Amanuensis Monday is a genealogy blogging theme. It was started by John Newmark who writes the TransylvanianDutch blog.
His definition of Amanuensis is:
Amanuensis: A person employed to write what another dictates or to copy what has been written by another.
Today’s subject is 1847 NC Land Grant No. 151 – Mark Huneycutt.1
Mark Honeycutt Grant
State of North Carolina No 151
Know ye that for and in consideration of the sum of five dollars for every hundred acres hereby granted paid into our treasury by Mark Honeycutt hath given and granted and by these presents do give and grant unto the said Mark Huneycutt a tract of Land containing one hundred acres lying and being in the County of Stanly on Strong run Creek adjoining Josiah Tucker formerly Leonard Tucker Beginning at a post oak by two post oaks in said Tucker's line and runs south sixty five west thirty one chains and seventy five links crossing Stoney Creek three times to a stake by two post oaks and a red oak thence south thirty east thirty one chains and seventy five links to a red oak by a pine and post oak thence north sixty five east thirty one chains and seventy five links to the said Tucker's line thence with it north thirty west thirty one chains and seventy five links crofsing said creek to the Beginning Entered 9th August 1847
As by the plat hereunto annexed doth appear together with all roads waters mines minerals hereditaments and appurtenances to the said land belonging or appertaining to hold to the said Mark Huneycutt his heirs and assigns forever yielding and paying to us such sums of money yearly or other wise as our general assembly from time to time may direct provided always that the said grantee shall cause this grant to be registered in the registers office of our said County of Stanly within twelve months from the date hereof otherwise the same shall be void
In testimony whereof we have caused these our letters to be made patent and our great seal to be here unto affixed. Witnefs William A. Graham our governor at Raleigh the 28th day of September in the 75th year of our Independence and in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and forty eight
By command Wm Hill Secretary of State. Will A. Graham
Registered 14th May 1849. Saml. L. Stone, Regs
Mark Huneycutt received his land grant on Stony Run Creek in Stanly County on Sept. 26, 1848. Mark continued to farm this land up until his death sometime between 1860 and 1870. Even though he died before 1870; his estate was not probated until May 1902.
Did the family hang onto the land and continue to farm it to provided a living: I don’t known. But, I do know that in May 1902, the family and executors petitioned the state to sell the land because there was not enough acreage to partition and divide among all the legatees. 2 3
Wherefore your petitioner pray that the Court will appoint some competent person to sell said land after due advertisement to the highest bidder on such terms as to the Court may seem proper and report his proceeding in regard to said sale to this court without delay. M. H. Colwell,
This May 22nd – 1902 Austin & Smith atty
for petitioners
M. I. Huneycutt, one of the plaintiff being duly sworn says the foregoing petition is true of his own knowledge, except to those matters therein stated upon information and belief as to those he believes it to be true.
Sworn to and subscribed to before}
Me this 24 day of May, 1902. } M. I. (X, his mark) Huneycutt
R. A. Crowell Clerk
Superior Court
Mark Huneycutt is my 3rd Great Grandfather.
[1] Grant No:151 - Mark Huneycutt, 26 September 1848; NC Land Grants, Book No:154: Page No:124; Warrants, Receipts and Plats; Office of Secretary of State, Raleigh, North Carolina.
[2] "North Carolina, Estate Files, 1663-1979," database with images, FamilySearch (,183304101,1066691914 : accessed 31 July 2015), Stanly County > H > Huneycutt, Mark I (1902) > image 1 of 24; State Archives, Raleigh. Courtesy of Julie Hampton
[3] Stanly County, North Carolina, Probate Files & Loose papers, Mark I. HUNEYCUTT; digital images, Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, FamilySearch ( viewed 31 July 2015); Mark I. Huneycutt.
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