Amanuensis Monday is a genealogy blogging theme. It was started by John Newmark who writes the TransylvanianDutch blog.
His definition of Amanuensis is:
Amanuensis: A person employed to write what another dictates or to copy what has been written by another.
Today’s subject is a Chesterfield County Land Deed, Father to Son, 1875.1
S. H. Brock to S. W. Brock Deed
South Carolina}
Chesterfield Co.}
Know all men by these presents that I Squire H. Brock of the county of Chesterfield and State of South Carolina for and in consideration of the sum of Fifty dollars to me in hand paid by Samuel W. Brock of the State and county have granted bargained sold and released and by these present do grant bargain sell and release unto the said Samuel W. Brock all the piece or parcel of land in the county of Chesterfield on the South side of Little Westfield Creek, on both sides of Wolf branch beginning at a pine on West side of Wolf branch(on Sarah Davis line) running No. 30° W. 11 chains 26 links to post oak, Thence W. 50° E.10 chains to Stake: thence N. 35° W. 10 chains to popular in middle of Wolf branch; thence N. 55° W. 7 chs to stake; thence N. 6° W. 13 chs 74 links to stake in bank of creek; thence N. 45° E. 6 chs with the various courses of the creek to maple corner thence S. 75° E. 31 chs 50 links to stake thence S. 24° W. 39 chs 90 links to the beginning – containing seventy seven and one fifth acres (more or lefs) Reference to the plat will more fully appear. Together with all and singular the rights members hereditaments appurtenances to the said premises unto the said Samuel W. Brock and his bodily heirs forever. And I do hereby bind myself my heirs executors and administrators to warrant and forever defend the same unto the said Samuel W. Brock and his bodily heirs forever against me and my heirs and against any person or persons whomsoever lawfully claiming or to claim any part thereof. In witness whereof I have this day set my hand and seal. This twentieth day of May in the year one thousand eight hundred and seventy five.
Squire H. Brock {Seal}
Signed, Sealed and delivered}
In the presence of us.}
Willie M. Brock}
Squire J. Brock}
State of South Carolina}
Chesterfield Co.}
Personally appeared before me Willie M. Brock and made oath that he saw the within named Squire H. Brock Sign Seal and as his act and Deed deliver the within deed and that he with Squire H. Brock witnesses the execution thereof. Willie M. Brock
Sworn to before me 21st day of May 1875}
H. D. Malloy {S}}
Notary Public}
Page 707
State of South Carolina}
Chesterfield County}
I, H. D. Malloy Notary Public do hereby certify unto all whom it may concern that Mrs. Rachel Brock the wife of the within named Squire H. Brock did this day appear before me, and upon being privately and separately examined by me, did declared that she does freely, voluntarily, and with any compulsion, dread or fear of any person or persons whosoever, renounce, release, and forever relinquish unto the within names S. W. Brock his heirs and assigns, all her interest + estate and also her right and claim of dower, of, in or to all and singular the premises within mentioned and released Given under my hand and seal this 4th day of June Anno Domini Eighteen hundred and seventy five.
H. D. Malloy{LS}} Rachel X her mark Brock {LS}
Notary Public
Filed in Office of County Auditor of Chesterfield County this seventeenth of July A.D. 1875 and recorded in Vol. 1, Page 75.
Recorded 17th July 1875 W. A. Malloy
Orig’l Deliv’d to S. W. Brock Dept. Auditor
Squire H. Brock, the father, is selling a 77 1/5 acres parcel of land located on both sides Westfield Creek to his son Samuel Washington Brock. His Son, Samuel, was recently married to Sarah Jane ‘Janie’ Lee and this was to be his purchase of land to support his family.
Squire H. Brock is my 3rd Great Grand Uncle.
[1] Land Deed - S. H. Brock to S. W. Brock; 20 May 1875; Deed Book #4; Page(s) 706 and 707; Register of Deeds; Chesterfield, Chesterfield County, SC; viewed and transcribed.
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