My paternal 5th Great Grandfather is a man named Charles Dry. Dry is the Americanization of the German surname Dürr/Duerr. I have also seen the surname spelled Derr, Doerr, Dürr and other variations.
Charles Dry was born about 1735 in Württemberg Germany. He married Christine Muss in 1753 Upper Hanover Township, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
I have yet to find exactly when Charles and Christine migrated to North Carolina but they are in Cabarrus County by the late 1700’s and are enumerated in the 1790 Census. In this census two males and two females were enumerated with their parents in the household. Charles passed away on 16 October 1797 and his estate and Will was probated. Since then his Will has been consumed by fire in the Cabarrus Courthouse burning of 1876.
The known children of Charles Dry and Christina Muss are:
i. Owen Ulrich Dry, born 4 Dec 1754, Montgomery, Pennsylvania; married Catherine Polk, 9 Dec 1834, Cabarrus County, North Carolina; died 5 Mar 1840, Concord, Cabarrus, North Carolina.
ii. Johann Martin Dry, born 10 Jul 1759, Montgomery County; married Catherine Keppel, 1785/6; died 11 Dec 1836, Cabarrus, Cabarrus, North Carolina.
iii. Phillip Wile Dry, born 10 Jul 1759, Upper Hanover, Montgomery, Pennsylvania; married Catherine ; died 14 Dec 1837, Concord, Cabarrus, North Carolina.
iv. Andrew Dry, born 26 Mar 1762, Montgomery, Montgomery, Pennsylvania; married Mary Barbara Teem, 1784; died 9 Apr 1828, Concord, Cabarrus, North Carolina.
v. Anna Christina Dry was baptized on 14 Feb 1769 in Montgomery County, Pennsylvania. Baptism, 1769, Febr.14, born Anna Christina, daughter of Carl Doerr. Witnesses Henrich Loppel and wife.
This is a works-in-progress so if you have any information about this family I would love to hear from you.
1. Grant #140 - Charles Dry, 9 March 1799, Book: 100, pg: 423; North Carolina State Archives of North Carolina Land Grants, State Archives of North Carolina, Raleigh, Wake County, North Carolina.
2. Grant #645 - Charles Dry, 7 August 1787, Book: 68, pg: 33. North Carolina State Archives of North Carolina Land Grants, State Archives of North Carolina, Raleigh, Wake County, North Carolina.
3. Rev. William John Hinke PH. D., D.D., A History of the Goshenhoppen Reformed Charge,: Montgomery County, Pennsylvania (1727-1819) (Lancaster, Pennsylvania: Press of the New Era Printing Company, 1920), page 302, entry [69].
4. Kathleen Marler, Families of Cabarrus County: 1792-1815 (Baltimore, Maryland: Clearfield Publishing Company, 2004), page 44.
5. Pennsylvania German Society, Pennsylvania German Church Records: of Births, Baptisms, Marriage, Burial, Etc. in Three Volumes (Baltimore, Maryland: Genealogical Publishing Company, 1983), page 119.
6. 1790 U S Census, Mecklenburg County, North Carolina, population schedule, Mecklenburg County, North Carolina, Page: 370; Line 2, Household of Charles DRY; digital images, Ancestry ( : viewed 1 February 2016); citing National Archives Microfilm M637, Roll 7.