 August 1933 when she passed away at the age of seventy-three years.
In Aug 1866, we find Mary listed in the Poor House.
3 August 1866
Rations issued to poor and infirmed persons, etc. - 3 August 1866 - Entry 211. Mary Graves, white widow, is 27 years old. Has two children under 7. Has a mother named Mary Laster [?] 52 years old. Lives in Cheraw on Abner Struther's lot. Has a small garden, sews & washes for a living. Has a free ticket on R. R. from MacFarland Pres. Is directed to bring references. Issued for three days to all. (Shows reference from D. McIver, W. L. T. Prince & others of Cheraw.)
[Freedmen's Bureau Ration Book, May - September 1866 Darlington, South Carolina Transcribed by Scott Wilds of Philadelphia, PA, an Old Darlington District Chapter, SCGS member. [The Carolina Herald, Summer Issue 2003, Page 27.]
NOTE: The Poor House statement above clearly shows that Mary Lassiter GRAVES, the wife of Thomas GRAVES was a Widow in August 1866.
Mary Graves is a widow, what happen to her husband? Did he die in the Civil War? I will discuss this more later. There is no doubt, Mary is alive in August 1866, she named her Mother as Mary Laster and she is a widow.
I have not found Mary in an censuses after the 1860 census for Chesterfield County, South Carolina.
So, again we will take a look at the St. David's Parish, South Carolina; Minutes of the Vestry 1768-1832; Parish register 1819-1924, pages 67-68 where we find the following:
1 January 1874:
(1) 1874-Jany 1st Fest. Circumcision. At St. David's Church, after the Last lesson at Morning Prayer, Clara Edna Green[Clarinda], aged 14, daughter of Mary and Wm. Thos. Graves. Sponsors Jacob Gainey, Miss R. A. Reddy & Revd. Jno W. Motte, page 67.
(2)1874-Jany 1st Fest. Circumcision. At St. David's Church, after the Last lesson at Morning Prayer, Nancy Jane, aged 12, daughter of Mary and Wm. Thos. Graves. Sponsors Jacob Gainey, Miss R. A. Reddy & Revd. Jno W. Motte (Page 68).
We can see at this time that both Clara Edna and Nancy Jane are alive at this point in time.
Back to William Thomas Graves, the Civil War military record show that a Thomas GRAVES enlisted into Co. “C” 8th SC Infantry 13 August 1862 and that he died of pneumonia on 15 October 1862. The record further shows that his Widow, Mary received all his due compensation. |
At this point in time there were only two Thomas Graves’ in the area of Chesterfield County, Thomas J. Graves and William Thomas Graves. Thomas J. Graves was/is the Uncle of William Thomas Graves. Neither man returned from the War. Thomas J. Graves was married to Eliza Mollie Rivers.
In conclusion, there are many unanswered questions about this family.
What happen to Mary and Nancy after January 1874. Why can’t we find them in the Census?
Where is William Thomas Graves buried? Is his body buried near the Charlestown Hospital in Virginia?
If you have any information about this family; please contact me (E-mail).
1. 1850 U. S. Census, Chesterfield County, South Carolina, population schedule, Chesterfield County, South Carolina, Page 106A, Line 8, Dwelling 110, Family 110, Household of Mary GRAVES; digital images, ( : viewed 20 November 2011); citing National Archives Microfilm M432 Roll 851.
2. Ibid.
3. 1860 U. S. Census, Chesterfield County, South Carolina, population schedule, Chesterfield County, South Carolina, Page: 171; Line 3, Dwelling 1082, Family 1080, Household of [William] Thomas GRAVES; digital images, ( : viewed 20 November 2011); citing National Archives Microfilm M653_1217.
4. Ancestry, "Civil War Service Records" database, Military Service Records ( : accessed 13 October 2013), entry for Thomas GRAVES, Private; Co. C, 8th SC Infantry; Confederate.
5. Ibid.
6. Brent H. Holcomb C.A.L.S., St. David's Parish, South Carolina Minutes of the Vestry 1768-1832,: Parish Register 1819-1924 (Greenville, South Carolina: Southern Historical Press, 1991), pages 87-68.
