Friday, September 30, 2016
2003 National Security Agency Hall of Honor Inductee-Juanita Moody
The NSA Hall of Honor is located in the National Cryptologic Museum, Ft Meade, Maryland. The Hall of Honor was established in 1999 and inductees into the Hall of Honor must meets some very high standard. From 1999 to 2015 there has been 72 individuals inducted into the Hall of Honor.1 2 3 4
Juanita Louise Moody born 29 May 1924 in Morven, Anson County, North Carolina was the first born child of Joseph Luther Moody and Mary Elizabeth Previtte.
On 14 Mar 1948, Juanita Louise married William Warren Moody in Arlington, Virginia. A brief summary of her amazing career can be viewed here.
Juanita began her career as an American cryptographer and intelligence analyst with the Signals Intelligence Service in 1943. The Signals Intelligence Service was eventually merged and combined into the National Security Agency. She retired from NSA in 1976 with 33 years as a cryptographer and intelligence analyst. 1 2 3 4
Juanita Louise Morris Moody died 17 February 2015 at 90 years of age. She was interred in Arlington National Cemetery.
Juanita Louise Morris Moody is my 2nd cousin once removed.
Wednesday, September 28, 2016
Wedding Wednesday~Craig-Hunley Marriage, 1914.
Special to The State.
Chesterfield. July 18. –Telegrams were received here Thursday night telling of the marriage in Hendersonville, N.C., yesterday of Miss Mary Craig and C. L. Hunley, both of Chesterfield. The bride is the youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Craig of this town and Mr. Hunley is a rising young attorney. They will spend several weeks in the mountains of western North Carolina and will be at home to their friends after August 15 in their bungalow on west Main street. 1 2
Mary Violet Craig (29 Jul 1888-25 July 1969) was the daughter of William Duke Craig and Amelia Chapman Hanna.
Charles Laudie Hunley (23 Jan 1884-14 Oct 1941) was the son of James Franklin Hunley, Sr. and Catherine Jane Davis.
Charles Laudie Hunley and Mary Violet Craig had the following children:
i. Margaret Craig Hunley, b. 28 Jun 1915
ii. Katherine Amelia Hunley, b. 29 Oct 1917
iii. Charles Franklin Hunley, b. 30 Jan 1920
iv. William Craig Hunley, b. 3 Jan 1922
v. Frank L. Hunley, b. 11 May 1924
vi. Mary Louise Hunley, b. 5 Jun 1928
vii. Betty Byrd Hunley, b. Jun 1931
[1] CRAIG-HUNLEY MARRIAGE obituary, The State, Columbia, Richland County, South Carolina, 19 July 1914, page 20, column 1.
[2] North Carolina, Marriage Records, 1741-2011 for Charles Laudie Hunley, Henderson, NC Register of Deeds, Marriage Register (1906-1916)
Tuesday, September 27, 2016
Tombstone Tuesday~Charles Albert Dry
Charles Albert Dry
b. 23 April 1836
d. 15 June 1906
bu. Philadelphia Baptist Church Cemetery
Tombstone Photos Courtesy of Brenda K. Ballard |
Tombstone Photos Courtesy of Brenda K. Ballard |
Charles Albert Dry was the first born child of Charles Andrew Dry and his wife, Leah Tucker. Charles and Leah were married about 1834/35 and their son Charles Albert was born 23 April 1836, in Union County, North Carolina. No record of their marriage, thus far, has been found. If you know of a source for this document, if it exists, please contact me.
Charles and Leah would have six children, 4 sons and 2 daughters before the untimely death of Charles on or about 9 September 1858. This date is based on family folklore that says Charles Dry died on this date of injuries received by being thrown from a horse.
Charles Albert married Lydia Adeline Brooks on 30 December 1860. He enlisted into the Civil war with Company ‘H’, 42nd NC Infantry shortly after the birth of his fist born, a son named , John Beauregard Dry on 22 November 1861. He and Lydia would not have their second child until after the War on 3 May 1865 when Martha Ellen Dry was born. They would go on to have 9 additional children after the birth of Martha Ellen consisting of a family of 8 sons and 3 daughters. Their youngest child, a son, would pass away at 4 months of age; but, all the other children lived to adulthood, a long and useful life.
Charles Albert Dry, age 70, passed away on 15 June 1906 in Stanley County and was buried in the Philadelphia Baptist Church Cemetery. His wife, Lydia, lived another 6 years and passed away on 1 February 1912. She was laid to rest beside her devoted husband.
Charles Albert Dry is my 2nd cousin 4 times removed.
Ancestry, Military Service Records. : 2015.
Find A Grave, Inc., Find A Grave. Database,, 15 November 2015.
North Carolina. Stanly County. Probate Files & Loose papers. Digital images Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. FamilySearch. 2015.
United States, "North Carolina, Marriages Index, 1741-2011." Database. Ancestry. : 2015.
United States. North Carolina. Stanly County. 1870 U S Census, population schedule. Digital image. : 2015.
United States. North Carolina. Stanly County. 1880 U. S. Census, population schedule. Digital image. : 2015.
United States. North Carolina. Stanly County. 1900 US Census, population schedule. Digital image. : 2015.
United States. North Carolina. Union County. 1850 Census, population schedule. Online database. : 2016.
