For over 30 years the parents of two young Brock girls have alluded me and what happened to one of those girls was not known until yesterday.
Both Girls were born in 1876; their names were:
- Mary Kizzie or Kizzie M. Brock, b. August 1876
- Irvin Theatus Brock, b. 10 March 1876
At one time I thought that these girls were one individual using two different names but further research proved that the hypothesis was not possible.
Kizzie M. Brock born August 1876 is the daughter of Irvin Samuel Brock (18 Oct 1849-5 Oct 1931), son of Alexander Brock and Timmie White and his 1st Wife Mary K. Proboff. The Proboff surname has not been found in any surrounding county so this may be a misspelling.
Up until yesterday all I knew about Mary Kizzie, or Kizzie M. Brock was found in an 1880 Chesterfield County, SC Land Deed (DB 5, pg 782-785) that I wrote about here:
Ironically it was another Chesterfield County Land Deed that provided additional information (DB 17, pages 533-536).

A. G. Bright as Trustee To Kizzie M. Bullard
A. G. Bright as Trustee}
To } Deed
Kizzie M. Bullard}
To all whom these Presents may come,
Whereas Lucy Brock late of the County of Chesterfield, State of South Carolina, by her Deed bearing Date the 18
th Day of March 1880 conveyed the property herein after Described to Wm. T. Powell, in trust, for the uses and trusts fully set forth reference being thereto have, will more fully appear.
And whereas the said Wm. T. Powell having died many years ago the Court by order, duly appointed A. G. Bright as Trustee to carry out the terms of the said trust Deed, and he has been acting as said trustee.
And whereas Charles A. Brock and Sarah J. Brock, the immediate beneficiaries and Cestui Que Trusts, in said Deed named have both died, leaving no child, or children, nor did the said Charles A. Brock leave any child, or children of any other wife.
And whereas Kizzie M. Brock who has since inter-married with one George T. Bullard) was named in said Deed as the sole beneficiary of Cestui Que Trust, after the death of said Charles A. brock and Sarah J. Brock, should they leave no children, and should the said Charles A. Brock leave no child, or children by any other wife.
And whereas the said Kizzie M. Brock has married the said George G. Bullard and has children living and has not forfeited her interest in the said trust, estate under the terms of the said Trust Deed;
Page 534
And whereas under the terms of the said Deed, the Trustee is directed on the happening of the events above set forth to convey the premises therein described to the said Kizzie M. Brock, now Bullard; her heirs and assigns absolutely, freed and discharged from all trusts.
No know All men By These presents, That I, A. G. Bright, trustee as aforesaid, by virtue of the power contained in the above mentioned Deed all al other powers me thereunto ???? in consideration of the premises have granted, bargained, sold and released and by these presents do grant, bargain, sell and release unto the said Kizzie M. Bullard, nee Brock, all those parts of three lots in the town of Cheraw in the County of Chesterfield, State of South Carolina, known and named on the plan of said town as number one hundred and fifty six (156), one hundred and fifty seven (157) and one hundred and fifty eight (158), Each being one hundred and fifty feet one way and two hundred feet the other way and all being within the following lines to wit: -Beginning at the corner of lot one hundred fifty nine and Hugar Street, thence along said street two hundred feet to the corner of Peter H. Brock lot, formally known as the Western Public Square, and now supposed to be owned by L. D. Harrall; thence by said Brock or Harrall line three hundred feet, more or less, to lot one hundred and thirty seven; thence by said last named lot two hundred feet to lot one hundred and fifty nine; thence by the lines of said last named lot to the beginning.
All of which was conveyed to the said Lucy Brock by Deed from Michael Hennesy dated 26
th January A. D. 1876
Page 535
and which is contained in the said Trust Deed, herein referred to.
Also part of lot number eleven (11), in the said Town of Cheraw, on the Corner of Market and Front Street of said town (being all of said lot except that part at one time sold by N. D. Stricklin to L. Wicker), and also thirty nine feet on the West end of lot number twelve (12) whereon were the stables occupied by the late Charles A. Brock.
Together with all and singular the rights, members, hereditaments, and appurtenances to the said premises belonging, or in anywise incident or appertaining.
To Have and to Hold all and singular the said premises unto the said Kizzie M. Bullard, her heirs and assigns forever.
And I do hereby bind myself, my heirs, executors and administrators to warrant, and forever defend all and singular the said premises unto the said Kizzie M. Bullard, her heirs and assigns, against me and my heirs Claiming or to Claim the same or any part thereof.
Witness my hand and seal this 23
rd day of March in the year of our Lord One thousand nine hundred and one.
Signed, Sealed and Delivered}
In the presence of } A. G. Bright {seal}
‘A. G. Myers} As Trustee
H. D. Duckworth}
U. S. Intr. Rev Stamp amtg to
One & 5/100 Dollars Cmr by H. M. B. 3/23/1901
The State of North Carolina}
Mecklenburg County}
Personally appeared before me (Page 536) A. G. Myers and made oath that he saw the the <sic> within named A. G. Bright, as Trustee, sign seal and as his act and Deed deliver the within written Deed; and that he with H. D. Duckworth witnessed the execution thereof.
Sworn to before me this} A. G. Meyers
rd day of March 1901.}
{Official} J. A. H. Russell}
{Seal} Clerk of Superior Court}
Mecklenburg County}
Recorded this 30 day of Mch 1901 in Book D, Page 11
Fee .25
E. F. Mulloy
Auditor C. C.
Recorded 30
th March 1901
Further research revealed that Kizzie M. Brock married George T. Bullard in 1893 (1900 census). They had the following children:
- Wilma Mary Bullard, b. Oct 1894
- Claude Brock Bullard, b. 15 Jan 1897; d. 18 Nov 1955 in California and buried in San Bruno, California. WWI Veteran
Kizzie M. Brock Bullard died sometime before 1907 in Georgia and George married Jennie M. Brown in 1907. Their children were:
- Helen E. Bullard, b. 16 June 1908; d. 20 July 1979.
- James T. Bullard; b. 13 Jul 1910, d. Nov 1970.
George T. Bullard died in 1917 and both he and his daughter Helen E. Bullard, Spinster, are buried in the West Hill Cemetery,
Dalton, Whitfield County, Georgia
[1] Land Deed - Lucy BROCK to W. T. POWELL; Deed Book #5; Page(s) 782-785; Register of Deeds; Chesterfield, Chesterfield County, South Carolina; 23 July 2012
[2] Land Deed -A. G. Bright as Trustee To Kizzie M. Bullard; Deed Book #17; Page(s) 533-536; Register of Deeds; Chesterfield, Chesterfield County, South Carolina; 10 December 2017