7. The South Carolina Genalogical Society, "Freedmen's Bureau Ration Book: May - September 1866 Darlington, South Carolina," The Carolina Herald (Summer Issue 2003): Page 27.
8. C.A.L.S., St. David's Parish, South Carolina Minutes of the Vestry 1768-1832,, page 105.
9. 1860 U. S. Census, Chesterfield County, South Carolina, Population Schedule, Chesterfield County, South Carolina, Page: 171; Line 3, Dwelling 1082, Family 1080, Household of [William] Thomas GRAVES.
Sunday, October 13, 2013
Sunday’s Obituary~Mrs. Phillip Rivers
J. Clifton Rivers Loses His Mother
Mrs. Philip Rivers, mother of the state warehouse commissioner, J. Clifton Rivers, died at her home at Mt. Croghan about 2 o’clock yesterday morning after a lingering illness.Funeral services will be conducted at Mt. Croghan today, but the hour was not known in Columbia last night.
Mrs. Rivers were 79 years of age. She had been seriously ill for several months and the end therefore was not unexpected. In addition to the state warehouse commissioner she is survived by one daughter Mrs. J. W. Gulledge, of Mt. Croghan and two stepchildren. Before her marriage Mrs. Rivers was a Miss Massey of Lancaster County.
A woman of many fine traits of character, of gentle, lovable disposition and strong Christian faith, Mrs. Rivers in her long life of almost fourscore years made many friends, who will join with the family in mourning her loss.
Mrs. Phillip Rivers was Huldah Massey Rivers, b. 25 Jul 1849 in Lancaster, SC to William Lawrence Massey and Huldah Meadows.
Phillip Rivers married Huldah in 1875 after the death of his first wife Mary Ann Massey, a sister to Huldah Massey. Two children were born to this union as mentioned in the obituary.
Mrs. Phillip Rivers obituary, The State, Columbia, Richland County, South Carolina, 19 January 1926, page 10, column 1.
Saturday, October 12, 2013
Surname Saturday~Wadsworth-Davis
It’s well known that Susannah Davis, daughter of Thomas Davis and Nancy Rivers married John H. Wadsworth, parents unknown. However, the composition of John and Susannah nucleus family remains a mystery.
The 1830 census for John and Susannah shows them as listed herein.
1830 CENSUS: Chesterfield County, South Carolina; NARA Series: M19; Roll Number: 172; Family History Film: 0022506, Page: 268, Line 4; John WADSWORTH, age 40-49, born 1781-1790 in SC [John H. WADSWORTH]; 1 female 40-49, b. 1781-1790 in SC [Susannah Davis WADSWORTH]; 1 male 10-14, b. 1816-1820 [Unknown]; 1 female 10-14, b. 1816-1820 [Unknown]; 1 male 20-29, b. 1801-1810 [Unknown].
The 2 males and 1 female shown in the household have not been identified.
Then in 1840, John and Susannah had two children in the household, 1 boy and 1 girl. These two children are Lewis H. Wadsworth, b. 13 Sept.1831 and Mary Elizabeth Wadsworth, b. abt 1835.
1840 CENSUS: Chesterfield County, South Carolina; Roll: 510; Image: 1358; Family History Library Film: 0022508, Page 372, Line 15; John WADSWORTH, male, age 40-49, born SC
Free White Persons - Males - 5 thru 9: 1 [Lewis H.]
Free White Persons - Males - 40 thru 49: 1 [John Wadsworth]
Free White Persons - Females - Under 5: 1 Mary Elizabeth]
Free White Persons - Females - 15 thru 19: 1 [Unknown]
Free White Persons - Females - 40 thru 49: 1 [Susannah Davis, wife]
John H. Wadsworth was born abut 1793 in Chesterfield, Chesterfield, South Carolina.1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 He died after Feb 1880 at the age of 87+ in Chesterfield, Chesterfield, South Carolina.1112
John H. Wadsworth and Susannah Davis were married about 1819–20 in Chesterfield County, South Carolina. Susannah Davis, daughter of Thomas Davis and Nancy Rivers, was born about 1794 in Chesterfield, Chesterfield, South Carolina.13 14 15 16 17 She died between 1870 and 1880 at the age of 76+ in Chesterfield, Chesterfield, South Carolina. 18 19
John H. Wadsworth and Susannah Davis had the following children:
i. Lewis H. Wadsworth, born 13 Sep 1832, Chesterfield County, South Carolina; married Mary Ann Freeman, 28 Dec 1849, Chesterfield County, South Carolina; married Elizabeth A. Crawford, abt 1902; died 7 Mar 1910, Chesterfield, Chesterfield, South Carolina.
