Thomas Lewis Will
In the name of God Amen. I Thomas Lewis of the County of Anson and State of North Carolina being weak in body but in perfect sinces <sic> and memory think it good to bestow my worldly goods before I depart this life first then after my body being decent buried I give and bequeath to dear wife Susannah my negro boy by the name of Sack and my negro girl by the name of Amy my land and plantation with the appurtenances thereunto belonging three cows and calves and one half of my stock of hogs and sheep & Bay Mare and all my household furniture during her natural life. The household furniture to be disposed of as she sees cause the rest of said property to be sold and equally divided between my seven daughters to wit: Nancy Graves, Rebecca Melton, Rachel Adams, Elizabeth Autry, Naomi Hubbard, Susannah May and Myram Graves my negro boy by the name of Jacob I give to my son Thomas J. Lewis my negro man by the name of Esex and my negro woman by the name of Jane and the rest of my property to be sold and the money to be disposed of as follows: forty dollars to Naomi Hubbard fifty dollars to Myram Graves one dollar to my son Daniel Lewis one dollar to the heirs of my son Jeremiah Lewis and one dollar to heirs of my daughter Martha Mangram and one dollar to my daughter Caty the rest of the money with the rest of my property to be equally divided between my seven daughters Nancy Graves, Rebecca Melton, Rachel Adams, Elizabeth Autry, Naomi Hubbard, Susanna May, Myram Graves.
In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal 27 day of October 1817. Thomas Lewis
Thomas Gaddy
Nancy Gaddy
April Session 1836. Then the above will was duly proven on open
court by Thomas Gaddy and Nancy Gaddy and ordered to be recorded.
N. D. Boggan, Clerk
Thomas Lewis was born 29 September 1752 based on this statement from his Revolutionary Pension Application.2
“That he is now eighty years of age the 29th day of September last 1832, agreeable to a register found in a Bible.”
He was twice married to Mercy and Susannah [Last name Unknown] and had twelve children; nine of them daughters. Thomas in his Will mentions all nine daughters. Hi legacy to daughters Martha and Catherine was very minimal with a dollar being left to each.
16 Aug 1837, issue
206. Anson County NC Superior Court, Spring 1837. Thomas Hubbard and wife Nancsy vs. Moses Moore and wife Elizabeth and others. That Lewis Melton & wife Rebecca, Harmon Adams and wife Rachel, Lewis Graves and wife Miriam, Phillip May and wife Sussanna, Jonathan May and wife Catherine, Willie Mangrum and Thomas Lewis defendants. Petition of Real Estate.
Two of these nine daughters married into the Graves Family of Chesterfield and Anson County, North Carolina. Daughter Myram/Miriam is specifically named as the Wife of Lewis Graves. Another daughter, Nancy is referred to as Nancy Graves in the Will. Her husband is not named. However, based on research, I believe that Nancy Lewis was the wife of Richard Graves.
In the Deep Creek church minutes we find this summary of events:
There were no records kept by Deep Creek Church until 1810. At that time the only Graves listed as members are Richard Graves and wife Nancy Graves, and a Jane Graves who I don't know the relation.
This Jane Graves is never mentioned again in the records. Richard Graves and Thomas Lewis are deacons in 1810. Nancy Graves is listed at times as Ann Graves probably her name is Nancy Ann Graves. You know she is the daughter of Thomas and Susannah Lewis. I don't know the maiden name of Susannah Lewis. Deep Creek records from June 1830 until November 1848 were never found. Some say they were destroyed by fire. Richard Graves, Nancy Graves, Thomas Lewis, Susannah Lewis are all members until May 1830. When the records resume in November 1848 all these people are gone. The only other Graves mentioned in the entire records is Eliza Graves who was baptized in November 1869 and is not mentioned again. No other Graves in the records even in present times. [J. Burr]
Thomas Lewis died 12 January 1836 and this notice appeared in the local newspaper.
4 Feb 1836, issue "The Carolina Observer", Fayetteville, NC
231. At his residence in Anson Co. NC on Tues, the 12th ult., Mr. Thomas Lewis, a soldier of the revolution, 85 years old.3
16 Aug 1837, issue
206. Anson County NC Superior Court, Spring 1837. Thomas Hubbard and wife Nancsy vs. Moses Moore and wife Elizabeth and others. That Lewis Melton & wife Rebecca, Harmon Adams and wife Rachel, Lewis Graves and wife Miriam, Phillip May and wife Sussanna, Jonathan May and wife Catherine, Willie Mangrum and Thomas Lewis defendants. Petition of Real Estate.
Robert, Richard and Lewis Graves were the only known males, heads of household in Anson and Chesterfield County in the late 1790’s to mid-1800’s. There is no doubt that my 2nd Great Grandmother Sarah Jane Graves Purvis is related to these Graves. I just haven’t yet found the connection.
[1] "North Carolina, Probate Records, 1735-1970," images, FamilySearch (,169832801 : accessed 1 September 2015), Anson > Wills, 1829-1848, Vol. B > image 42 of 149; county courthouses, North Carolina. Anson County WILL Book B, Page 61 and LDS FHL FILM #018159.
[2] Thomas LEWIS S7139, compiled military record (1776-1783), Rev. War Pension and Land-Bounty Application Files, (Washington, D.C.: National Archives and Records Administration), NARA microfilm publication M804, Roll 766.
[3] George G. Thomas, THE CAROLINA OBSERVER - DEATHS ( : viewed 15 January 2014), Death of Thomas Lewis on 12 January 1832.
I love those old wills. That's a great find!