Monday, September 26, 2016
Amanuensis Monday~Charles Dry Land Grant #3036
Amanuensis Monday is a genealogy blogging theme. It was started by John Newmark who writes the TransylvanianDutch blog.His definition of Amanuensis is:
Amanuensis: A person employed to write what another dictates or to copy what has been written by another.Today’s subject is a Land Grant #3036-Charles Dry, 1831.1
Charles Dry Grant No. 3036
State of North Carolina Know ye that we for and in consideration of the sum of Ten dollars for every Hundred acres hereby Granted paid into our Treasury by Charles Dry Have Given and Granted and by these presents do Give and Grant unto the said Charles Dry a tract of Land containing three acres lying and being in the County of Anson Joining his own Land on the South Side of Rocky Rivers Beginning at his corner ash on the River Bank and runs No. 27 Wt. 30 chains to a stake on the Bank of the Thoroughfare then down the various courses of the Thoroughfare and Rocky River to the Beginning. Entered 12th day of April 1831
At Raleigh the 6th day of February in the 56th year of our Independence and in the year of our Lord 1832.
By ?? Wm. Hill Secretary M. Stokes
The Anson County Land Deed shows this land to be only 3 acres; but, the NC Land Grant page shows this tract to be 30 acres of land.
State of North Carolina
No. 3036 Know ye that we have granted unto Charles Dry three[thirty] acres of land in Anson County joining his own land on the South side of Rocky Rivers Beginning at his corner ash on the river bank and runs North twenty seven West thirty chains to a stake on the Bank of the Thoroughfare then Down the Various Courses of the thoroughfare and Rocky River to the Beginning. Entered the 12th day of April 1831. To hold to the said Charles Dry his heirs and afsigns forever. Dated the 6th Day of February 1832.
Wm. Hill, Secretary M. Stokes
[1] North Carolina, Deed Book: 'Y': page 87, Charles Dry Grant No. 3036; Register of Deeds, Wadesboro, Anson County, North Carolina.
Sunday, September 25, 2016
Chesterfield County SC Estates~Estate Folder #612~James [Ellis] Eddins, Sr.
This is a new series of posting, appearing every Sunday, on selected Estate Folders from the Estate files of Chesterfield County. No known estates exist for the period before the Civil War. They were destroyed with the burning of the Courthouse. There are a few “Equity Records” in the State Archives. Do not overlook this valuable resources if you are looking for ancestors in Chesterfield County, South Carolina.
Today we will be looking at the following Estate folders:
Folder #612
James Ellis Eddins, Sr..1
This estate folder begins at image #1189 and ends with image #1197. (images 1189-1197)
The Estate folder for James Ellis Eddins contains 8 images; two of which are his Last Will and Testament (1196-1197). I have written about James Ellis in the past and those articles can be read here:
James Ellis Eddins, died on 26 May 1894 leaving surviving him his children by his three wives and a 4th wife Christian whom he left nothing. He named R. C. Goodwin as his executor and Guardian of his minor children. R. C. Goodwin refused to qualify and his son-in-law Daniel Graham applied for and was named as administrator of his estate.
State of South Carolina}
County of Chesterfield}
I. The petition of Daniel Graham shows to this Court that James Eddins late of the above state and County departed this life on May 26th 1894 leaving a Will and R. C. Goodwin as named Executor but he refuses to qualify.
II. That he left a small personal estate amounting to Twenty Dollars.
III. That your petitioner is the son-in-law of the said James Eddins and that no one has applied for letters of Administration and your petitioner ask that the Court to appoint him and he will ever pray &c.
Dec. 2nd, 1895 Daniel Graham
[1] Chesterfield County, South Carolina, Probate Files & Loose papers, James Eddins; digital images, Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, FamilySearch ( viewed 6 September 2015); Probate Folder #612.
Saturday, September 24, 2016
It’s Family Time~Charles Andrew Dry
Sometimes we find our ancestors in unexpected places. Such is the case of Charles Andrew Dry. Charles Andrew is the son of Andrew Dry and Mary Barbara Team. He was born in 1792.
His grandparents, Charles Dry and Christina Muss married about 1756 in Pennsylvania and around the late 1770 to early 1780 migrated to Mecklenburg County, North Carolina. One of the earliest deeds for Charles Dry can be found in Mecklenburg County Deed Book 7, pages 297-300.
Mecklenburg Deeds 7:297-300 26 July 1777 Abstracted by Brent Holcomb-
Paul Barringer & Barbara Herenhart (Ernhart) heretofore Barbara (Hagler) Haygler, Extx of the LWT of John Haygler, late of Meck. Dec’d. to Charles Darr of same…whereas the sd. John Haygler by his LWT of 29 May 1771 will and directed that if his wife Barbara should intermarry again his executors would sell and dispose of his lands. Said Barbara intermarried with Philip Herenhart of Rowan whose wife she still is, for L250 land on Dutch Buffalow Cr 250 A, conveyed to Haygler by Arthur Dobbs.
Witn: Jacob Dun (Derr?
Then two years later on 1 Mar 1779, Charles Dry was granted (Grant #141) 112 acres On the waters of Buffaloe Creek. This portion of Mecklenburg County, where the Dry’s purchased land and settled, was sliced off of Mecklenburg County and became parts of the newly formed Cabarrus County on December 29, 1792.
Locating Charles Andrew Dry in Anson County, purchasing land in 1825 was a real surprise; but, this land deed shows that he was there.
