DB 1, Pages 309-310
Michl Davis to W. A. Davis Deed
The State of South Carolina.
Know all men by these presents that I Michael Davis of the District of Chesterfield, in the State aforesaid in consideration of the sum of Two Hundred and seventy five dollars to me paid by William A. Davis of the said District in the State aforesaid have granted, bargained sold and released, and by these presents, do grant, bargain, sell and release, unto the Said William A. Davis all that piece parcel and tract of land situate lying and being in the District and State aforesaid on the waters of Little Westfield Creek and Abrams Creek bounded on the North by lands of Kintchen Previtt and land belonging to me the said Michael Davis, on the East by lands belonging to Estate of Samuel Rivers and Jno. B. Rivers, also by a small portion of E. W. Gulledge land, on the South by land belonging to the Estate of Jno. B. Rivers aforesaid on the West by land belonging to me the said Michael Davis containing One hundred fifty acres more of lefs the Middle Prong Branch, being the dividing line, on the West between said Tract and land of the said Michl Davis and the Hog Head Branch, the dividing line, on the North, the said tract of land being part of two tracts of land conveyed to me the said Michl Davis by Wm. L. Campbell and Levica Gulledge, I reserve to myself and my wife Huldy Davis, the privilege during our life time of the pasture known as the Cane break on the above tract Together with all and singular the rights, members, hereditaments and appurtenances to the Said belonging or in any wise incident or appertaining. To have and to hold all and Singular the premises before mentioned unto the said Wm. A. Davis his Heirs and afsigns forever. And I do hereby bind myself, my heirs Executors and Administrators, to warrant and forever defend all and Singular the said premises unto the said W. A. Davis his heirs and assigns against myself, and my heirs & every other person or persons lawfully claiming or to claim the same or any part thereof.
Witness my hand and Seal this 24th day of August, in the year of Our Lord one thousand Eight hundred and Sixty seven and in the Ninety second year of the Sovereignty and Independence of the United States of America.
Signed, Sealed and delivered} Michael Davis {LS}
In the presence of}
Jas. Johnson} {U.S.Stamp amounting to}
A. P. Craig} {Fifty Cents properly canceled}
State of South Carolina}
Chesterfield County}
Personally appeared before me James Johnson and made oath that he saw the within named Michael Davis, Sign, Seal and as his Act and deed deliver the within Deed and that he with A. P. Craig, witnessed the execution thereof.
Sworn before me this} James Johnson
19 day of Sept 1868}
T. L. Mulloy} Recorded 5 Jany 1869
Clk} Origl Del to Wm. A. Davis
This land deed between father (Michael Davis ) and son (William A. Davis) provides several items of genealogical interest.
First, It specifically names his wife as Huldy Davis. We know from further research that she was Hulda Rivers, daughter of William Rivers.
Kinchen Previtt is named and again from research we know that Kinchen’s son John Washington married Michael and Hulda daughter Elizabeth “Bette” Davis.
Also mentioned is “on the East by lands belonging to Estate of Samuel Rivers and Jno. B. Rivers”. Samuel Rivers was last found in the 1860 Census.
1860 CENSUS: Chesterfield County, South Carolina; Roll: M653_1217; Image: 259; Family History Library Film: 805217; Page: 128 (Stamped); Line 14, Dwelling 483, Family 482; Household includes, Saml RIVERS, Male, age 30, Farmer, born in SC; Catherine RIVERS, female, age 34, born in SC; Sarah [Flora] A. RIVERS, female, age 12, born in SC; Mark RIVERS, male, age 10, born in SC; John Alfred RIVERS, male, age 8, born in SC; Sarah C. RIVERS, female, age 2, born in SC and Ann [Parker] RIVERS, female, age 60, born in SC.
For years I have been unable to find any additional information about Samuel Rivers, his wife Catherine and his family members. This Land Deed tells me that Samuel Rivers died intestate sometime before 24 August 1867. No probate record exists for Samuel Rivers.
The Land Deed also tell me from whom my 3rd great grandfather (Michael Davis) acquired the land.
Michael Davis, my 3rd Great Grandfather, died 26 April 1888.
[1] Chesterfield County, South Carolina, Deed Book 1: Pages 309-310, Michl Davis to W. A. Davis Deed; 24 August 1867, Register of Deeds, Chesterfield, Chesterfield County, South Carolina.