ii. Mary Elizabeth Wadsworth was born about 1835 in Chesterfield, Chesterfield, South Carolina. 20 21
[No information found for Mary Elizabeth after 1850. It’s possible she married and husband’s name is unknown. It’s also possible that she passed away.]
After Susannah Davis, wife of John H. passed away we find that John H. at the ripe old age of 77+ married a young lady named Mary [LNU], age 28, born 1852 in SC. 22 23.
John H. Wadsworth and Mary had the following child:
i. Sarah Christian Wadsworth was born in Sep 1879. She was born in Nov 1879 in Chesterfield, Chesterfield, South Carolina. 24 25
A Land Deed was found in Anson County, NC in DEED Book 8, Pages 536-537 between - Alexander Martin to Sarah C. Wadsworth & Susannah Wadsworth, dated 4th January 1886. Alexander Martin is selling 97 acres of land to Sarah & Susannah for $500.00. This Susannah Wadsworth has not been identified and no record of either woman has been found after the date of this deed. 26
Susannah Davis Wadsworth is my 3rd great grand
1. 1850 U. S. Census, Chesterfield County, South Carolina, population schedule, Chesterfield, Chesterfield County, South Carolina, Page 130A, Line 16, Dwelling 488, Family 488, Household of John H. WADSWORTH; digital images, ( : viewed 1 June 2012); citing National Archives Microfilm M432 Roll 851.
2. 1820 Census of the United States, Chesterfield, Chesterfield County, South Carolina, population schedule, Chesterfield County, South Carolina;, page 129, Line 23, Household of John WADSWORTH; digital image, ( : viewed 8 July 2012); citing National Archives Microfilm M 33_119.
3. 1830 U. S. Census, Chesterfield County, South Carolina, population schedule, Chesterfield County, South Carolina, page 268, line 4, Household of John WADSWORTH; digital images, ( : viewed 9 July 2101); citing National Archives Microfilm M19_172.
4. 1839 Election Census, Chesterfield County, South Carolina, election census, Chesterfield District, South Carolina, John H. WADSWORTH; printed booklet, (: viewed 7 July 2012).
5. 1840 U S Census, Chesterfield County, South Carolina, population schedule, , ; digital images, ( : accessed ); citing National Archives Microfilm M740_Roll 510.
6. 1850 U. S. Census, Chesterfield County, South Carolina, Population Schedule, Chesterfield, Chesterfield County, South Carolina, Page 130A, Line 16, Dwelling 488, Family 488, Household of John H. WADSWORTH.
7. 1850 Agriculture Census, Chesterfield County, South Carolina, agriculture census, Chesterfield, Darlington, South Carolina, Page: 441; Line: 11, John H. Wadsworth; digital images, ( : viewed 1 June 2012); citing National Archives Microfilm AD259 Roll 1.
8. 1860 U. S. Census, Chesterfield County, South Carolina, population schedule, Chesterfield County, South Carolina, Page: 115; Line 37, Dwelling 302, Family 302, .Household of John H. WADSWORTH; digital images, ( : viewed 1 June 2012); citing National Archives Microfilm M653-1217.
9. 1870 U. S. Census, Chesterfield, Chesterfield County, South Carolina, population schedule, Cole Hill, Chesterfield County, South Carolina, Page 287A; Line 10, Dwelling 210, Family 210, Household of John H. WADSWORTH; digital images, ( : viewed 1 June 2012); citing National Archives Microfilm M593_1491.