John Brooks Senr. To Charles Dry
This indenture made this 14th day of September in the year of our Lord 1825 Between John Brooks Sen. Of the County of Montgomery and State of North Carolina of the one part and Charles Dry of the County the County <sic> of Cabarrus and sate aforesaid of the other part. Witnefseth that for and in consideration of the sum of Eight Hundred Dollars by the said Charles Dry to the said John Brooks in hand paid at and before the sealing and delivery of these presents the receipt and payment whereof is hereby acknowledged He the said John Brooks hath granted bargained and sold and by these presents doth Grant Bargain and sell unto the said Charles Dry his heirs and assigns forever all ?? two pieces or parcels of land situate lying and being in the County of Anson and state aforesaid on the South side
Page 25
of Rocky River the first tract Beginning at a four Hickories on the Bank of said Rocky River and runs So. 55 E. 0poles to a pine them No. 75 E. 106 poles to an ash 2 black oaks pointers on the Bank of Rocky River then No. 35 W up the river to the Lower End of an Island then to the North bank of said Rocky Rivers then with the Rivers up, opposite to the Beginning then Si. 55 E. crossing to the first station Including Phillip’s Improvements and a small Island containing one hundred and fifty acres be the same more or Lefs the other tract Beginning at an oak on the bank of Said Rocky Rivers by a parcel of Red Oaks a corner of the other tract and runs So. 10 E. 93 poles to a pine by a red oak then So. 76 W. 93 poles to a stake by 3 red oaks then 12 W. 40 poles to a stake by 3 red oaks them So. 72 W. 58 poles to a stake by 2 pines and a red oak then No. 10 Wt. 125 poles to a pine by 2 pines in the old line of the other tract to the Beginning containing one hundred acres of land be the same more or less with the appurtenances situate lying and being as aforesaid with their and every of their Rights members and appurtenances and also all and very of the Estate and Estates rights titles Interest, claims and demand of him the said John Brooks in or to the said Lands tenants hereditaments and premises hereby Granted or mentioned to be Granted or any of them or any part or parcel thereof and the said John Brooks for himself his heirs Exrs and Admn doth hereby promise covenant and Agree to and with the said Charles Dry his heirs Exrs and Admn shall and will at all times warrant and ever defend the said premises to the said Charles Dry his heirs am assigns against all Lawful Claims or demands whatsoever whereby the above mentioned premises might or may be affected or Encumbered contrary to the true intent ad meaning of these presents In Witnefses whereof the said John Brooks hath hereunto set his hand and Seal the day and year above written.
Signed Sealed and Delivered} John Brooks {Seal}
Paul G. Klutts}
James Brooks} Anson Acts Sep 1832 then Bryan Austin Junr. came unto court and proved
that Paul G. Clutts and James brooks the subscribing Witnefses are dead and that the same is in their hand writing whereupon it is ordered to be Registered. W. Dismukes Clk
In 1825, Charles is married to his first wife, Esther Misenheimer and they have two sons. Charles and Esther would have 5 children before her death in 1833. Charles then married Leah Tucker in 1836 and has six more children. Charles died in 1858 in Union County, North Carolina. He was 66 years old at the time of his death.
Charles Andrew Dry is my 1st Cousin 5 times removed.
[1] Gary D. Walter,, Prelude to "Focus on Johan Georg and Charles Dry ( : viewed 17 July 2015), Mecklenburg Deeds 7:297-300, Deed- Barbara (Hagler) Haygler, Extx of the LWT of John Haygler, late of Meck. Dec’d. to Charles Darr, 25 July 1777
[2] 1850 Census, Union County, North Carolina, population schedule, Union County, North Carolina, enumeration district (ED) Union County, North Carolina, Page: 86/(stamped); Line 3, Dwelling 1253, Family 1253, Household of Charles Dry; online database, ( : viewed 2 February 2016); citing National Archives Microfilm Publication M432, Roll 647..
Charles Andrew Dry,
Esther Misenheimer,
Leah Tucker
Monday, September 19, 2016
Amanuensis Monday~Court Issued Land Deed to Samuel Washington Brock, 1897
Amanuensis Monday is a genealogy blogging theme. It was started by John Newmark who writes the TransylvanianDutch blog.
His definition of Amanuensis is:
Amanuensis: A person employed to write what another dictates or to copy what has been written by another.
Today’s subject is a Land Deed Issue by the Courts to Samuel W. Brock, 1897.1
On 10 February 1888, Squire H. Brock of Chesterfield County, South Carolina died. Before his passing, he sold, to his son John W. Brock, the 85 acres described within this deed as stated in paragraph 5 – “the same containing eight-five (85) acres more or less and for more full description see Deed from Squire H. Brock to John W. Brock and his bodily heirs bearing date 29 August 1885 [DB 8, pages 350-362]. After his passing, his eldest son, James Albert Brock, et al brought suit “praying that the real estate of Squire H Brock deceased be sold for Partition.”
At this point and time (1897) both Squire and John W. are deceased but I don’t understand how this 85 acres reverted to Squire H. Brock estate lands rather than going to the John W. Brock widow Abigail Sellers Brock.
This deed is the results of this suit and is the sale of the Squire H. Brock estate land to his son Samuel Washington Brock
Deed Book 15 pages 174-177
G. J. Redfearn} To
Samuel W Brock} Deed
The State of South Carolina
To all to whom these Presents shall come are be made known I, G.J. Redfearn Clerk of Court of the County of Chesterfield in the said state. Send greeting:
Whereas Samuel W. Brock on or about the 5th day of April in the year one thousand eight hundred and ninety-seven [1897] did exhibit his Complaint in the Court of Common Pleas in the County of Chesterfield and State aforesaid against James A. Brock et al praying that the real estate of Squire H. Brock deceased be sold for Partition.
