Mrs. Fleet Brock Dead
The sudden death Tuesday of Mrs. Maude Draughn Brock, wife of Dr. Fleet Brock of the hospital staff that Bogalusa, was a shock and great surprise to family and attending physicians. She had been under treatment at the hospital a short time but was thought to be all right and went for a visit with her aunt Mrs. Newt McElveen at Dillon, where she had a nervous attack and died within few hours
Interment was made Friday in the Cemetery at Warnerton her former home. The beautiful floral offerings from the hospital staff, the Bogalusa Elks and many individual personal friends were comforting and somewhat consoling to the bereaved family. Mrs. Brock is survived by a husband and three children, having many friends in this town who are in deep sympathy with them in their great sorrow.
Maude “Irene” Draughn was the first wife of Dr. Fleet William Brock. They were married on 9 October 1906. They had 5 children, three of which survived.
After the death of Maude, Dr. Fleet Brock married Mattie Elizabeth Hale in 1922. On 21 August 1923, Dr. Fleet W. Brock was killed in an automobile accident near Talisheek, St. Tammany Parish, Louisiana.
Maude and Dr. Fleet Brock are buried in the Brock Cemetery, Washington Parish, Louisiana.
Dr. Fleet William Brock is a distant cousin.
[1] Chronicling America, The Era-Leader, (Franklin, La.) December 2, 1920, Image 2, column 3.
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