10. 1880 U S Census, Chesterfield, Chesterfield County, South Carolina, population schedule, Cole Hill, Chesterfield County, South Carolina, enumeration district (ED) 0004, Page 307A Line 25, Dwelling 107, Family 107, Household of Jno. H. WADSWORTH; digital images, ( : viewed 1 June 2012); citing National Archives Microfilm T9-1225.
11. Ibid.
12. Anson County, North Carolina, Deed Book 8: pages 536 & 537, Alexander Martin to Sarah C. Wadsworth & Susannah Wadsworth; 4 January 1886, Register of Deeds, Wadesboro, Anson County, North Carolina.
13. 1850 U. S. Census, Chesterfield County, South Carolina, Population Schedule, Chesterfield, Chesterfield County, South Carolina, Page 130A, Line 16, Dwelling 488, Family 488, Household of John H. WADSWORTH.
14. 1810 U S Census, Chesterfield, Chesterfield, South Carolina, population schedule, Chesterfield, Chesterfield County, South Carolina, Page: 554; Line 22, Household of Thomas DAVIS, Household of Thomas DAVIS; digital images, ( : viewed 2 January 2012); citing National Archives Microfilm M252_60.
15. 1840 U S Census, Chesterfield County, South Carolina, Population Schedule, , , .
16. 1850 U. S. Census, Chesterfield County, South Carolina, Population Schedule, Chesterfield, Chesterfield County, South Carolina, Page 130A, Line 16, Dwelling 488, Family 488, Household of John H. WADSWORTH.
17. 1860 U. S. Census, Chesterfield County, South Carolina, Population Schedule, Chesterfield County, South Carolina, Page: 115; Line 37, Dwelling 302, Family 302, .Household of John H. WADSWORTH.
18. 1870 U. S. Census, Chesterfield, Chesterfield County, South Carolina, Population Schedule, Cole Hill, Chesterfield County, South Carolina, Page 287A; Line 10, Dwelling 210, Family 210, Household of John H. WADSWORTH.
19. Harry Alexander Davis, The Davis Family (Davies and David) in Wales and America: genealogy of Morgan David of Pennsylvania (Washington, D.C.: n.p., 1927), page 125.
20. 1840 U S Census, Chesterfield County, South Carolina, Population Schedule, , , .
21. 1850 U. S. Census, Chesterfield County, South Carolina, Population Schedule, Chesterfield, Chesterfield County, South Carolina, Page 130A, Line 16, Dwelling 488, Family 488, Household of John H. WADSWORTH.
22. 1880 U S Census, Chesterfield, Chesterfield County, South Carolina, Population Schedule, Cole Hill, Chesterfield County, South Carolina, ED 0004, Page 307A Line 25, Dwelling 107, Family 107, Household of Jno. H. WADSWORTH.
23. Ibid.
24. Ibid.
25. 1900 U. S. Census, Chesterfield County, South Carolina, population schedule, Cole Hill, Chesterfield County, South Carolina, enumeration district (ED) 19, Page 3A/61A (stamped), Line 29, Dwelling 49; Family 49, Household of Lewis H. WADSWORTH; digital images, ( : Viewed 13 September 2012); citing National Archives Microfilm T623_1523.
26. North Carolina, Deed Book: Deed Book 8, page 536-537, Alexander Martin to Sarah C. Wadsworth & Susannah Wadsworth; Register of Deeds, Wadesboro, Anson County, North Carolina.
Friday, October 11, 2013
Follow Friday~Spanish-American War Research
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“The Spanish-America War was a short-lived conflict between The United States and Spain. Due to unrest in Cuba, President McKinney sent the U.S.S. Maine to Cuba to protect American citizens. He delayed notifying Spain and that upset the Spanish Government.
On the night of February 15, 1898 there was an explosion on-board the U.S.S. Maine and it sank in the bay killing 266 soldiers.
