We know from a 1843 Cheraw Equity record that Mary M. Parsons was born on 10 April 1825, a daughter of Abbington Parsons and his wife Mary [LNU]. we also know that in 1843 she was not married.
#6-Ratliff, William H. vs. Mary Parsons Adm. et al - Bill for account & c 1843 1Abington Parsons departed this life on or about 13th day of April 1826. Heirs: Widow, Mary Parsons; children: Ann Parsons, born June 27th 1818, intermarried with Richmond White; Timney Parsons, born September 2, 1819, intermarried with Noah Sellers; Raymond Parsons, born December 5, 1820; Elizabeth Parsons, born March 9, 1822 intermarried with William Sellers; Thomas Parsons, born May 10, 1823; Mary M. Parsons, born April 10, 1825.
We know from an Anson County Land Deed that Matthew M. Sellers married Mary Parsons sometime between the above Equity record (1843) and the date of Deed between MATHEW SELLERS TO SARAH RICKETTS, dated 29 September 1850. 2
Anson County, NC Deed Book 13, Page 471-472
This Indenture made this 29th day of September in the year of our Lord 1850 Between Mathew Sellers of the State of South Carolina Chesterfield District of the one part and Sarah Ricketts of the state and District aforesaid of the other part Witnefseth that the said Mathew Sellers for and in consideration of the sum of twenty dollars the payment which is secured to be made have bargained, sold, conveyed and confirmed and by these presents do bargain, sell, convey and confirm unto the said Sarah Ricketts her heirs, Executors, Administrators and afsigns a certain piece or parcel of land lying and being in the County of Anson in the State of North Carolina on Westfield Creek it being the distributive share of my wife, Mary Parsons of all the real Estate of her Father Abbington Parsons, in the said state of [and]county aforesaid at the time of his death bounded on the South by the South Carolina line adjoining to and bounded by lands of James Parsons, Isham A. Wallace,
Then tragically on 16 Dec 1856, Mathew M. Sellers was murdered; stabbed to death. 3
CHERAW, S.C., Dec, 17 – We regret to learn that an affray occurred late yesterday evening at the sale of Mr. Odom. In the affray, Mathew M. Sellers was stabbed so badly that there is no hope of his life.-Gazette
DANIEL JOHNSON, and WASHINGTON JOHNSTON, having murdered Mathew M. Sellers, and fled from justice. I will give a reward of One Hundred Dollars, For his apprehension and delivery to the Sheriff of Chesterfield District, or confinement in any jail so that he may be brought to justice.
The said Daniel Johnston is about 22 years of age, 5 feet 8 or 10 inched high, pale complexion, light hair, and is a little round shouldered. The two first fingers on his left hand are cut off.
Chesterfield C. H., S. C. Dec. 17, 1856
If you have any additional information on Mathew and Mary please contact me.
Mary M. Parsons Sellers is my 2nd Great Grand Aunt.
[1] #6 Index and Genealogical Abstracts of the Chesterfield District Court of Common Pleas, Equity Side, 1823-1869, page 115 as recorded in "Cheraw/Chesterfield District Wills, 1750-1865 & Abstracts from the Court of Common Pleas 1823-1869, Published by James C. Pigg, Copyright 1995.
[2] Anson County, North Carolina, Deed Book 13: pages 471-472, MATHEW SELLERS TO SARAH RICKETTS; 29 September 1850, Register of Deeds, Wadesboro, Anson County, North Carolina.
[3] "BLOODY AFFRAY.," The Tri-Weekly Commercial (Wilmington, North Carolina), 20 December 1856, page 2. Chronicling America.
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