And the cause, being at issue before the Honorable the court aforesaid came on to be heard on the 80th <sic> day of June one thousand eight hundred and ninety-seven [1897] when the said Court after a full hearing thereof, and mature deliberation in the premises Did order, adjudge and Decree that the lands hereinafter mentioned and described should be sold at public auction by G. J. Redfearn Clerk of Chesterfield County on the terms and for the purpose mentioned in said Decretal Order, as by reference thereto, on file in the Said Court, will appear: And the said G. J. Redfearn Clerk after having duly advertised the said lands for sale by public outcry, on the 1st day of November in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and ninety-seven [1897] Did then, openly and publicly and according to the custom of action, sell and dispose of the said premises below described unto Samuel W. Brock for $51 and 50/100 Dollars he being at that price the highest bidder for the same.
Now Know All Men, That I, the said G. J. Redfearn Clerk of Court in consideration of the premises, and also in consideration of the sum of Two Dollars paid me by the said Samuel W. Brock the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, Have granted, bargained, sold and release and by these Presents Do grant, bargain, sell and release unto the said Samuel W. Brock and his Heirs and assigns.
All that certain piece, parcel or tract of land in the County of Chesterfield in the State of South Carolina lying on the south side of Westfield Creek and West side of Wolf branch beginning at a stake on Samuel Parker's and W. M. Brock’s line running S. 29 E. 41.70 forty chains seventy links to stake in Meadows branch N. 13 1/4 E. two (2) chains and 64 links to stake, thence N. 35 W. 10 chains to poplar thence N. 55 W. 12 chains to stake, thence N. 14 E. 11 chains 30 links to stake thence S. 32 E. 22 chains 82 links to beginning_the same containing eight-five (85) acres more or less and for more full description see Deed from Squire H. Brock to John W. Brock and his bodily heirs bearing date 29 August 1885.
Together with all and singular the rights, members, hereditaments and appurtenances whatsoever, to the said premises belonging or in anywise appertaining, and the revisions and remainders, rents, issues and profits thereof; and also all the estate, rights, title, interest, dower, possession, property, benefit, claim and demand whatsoever, both at law and in equity of the said Jas. A. Brock et al and of all the parties to the said suit and of all other persons rightfully claiming or to claim the same, or any part thereof by, from, or under them or either of them.
To Have and to Hold the said premises with its hereditaments, privileges, and appurtenances unto the said Samuel W. Brock his Heirs and assigns forever.
In witness whereof, I, the said G. J. Redfearn Clerk of Court under and by virtue of the said Decree, have hereunto set my Hand and Seal at Chesterfield, S.C. this 24th day of October in the year of our Lord Eighteen hundred and ninety nine and in the one hundred and twenty third year of the Sovereignty and Independence of the United States of America.
Sealed and delivered}
in the presence of} G. J. Redfearn {seal}
J.P. Mangum} Clerk of Court
R. E. Rivers}
The State of South Carolina}
Chesterfield County}
Personally before me T. L. Huntley Judge of Probate, came J.P. Mangum and made oath that he saw the within named G. J. Redfearn Clerk sign, seal and as his act and deed deliver the within Deed and that he with R. E. Rivers witnessed the execution thereof
Sworn to before me this 21st}
day of November 1898} J.P. Mangum
{seal} T. L. Huntley}
Judge of Probate
Recorded this 21st day of November 1898 in Books “C” page 291. Fee $.25
R. E. Rivers
Auditor, Chesterfield County, S. C.
Recorded 21 November 1898
[1] Chesterfield County, South Carolina, Deed Book 15: pages 174-177, G. J. Redfearn To Samuel W Brock Deed; Register of Deeds, Chesterfield, Chesterfield County, South Carolina.
James A. Brock,
Samuel W. Brock,
Squire H. Brock
Sunday, September 18, 2016
Chesterfield County SC Estates~Estate Folder #307~Guardianship of Wadsworth Infants~Thomas, Wincey, J. B and Rosanna Wadsworth.
This is a new series of posting, appearing every Sunday, on selected Estate Folders from the Estate files of Chesterfield County. No known estates exist for the period before the Civil War. They were destroyed with the burning of the Courthouse. There are a few “Equity Records” in the State Archives. Do not overlook this valuable resources if you are looking for ancestors in Chesterfield County, South Carolina.
Today we will be looking at the following Estate folders:
Folder #307
Wadsworth Infants~Thomas, Wincey, J. B and Rosanna Wadsworth.1
This estate folder begins at image #892 and ends with image #947. (images 892-947)
On 4 June 1872, Daniel Wadsworth, son of John B. Wadsworth and Elizabeth Carpenter passed away at the age of 65. Surviving him was his 2nd wife, Sarah Vick and their 7 children; four of which were under the age of 21.
Probate Folder #307 contains all the court actions taken to assign guardians and care for the minor children of Daniel Wadsworth.
Guardians were assigned for:
• Thomas Morris Wadsworth
• Winifred Louisa ‘Wincey” Wadsworth
• Josephus Browne Wadsworth
• Rosanne Amelia “Rosa” Wadsworth
At the request of the 4 Wadsworth children, W. A. Evans was appointed by the Courts as guardians for the four minor children.
State of South Carolina}
Chesterfield County}
To W.J. Hanna Judge of Probate
The petition of J. Browne Wadsworth Sheweth that he is an infant under the age of twenty-one years, and over the age of fourteen years.
Respectfully prays that W. A. Evans be appointed as Guardian to receive whatever may be due him from the estate of Daniel Wadsworth.
Dec. 15th 1871 J. B. Wadsworth
M. H. Wadsworth
As the three children reached the age of majority notices such as this were posted in the local newspaper.