With the major newspaper (Hearst & Pulitzer) stirring the pot with their ”yellow journalism” Congress passed a joint resolution which was signed by President McKinley on April 20, 1898. The United States gave Spain an ultimatum and Spain in return declared War on April 23, 1898. Thus began what is known as the Spanish-American War.” [1]
If you haven’t read much about the Spanish-American War, I highly recommend the article here:
Recently, I have had the pleasure of using the two sites listed below. If you have relatives that served in the Spanish-American War, I highly recommend that you take a look at these two sites:
- The Spanish American War Centennial Website![2]
Wednesday, October 9, 2013
Tuesday, October 8, 2013
Tombstone Tuesday~Lewis H. Wadsworth
Lewis H. Wadsworth
Birth: Sep. 13, 1832
Death: Mar. 7, 1910
Birth: Sep. 13, 1832
Death: Mar. 7, 1910
Lewis H. Wadsworth, born 13 Sept. 1832 was a son of John H. Wadsworth and Susannah Davis. he first married Mary Ann Freeman Dec. 28, 1849. Mary Ann Freeman Wadsworth died 5 Feb, 1901. [1][2]
At 70 years of age Lewis H. Wadsworth married Elizabeth Crawford White, a widow and had two additional children - Walker and Pearl Wadsworth.
The estate file #987 lists his Children by both wives: [3][4]
Children by wife Mary Freeman:
Eliza Wadsworth Hunt
Susan "Susie" Wadsworth Teal
Thomas Wadsworth
J. W. Wadsworth
Nancy E Wadsworth Odom
Effie Wadsworth Rivers
Martha Wadsworth Douglass
Children by Elizabeth Crawford White:
Walker Wadsworth
Pearl Wadsworth
The Estate File #987 for Lewis H. Wadsworth shows that he died 7 March 1910. Lewis was buried in Bethesda United Methodist Church Cemetery Chesterfield County, South Carolina.
Lewis H. Wadsworth is my 1st cousin 4 times removed. His wife, Mary Ann Freeman, is also my 1st cousin 4 times removed.
[1] : Find A Grave, Inc., Find A Grave, digital image, ( : Accessed on 7 May 2013); Headstone for Lewis H. Wadsworth; (13 September 1832–7 March 1910); Records of the Bethesda United Methodist Church Cemetery; Chesterfield, Chesterfield County, South Carolina, USA.
[2] James C. Pigg, Chesterfield County Cemetery Survey; Chesterfield County Genealogical Services, 1995, page 616. Tombstone of Lewis H. Wadsworth; 13 September 1832–7 March 1910, Bethesda United Methodist Church Cemetery, Chesterfield County, South Carolina.
[3] Chesterfield County, South Carolina, Probate Files & Loose papers, Lewis H. Wadsworth; digital images, Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, FamilySearch ( viewed 7 May 2013); Estate Folder #987.
[4] Chesterfield County, South Carolina, , Lewis H. Wadsworth; Probate Office, Chesterfield, Chesterfield County, South Carolina.
Monday, October 7, 2013
Military Monday~Two W. B. Davis’, Same Regiment, One War Record
There were two W. B. Davis (cousins) in the same outfit (Co. E., 21st SCV – William Blakeney Davis and William Benjamin Davis. This in turn has resulted in a mixing of records on Fold3 making it impossible to differentiate between the two William B. Davis.
William Benjamin Davis was the 16 year old son of Carroll Washington and Elizabeth Boatwright Davis was inducted into Company “E”, 21st South Carolina Volunteers (SCV). He gave his age as 17; but, was just barely 16 years old. He was enlisted by Capt. Davis, which is his Uncle, Capt. Alfred W. Davis.
William Blakeney Davis was born in 1823 making him to be in his late thirties when the war started. He was a son of William and Julia Thurman Davis.
After William Benjamin Davis returned home from the war , he wrote a lengthy biographical sketch of his time in the war.
Quotes from William Benjamin Davis biographical sketch:
“I, W. B. Davis, volunteered in April 1863, enlisted in Company E, 21st S.C. [South Carolina] Regiment on Morris Island. In less than a month [I] was wounded by a shell on Battery Wagener [Wagner]; it was a fifteen inch shell.”
