Amanuensis Monday is a genealogy blogging theme. It was started by John Newmark who writes the TransylvanianDutch blog.
His definition of Amanuensis is:
Amanuensis: A person employed to write what another dictates or to copy what has been written by another.
Today’s subject is an 1820 Anson County Marriage Contract.1
Christopher McRae and Patsy Cooley Marriage ContractThis indenture made this 14th day of December 1820 Between Christopher McRae Sen. Of the first part and Patsy Cooley of the Second part and Alexander Little the third part. Witnessth That where as a marriage is shortly intended to be had and solemnized Between the said Christopher McRae and Patsy Cooley- and he being desirous to secure to the said Patsy Cooley an adequate support and maintenance which the said Patsy Cooley agrees to accept in full satisfaction for her claim to dower and distributive share of said Christopher McRae personal estate which is significant by the said Patsy Cooley becoming a party to this deed. He the said Christopher McRae in consideration of the premises and of the sum off five schillings to him in hand paid by the Alexander Little doth here by Give Grant Bargain sell convey and deliver to the said Alexander Little his heirs Exec and adms under the following conditions limitations restrictions & bounds. One fifth part of the tract of land the said Christopher McRae now lives on to be laid off so as to include the Buildings and lying next and adjoining to the lands of John Rogers and also two negro Slaves, viz. Peter and Caty with the increase of the said Caty to & for the use of the said Christopher McRae until the said Marriage is had & solemnized & then to & for the separate use & support of the said Patsy Cooley for life and after her death to and for the use of her children which she may have by the said Christopher McRae and in case she should have no children by the said Christopher McRae nor the lawful issue of such being at the time of her death then the said lands and Negroes are to go to the said Christopher McRae if living and in case he should be dead to his children and their Issues or lawful heirs and it is further agreed by the said Christopher McRae that should the said Patsy Cooley survive him that she shall have at his death one fifth part of all his stock of horses hogs cattle and sheep and one fifth of the money he shall then leave on hand and also all his household furniture and the said Patsy Cooley doth by these presents absolutely relinquish all further claim to dower and a distributive share of the said Christopher McRae’s Estate. In witness whereof the said Christopher McRae sen Patsy Cooley and the said Alexander Little hath here unto set their hands and affixed their seals the day and date first above written.
Christopher X McRae {seal}
Signed Sealed and delivered in the presence of} Patsy X Cooley {seal}
Hugh McKenzie A. Little {seal}
Wm. Douglas to the signature of C. McRae &Patsy Cooley}
Joseph Pickett to the Execution of A. Little}
Anson Jany- term 1821. Then the within instrument of writing was duly by Hugh McKenzie and William Douglass who attested the signatures of Christopher McRae and Patsy Cooley and by the acknowledgement of A. Little one of the parties concerned and named in said instrument. and ordered to be Registered.
[1] Anson County, North Carolina, Book “Z”: pages 374-375, Christopher McRae and Patsy Cooley Marriage Contract; 14 December 1820, Register of Deeds, Wadesboro, Anson County, North Carolina.
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