NOTICE is hereby given that I will, on the Fifth day of April 1880, apply to W. J. HANNA, Judge of Probate, for a final discharge as Guardian of J. B. and Rosa Wadsworth. W. A. Evans
Feb. 11.—4t. Guardian
W. A. Hanna then sent a petition similar to this to the Probate Judge.
Court of Probate
State of South Carolina}
Chesterfield County}
W. A. Evans Guardian of} Petition for final discharge
J. B. Wadsworth}
To W. J. Hanna Judge of Probate
The petition of W. A. Evans Guardian of J. B. Wadsworth respectfully shows
That the said J. B. Wadsworth is now twenty one years of age-
That your petitioner has made a final settlement with the said J. B. Wadsworth reference to his final return herewith filed will more fully show and your petitioner prays that said return may be taken as part of this petition and referred to when necessary
Wherefore your petitioner prays that an order of final discharge be granted him and your petitioner will ever pray &c. W. A. Evans
Then this final discharge was issued by the Courts.
Sadly, the death of their Father was not the end of tragedy for this family. Just a short 4 years and 9 months later their Mother, Sarah Vick Wadsworth, died on 19 Mar 1877. The 2 youngest children were still under the age of twenty-one.
[1] "South Carolina Probate Records, Files and Loose Papers, 1732-1964," images, FamilySearch ( : 21 May 2014), Chesterfield > Probate Court, Estate records > 1865-1927 > Cases 0282-0330 > image 892 of 1448; county courthouses, South Carolina, and South Carolina Department of Archives and History, Columbia.
Saturday, September 17, 2016
It's Family Time~Phillip A. Sellers

Phillip A. Sellers, a son of Phillip Sellers, Jr. and Mary E. ‘Polly’ Gulledge, was born about 1829 in Chesterfield County, South Carolina. Phillip was the oldest son and had four siblings; two brothers and two sisters.
On 8 March 1860, Phillip A. married Viney Phillips, a daughter of Capt. John Phillips.1
253. In this county, on the 8th inst., by John P. RATLIFF, Esq., Mr. Phillip SELLERS to Miss Viny PHILLIPS, daughter of Capt. John PHILLIPS. The Argus, March 15th, 1860.
Phillip and Viny are enumerated with his mother Mary E. ‘Polly’ Gulledge Sellers in the 1860 census for Anson County, North Carolina.2
1860 CENSUS: Gulledge, Anson County, North Carolina; Roll: M653_887; Image: 136; Family History Library Film: 803887, Page: 288 (stamped), Line 21, Dwelling 1049, Family 1009; Mary SELLERS, Female, age 65, born in NC; Philip SELLERS, Male, age 28, born in NC and Viney SELLERS, Female, age 20, born in NC.
After the 1860 census my research turned cold and I could find no additional evidence or information for Phillip and Viney Sellers. That is until last week when I made a concentrated effort to locate a death date for Joel Sellers, a younger brother of Phillip A. Sellers.
I made a trip to the local library to access the multi-volume “North Carolina Troops, 1861-1865: A Roster” known as the “Bible” for NC Civil War soldiers. While browsing through these multi-volumes, I realized that Joel and his older brother Phillip A. Sellers both enlisted on 25 February 1862 with Company “I” 43rd Regiment North Carolina Infantry (State Troops).
On the same page in Volume 10, page 379 we have entries for both Joel and Phillip Sellers. 3 4
Private Joel Sellers
Born in Chesterfield District, South Carolina and resided in Anson County where he was by occupation a farmer prior to enlisting in Anson County on February 25, 1862. Present or accounted for until discharged on August 14, 1862, by reason of "an excessive and remarkable congenital malformation of the chest." Later served as Private in 1st Company, 36th Regiment N. C. troops (2nd Regiment N.C. Artillery)
Private Phillip Sellers
Born in Chesterfield District, South Carolina and resided in Anson County where he was by occupation a farmer prior to enlisting in Anson county at age 33, February 25, 1862. Present or accounted for until he died in hospital at Petersburg, Virginia, August 10-12, 1862, of ty[phoid] febris."
It was at this moment that I realized why I could not locate Phillip and Viney after 1860 Census.
Phillip A. Sellers died on 10 August 1862 of typhoid fever. 5
Phillip A. Sellers is my 2nd Cousin 4 times removed.
[1] Anson NCGenWeb, Anson NCGenWeb, Anson County, NC - Marriage & Death Notices, 1859-1860 ( : viewed 2 June 2014), Mr. Phillip SELLERS to Miss Viny PHILLIPS, daughter of Capt. John PHILLIPS.
[2] 1860 U. S. Census, Anson County, North Carolina, population schedule, Gulledge, Anson County, North Carolina, Page: 288 (stamped), Line 21, Dwelling 1049, Family 1009, Household of Mary SELLERS; online database, ( : viewed 26 December 2014); citing National Archives Microfilm Publication M653, Roll 887.
[3] Matthew Brown Editor, BOOK: NORTH CAROLINA TROOPS:1861-1865: A Roster (Raleigh, NC 27699-4622: Historical Publications Section, 1997), Joel Sellers, Volume 10, page 379.
[4] Matthew Brown Editor, BOOK: NORTH CAROLINA TROOPS:1861-1865: A Roster (Raleigh, NC 27699-4622: Historical Publications Section, 1997), Phillip Sellers, Volume 10, page 379.
[5] Ancestry, "Civil War Service Records" database, Military Service Records ( : accessed 14 September 2016), entry for Phillip Sellers, Private; Co. "I", 43rd Reg't; Confederate.