“From Charleston we were transferred to the Northern Army of Virginia. during the battle of Warhaul [Port Walthal] Junction”
“From Warhaul (Port Walthal) Junction we went to Cold Harbor, from Cold Harbor to Drewery’s [Drury’s] Bluff, from Drewery’s [Drury’s] Bluff to Gaines [Gaines’] Mill and then to Bermuda Hundred. There I lost my uncle [,] Capt. Benjamin Thomas Davis; he was wounded in the thigh and died from the wound. My Uncle Alfred W. Davis was made captain of Company E in his place.”
“From Bermuda Hundred we went back to Cold Harbor, from there to Malvernrs’ [Malvern] Hill, from there to East Petersburg. On June 18th we fought two hard battles. In one of these battles William A. Davis was wounded in (the) right chest. On June the 24th (in a battle between the Appomattox River and City point Road) I was wounded in the left side by a minnie ball [and] was carried to the rear to a Field Hospital, from there to City Point, put on the old New York boat and sent to Fortress Monroe, from there to Hampton Virginia [Prison] Hospital. Was there seven months with my bowels discharging through the wound partly[.]”
“(I) was sent from (the) hospital to Butlers [Butler’s] Bull-pen on [the] 23rd day of Jan. [January], 1865[,] I was given (a) furlough and transportation home, but on the night of the 22nd Wilmington was captured and I was turned back at Greensboro, and sent to Charlotte and my transportation taken away from me. I stayed in Wayside Hospital one night and started home on foot[,] walked two and rode three miles the first day, second day walked half mile and rode eight, was too weak to travel, begged a man to let me spend the night or sleep in his horse stable but he refused, but later hitched a yoke of oxen to his carriage and brought me two miles towards Monroe, N.C.”
End of quotes from William Benjamin biographical sketch of his time during the war.
The below documents matches the written experience of the actual soldier so clearly it’s related to William Benjamin Davis.
At the Battle of Petersburg, on 21 June 1864, Private William B. Davis was wounded and captured.
Transcription of above document
William B. Davis, Pvt E 21 SC Inf CSA
Enl. Apr 22, 1863 at Morris Island, SC.
He was wounded in left hip and captured June 21, 1863 at Petersburg, Va.
He remained in US hosp at Fort Monroe, Va until Feb. 1, 1865 when he was sent to prison at Point Lookout, Md., where he was paroled and was delivered to the conf. agent of Exch at Coxes Landing, James Rivers, Va. Feb. 14, 1865.
He was admitted to hosp. at Richmond, Va., Feb. 15, 1865 and furloughed there for 60 days, Feb. 21, 1865
No later record has been (over)
Page 2
found, there being no Co. muster rolls in file subs to Oct. 31, 1864.
The inclosed <sic> Q should be &c with date rel to William Blakeney Davis &c
(This note indicates a mixing of the records of William Benjamin Davis and William Blakeney Davis)
The military records for W. B. Davis clearly shows that he became a prisoner of War in June 1864 document shows that he received a parole as a prisoner of War in 1863. More proof that this record on Fold 3 could be for William Benjamin Davis or William Blakeney Davis.
Both William B. Davis mentioned above served in Co. “E”, 21st SCV.
Fold3 records show that William Benjamin Davis was wounded at Petersburg; thus, William Blakeney Davis was paroled in July 1863.
If you have information on either of these William B. Davis; I would love to hear from you.
William Benjamin Davis is my 2nd Cousin 3 times removed.
William Blakeney Davis is my 1st Cousin 4 times removed.
[1] Ancestry, "Civil War Service Records" database, Military Service Records ( : accessed 12 August 2012), entry for William B. Davis, Private; Twenty-first Infantry SC Volunteers; Confederate..
[2] William Benjamin Davis Civil War biographical sketch
Sunday, October 6, 2013
Sunday's Obituary~Mary Ann Jacobs
Mary Ann Jacobs was born 9 March 1907 and died 23 May 1977. She was a daughter of Bland Calvin Jacobs and Anna C. Copland and granddaughter of James C. Copeland and Anna Mary Raber.
