William Wood to Dempsey Huneycutte 1
This indenture made the fifth day of June in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and thirty Eight Between William Wood of the state of N. Carolina and county of Montgomery of the one part and Dempsey Honeycutte Senr of the same county + State aforesaid of the other part Witnefseth that for + in consideration of the sum of fifty dollars to him in hand paid before the signing sealing of these presents the receipt whereof is hereby fully acknowledged by him the said William Wood hath given granted bargained + sold + by these presents doth give grant bargain + sell unto the said Dempsey Huneycutt his heirs and assigns forever all that piece parcel plantation or tract of land + improvement situated in Montgomery on the East prong of Island creek joining John Peeks South east line Beginning at a stake at the Allenton road leading to Charlotte on John Peeks line running with his line north west 175 poles to a stake thence a south East course 180 poles to a stake thence south 175 poles to a stake on the south side of the Allenton road thence a west course 175 poles to a stake thence 50 poles to the beginning containing 200 acres more or lefs also with all ways waters watercourses and every appurtenances thereunto belonging to have and to hold the said land and tenements unto him the said Dempsey Huneycutt his heirs exrs + adms + afsigns forever to the only proper use + behoof of him the said Dempsey Huneycutt and the sd William Wood for himself and each of his heirs do forever warrant and defend the right + title of said land clear + free from him the said William Wood his heirs and afsigns unto Dempsey Huneycutt his heirs + afsigns forever where unto I the said William Wood hath hereunto set his hand and affixed my seal the day + year first above written.
In the presence of us
George H. Huneycutte Wm. Wood
L. K. Huneycutte
North Carolina} June 26th 1854
Stanly County} Then the execution of this deed was proved on the oath of Levi K. Huneycutt therefore let it be registered. R. Harris, Clk
Registered 28th June 1854 S. S. Stone, Regr.
Dempsey Huneycutt Sr died sometime after 23 September 1849 and when the 1850 Census was enumerated. He should be listed in the 1850 Mortality schedule but he is not. The below document is the last document I have found that names Dempsey Huneycutt before his death.
23 September 1849 2
Original Bear Creek Primitive Baptist Association Minutes
On page 66 – Commencing on Saturday before the 4th Lord’s Day in [23] September 1849 The Meadow Creek association met with Elder G. Little delivering a sermon from Titus 2nd Chapter 14th verse. On the next page (67) present at this meeting was Hezekiah Hearne, D. Little and Demcy Hunnicut representatives from the Meadow Creek Church.
[1] Stanly County, North Carolina, Deed Book 3: pages 359-360, William Wood to Dempsey Huneycutte, Sr.; 5 June 1838, Register of Deeds, Albemarle, Stanly County, North Carolina.
[2] Original Bear Creek Primitive Baptist Association Minutes, page 66-67
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