Thursday, September 15, 2016
Treasure Chest Thursday~Joel Sellers, Civil War Pension File
Joel Sellers was born June 1831, a son of of Phillip Sellers, Jr. and Mary E. “Polly” Gulledge. Joel along with his brother Phillip enlisted in the Civil war on 25 February 1862. While I have no proof, I suspect that Joel was injured while in the military. On 23 May 1864, General William Henry Chase Whiting issued orders discharging Joel from the military for “an excessive and remarkable congenital malformation of the chest."
Joel returned home and married about 1865, Rachel Phillips, daughter of Reuben J. Phillips and his wife Hannah.
The last census that I could find Joel and Rachel in was the 1910 Census for Anson County. Joel was 74 and Rachel was age 72. They had been married for 45 years with no children.
1910 CENSUS: Gulledge, Anson County, North Carolina; Roll: T624_1096; Enumeration District: 0005; 5 May 1910, FHL microfilm: 1375109, Page 11A/63(stamped); Line 17, Dwelling 180, Family 180; Joel SELLERS, male, age 74, born in SC and Rachel SELLERS, Wife, age 72, born in NC; married 45 years, no children.
No tombstone or death certificate had been found for Joel Sellers. His wife Rachel, did have a death certificate that shows she died as a widow on 24 Jan 1918 in Anson County, North Carolina.
For some years, Joel's death date has been recorded in my database as before 24 Jan 1918. So last week I made a concentrated effort to locate a death date for Joel. While I was unable to locate a precise death date I have narrowed the time line down to between 5 May 1910 and 15 July 1912; a 2 year 2 months time period.
The two documents that allowed me to narrow the time frame for Joel’s death are the:
- 1910 census enumerated 5 May 1910 showing Joel alive and living in Anson County and
- page 3 of Joel’s Civil war pension file where Rachel stated on 12 July 1912 that she was the widow of Joel Sellers.
1. Ancestry, "Civil War Service Records" database, Military Service Records ( : accessed 14 August 2014), entry for Joel Sellers, Private; Third Artillery, 40th State Troops); Confederate.
2. 1870 U S Census, Anson County, North Carolina, population schedule, Gulledge, Anson County, North Carolina, Page: 343A(stamped); Line 2, Dwelling 164, Family 164, Household of Joel SELLERS; digital image, ( : viewed 4 June 2014); citing National Archive Microfilm M593, Roll 1122.
3. 1880 US Census, Anson County, North Carolina, population schedule, Gulledge, Anson County, North Carolina, enumeration district (ED) 003, page 375B(stamped), Line 31, Dwelling 276, Family 276, Household of Joel SELLERS; digital image, ( : viewed 14 August 2014); citing National Archives Microfilm T9, Roll 951.
4. North Carolina, Deed Book: Deed Book 21, Pages 614 and 615, Chas S. Phillips & Others to E. Phillips & Others; Register of Deeds, Wadesboro, Anson County, North Carolina.
5. 1900 US Census, Anson County, North Carolina, population schedule, Gulledge, Anson County, North Carolina, enumeration district (ED) 0003, Page 7A/50(stamped), Line 22, Dwelling 110, Family 110, Household of Joel SELLERS; digital image, ( : viewed 14 August 2014); citing National Archives Microfilm T623, Roll 1181.
6. 1910 U. S. Census, Anson County, North Carolina, population schedule, Gulledge, Anson County, North Carolina, enumeration district (ED) 0005, Page 11A/63(stamped), Line 17, Dwelling 180, Family 180, Household of Joel SELLERS; digital images, ( : viewed 14 August 2304); citing National Archives Microfilm T624, Roll 1096.
7. NC MARS System. Id 5.22.380.63 (Folder), Joel Sellers, Civil war Pension File.
Wednesday, September 14, 2016
Tuesday, September 13, 2016
Tombstone Tuesday~Dewitt G. Brock
Dewitt G. Brock
b.Nov. 9, 1890
d. Dec. 6, 1897
b.Nov. 9, 1890
d. Dec. 6, 1897
bu. Brock Cemetery
Tombstone Photo Courtesy of Julious Burr |
Dewitt G. Brock, born 9 November 1890, was the last born child of James Paul Brock and his wife Carrie Josephine Smith Brock. James Paul and Carrie were married 2 September 1869 and Dewitt was their 9th child consisting of 7 sons and 2 daughters.
I was unable to find an obituary so it is not known what caused this young child to pass away at the age of seven.
Dewitt was buried in the Brock cemetery where his father is buried also. His mother was interred in the Pine Grove Baptist Church Cemetery.
Dewitt is my 2nd cousin 3 times removed.
Monday, September 12, 2016
Amanuensis Monday~Land Deed from Thomas C. and Samuel W. Brock to James A. Watson, 1897
Amanuensis Monday is a genealogy blogging theme. It was started by John Newmark who writes the TransylvanianDutch blog.
His definition of Amanuensis is:
Amanuensis: A person employed to write what another dictates or to copy what has been written by another.
Today’s subject is a Land Deed from Thomas C. and Samuel W. Brock to James A. Watson, 1897.1
The death of Samuel W. Brock during the Civil War left his widow with two small sons ages one and 1/2 and 4 years old. In 1800, M. Ann Brock and her two sons were living in the Cheraw Township of Chesterfield County.2
1880 Census |
No additional record of M. Ann/Anna has been found after the 1880 Census with one exception. I could find no record of her in the 1900 Censuses even though I found both Thomas and Samuel in the 1900 census for Cheraw, Chesterfield County, SC. All indication are that M. Ann Brock died prior to the 1900 census enumeration.