[1] MARY ANN JACOBS obituary, Evansville Courier and Press, Evansville, Vanderburgh County, Indiana, 24 May 1977.<>
Saturday, October 5, 2013
Surname Saturday~Davis–Rivers
Elisha Theodore Davis was born on 24 Mar 1872 in Chesterfield, Chesterfield, South Carolina.1 2 3 4 5 6 He was the son of Charles Wesley Davis and Martha Elizabeth Odom. He died on 25 Jan 1958 at the age of 85 and was buried on 26 Jan 1958 at Zoar United Methodist Church Cemetery in Chesterfield, Chesterfield, South Carolina.7 8 9
Elisha Theodore Davis married Nancy Jane Rivers about 1900 in Chesterfield County, South Carolina.10
Nancy Jane Rivers, is the daughter of Doctor Wesley Rivers and Mary Eliza Davis, and was born on 9 May 1877 in Chesterfield, Chesterfield, South Carolina.11 12 13 14 15 16 She died on 26 Mar 1947 at the age of 69 and was buried on 27 Mar 1947 at Zoar United Methodist Church Cemetery in Chesterfield, Chesterfield, South Carolina.17–18 19
Elisha Theodore Davis and Nancy Jane Rivers had the following children:
i. John B. Davis, born 21 May 1902, Cheraw, Chesterfield, South Carolina; married Aldusta Morris; died 14 Aug 1948, Charlotte, Mecklenburg, North Carolina.
ii. Jim Davis was born about 1902 in Chesterfield, Chesterfield, South Carolina. 20
iii. Infant Davis was born on 15 Jan 1904 in Chesterfield, Chesterfield, South Carolina. He was buried in Feb 1904 in Chesterfield, Chesterfield, South Carolina. He died on 1 Feb 1904 at the age of 0 in Chesterfield, Chesterfield, South Carolina.
iv. Virginia Davis, born 2 Jan 1907, Cheraw, Chesterfield, South Carolina; married John W. White; died 20 Jan 1982, Cheraw, Chesterfield, South Carolina.
v. 21 Charles Wesley Davis was born on 17 Mar 1910 in Cheraw, Chesterfield, South Carolina. 22 23 He was buried in Dec 1960 in Chesterfield, Chesterfield, South Carolina. He died on 25 Dec 1960 at the age of 50.
vi. George W. Davis was born on 1 Jan 1913 in Cheraw, Chesterfield, South Carolina. 24 25 He died on 8 Oct 1932 at the age of 19 and was buried in 10 Oct 1932 in Chesterfield, Chesterfield, South Carolina.
Elisha Theodore Davis and Nancy Jane Rivers, both, are my 1st cousins 3 times removed.
1. James C. Pigg, Chesterfield County Cemetery Survey; Self-Published, 1995, page 829. Tombstone of Elisha T. Davis; 24 March 1872–25 January 1958, Zoar United Methodist Church Cemetery, Chesterfield, Chesterfield County, South Carolina.
2. 1880 U. S. Census, Chesterfield County, South Carolina, population schedule, Court House, Chesterfield County, South Carolina, enumeration district (ED) #5, Page 316B; Line 30, Dwelling 128, family 128, Household of C. W. DAVIS; digital image, ( : viewed 26 August 2011); citing National Archive Microfilm T9, Roll 1225.
3. 1900 U. S. Census, Chesterfield County, South Carolina, population schedule, Court House, Chesterfield County, South Carolina, enumeration district (ED) #21, Page 108B, Line 59, Family 450; Dwelling 458, Household of Elisha T. DAVIS; digital images, ( : viewed 26 August 2011); citing National Archives Microfilm T623_Roll: 1523.
4. 1910 U. S. Census, Chesterfield County, South Carolina, population schedule, Court House, Chesterfield County, South Carolina, enumeration district (ED) #0037, Page 146A, Line 17, Dwelling 349; Family 349, Household of Elisha DAVIS; digital images, ( : viewed 26 August 2011); citing National Archives Microfilm T624_1455.
5. 1920 U. S. Census, Chesterfield County, South Carolina, population schedule, Court House, Chesterfield County, South Carolina, enumeration district (ED) #40, Page 190B; Line 67, dwelling 613, family 627, Household of Elisha T. DAVIS; digital images, ( : viewed 26 August 2011); citing National Archives Microfilm T625_1690.