1900 CENSUS: Cheraw, Chesterfield County, South Carolina; Roll: 1523; Enumeration District: 0017; FHL microfilm: 1241523; Page: 7A/26(stamped); Line 8, Dwelling 110, Family 110; Samuel W. BROCK, age 37, Single, born March 1863 and his brother Thomas C. BROCK, age 39, Single, born Oct. 1860.3
When I have exhausted all other resources I turn to Land Deeds to see what I can find. It’s almost certain that if your ancestors owned any property you are certain to find some sort of transaction dealing with that land/property after the their loss.
A Land Deed (DB 14, page 223-225) is the only document found that shows that M. Ann Brock is deceased and the she died sometime before 20 Jan 1897, the date on the within shown deed.
Thos. C. Brock}
Samuel W. Brock} Deed
James A. Watson}
The State of South Carolina
Know all men by these Presents That We Thomas C. Brock and Samuel W. Brock heirs at law of M. Ann Brock deceased of the County of Chesterfield in the state aforesaid for and in
Deed Book 14, pages 223-225
Thos. C. Brock}
Samuel W. Brock} Deed
James A. Watson}
The State of South Carolina
Know all men by these Presents That We Thomas C. Brock and Samuel W. Brock heirs at law of M. Ann Brock deceased of the County of Chesterfield in the state aforesaid for and in consideration of the sum of Seventy five Dollars to us in hand paid at and before the sealing of these present by James A. Watson of the County of Chesterfield in the state aforesaid, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged have granted, bargained, sold and released and and <sic> by these presents do grant, bargain, sell and release unto the said James A Watson.
All that certain piece parcel or tract of land situate lying and being in the County of Chesterfield and State aforesaid containing thirty Six acres more or less and is described in a plat thereof made by J. C. Coit, Surveyor dated the 20th day of September A. D. 1896 and hereto attached and is particularly described as follows: Beginning at a Stake corner in the edge of a branch know as Wolf branch marked on said plat C 3X0; running thence South 77 ¼ East thirty two chains to a Stake corner in or very near to a pile of Rocks marked on said Plat B Stake 3X0; running thence North 12 ¾ East thirteen chains and thirty links to a stake corner marked A on said plat; running thence a line parallel to the first line herein described North 77 ¼ West about twenty two chains and twenty five links to a corner on the lands of W. T. Lowry left open on said plat (start page 224) thence along the lands of W. T. Lowry a straight line running South 49¼ West to the beginning corner at a Stake in the edge of the aforesaid branch.
Together with all and singular the Rights, Members, Hereditaments and Appurtenances to the said Premises belonging or in any wise incident or appertaining.
To have and to hold all and singular the said premises before mentioned unto the said James A. Watson his heirs and assigns forever.
And we do hereby bind ourselves and our Heirs, Executors and Administrators, to warrant and forever defend all and singular the said premised unto the said James A. Watson His Heirs and Assigns against ourselves and our Heirs and all persons whomsoever lawfully claiming or to claim the same or any part thereof.
Witness our Hands and seal this 20th day of January in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and Ninety seven and in the one hundred and twenty first years of the Sovereignty and Independence of the United States of America.
Signed, Sealed and Delivered}
In the Presence of} Thomas C. Brock {seal}
T. S. Huntley} Samuel W. Brock {seal}
E. J. Kennedy}
State of South Carolina}
Chesterfield County}
Personally appeared before me E. J. Kennedy and made oath that he saw the within named Thomas C. Brock and Samuel W. Brock Sign, Seal and as their Act and Deed, deliver the within written deed; that he with T. S. Huntley witnessed the execution thereof.
Sworn before me this 20th day of January A. D.1907}
{seal} G. J. Redfearn} S. J. Kennedy
Clerk of Court
The above represents that portion of the Estate lands of Mrs. Ann Brock, claimed by J. A. Watson under an alleged agreement between the said J. A. Watson and the heirs of Mrs. Ann Brock. It is situated in Chesterfield Co., SC near Brocks Mill.
I[t] contains thirty six acres and hath such forms marks and boundaries as represented.
Done by me Sept. 20th 1896 for J. A. Watson.
J. C. Coit.
Recorded this 20th day of January 1897, in Book C, page 254.
Fee $.25
R. E. Rivers
Auditor Chesterfield County, SC
Recorded 20th January 1897
[1] Chesterfield County, South Carolina, Deed Book 14: pages 223-225, Thomas C. and Samuel W. Brock to James A. Watson, 1897; Register of Deeds, Chesterfield, Chesterfield County, South Carolina.
[2] 1880 U. S. Census, Chesterfield County, South Carolina, population schedule, Cheraw, Chesterfield, South Carolina, enumeration district (ED) 002, Page 287B, Line 29, Dwelling 533, Family 537, Household of Anna BROCK; digital images, ( : viewed 3 May 2015); citing National Archives Microfilm T9-1225.
[3] 1900 U. S. Census, Chesterfield County, South Carolina, population schedule, Cheraw, Chesterfield County, South Carolina, enumeration district (ED) 0017, Page: 7A/26(stamped); Line 8, Dwelling 110, Family 110, Household of Samuel W. BROCK; digital images, ( : viewed 4 September 2013); citing National Archives Microfilm T623_1523.
M. Ann Brock,
Samuel W. Brock,
Thos. C. Brock
Sunday, September 11, 2016
Saturday, September 10, 2016
It’s Family Time~Robert Richard Davis
Robert Richard "Ricks" Davis was born in 1821, a son of Jonathan Daniel Davis and his wife, name unknown. Ricks, as he was known, married Sarah ‘Sallie’ Rivers daughter of William Rivers and Elizabeth ‘Betsy’ Rivers. We can only estimate their marriage year based on the birth of their first born. That child, a son named Richard Frederick ‘Fred’ Davis, was born 21 October 1837. Based on this date it’s very likely that Ricks and Sallie were married about 1836; Ricks would have been 15 and Sallie would have been 18.
In the 1850 Census we find Sarah without a husband, living with her aged Father, with three young children in the household; Richard Frederick ‘Fred’ Davis, Elijah Thomas Davis and Hannah Davis, a daughter born in May 1846.
1850 Census, Chesterfield County, SC |
There’s been a lot of speculation on the absence of Robert Richard "Ricks" Davis from the household in 1850 with no definitive answers found documented. Based on almost 40 years of research, it is my opinion that this is a clear case of “spousal abandonment”.
The children of Robert Richard Davis and Sarah Rivers are:
i. Richard Frederick "Fred" Davis, born 21 Oct 1837, Chesterfield, Chesterfield, South Carolina; married Elizabeth McBride, abt 1863, Chesterfield, Chesterfield, South Carolina; married Lucy Hardy White, aft 1901, Chesterfield, Chesterfield, South Carolina; died 8 Nov 1915, Chesterfield, Chesterfield, South Carolina.
ii. Elijah Thomas Davis, born 26 Jun 1845, Chesterfield, Chesterfield, South Carolina; married Mattie Deese, 7 Aug 1870, Chesterfield, Chesterfield, South Carolina; died 26 Nov 1920, Hartsville, Darlington, South Carolina.
iii. Hannah Davis, born May 1846, Chesterfield, Chesterfield, South Carolina; married William Riley Grant, abt 1867, Chesterfield, Chesterfield, South Carolina; died 23 Jun 1923, Chesterfield, Chesterfield, South Carolina.
Robert Richard "Ricks" Davis is my 1st Cousin 4 times removed.
Sarah ‘Sallie’ Rivers Davis is my 3rd Great Grand Aunt.
1. Harry Alexander Davis, The Davis Family (Davies and David) in Wales and America: genealogy of Morgan David of Pennsylvania (Washington, D.C.: H. A. Davis, 1927), page 124.
2. James C. Pigg, Chesterfield County Cemetery Survey; Self-Published, 1995, Page 831. Tombstone of Sarah RIVERS; 1818–1901, Zoar United Methodist Church Cemetery, Chesterfield, Chesterfield County, South Carolina.
3. 1850 U. S. Census, Chesterfield District, South Carolina, population schedule, Chesterfield District, South Carolina, Page 179B, Line 16, family 1242, dwelling 1242, Household of William Rivers; digital images, ( : accessed 2010); citing National Archives Microfilm M432 Roll 851.
4. 1860 U. S. Census, Chesterfield County, South Carolina, population schedule, Chesterfield County, South Carolina, Page: 128B; Line 8, Dwelling/Family 489/488, Household of Sarah [RIVERS] DAVIS; digital images, ( : viewed 3 August 2011); citing National Archives Microfilm M653_1217.
5. 1900 U. S. Census, Chesterfield County, South Carolina, population schedule, Court House, Chesterfield County, South Carolina, enumeration district (ED) #21, Page 100B, Line 61, Dwelling/Family 297/303, Household of Frederick DAVIS; digital images, ( : viewed 3 August 2011); citing National Archives Microfilm T623_Roll: 1523.
6. James C. Pigg, Chesterfield County Cemetery Survey, Self-Published, 1995. Tombstone of Sarah RIVERS.
7. Find A Grave, Inc., Find A Grave, database and digital images, ( : accessed 9 November 2014); Memorial page for Sarah Davis; (1818–1901); Find a Grave memorial # 100262602, Citing Zoar United Methodist Church Cemetery; Brocks Mill, Chesterfield County, South Carolina, USA.
Thursday, September 8, 2016
Treasure Chest Thursday-Probate of Jeremiah Fail Estate
To the Honorable J. H. Burdick, Judge of the Probate court for Wilcox County
Your petitioner, William G. Fail, a resident citizen of Wilcox County over the age of twenty- one years, respectfully represents that Jeremiah Fail, who was at the time of his death, a resident citizen of Said County, departed this life on or about the 13th day of May, 1872, intestate.
That the said Jeremiah fail was possessed of & owned a large real & personal estate, which your petitioner estimated to be worth about forty thousand ($40000,); the major part of which said estate is in the county aforesaid.
That the said testate left heirs surviving?, his widow, Mrs. Eliza Fail & your petitioner, who is his only son, & Mrs. Margaret Reddish, who is his only daughter, and that they are his next of kin & only heirs at law, & that they both are over the age of twenty one & reside in Wilcox County.
That Mrs. Eliza Fail, the widow of said intestate, died in Wilcox County, Alabama about two weeks after the death of said Jeremiah Fail, and no one has as yet been appointed administrator of her Estate.
Your petitioner furthers states that he is informed & believe that he is entitled to precedence in the administration of his father’s estate, he therefore prays Yr Honor to Appoint him administrator of the estate of said Jeremiah Fail, deceased; & that that such proceedings may be his? that letters of Administration may be duly and legally granted to your petitioner.
Sworn to & published} Respectfully,
Before me this 20, day} W. G. Fail
Of June, 1871}
J. H. Burdick,
Judge of Probate
Jeremiah Fail was twice married. He married his second wife, Elizabeth Sellers, daughter of Samuel Sellers and Alice “Allie” Cook on 14 July 1841 in Wilcox County, Alabama.
Jeremiah and Elizabeth had a 3rd child, Harriett, that died prior to May 1871.
Elizabeth Sellers Fail is my 2nd Cousin 5 times removed.
Wednesday, September 7, 2016
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