6. 1930 U. S. Census, Chesterfield County, South Carolina, population schedule, Court House, Chesterfield County, South Carolina, enumeration district (ED) #15, Page 19B; Line 85, Dwelling 139, Family 144, Household of Elisha T. DAVIS; digital images, ( : viewed 26 August 2011); citing National Archives Microfilm T626_2192.
7. Elisha T. Davis obituary, The Chesterfield Advertiser, Chesterfield, Chesterfield County, South Carolina, 6 February 1958.
8. James C. Pigg, Chesterfield County Cemetery Survey, Self-Published, 1995. Tombstone of Elisha T. Davis.
9. Obituary for Elisha T. Davis, The Chesterfield Advertiser, 6 February 1958.
10. 1900 U. S. Census, Chesterfield County, South Carolina, population schedule, Court House, Chesterfield County, South Carolina, ED #21, Page 108B, Line 59, Family 450; Dwelling 458, Household of Elisha T. DAVIS.
11. James C. Pigg, Chesterfield County Cemetery Survey, Self-Published, 1995. Tombstone of Nancy J. Davis.
12. 1880 U. S. Census, Chesterfield County, South Carolina, population schedule, Court House, Chesterfield, South Carolina, enumeration district (ED) #5, Page: 326B, Line 22, dwelling 287, family 287, Household of Doctor W. Rivers; digital images, ( : viewed 19 July 2011); citing National Archives Microfilm T9-1225.
13. 1900 U. S. Census, Chesterfield County, South Carolina, population schedule, Court House, Chesterfield County, South Carolina, ED #21, Page 108B, Line 59, Family 450; Dwelling 458, Household of Elisha T. DAVIS.
14. 1910 U. S. Census, Chesterfield County, South Carolina, population schedule, Court House, Chesterfield County, South Carolina, ED #0037, Page 146A, Line 17, Dwelling 349; Family 349, Household of Elisha DAVIS.
15. 1920 U. S. Census, Chesterfield County, South Carolina, population schedule, Court House, Chesterfield County, South Carolina, ED #40, Page 190B; Line 67, dwelling 613, family 627, Household of Elisha T. DAVIS.
16. 1930 U. S. Census, Chesterfield County, South Carolina, population schedule, Court House, Chesterfield County, South Carolina, ED #15, Page 19B; Line 85, Dwelling 139, Family 144, Household of Elisha T. DAVIS.
17. James C. Pigg, Chesterfield County Cemetery Survey, Self-Published, 1995. Tombstone of Nancy J. Davis.
18. Nancy J Davis, death certificate 004244 (26 March 1946), Vital Records, Department of Health and Environmental Control, Columbia, Richland County, South Carolina.
19. James C. Pigg, Chesterfield County Cemetery Survey, Self-Published, 1995. Tombstone of Nancy J. Davis.
20. 1910 U. S. Census, Chesterfield County, South Carolina, population schedule, Court House, Chesterfield County, South Carolina, ED #0037, Page 146A, Line 17, Dwelling 349; Family 349, Household of Elisha DAVIS.
21. Ibid.
22. 1920 U. S. Census, Chesterfield County, South Carolina, population schedule, Court House, Chesterfield County, South Carolina, ED #40, Page 190B; Line 67, dwelling 613, family 627, Household of Elisha T. DAVIS.
23. 1930 U. S. Census, Chesterfield County, South Carolina, population schedule, Court House, Chesterfield County, South Carolina, ED #15, Page 19B; Line 85, Dwelling 139, Family 144, Household of Elisha T. DAVIS.
24. 1920 U. S. Census, Chesterfield County, South Carolina, population schedule, Court House, Chesterfield County, South Carolina, ED #40, Page 190B; Line 67, dwelling 613, family 627, Household of Elisha T. DAVIS.
25. 1930 U. S. Census, Chesterfield County, South Carolina, population schedule, Court House, Chesterfield County, South Carolina, ED #15, Page 19B; Line 85, Dwelling 139, Family 144, Household of Elisha T. DAVIS.
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